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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
    It took me quite a number of lost long posts to learn to save the text to Word before trying to send. It makes you want to skweem don't it!


    Ah, the wisdom that is Mumsey!

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Did anyone else read DH's interview on the Main Page? Maybe I'm late to the party lol I really like David Hewlett, he's funny!! It was a good interview! Now to keep this on topic He had some very nice things to say about Amanda. There are also some comments about how McKay takes Carter's leaving in s5.

      Disclaimer: Keep in mind I am not sure when they did this interview. It sounded as if the interview took place very very early in the season... At the time of the interview he had just read the script for the 5th episode which has since been renamed. I'm also not sure which order they filmed the episodes.

      GW: How does Rodney take Carter's departure? Does he take it hard?

      DH: Well, it's open-ended enough that it didn't feel ... to be honest, McKay doesn't know that she's gone for any length of time, anyways. I think, both for logistical reasons and for story reasons, there's a very big open window there -- which I'm very much hoping (and assuming) that we'll be seeing her again very soon. I hope. I really do. Because I think it would be a huge, huge loss, frankly. I love that dynamic.

      And in a selfish way, I love having Amanda around. We had so much fun last year, and I hope it's not going to be just one season.

      We've got [Michael] Shanks coming in for an episode. And it just makes sense. I don't want us to be completely distanced from SG-1. The whole point is that this is all part of the same universe. There has to be that crossover stuff and that back and forth.

      Selfishly, as an actor, Amanda's just fantastic to work with. I love that dynamic that McKay and Carter have. If we hadn't gotten along the first time, I wouldn't be here. I'd be like Kavanaugh. I'd have long hair, probably living in my parents' basement.

      After reading this I was a little bummed about s5 and McKay not really knowing she's gone... So maybe they don't address it in next week's episode at least not in DH's mind? Or if they do McKay is elsewhere. Or maybe they do address and the possibility of her coming back? But after last week's eppy... It seemed to come to an abrupt end. Unless they went back and filmed more scenes after this interview. There are a lot of possibilities right now... only time will tell... But I'm leaning more and more to the side of hugely disappointed. But I really liked to hear what David said about the show, characters and Amanda.
      Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 15 July 2008, 01:12 PM.


        Originally posted by rderoch View Post
        Sam: Do you seriously think you can intimidate me? I've stared down goa'uld, replicators, ascended beings and wraith. Give it up.
        The pony tail of doom.


          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          So this morning I finally got to watch another episode of Stargate...I watched First Commandment. I was wondering....what do you think Sam was thinking or feeling when Hansen was thrown into the Stargate???
 you think Hansen was violent during their relationship?? If so, how so?? If not, then what do you think happened that might have ended their relationship???
          I think she would have conflicting feelings ranging from glad that he was removed as an immediate threat to everyone, sad that he was dead, guilty that that she felt for a moment that she was glad he was gone.

          I really do not think he would of been violent with her. I think that he probably hadn't progressed to that stage (I believe he would eventually be violent in a relationship) just that he would have been increasingly controlling and jealous and that would have been the reason Sam broke it off with him.


            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            The pony tail of doom.
            I love that blooper with her and Kavan Smith.

            And for the record, she looks more leader-like in that ponytail than any of the different crops she's worn—heck, I know she's one of the nicest characters, and I'm still a bit in awe of her in that ponytail.

            ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
            ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
              Did anyone else read DH's interview on the Main Page?
              I hadn't. Thanks for posting that.

              And, OT, re: my accident:
              Went to the doctor today. XRays of the neck and back showed nothing significant, the doctor put me on 800mg IBuprofen, 500mg Hydrocodone (Vicodin), and 750mg of Methocarbamol (Robaxin), for pain and spasms, and I was put off work until Monday.


              I hurt.

              The good news is that the responsible party's insurance already called. He told them he ran the stop sign, so there will be no arguments there, and both my insurance and his insurance are going to have an injury adjuster in touch with me. I will see how I feel Friday, and if I am still in pain I will make that step to see a chiropractor.


                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                Heeheehee....We have a Shrubbery!

                *ni ni ni ni*
                AHAHAHAHA ROTFLMAO Brilliant

                Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                Hey guys, as I promised, on your breakfast table, Choclate and Fries.

