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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Sleep deprived. Gah.

    Can't form coherent sentence. Should be sleeping.

    Words cannot describe the weekend.

    I was able to get my drawing signed and I received the best compliment and artist could ever receive. AT said that it was the best drawing she has seen done of her. She said that I was the only one who has been able to capture her face accurately so that it truly looked like her. I was speechless.

    And that generous soul buying the auction items and giving them away was our very own Eh-T, who I will forever be indebted to for helping me find my poster tube (that contained my drawing) when I had inadvertently left it some random place (I lost several things over the course of the weekend, but luckily all but one (my badge!) were returned to me).

    But everyone I met this weekend was beyond lovely.

    It's incredibly late here. I must get to sleep (probably should have hours go). I will post my pictures and write more about it at a later date. I still have a week and a half left of my trip!


      Originally posted by Terrah View Post

      Amanda?!?! WOW!!!

      Originally posted by Terrah View Post
      Just a quick post.
      I had a great time this weekend meeting so many people and of course Amanda was lovely and gracious as ever.

      Terry was sick all weekend, so I spent most of the time in our room, so I didn't mix as much as I would have liked, I nearly missed the end ceromony, I got in there by the skin of my teeth.

      One of the nicest things I saw was a woman a few rows in front, who bid for some items (A cap and I think a book) at the Auction and then gave them away to some younger fans, I thought that was so sweet, Fantastic.
      Sounds like you had a great time! I'm glad you did.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Thanks so much everyone for the amazing posts from AT3!
        Is so good to read them all!
        I hope I can make it to AT4 next year! Maybe I will move over to the UK hahah how much more convenient!


          Originally posted by parsifal View Post
          One of Amanda's interviews last week.

          Chuckle chuckle
          Hah that is an aweosme interview!
          I totally get where she is coming from with the setting-electrical-appliances off. I freak out when someone gives me a kettle to hold or turn a light on. I will manage to destroy it somehow.....


            Two thumbs way way up for all the GABIT talk!

            Thanks for sharing your fabulous weekend with all of us! It sounds like it was magnificent!

            Keep the piccies and tidbits rolling!



              Just flew in to Philly for vacation days with friends/family before returning home so I can't do too much on my friend's computer other than check GW and my email. You guys have done a terrific job of sharing the AT3 highlights.

              I have pics of the Quilt of Many Hugs which actually has our Samandan motto, Hic Comitas Regit and translation embroidered in the middle along with many, many names of fans - Amanda said that she plans to cuddle with Olivia under this quilt and think of her amazing and generous fanbase. It took Kay/Mumsey and Becky weeks to create this huge huggy honey of a quilt! Kudos!

              Speaking of generosity, yes, it is true that Eh-T actually bid on three auction items and then, demonstrating the kindness that Amanda values, actually gave the items away to other fans. Amanda was in awe of this act of generosity and we should also celebrate such generosity.

              I was "gifted" again by a fellow Samandan who paid for my trip to AT3 and, yes, kindness does reign here! It's unbelievable how so many of us have supported and helped each other through our connection to Amanda. She's like a magnet, drawing the best from people.

              Another laudable moment: Amanda shared that a father treated his teen daughter to the weekend event as a reward for her excellent grades in school - I got to meet dad and daughter too while doing a steward stint at the main-hall doors. Lovely. I don't think dad even knew who Amanda was but could be wrong. He, of course, was charmed by end of event. Amanda was so touched that she phoned her own dad just to tell him what was happening.

              And then I met a 17-year old boy from Germany who was jumping out of his shoes as he had won the tea with Amanda raffle and had just attended. Another winner was also a first-time attendee from the states - they were glowing. Believe me, I know what a high it is as I had the good fortune to win the tea raffle last year along with dipsofjazz - who was here this year too.

              There were about 140 first-time attendees and many older folk, men and women, added to the diversity. One gent totally won Amanda and us over as he had composed a Sam-Carter song and Amanda got him to come up to the stage to share it. What a sweet moment! LOTS of sweet moments.

