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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Happy Birthday Sally! I hope you have a great and fun filled day of celebration
    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
    My Fanfic~My Femslash




        First: THANK GOD FOR MULTI-QUOTES! JEEEZ people! 3 days of wading. YIKES!

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        and when they want to do another amanda-rick con, how about in rick's backyard (LA county), which is also 'my' backyard *swoon*...
        YES PLEASE! Victorville has its perks...*eats McGriddle and dreams*

        Originally posted by chelle db View Post

        Sorry, don't have any real photos of Amanda with her new dark hair!

        And feel free to steal mine.

        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
        Since Sam's 'exit' from Atlantis is coming up soon, shall we do a poll about what happens to her?
        6. Though she can't retire yet. Breaking with the Air Force will work though. *giggles in shippy little world*

        Originally posted by Daivy View Post
        First of all (Gives Pam a big Lick on her cheek) I also never got licked!
        HEY...I had to lick myself, fcol...

        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
        Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce
        MEGYN! *waves*


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          how much of 'reminded to eat and sleep' is canon and how much is fanon?

          I just bring it up as a topic. in 100 days, yeah, we see sam very 'focused'. And jack did make a comment about betting that sam would rather go off world than take time off (the light)

          but how much is consistently 'sam forgets to sleep and eat' and how much is fanon or situationally generated (in other words, she only does it when she has hard deadline stuff vs. your average everyday projects)
          I distinctly remember an episode where Sam said: "Actually, I can't remember the last time I ate." There's also at least one episode where Jack comes in early to the SGC and Sam hasn't left yet; also in Arthur's Mantle, Sam says that she slept in her quarters instead of going home. That's not quite forgetting to sleep, but I can see how fans could grasp on to that and take it to extremes. But this is hardly unknown in real life—I've missed a whole day of meals when I was very busy, and didn't even notice, though I'm much more diligent about getting enough sleep.

          ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
          ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


            Hey Everyone,

            I missed everyone yesterday, I was setting up my new laptop

            Originally posted by Suse_germany View Post
            Both hands are more than up ... wishing for more hands to raise ^^

            btw... hey-ya folks... I'd call myself really lucky that I've found your little corner here

            Welcome to Samanda!
            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            Before I go to bed...
            HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALLY (majorsal)
            Happy Birthday Sally!!
            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            Lovely, lovely banner Annelies! It's fantastisch!

            It was a pleasure to meet you EH-T at AT3. I'm not sure if you remember me, but we met in the elevator and introduced ourselves on our way down though I know we only had a few moments to chat.

            What wowed me the most about you was the fact that not once, not twice, but I think it was three times you bought auction items and gave them away to others around you. I know the girl you gave the signed RDA cap to and she's an absolute Sam/Jack shipper. She was speechless when I talked to her later on that night and she showed me the hat. You should have seen her smiles. Funny thing is she offered it to me too. I declined of course, but its amazing what one act of generosity will in turn produce. Thank you EH-T for starting the ball rolling and making many people very happy that day.

            I agree on both parts of your post Cel, nice banner Lies and EH-T it was great to meet you, your generosity at the auction was amazing and wonderful, a real refection of Amanda! I saw lots of people over the weekend reflect Amanda whether it was buying someone a drink, giving someone a hug or gifting someone with an auction item, it was all done with humble love and friendship and made me honoured and proud to be part of such a wonderful thing
            Originally posted by chelle db View Post

            That's an interesting thought...I was sure that it was actually mentioned somewhere in an episode about Sam's "forgetfulness" in eating when she's working...but I can't be 100% sure...I hope someone can clarify that for us!
            But haven't you ever found yourself forgetting to have dinner or lunch or what not when you've been otherwise preoccupied?? I do that more times than not simply because I work right through it...only when I finish what I started do I realize what the time is and that my tummy is screaming at tummy doesn't goes straight into a screaming match with me if I don't feed it.
            LOL, I'm the same chelle

            And *joins in bouncing with MegYn*

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              happy birthday sally

              sig by starlover1990


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i have found myself too busy to eat. i'll be cranking along with stuff at work and, bang, it's 130 and too late

                but forgetting when youj're busy is one thing. Sometimes, in fic, you see the image that, if jack or daniel or teal'c didn't come and get sam for lunch every day, she'd not eat.

                i can see when she's busy, but i just can't see it on a daily basis
                I agree. I think we've seen the characters bring each other coffee or pick each other up for meals, but not the reminding Sam to eat thing.

                (I wish I had the problem of forgetting to eat.)


                  First, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! to majorsal!!!

                  And since I'm no good at artful graphics, I'll just show everyone NC's cake again:

                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                  [I guess it's up to majorsal herself to start passing out slices. hint. hint.]

