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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
    I actually thought she had something more going with Warrick
    Eeeewwww.... AD!


      Oh my gosh... I just watched an SG-1 parody video, and I think I lost about a thousand brain cells.

      But I laughed a lot... if only because of the sheer idiocy of it all...

      Plus, it shows that other people (who are crazier than I) watch Stargate...


        Wanna know something freaky?

        Remember how I mentioned that I was working on a Sam story called Of Ghosts and Shadows? (who knows how many pages back but I came up with the idea about a month and a half ago)

        Well, I just read the spoilers for Collateral Damage...and they are frighteningly similar to the concept I had for my little ditty...except the one in jeopardy is Sam not Cam...

        This has happened to me before...I get in tune with TPTB of a series and them? *yikes*

        So...should I go ahead and write Of Ghosts and Shadows anyway knowing that people will probably accuse me of stealing the basic premise of Collateral Damage or no?

        Samanda it's up to you! I leave this decision in your capable hands...

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
          Oh my gosh... I just watched an SG-1 parody video, and I think I lost about a thousand brain cells.

          But I laughed a lot... if only because of the sheer idiocy of it all...

          Plus, it shows that other people (who are crazier than I) watch Stargate...
          lol, you can't just leave it at that without giving us a link...

          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
          Eeeewwww.... AD!
          Just thinking outside the box


            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
            lol, you can't just leave it at that without giving us a link...

            Just thinking outside the box
            I don't know how to put links.

            OK... here's the website thingy-ma-bob...

            And I warn you... At some point, I started getting really creeped out - if you go to the site, you'll see why. But you absolutely have to be willing to laugh at SG-1 in order to even PARTIALLY enjoy it.

            I'm sure you will, AD.


              Oh, look... A link!

              Somebody slap me.


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                I don't know how to put links.

                OK... here's the website thingy-ma-bob...

                And I warn you... At some point, I started getting really creeped out - if you go to the site, you'll see why. But you absolutely have to be willing to laugh at SG-1 in order to even PARTIALLY enjoy it.

                I'm sure you will, AD.
                Holy Hannah... that was...words failing me at this moment...

                LMAO at the Sam/Thor and Sam/Janet parts!


                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                  Holy Hannah... that was...words failing me at this moment...

                  LMAO at the Sam/Thor and Sam/Janet parts!
                  Why am I not surprised? Shoot. No, all of it was pretty disturbing.

                  "Boobalicious" and Sam's "morale leader" was priceless and totally... well, let's just say you can tell that guys put it together. The references to shippiness and how it has to tease the audience was hilarious to me.

                  "I just wanted to say -" (chevron engages) HA!


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    I don't know how to put links.

                    OK... here's the website thingy-ma-bob...
                    That's hysterical. I loved Sam's changing faces from anguished to smiling to sobbing to biting her lip. ROFLMAO! And Hammond - " I will not permit that".

                    And cardboard Jack. And Daniel and the bimbo of the week. And Jacob's ear.

                    Thanks so much for the link - I needed a laugh tonight.
                    Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                      I don't know how to put links.

                      OK... here's the website thingy-ma-bob...

                      And I warn you... At some point, I started getting really creeped out - if you go to the site, you'll see why. But you absolutely have to be willing to laugh at SG-1 in order to even PARTIALLY enjoy it.

                      I'm sure you will, AD.
                      Ooooohhhhh.....thank you so much for that link....rlol....It is 2 a.m. and I am laughing my head off.

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        you mean i get to DO something as vice president?....





                        *clears throat*

                        okay, as VICE PRESIDENT, i hereby allow gatebee to... looks at notes... to be our Royal Gardener extraordinaire!

                        Madam Vice President,
                        I am honored to have been given the previledge to serve this highest of Royal Court. (bows with great respect)
                        I shall bring the organic produce for the Royal Palace household.
                        Respectfully in your service...
                        Gatebee the Royal Gardener

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          To The Royal Court of Samanda
                          (Bows) Here for your approval today's organic produce. May it be worthy of your great taste. May it satisfy your palet. And may you request for more. (bows again)

                          If there be anything you desire, please ask and I shall go to the ends of the earth to grant thy wish.(bows for a full 10 sec. Leaves moving backwards with head bowed.)
                          Gatebee Royal Organic Gardener

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            (i'm apologizing now for the OTness of this, but... )

                            lida, if you're reading this, please email me. i want/need some of your medical advice. please.




                              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                              Hmmm, thats pretty interesting...
                              Here's a thought - Perhaps Mitchell and Carter served in the same unit together during the Gulf War?
                              That's exactly what I was thinking ... they saw combat together and that would make for an interesting dynamic and bond. Hmmm ....

                              However, I was so hoping that the Collateral Damage happened to Sam, not other SG1 teammates. I'm craving for some serious Sam whumpage (upping the ante from Death Knell).

                              According to the preview, Sam does the "good girl" thing and "stands by" supportingly and, I'm sure with some angst while Cam, once more, gets the spotlight.
                              I'm so tired of this trite "me, Tarzan, you, Jane" mentality.


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                Wanna know something freaky?

                                Remember how I mentioned that I was working on a Sam story called Of Ghosts and Shadows? (who knows how many pages back but I came up with the idea about a month and a half ago)

                                Well, I just read the spoilers for Collateral Damage...and they are frighteningly similar to the concept I had for my little ditty...except the one in jeopardy is Sam not Cam...

                                This has happened to me before...I get in tune with TPTB of a series and them? *yikes*

                                So...should I go ahead and write Of Ghosts and Shadows anyway knowing that people will probably accuse me of stealing the basic premise of Collateral Damage or no?

                                Samanda it's up to you! I leave this decision in your capable hands...
                                Go for it! I just read this after I had already posted my disappointment that it wasn't Sam taking the collateral damage ... you are on the right track ... go for it!