                Talking of Fries, I ate some earlier. And as a drink Beer, some good Beer or Kriek (Cherry favored Beer)

                So ya see the "Invasion" is not so bad LMAO

                To keep in line with the Thread Late Abby, Amanda's dog (before George) was a Bouvier, like she once said a Bouvier de Flandre. My the invasion goes further than I thought lol.

                BTW Amanda will be a guest on the Comic Con, I'll bet she'll look as beautiful and be as funny as she was there nast time. Oh Chris, this time, MANDY will do the licking lol.
                OMG Cherry Flavored Beer!!!!! I Feel sick just thinking about that......I dont think I can finish my lunch now.....I hate cherry flavored things....ewwwe



                  My thoughts on Sam and S&R

                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                  Yeah it was disappointing... I think they took the easy route! That's why I am hoping they didn't write that badly and more next week will show that TPTB didn't just do something that crazy!! Come on TPTB tell me you thought this through! tell me my first post is correct.

                  There were some good Sam moments. Shep saying she was the best commanding officer he ever served under... and Rodney's saying how great she did her first year. Sam taking charge was nice to see. There was the first all female SG team it appeared like.

                  The ending has the potential to be the worst I have ever seen in the series. Depends on how they play it next week... and how they play it when Amanda comes back and if she is able to come back with her schedule. If they play it like the IOA did an underhand trick which is the feel I get then it just goes to prove how corrupt they are... and the audience is supposed to hate Woosley even more. I could live with that... still leaves a sour taste in your mouth... If they never discuss her leaving again then it was horrible ending. However, since they want her to come back and are hoping she will be in the season ender I have hopes that Sam will tell Woosley off and the corrupt IOA is uncovered.

                  My reply to your great post Ann

                  I agree with pretty much everything you just said. Even though I still haven't seen the episode, I'm really glad to hear that Shep and McKay had some really sweet moments with Sam . That's probably the highlight of the episode for me, and I'm glad it was written like that because we never got to see the cast saying good-bye to Amanda when she left, so in a way we got to see that through John/Joe and Rodney/David. Also it gives some sort of satisfaction to Sam that she did do a great job, I only wish more characters could have said things like that. But I think it was the most special coming from Rodney/David because he's the closest friend Amanda has on the show, plus Amanda said in her interview with Kamil, David came up to her trailer and told her he was happy she was on the show .

                  But yeah, the ending is probably the worst ever ending in the series' history . And you're right it'll stay bad and it'll stick for a while unless they fix it next week by explaining their reasons, or until Amanda comes back. Which she will because I read that Amanda is definitely slated for an episode or 2 in the second half. Any further appearances will be wholly dependent on Amanda’s schedule. I can't wait to see how Shep and Mckay take the change; they probably won't like it since they know who Woolsey is, and what he's done. I've never disliked the IOA as much as I did after S&R because it just shows they don't care about the SGC or they're people. No wonder why Jack, Hammond and Landry never liked them, what they did to Sam reminds me of what they were going to do to Weir at the start of S3 for the same reasons.

                  And I agree with you about the "audience hating Woosley" thing, IMHO I thought TPTB were going to try and make Woolsey a little more likable since he's coming over but it looks like they're off to a poor start. IMHO when someone takes over someone's role as leader, they do it with respect and professionalism and with good reasons. Woolsey/IOA did none of that for Sam, instead they told Sam, what anti-carter folk have been saying about Amanda on this board, that she wasn't very good and what not. And like you, I also hope Sam or someone like Jack tells off the IOA. But wait, you know what this means right? Here comes the anti-Woolsey threads. I mean look at what he did to Sam-

                  Poor Sam.

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  i do tend to agree


                  they set it up for the IOA to join the cast of villians for s5.

                  if we're lucky, woolsey faces conflict between his idiot bosses and the real heros doing the work.

                  if we're not lucky, the team spends a whole season playing Hawkeye and BJ to woolsey's frank burns
                  My reply to Sky

                  beautifully said Sky. I agree the IOA are idiots for one big reason-- they're all talk. When things get tough they try to act cool, but when they get scared, they turn to the SGC. I can't wait to see what the IOA does if Woolsey screws up, I can't see him going for world to save the day, or fight the Wraith like the real heroes. Sam and Weir were like that, he isn't.

