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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    Sam: (to Teal'c) Yea, you can be the brains, I'll be the brawn
    Jonas: What about me?
    Sam: You can be the sexy one.


    In the episode about SG1 reviewing a movie script, wasn't there a 'Teal'c PI' snippet? See, they already have a name for their new firm


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      Sam: (to Teal'c) Yea, you can be the brains, I'll be the brawn
      Jonas: What about me?
      Sam: You can be the sexy one.

      Hahahaha...very nice.
      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
      My Fanfic~My Femslash


        I like her short hair instead of longer hair. She looks very awesome.

        Funny little story, I've always wanted to cut my hair super short since I was like 11 and my mom wouldn't let me. Anyway, after just getting into stargate sg1 and buying season 5 on dvd I asked my mom if she would cut my hair similar to Sam's. It took awhile, but she finally did it. It doesn't look exactly like Carters, I styled it a bit, but I call it the 'Carter Cut' because without Carter, I doubt my mom would have let me!
        ~I am the Ultimate Chosen One and was Chosen by Destiny~


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Sam: (to Teal'c) Yea, you can be the brains, I'll be the brawn
          Jonas: What about me?
          Sam: You can be the sexy one.

          OK, I've always said that I'd like those three doing an X-Files type show, but I think Mandy just converted me to the way of P.I. I wonder how...

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
            OK, I've always said that I'd like those three doing an X-Files type show, but I think Mandy just converted me to the way of P.I. I wonder how...
            My work here is done

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              Sam: (to Teal'c) Yea, you can be the brains, I'll be the brawn
              Jonas: What about me?
              Sam: You can be the sexy one.

              Oh yeah! That'd be great!!
              Sorry can't green you at the mo


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                My work here is done
                Like your work here is ever done. There's always some shrub around who needs fertilizer.

                In memory of Deejay.
                May we all be so well loved.


                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  Like your work here is ever done. There's always some shrub around who needs fertilizer.

                  Oh, we're back on fertilizer again

                  Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                    Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                    Oh, we're back on fertilizer again
                    Well, Mandy is the Royal Fertilizer Agitator. It's a highly appropriate job for the individual in question.

                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      Jonas: A detective agency?
                      Sam: That's right. Now that I'm off Atlantis I've decided on a career change. Are you guys in?
                      Teal'c: Well, we do have the correct attire to be P.I.s.


                        Well done Jan. Shhhhhaft......



                          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                          Like your work here is ever done. There's always some shrub around who needs fertilizer.
                          Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                          Oh, we're back on fertilizer again
                          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                          Well, Mandy is the Royal Fertilizer Agitator. It's a highly appropriate job for the individual in question.
                          Hey, it's what I do

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                            Hey, it's what I do
                            Isn't that what I just said?

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                              Isn't that what I just said?
                              Yea, but the way I said it, was cooler

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post

                                Quick poll:

                                What is your favorite Stargate episode for a rainy day? (rainy day as in "bad day where it is more fun to vege out in front of the tv")

                                My top 5:

                                Point of view - because I love AT's reaction shots to Dr. Carter
                                Nightwalkers - Sam in cool clothes and command
                                Descent - lots of water to go with the weather
                                Matter of Time - because time is relative, especially when the weather is bad, those days just never seem to end
                                Torment of Tantalus - similar weather conditions and I will never understand why Sam did not show more interest in the "this explains the whole universe thingamagic" and no, it's not enough to just say she was busy saving their butts
                                You know, since there are 24 hours in a day we could watch 24 episodes (actually, at a running time of 44 minutes on DVD we could watch even more -- Sam where are you, we have a math question!)

                                My five off the top of my head:

                                1) 2010 (SG1 at their most gorgeous and it's a great story)
                                2) WOO (funny, funny, funny)
                                3) TRNT (wall-to-wall Sam)
                                4) D & C (for that little part of me that ships)
                                5) Foothold (take charge, kick butt Sam)

                                Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                                More dragon eggs (I'll post a photo when they are coloured and varnished) more Stargate. The start of season two.

                                In The Serpents Lair

                                I'd forgotten that Jack was about to blow Klorel's ship and SG1 with it, sky high before Apophis turns up.
                                Ah, I love Sam biting Jack's hand, feisty to the end! That's our girl.
                                Nice subplot of the battle for control between Klorel and Skarra and Apophis faith in his progeny. Peter Williams is suitable unworldly pretty, not at camp as I remembered.
                                Poor Daniel takes one for the team
                                and cue slashy moment number one, with RDA and MS saying so much without words, sigh.

                                I love the deathgliders floating in space, gradually towards their doom, the music, the lighting, the sensawunda on Sam's face, it's a lovely scene.
                                And then the re-uniting of the team, which is heart warming all round and uniquely SG1.
                                And, of course, The Spacemonkey Hug.

                                Which launched a thousand fanfics. And even if you don't slash them, it's lovely friendship.