              As JuliaR says, it's all about the people and Amanda's connection to her fans. Amanda tells us that it's our energy that she reflects, kind of a mutual admiration society, eh? I can't help but think what a boost of energy we gave her this weekend as she goes back to begin work on her new series. It was perfect timing to support her! No date yet set for the AT4 - we have to give G4 time to recuperate.

              To those of you who have not yet had the chance to experience a GABIT event, save your pennies - it is truly a different kind of con - just like I told the customs agent at the airport - it's a "family reunion"! The entire staff are so welcoming and they and Amanda actually REMEMBER you!

              That's it for now - must get some sleep - jet lag and all that. Peace, CG

              PS Teryl Rothery was at another event in London and Amanda left a message for Teryl to phone her on the cell phone but, alas, Teryl must have been too tied up to follow through. At least, we got to hear RDA on the cell!
              Last edited by ChopinGal; 06 May 2008, 04:59 AM.


                Hi ChopinGal glad to hear you are part of the way home safe and sound!! And thanks for posting your thoughts on the events!
                Eh-T that's a very cool thing to do!!!

                Hugs to all the Samandans that have checked in to one, say you are home safe and sound and two, for just telling us about your weekend! Those of us at home just live vicariously through all of you! Sounds like AT3 was another huge success and full of fun times!

                I am all out of green So virtual green for all of you!!
                Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 05 May 2008, 07:41 PM.


                  Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                  Sleep deprived. Gah.

                  Can't form coherent sentence. Should be sleeping.

                  Words cannot describe the weekend.

                  I was able to get my drawing signed and I received the best compliment and artist could ever receive. AT said that it was the best drawing she has seen done of her. She said that I was the only one who has been able to capture her face accurately so that it truly looked like her. I was speechless.

                  And that generous soul buying the auction items and giving them away was our very own Eh-T, who I will forever be indebted to for helping me find my poster tube (that contained my drawing) when I had inadvertently left it some random place (I lost several things over the course of the weekend, but luckily all but one (my badge!) were returned to me).

                  But everyone I met this weekend was beyond lovely.

                  It's incredibly late here. I must get to sleep (probably should have hours go). I will post my pictures and write more about it at a later date. I still have a week and a half left of my trip!
                  Cool! I am really glad they let you get your drawing signed!

                  And thanks to everyone for telling us what went down and posting pictures and stuff!

                  I'm glad everybody had fun!


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                    QUILT: The quilt was huge and amazing. I don't have a picture on me, but Amanda was beside herself and in tears. When they presented the quilt, they explained the concept, then showed a video composed of all the photos sent in. There were lots of giggles and "awws" as we recognised both friends present and those who couldn't be there! Amanda was so overwhelmed by it. The design had large squares with hearts in them. Each heart was framed by people's names. It was beautiful.
                    Yes I have seen the pics! They did a wonderful job on the quilt!!

                    She was asked again about her openness with regards to her personal suffering and she talked about her miscarriages again, saying how important it is that miscarriages are not a taboo subject and that women need to talk. She feels really strongly about it and encourages people to share their stories.

                    What else? There was a mixture of Sanctuary versus SG1. Some Sanctuary stuff included how if she could explore any era, she would go back to just before McGyver (I can never spell that word!) and befriend RDA. She also talked about how Sanctuary is going to be 75% green screen and 25% live set. The first scene she was going to shoot was a night shoot out on location. And she talked about her research for Helen and how she loved to research the implications for women doctors in Victorian England and did a lot of research on Blackwell, who was Helen's real life counterpart.
                    Oh wow!! I will have to look up Blackwell. Ooooh and the cool night shoot! That sounds fun lol and challenging!

                    ROFL at the big screen cues for Amanda That sounds like a really fun and cute idea!


                      I just finished watching "Grace Under Pressure" for the first time. Hah I loved it! Sam was awesome in it! Hahah she cracked me up when she said ".......sure......." in response to Mckay's "we make a good team" comment.


                        [QUOTE=antoa315;8183061]Sleep deprived. Gah.

                        Can't form coherent sentence. Should be sleeping.

                        Words cannot describe the weekend.

                        I was able to get my drawing signed and I received the best compliment and artist could ever receive. AT said that it was the best drawing she has seen done of her. She said that I was the only one who has been able to capture her face accurately so that it truly looked like her. I was speechless.