                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                  re Search and Rescue
                  I totally agree with the others who posted about the ending. Like Ann SGCfan, I hope that they'll address it next week, and give a better explanation than "the IOA wants someone with a different skill set." Another sour point for me: how unprofessional it was to tell her that she's relieved of command while they're standing in the middle of the gate room with other people present. Ouch!

                  I'm bummed.

                  My reply to NC

                  Very Well said NC, I so hope they address it next week, because the way they did it was just bad, like you I want a better explanation and reasons, and most importantly what happens to Sam now, does she go back to SG-1 or what?. And what a bad way to do that to someone, at the very least do it in private.

                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  Good point Merry.
                  I agree about the IOA. But as a Sam fan, the way it was set up stinks.

                  My Reply to Suse

                  So agree, couldn't they have done better?

                  Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
                  S & R

                  Well, I hope they play Sam's departure politically, or turn it into a better storyline. I don't really like it, but I will see how they continue. I hope that they don't just drop it and never mention it again.

                  Sam's shock and sadness was very well played by AT. Also as for being shafted in her career by the higher seems sad that after 11 years thats what happens. I guess it happens in real life too. But it is sad.

                  Crosses fingers that they don't just put sam back on Sg1 cuz that is basically a demotion IMO. But it appears that the IOA is not happy with her, and not the military so maybe that will help...I hope.
                  My reply to your great post Conn8d

                  Very good post, I totally agree with pretty much everything you said, especially the bolded parts. I can't express enough how much I want them to do something better with the storyline, and like you I really hope they continue it better next week or very soon it clear it up and try to make it right. And I so agree with what you said about Amanda's performance, again, I haven't seen the episode, but by looking at those pics, I can feel the pain Sam must have been going through. Well done Amanda .

                  But the thing I really don't like, the one thing that really bothers me is that-- look at all the other characters who have left the show, and how they've gone. Jack got promoted to "major general" and went to washington, Hammond was put in charge of homeworld security, Daniel was ascended, Janet died and was honored with a Heroes funeral, and Carson saved a man from dying, but died himself and was also honored with a Heroes funeral, and this is sam goes? I read somewhere, and someone wrote that her "fake" death in TLM was a much better ending to her character because it shows her at her best-- being brave, strong, selfless, and a hero. So why couldn't TPTB give Carter a better and "real" send off like they did in TLM, but this time she lives. And yeah, I so hope they do something with Sam that'll make her happy, and will make sense, if that means her going back to SG-1, hmm.

                  Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                  The ending for Carter on Atlantis was weak. Sadly its par for the course for the franchise these days and I find it hard to care.
                  Wow a lot of people think the way I do about the ending, it wasn't only weak, it was bad and disrespectful.

                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

                  Although most of the episode was good, showing Sam as a great commander, the ending did suck To me it shows little respect for the character. Well I wasn't that attached to the show anyway, so I may not keep watching it.

                  Hmmm, maybe Woolsey will be raiding her closet, and trying on her leather outfit
                  My Reply to Mandysg1

                  Well said, I'm sure the episode was good and all, but the ending was just BAD and WRONG. As fans we're allowed love, like, even hate episodes, I don't hate any Stargate episodes, I like them all, love others, not to fond of some, but I totally HATE the ending. I mean I know if Amanda had stayed, things would have been totally different, and I support her 200%, I'm not mad at her in the least (Me, mad at Amanda? NEVER!!!!!) *Laughs* but she left, and TPTB couldn't come up with a better ending for Carter? Right now, I feel about as much as Michael Shanks does towards Bad guys. The only thing that saved the episode was Sam.

                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  I think tonight's sadder than the end of SG-1. No more TV Sam.
                  That is so true, very well said. At the end of SG-1 we knew Sam would be back on Atlantis, and now...that's it, no more Sam . At least for now anyway, but you never know what will happen with her next year, so I guess that something to look forward to. But right now, the more I think about it, the more dread the thought of watching the ending, it'll hurt like crazy seeing something like that happened to Sam. Oh and as far as Woolsey going wearing Sam's leather outfit-- uh uh. Only Amanda can make being the boss hot, without and without the hot leather. I mean Amanda said it was hot, actually hot, temp wise. *Laughs* I lve that vid.