                                In The Line of Duty

                                Brilliant action packed start to this one, don't know how much of their budget they spent but it was worth it. Fabulous moment when Sam looks up and her eyes flash!
                                Indeed a great episode for Amanda throughout. Sam is just that little beat off all the way through the set up. I so wish the writers had written more challenging stuff like this for Amanda later in the show. She got some (Replicarter is the one which immediately springs to mind) but nothing really stretching her the way this episode and Sing ularity did.
                                Good scene between Teal'c and Jack on interrogating a Goa'uld; Daniel has already brought up Kawalsky and how badly that ended, Jack clearly doesn't want Sam to go the same way. Jolinar's access to Sam's memories aren't as comprehensive as a Goa'uld, it's plea to "Jack!" doesn't cut any ice with him, or us, when he knows Sam would have been much more likely to call him "Sir" It's and interesting insight into the Tok'ra/Goa'uld control, we are finding out with each appearance that they are not as all powerful as they would like their slaves to believe - Skaara was clearly fighting Klorel in the last episode. All this early myth building adds to SG1 lore and is the sort of thing I missed when I first saw these episodes as a casual viewer.
                                Thought swapping the Doctor for the Goa'uld assassin was very clever; an empty bed would have been noticed, a filled one was not. And the handy dandy Tok'ra finding device is a neat effect, like the skull showing beneath the skin. And again, someone has thought it through, if it damaged those it was scanning, it wouldn't be a stealth device so not as much use to the assassin.
                                Go Doc Fraiser riding the crash cart into the infirmary! She has such fire, I love our feisty little doc. The make up here is fabulous for Sam, she looks so fragile (and so close to death unlike Line in the Sand where she looked way, way too hale and hearty for someone with a life threatening injury, no matter how well Amanda acted the scene) and so near to death. Great acting all round, poor Jack and Teal'c, unable to help, just standing there watching, the hardest thing of all for a soldier to do. Jack praises Sam for holding on, but Sam knows the truth of it, Jolinar saved her.
                                Jolinar dying to save Sam is so interesting, so unlike the Goa'uld we have met so far, was it telling the truth about the Tok'ra? We don't yet know.
                                I totally heart the last scene with Janet/Jack/Daniel and particularly Cassie, we seldom get such good closure on SG1 but this was fabulous. And the young lassie playing Cassie is good but Amanda is brilliant in that scene, for all that she's doing nothing!
                                Love this episode, it's clearly a Sam heavy one but all the cast are well used, whether it's Daniel interacting with the refugees (I like the widow of Jolinar's last host, nothing sexual between them but a clear bond developing) Teal'c on the ever mystical 'Jaffa Lore' which CJ seems to deliver with some nuance which makes you think that Teal'c doesn't necessarily believe it to be true but remembers it anyway, Jack fretting over his team mate as always, he's just got Daniel back in one piece and then this, no wonder he goes grey!


                                Bit of a silly one, if I recall. Jack calls his team 'kids', melts...
                                The guy on the run does a very good acting job of being scared out of his gourd. Great start, the blue light of the justice scene is simple but effective (and makes MS look beautiful but not old enough to be out alone) I love Sam chipping in and Teal'c looking deep! The judges remind me of The Judges, if you know what I mean. I expect Dredd at any moment.
                                On Hadante, Vishnor grabs Sam, Teal'c, ever vigilant shows he's paying attention, Sam head butts Vishnor, go girl!
                                "Teal'c, look scary and take point." Thank you, Jack but having Daniel bring up the rear is not a smart command decision, even without Linaea's protection of Sam, you should know who the weakest link in your team is and put him in the middle of the pack.
                                SG3 (looking for SG1) has a black team leader, yay for cultural diversity in teams and yay for the pretty dark haired female tech in Walter's seat, she's been in the last few episodes.
                                I do like the casting choice for Linaea, she's no dolly bird and has a good, rich, commanding speaking voice, you could see how she could build a powerbase on Hadante. Sam's eyes light up at the cold fusion! Jack's eyes glaze over.
                                Nice use of background characters; the weasley little perp trying to get into SG1's good books by showing them the ropes and offering to be Teal'c's 'friend' (and yes, judging by RDA's reaction, that does have the implications you think it does) and SG3 and SG9, good to see the diplomatic SG team in action.
                                Interesting shot of the rear of the SGC Stargate and Hammond and Kovacek (SG9) going through it, not a shot used before or since, sadly.
                                Daniel causes trouble (so no change there then) and Vishnor puts him in a headlock. I just noticed Sam gently stroking Daniel's hair when she goes to check on him, how sweet!
                                Unique scientist to scientist bonding; Linaea is Sam without the decency and human compassion, a crooked mirror to her own scientific soul.
                                Linaea is one smart cookie, I like that. And the SGC let her loose, I like that too when the good guys lose.
                                A stronger episode than I remembered.

                                The Gamekeeper

                                Ah, pants of the first order. How fortunate that SG1 line themselves up perfectly to be ensnared by the chairs...
                                Kawalsky!!!! Yay!
                                Teal'c's bad wig!!!! Yay!

                                It's a solid SF premise, living vicariously through others and the actors playing the soldiers really sell it, so does RDA but wouldn't having Charlie still alive be a more poignant, more urgent need to set right rather than a botched mission, no matter how close he was to his comrades?

                                The Gamekeeper himself is over acted and unbelievable and it wastes the good ideas behind it.

                                MS really conveys Daniel's pain and his conversation with his parents is heartbreaking but again, wasted in an inconsistent episode.

                                Points for The Wonder Twins looking pretty fine throughout and particularly in the end with their long fair locks blowing in the wind.

                                Enjoying your reviews.

                                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                                Like your work here is ever done. There's always some shrub around who needs fertilizer.
                                Hey! Who you callin' a shrub?

                                Edit: It appears my sig has disappeared??? Anyone seen it lying around???

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