                        Glad you got your pic signed in the end and I'm looking forward to seeing your pics seeing as you mangaed to get a lot of wacky ones.


                          Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                          Sleep deprived. Gah. Can't form coherent sentence. Should be sleeping.

                          Words cannot describe the weekend.

                          I was able to get my drawing signed and I received the best compliment an artist could ever receive. AT said that it was the best drawing she has seen done of her. She said that I was the only one who has been able to capture her face accurately so that it truly looked like her. I was speechless.

                          And that generous soul buying the auction items and giving them away was our very own Eh-T, who I will forever be indebted to for helping me find my poster tube (that contained my drawing) when I had inadvertently left it some random place (I lost several things over the course of the weekend, but luckily all but one (my badge!) were returned to me).

                          But everyone I met this weekend was beyond lovely.

                          It's incredibly late here. I must get to sleep (probably should have hours go). I will post my pictures and write more about it at a later date. I still have a week and a half left of my trip!
                          Psst, everybody ... antoa315 (fellow Piscean) is a really cute Samandan version of Katie Sackhoff from BSG. IMHO. What a great compliment by Amanda - and what a special autograph! Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation, antoa!


                            Woke up in Philly with some more AT3 memories ...

                            As TJ already mentioned, Sanctuary's filming format will be about 75/25 green screen/real sets. Amanda said that they plan to build certain rooms, like Helen's and Will's offices, etc. and that they will film on location at a deserted mental hospital at which point I asked if it were the set where they filmed Sam Carter trapped in Desperate Measures. The answer is "yes" and AT said that the place is so creepy that there are certain parts of it which no one seems to enter ... ghostly doings?! Anyhow, S3M are going to shoot a lot in and around the mental hospital. So there will be more real-life frames this time around for the episodes.

                            Amanda also shared that, now that she's a brunette, she seems to be treated differently and that led to a discussion of "who has more fun in the board room - blondes or brunettes"? My paraphrase but AT said there were women in her gym who never spoke to her and became chummy after she became a brunette. And I think she feels more assertive in her role as exec producer as a brunette exec producer too. Perceptions and stereotypes of cute blondes. Do men take darker-haired women more seriously? That's the question of the day ... go to it, Samandans.

                            Oh, after some prompting, she chose George Clooney to play "Rhett" to her "Scarlett O'Hara". Now there's a great mental picture and Scarlett was a ... brunette, eh? Well, there goes the aforementioned theory. Rhett told Scarlett he didn't give a damn.

                            I think Amanda is so ready to let 'er rip with Helen. She seems so excited about the many possibilities to come - such as Helen's associations with famous historical characters like Einstein and Churchill and FDR. She's hoping they can incorporate those connections into the storylines.

                            Must go back to bed - I got up at 5:30am and my friends are still sleeping! Carry on, campers.


                              Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                              Woke up in Philly with some more AT3 memories .........................
                              Amanda also shared that, now that she's a brunette, she seems to be treated differently and that led to a discussion of "who has more fun in the board room - blondes or brunettes"? My paraphrase but AT said there were women in her gym who never spoke to her and became chummy after she became a brunette. And I think she feels more assertive in her role as exec producer as a brunette exec producer too. Perceptions and stereotypes of cute blondes. Do men take darker-haired women more seriously? That's the question of the day ... go to it, Samandans.
                              Curious. I wonder if the women at the gym recognized her

                              Or maybe they had just been waiting for a reason to approach AT and the hair change was an innoculous reason to do so without seeming to be ....'fangirly' (if that is a word).

                              The blonde/brunette question has always been an interesting one to me and I've had some experience with it. Unfortunately, it still seems to have a 'real' impact in professional interactions. I have blue eyes and long 'in between' hair, not light blonde, but not brown either. The most common term I've heard is 'dishwater blonde', which I really don't like. Somebody said 'carmel blonde' once, and I think that fits.

                              I seem to get a different reaction from people depending on whether or not they think I have 'blonde' or 'brown' hair. The people who think my hair is 'brown' never say anything odd or mention hair at all.