                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  Someone referred to tonight's credits:

                  AT's spot is empty. They just elide past it. Rachel is second. Bob is later on in the credits. Jewel is in the credits as well.

                  I wonder if they'll leave it that way for the remainder of the season.
                  My Reply to scifithinker

                  I'm actually very glad it's like that because I soon as I the new S5 opening credits, I was very glad that Bob is not in Amanda's spot, but later on in the credits. Nothing against Bob, but I would have been less happy to see him and Amanda's spot, IMHO that second credit spot in both the Atlantis and SG-1 intros belong to Amanda, not Bob. Take a look- SG-1 Intro Atlantis Intro

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  ^^^ (((rocky)))

                  Thanks Sally, that helps

                  (To Be Continued)


                    Some more thoughts on Sam and S&R

                    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post

                    Thanks for that link Rocky.

                    And thanks everyone for posting about S&R ....

                    I still have faith it won't be totally disrespectful to the character. Amanda herself said she liked the way she was written out of the show right? A little angst for the character is not bad, it's kinda fun. They just need to make it right next week.

                    But .... no more Sam

                    My reply to SJ

                    Well said SJ, and you're right, I also hope something good will come out of this, I guess we'll have to wait for continuum. And Amanda did say she liked he way Sam was written out. In fact here's the post where she talked about it-

                    But yeah, it's soooooo hard to believe Sam's gone, and like this.

                    Originally posted by LilFerret View Post

                    I was SO disappointed in the ending. Don't get me wrong...I LOVED the episode. Great dialogue, lots of emotion...but...

                    Spoilers below!!!
                    I just CANNOT believe how they ended it. Not with Amanda being off the show until they can borrow her from Sanctuary!!?? As I said, I had a fic riding on this episode...waiting for it to tell me when/where/why she left. And I don't mean the speculation...I mean canon. My fic will make no sense unless I know which direction to take it! I started it when the dialogue from Trio was provided by Joe M, and it's been half finished since about 2 days afterward...waiting for this night.


                    *bashes head against wall*

                    And I undestand they want to make the IOA look bad. Woolsey's not going to be nice. It's not his way. But the look on Carter's face? It broke me.

                    Damn them.


                    I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. HEY LOOK! AT PIX!

                    A few of mine:

                    My reply to LilFerret

                    You and me both LilFerret, I can't see this episode becoming one of my favorites because of the ending. Like you, and everyone I've replied to, I also can't can't believe how they ended it, how could they do that to Carter after everything she's done the past 11 years? Btw, speaking of fics, do you know if anyone has posted anything on JM's blog asking him why they did it like that?

                    I fully agree with you about the IOA, like you, IMHO I also can't see Woolsey being that good of a leader, and the look on Sam's face also broke me, I mean did you see those pics I posted up there ^.

                    But the AT pics really cheer me up Thanks.

                    Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
                    Enjoyed most of the episode but that ending.......I was waiting for snarky Sam to emerge damn it!

                    Re S&R

                    They have to let her respond to Woolsey. They have to. JM and Martin aren't going to let Amanda/Sam go like we saw tonight. The character's too important and deserves more. They wouldn't do that. I just can't see them leaving it open ended in terms of just dropping the scene. Also, from the beginning I'd heard Amanda was in the first two eps. Wouldn't ya think there would be some sort of goodbye to Atlantis? Clean out her office at least?[/B] And in additional shots we've seen floating around weren't there some of Sam and Woolsey at the Atlantis gate?? Tonight they were only at the SGC gate.

                    My reply to your Erin13

                    Great thoughts Jan, Sam should have a chance to confront Woolsey, I mean, if it wasn't for Sam, he wouldn't even be alive. And yeah, MW and JM can't leave it like this, they have to fix this next week, and she is way too important and deserves more, more than that. I always knew Amanda was going to be in more than 1 episode of Atlantis, but I didn't know she was going to be on next week, is he actually? Either next week, or in the second have like I always thought she would, I hope they fix it, and make it right, I want to hear more about why they did it, I want to hear more from Sam, Woolsey, Shep and McKay on this, as well as give good reasons, justification and such. But I am glad to hear that Amanda was credit as "Special Guest Star" but it should have said "Very Special Guest Star"

                    Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                    I know, seriously! WTH was THAT about?

