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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
    Dear Samandans,

    I made Amanda related art again, thanks antoa315 for her beautiful pictures!!!! Feel free to use them and I'd love to read your opinions!!




    Very nicely done! I love the happy colors you used as Amanda definitely exemplifies fun to me.

    Awesome pics you took too Antoa. Can't wait to see what you take at AT3 in a week's time.

    Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
    I found this just now... Beautiful Amanda in HQ

    *thunks* Beautiful..and man what a figure she has. You can't even tell she's had a baby. Everything is in the right proportion and exactly as it should be. *insert drool smiley here*

    Thanks for sharing Jenny!


      Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
      That said, Amanda strikes me as a high-motor individual. It wouldn't surprise me if she was flying home Sunday with intentions to be on set late Monday or Tuesday even if Helen isn't filming.
      Oh to have that kind of energy... I know I'd be sleeping Monday.
      I'm with you on that one Strix...I too see Amanda as the type of person who would fly home and get straight back to work the next morning...but I'm thinking she might be eager to go back to work and tell everyone about the wonderful time she had...just thinking!!
      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
      Well the lady doesn't shy away from hard work.... she filmed the two movies and Atlantis at the same time.
      I was thinking Joe mentioned she would be in one early and one late eppy of Atlantis. Does anyone else remember reading that in his blog?
      I remember that....I'm still hoping for at least another 2 or 3 eps with Sam.
      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      i can't see them doing it. the ONLY way i'd see it is if Amanda said 'i'm tired of it, kill me off'
      And i can't see her doing that.
      And IIRC, Amanda recently did state that she'd be more than happy to do more I can't see that ever happening....ever!!!!!

      So...I finally got to meet Mr Judge last the kids home by 1.30am...Tom was quite amused...heard a lot of stuff...I mean...a lot!!!!
      Will endeavor to get some form of a report written up somewhere...somehow!!
      Niki and I once again wore our...or rather my Sanctuary shirts to the event and again we managed to spread the word about Sanctuary!!!
      Chris however was not about to wear the hat in the photo op...he said it had something to do with MGM but I think it was all about the hair!!!!
      I got to ask the question I had being itching to ask for a long time...he made me get up on the little stage to ask the question again but as I was handed the microphone I asked if I could sit's quite uhm, strange standing up there with Chris and 100 plus people looking at you and I was so hoping to grab his...uhm...lovely butt...but he was obviously quite comfortably seated at the time time!!!!! the end he didn't quite answer the question but I did get a very different version of the "puff and ruffle"...he asked me to explain to the audience what the "puff and ruffle" was and then he told us what it "really" was!! You guys going to AT3 will have to confirm this with Amanda!!
      Apparently it wasn't the guys puffing and ruffling so much as it was the girls (Amanda and Teryl) keeping the female guests away from "their" guys (Rick, Chris and Michael)...not sure but that kinda sounds like some sort of ego thing!!!...I kinda think Amanda's version of the puff and ruffle sounds better...more plausible!!
      Anyhoo...I'll link you to the report and pics in a tick...I'm juggling a lot at the moment so bear with me!!!
      Til then...take care and have fun!! Night night all!!

      Oh...forgot...bought this last's dog tags with Sam on it...nice!!!!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Hi Everyone,

        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        AT is in SEarch and Rescue, and my gut is that her second episode will be the 100th.

        No proof, just a gut feeling.

        Given her sanctuary schedule, it's not impossible for her to be on Atlantis. Look at some of her s4 appearances, some of them had to have taken only a day or two to shoot. so, on the sanctuary set they do all helen's scenes on a monday and tuesday, she does atlantis wed and thu and takes friday off

        or something like that

        Stuff CAN be arranged, but, honestly, i don't know if there will be an episode written for her to be in. I think the show will move on without her.
        Yeah I think so too, I will really miss Sam (no one shoot me for saying this ) but I'm kinda glad for Amanda that she's moving on to new things
        Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
        At least we know they're not gonna kill her off.......right?
        Nope I think we'll still see Sam from time to time

        Glad you had fun chelle and great dog tags

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Ok...I'm off but have some links to the Chris Judge thingy...night night all...have fun and take care!!!

          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Sam became a little less wallpapered in AoT and SGA. Though...I still prefer earlier Sam who was more bubbly and used the "yes sir" to suppress her excitement. In the end of the series the excitement was for the most part...gone.

            I still like early Sam way better but prefer later Sam over Vala.

            Early Sam had a great mixture of bubbly, excitement, naive, smarts and discipline. The character worked better before she got the "longing for Jack" syndrome and then the wallpaper treatment in season 10.
            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


              Thanks Chell. Those were fun.

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Yeah I think so too, I will really miss Sam (no one shoot me for saying this ) but I'm kinda glad for Amanda that she's moving on to new things

                Films or no films, SG1 is over, Amanda needs to do what is best for her career, best for her future. She can always pop back for the odd film once a year.

                Excellent stuff. It sounds as though you had a great time. CJ really is larger than life, isn't he? And enjoy Barque of Heaven, I really liked it.



                  Thanks Chelle!! Sounds like y'all had a blast meeting CJ!!


                    Morjana posted about an upcoming interview with Amanda for SFX Magazine. here is the post

                    They are asking for questions for AT if anyone wants to contribute a question or or two


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      a question for those following 'the way series' fic.

                      i've read to part 4, ch 20, so please don't give anything too spoilery away.

                      does anyone have a guess on how they think this story will end?

                      i know, nothing spoilery in the spoiler tags, but...

                      Sorry not a clue. Truth be told, I don't want to see it end. I hope sbz keeps writing. It would fill nicely the void left by Sam's departing SGA.


                        Just dropping off a new drawing.

                        This might look a bit famliar since it's from the same source picture as my last drawing, but this one is bigger (18x24 vs 9x12) and has a bit of a spiffy background.

                        I had hoped to get this signed at AT3, but alas, the signing rules are entirely too strict *sigh*

                        Just for fun, I took pictures at various stages of the drawing, for those who might be interested in my process. You can see the pictures (and a short vid) here.

                        Anyway, let me know what you think


                          Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                          Just dropping off a new drawing.

                          This might look a bit famliar since it's from the same source picture as my last drawing, but this one is bigger (18x24 vs 9x12) and has a bit of a spiffy background.

                          I had hoped to get this signed at AT3, but alas, the signing rules are entirely too strict *sigh*

                          Just for fun, I took pictures at various stages of the drawing, for those who might be interested in my process. You can see the pictures (and a short vid) here.

                          Anyway, let me know what you think
                          Have you emailed the G4 to see if it might be allowed?
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            Have you emailed the G4 to see if it might be allowed?
                            I have asked and it's not since it was drawn from a copyright picture.


                              Just passing through with a couple of cute pics of Sam

                              Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                                Originally posted by jz9 View Post
                                Sorry not a clue. Truth be told, I don't want to see it end. I hope sbz keeps writing. It would fill nicely the void left by Sam's departing SGA.
                                i think what i'd like more than anything is (spoiler for 'the way' series fic)
                                sam be released from the hell she's living. too many bad things have happened to her that i think she'd never be truly happy again. it's not one bad thing that's happened, but all of them added up. she was basically having a nervous breakdown even before she used the info download into her brain, so it went even worse after that.

                                i keep thinking that if they can just someone erase thing events for sam and teal'c, someone would still have to be aware of things (like the vantari) to prevent them from happening again.

                                it's really a VERY interesting story.