                              However, in 1999 (not that long ago) shortly after receiving one of my greatest professional compliments ("You were the best analyst in the world. Again.") from our largest competitor and was feeling rather proud of myself, one of my 'big' bosses asked me why I was being sent to 'the' big international convention in our industry to represent our company.

                              Before I could say a word to answer him, he said (and I swear to god this is true word for word as I'll never forget it) "Oh. No wonder we are sending you. Every company who has ever tried to sell me something has sent a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes". So much for being the 'best analyst in the world'. And so much for blue-eyed, blonde women being taken seriously

                              Needless to say, I was speechless. He didn't even realize just what he had said, which is what makes it so bad. I think my only reaction was to bat my eyelashes, swing my hair as I turned away, and tell him I'd bring him back a pen. That comment certainly brought my feet slamming back down to the ground after feeling like I had accomplished something pretty darn good.

                              It will be curious to see what reaction AT gets and whether or not we'll read/hear different descriptions of her in the press and interviews. To me, her hair color doesn't really make any difference to who she is as a person or how good of an actress she is. But, I know from experience for others it does make a difference.

                              We'll have to remember to ask about this again at AT4! After hearing all of these good stories, I may have to venture forth to my first 'con'
                              Last edited by hisg1fans; 06 May 2008, 04:58 AM.


                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                Curious. I wonder if the women at the gym recognized her

                                Or maybe they had just been waiting for a reason to approach AT and the hair change was an innoculous reason to do so without seeming to be ....'fangirly' (if that is a word).

                                The blonde/brunette question has always been an interesting one to me and I've had some experience with it. Unfortunately, it still seems to have a 'real' impact in professional interactions. I have blue eyes and long 'in between' hair, not light blonde, but not brown either. The most common term I've heard is 'dishwater blonde', which I really don't like. Somebody said 'carmel blonde' once, and I think that fits.

                                I seem to get a different reaction from people depending on whether or not they think I have 'blonde' or 'brown' hair. The people who think my hair is 'brown' never say anything odd or mention hair at all.

                                However, in 1999 (not that long ago) shortly after receiving one of my greatest professional compliments ("You were the best analyst in the world. Again.") from our largest competitor and was feeling rather proud of myself, one of my 'big' bosses asked me why I was being sent to 'the' big international convention in our industry to represent our company.

                                Before I could say a word to answer him, he said (and I swear to god this is true word for word as I'll never forget it) "Oh. No wonder we are sending you. Every company who has ever tried to sell me something has sent a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes". So much for being the 'best analyst in the world'. And so much for blue-eyed, blonde women being taken seriously

                                Needless to say, I was speechless. He didn't even realize just what he had said, which is what makes it so bad. I think my only reaction was to bat my eyelashes, swing my hair as I turned away, and tell him I'd bring him back a pen. That comment certainly brought my feet slamming back down to the ground after feeling like I had accomplished something pretty darn good.

                                It will be curious to see what reaction AT gets and whether or not we'll read/hear different descriptions of her in the press and interviews. To me, her hair color doesn't really make any difference to who she is as a person or how good of an actress she is. But, I know from experience for others it does make a difference.

                                We'll have to remember to ask about this again at AT4! After hearing all of these good stories, I may have to venture forth to my first 'con'
                                Yes, you must come to AT4!! And, yes, the subtle sexism that may exist in certain circles seems real and could possibly turn on the color of a woman's hair and physical look. Sad, indeed. I like your interpretation of the women at the gym though as maybe they did feel like the color change gave them a reason to approach Amanda and not seem too fan-girly. Actually, Amanda is so approachable and friendly and gracious and she always manages to make a person feel relaxed. Her self-deprecation at her Q&As is worth the price of any con ticket - she will have you ROTFL. She mentioned about being a "spaz", especially with her own stunts, and how the crew always knew they had to check her out after she performed any physical stunt. "Check Amanda" was the rule on set. She surprised me when she said that she'd love to learn to fly a plane when she was a bit older as she also has this fear of heights and seems to work hard to conquer it (skydiving and Trio). She's quite gutsy and definitely channeling Sam Carter.