                    AT was only cast in one episode this season, so far...the first one. And yeah, the credits were changed to reflect the whole AT only showed up as a guest star, as TH did in Season 4.
                    My reply to your great post LilFerret

                    Hmm, like I said up there in my first post, Amanda is definitely slated for an episode or 2 in the second half. Any further appearances will be wholly dependent on Amanda’s schedule. So hopefully than or earlier we'll know something.

                    Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                    Like others, I saw S&R

                    Am really disappointed (and upset) at Sam's departure. IMO, it's another slap at Sam's character. Another example how some believe she is not command material. With little possibility of Sam appearing in the remaining episodes, I really hope upcoming episodes mention Sam in the most positive manner as well as confirm IOA's mistake to offset the extremely bad taste left in my mouth

                    On positive side, I thought she was great commanding the rescue operation and would have look forward to seeing her more on SGA as Commander. But I know AT has an excellent opportunity and she needs to run with it. I certainly wish her all the best (no breaking legs) in Sanctuary. I'll be there watching when it premieres and each episode thereafter .
                    My reply to Sg Gato

                    extremely well said. I'm not surprised that so many people really disliked the ending so much, like I've said so many times during these posts, I was mega upset, hurt and disappointed with Sam's departure, and yeah, the way they did it was just another slap to a great character that's done so much for so little. Have they just forgotten who Sam is? And you're right, after all the "antis" have said around here about her "not being command material" just gives them more to say. We already know that she'll be back in the second half or earlier for one or 2 episodes, but like you and I've said I definitely hope they mention Sam and talked about how good it was working with her, and how they liked her, and I'm glad we already heard stuff like that from Shep and McKay. But yeah, I also definitely hope this comes back to bite the IOA in the butt.

                    After all, what does the IOA know anyway? The real heroes are SG-1 and Sheppard's team, they all go out to fight the Goa'uld, Replicators, the Ori and the Wraith, while the IOA just sits back and hides behind a desk thinking they're better. They're not better, and they're definitely not leadership material, not anyway remotely close to Sam's level. Let's see what happens and what they do when Woolsey starts messing up. I hope they turn red in the face .

                    Anyway like you, I agree and support Amanda on decision to leave, after 11 years as Sam Carter, she's accomplished so much with her career, and with Sanctuary she has a chance to take it to the next level, and to expand to a wider audience. One more thing PLEASE DO WATCH EVERY EPISODE FOR SUPPORT!!! THE MORE THE BETTER!!!

                    Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
                    I finally got to watch S&R and...
                    I loved the first 40 minutes of it. I thought it was going great, I loved seeing a strong Sam, I loved seeing a Sam who got to make decisions, really I just loved seeing Sam. Then, the very last scene at the SGC just slayed me. Was it only me, or was anyone else shocked at how they did that. I feel like it was so rude to her, especially to be done in front of all of those people.

                    I'm hoping for more information this week.
                    My reply to your vball2003_1999

                    That's like me, I watch all Stargate episodes just to see Sam, the one's she's not in just aren't fun. But yeah, the last scene is what killed the episode for me, he'd could have a least talked to her in private and not in the gateroom. But don't worry, I'm sure Woolsey will get what's coming to him. IMHO, and I'm not being mean, but he'll never be as great a leader as Jack, Hammond, Cam, Landry, Sheppard, Weir, and definitely not nearly as grear or even good as Sam.

                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                    Hey, vball! I was just dropping by to voice my own opinion on that. You and I appear to be of like minds.

                    On S&R, I have to say (contains spoilers for S & R and Continuum):


                    But to imply that she was being recalled for poor performance really upset me! Of course, I realize this can certainly be corrected later, either in SGA eps or in the (hope, hope) third movie.

                    But grrrrr!!! Sam has lead Atlantis with dignity, grace and great skill. Of course, we know what weasels the members of the IOA are . It's probably all political...maybe even aimed at Sam because of her relationship (recently confirmed by Martin Gero) with Jack.

                    My reply to your great post LilFerret

                    Ok last post, to remind everyone, I still haven't seen the EP, but when I heard the news I was like just crushed, beside myself.