                  Second, As for Sam having to be reminded to eat and sleep, yeah, I think that's fanon. However, I think that the idea in fanfic is an exaggeration of what it is the show (well, sometimes exaggeration to the point of hyperbole). Sam likes her work--in fact she's one of the lucky people for whom work=hobby. As a result we see Jack telling her to "get a life" because, while he likes being in the Air Force, he separates what he does for the Air Force from what he does in his leisure time: "When one gets leave, one actually...leaves." [<-paraphrasing] And a couple of times we see her obsessing over a project--"100 Days" is one example, "Paradise Lost" is another--and didn't she fall asleep at her work in that episode with Merrin? In "A Matter of Time" she refuses a donut, then takes it, but only to use as an illustration. In addition, AT looks very thin in the early years of the show. That physicial, real world fact could have added fuel to the idea that Sam forgets to eat.

                  But I do think many fanfic writers go overboard with the idea that Sam needs a rotating round of babysitters to make sure she's taking care of herself. If that were the case, she wouldn't have been missing for 48 hours in "Desperate Measures" before anyone knew she was gone (because someone would have been checking up on her [let's just say Jack, for Sally's sake!]).

                  But is this bit of fanon about Sam any different from the idea that Daniel lives on coffee?


                  ps Just another "Happy Birthday" for Sally to honor her exhuberance, emotion and enthusiasm for Stargate SG-1 and especially for Sam and AT.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    I see someone has been telling tales out of school!

                    With regard to the drawing, as someone who saw it I can attest to the fact that Amanda was bang on. It was an absolutely amazing poster! Fabulous job Antoa.

                    While I was glad to be of assistance in looking for the missing tube (my most unique AT3 experience was checking bathroom stalls) it was in fact the lovely lady from Florida who spotted the tube while helping me look in the registration area. Jet-lag or old age is making me blank on her name. Come out and identify yourself!
                    Is it really appropriate to quote myself? All the kind words must be going to my head! Thanks by the way for all the nice comments but it really wasn't that big a deal. In fact, there were a lot of more impressive things all weekend long. First, (and the reason I am quoting myself) is STARFLIGHT who found Antoa's poster. (She was obviously too shy to come forward on the thread so I'm outing her!) There were lots of others who were helping to look as well or offering support.

                    Second, is our own Replicarterje who was very courageous. We are proud of you.

                    Third, the gentleman I spoke to who saved for two years in order to be able to buy something at the auction.

                    Fourth, the girls from France who came all that way at that expense and then couldn't understand most of what was going on because they couldn't understand english. Celandine, how sweet she wanted to pass on a kindness and how nice of you to turn down the offer.

                    Julia is right there were lots of examples of kindness and generousity. One of the main reasons I'm seriously considering going back for more in AT4.

                    Oh yah, did I even mention Amanda and the GABIT people? They were pretty cool too.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Okay, a little random but I was bored the other day and I went and "tweaked" some Continuum-related Sam pictures (any spoilers have been cropped out). It really all stemmed from one picture where I thought AT was unusually tired-looking. She's a beautiful woman and I thought I'd just kind of try and fix a few parts to let that show through Anyway, here's what I made:



                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                        We were supposed to raise your hands...not bounce!!!...are you sure you're a pengyn and not a kangaroo????
                        Nice bouncing BTW!!!
                        What!? Penguins don't bounce?

                        I'm not getting all my memos.

                        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                        And *joins in bouncing with MegYn*
                        Ahh now you see Chelle, it would just be sad if I made Julia bounce on her own.

                        Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                        MEGYN! *waves*
                        Hey! Are you following me?

                        Ooh and speaking of licks, Julia (who is currently bouncing) licked my stargate book that I was passing around. Well, not literally, 'cause that'd be eew, but there's this giant *LICK* in the middle of one page.

                        *hugs all of the Samandans* live long and eat jello.


                          Happy birthday, Sally! Love your threads, thanks!

                          Sorry for the delay but I was not able to login to gateworld last night.


                            Happy Birthday Majorsal! Am I too late??

                            "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                            SG-1 FanFiction
                            Sanctuary Fanfiction


                              I've been catching up on my podcasts, and just had to plug this because it isn't getting nearly enough traffic: The Fifth Race Podcast It's two guys watching all the way through Stargate together, one who has seen all of Stargate and one who has not seen anything and has not been spoilered. They then discuss the episodes thoroughly. For those who don't know what a podcast is, it's a radio show that you can freely download from the website or from iTunes. I love listening to people talk about Stargate, and these guys are very intelligent and fun to listen to (they nitpick like you wouldn't believe, sometimes, but all in good fun).

                              On topic...interesting pics, Stef. But I thought she was beautiful before...I see no shame in being a mature beauty.

                              ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                              ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                                Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                                Ooh and speaking of licks, Julia (who is currently bouncing) licked my stargate book that I was passing around. Well, not literally, 'cause that'd be eew, but there's this giant *LICK* in the middle of one page.

                                *hugs all of the Samandans* live long and eat jello.
                                Hehe! Yes, our Samanda licks just popped into my head as I was writing, yes I am a little nuts
                                I loved your book MegYn it was beautiful and a great idea too. I might have to get a book for next year

                                EDIT: Is anyone else having trouble getting the text colours to work?

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