                    This was me when we thought she died in TLM- Me crying over Sam/Amanda

                    And this was me after hearing the news and seeing the pics of her in S&R - NOOOOOOOOOOOO

                    I can't believe he had the nerve to tell Sam Atlantis needs a "better" leader with "different skills" I hope he doesn't mean himself. Just the fact that the IOA thought she didn't do a good job really bothers me, and makes me feel like the IOA can disrespect anyone, and take over as they please, hopefully, her SG-1 friends can comfort her. I could go on and on, and I'll never make it clear enough as too how upset I am that the IOA would hurt her like that, I mean come on

                    But yeah I agree, Sam has lead Atlantis with more than just dignity, grace and great skill, she lead them with experience, smarts, courage, fairness and most importantly-- heart. And yeah, this can be fixed either by next week, later in the season, or in Continuum. I don't care where it's fixed as long as it's fixed.

                    1. Can someone explain these 2 things for me- Sam was going back to earth anyway to rejoin SG-1 temporarily for Ba'll's execution, which takes us into Continuum, so did the IOA use that as an excuse to give her the news, or what?

                    2. If Amanda does come back later in the season, or next season or in a third movie, what will she do about her hair? I just hope she has a bigger part in season 6. *Cross fingers* Anyway, speaking of third movie, here's what I found on the topic- Along The Continuum (Part 2)

                    Oh, and here's some good news about Amanda, Comic Con, and Sanctuary- Comic-Con announces panel schedule


                      LilFerret - sorry to hear about your accident. At least the guy owned up to runnin' the stop sign. *gently hugs LilFerret Hope you feel better soon.
                      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                        yeah, i'm glad he owned up to his error and will do right by you. nothing is worse than having to fight for compensation that's rightfully yours.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post

                          Car accident today...

                          Click for the details...


                          Looking at AT pics made me feel better though.

                          Not physically, but mentally.

                          Oh no Lilferret I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad you're okay and no serious damage was caused. Here, maybe this'll make you fell better-

                          It's not as super great at as AT pic, but it's still pretty cool


                            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                            Heeheehee....We have a Shrubbery!

                            *ni ni ni ni*
                            Are you a Knight of Ni?

                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                              Heeheehee....We have a Shrubbery!

                              *ni ni ni ni*
                              Tee hee.

                              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                              It took me quite a number of lost long posts to learn to save the text to Word before trying to send. It makes you want to skweem don't it!


                              (((Mumsey))) We appreciate your astronomical efforts.

                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              The pony tail of doom.
                              I like that. More powerful than the noodle! Ha! We are armed.

                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              Are you a Knight of Ni?

                              I wonder if Amanda is a fan of The Grail.
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                My reply to LilFerret

                                You and me both LilFerret, I can't see this episode becoming one of my favorites because of the ending. Like you, and everyone I've replied to, I also can't can't believe how they ended it, how could they do that to Carter after everything she's done the past 11 years? Btw, speaking of fics, do you know if anyone has posted anything on JM's blog asking him why they did it like that?

                                I fully agree with you about the IOA, like you, IMHO I also can't see Woolsey being that good of a leader, and the look on Sam's face also broke me, I mean did you see those pics I posted up there ^.

                                But the AT pics really cheer me up Thanks.

                                My reply to your great post LilFerret

                                Hmm, like I said up there in my first post, Amanda is definitely slated for an episode or 2 in the second half. Any further appearances will be wholly dependent on Amanda’s schedule. So hopefully than or earlier we'll know something.
                                I haven't looked for anything on his blog about it, actually. I should go take a look...And...according to JM she was only slated for episode 5x01...and they're hoping to get her back for the Saeson finale. I've not see anywhere that she was due to do more than the one epi.


                                Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                                LilFerret - sorry to hear about your accident. At least the guy owned up to runnin' the stop sign. *gently hugs LilFerret Hope you feel better soon.
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                yeah, i'm glad he owned up to his error and will do right by you. nothing is worse than having to fight for compensation that's rightfully yours.
                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                Oh no Lilferret I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad you're okay and no serious damage was caused. Here, maybe this'll make you fell better-

                                It's not as super great at as AT pic, but it's still pretty cool
                                Thank you, guys! *hugs Samandans*

