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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    I think he stated afterwards that it was in 1969 when he noticed the cut on Sam's hand. That in itself wasn't important, but it was something he remembered for some odd reason. Years later when the team is about to head out through the gate, he notices the cut on Sam's hand and that triggers this very specific memory. It's this reason that he writes that note to himself with the solar flare times and gives it to Sam before they leave.
    I haven't seen this episode in years, but I think I remember something about Hammond recognizing Sam some time before that mission, so he had her working on some project about solar flares and time travel. When he saw the cut on her hand he realized that was the mission where they went back in time, so he put the note in her pocket. Very good episode and one of my favorites


      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
      OK, I could use a little insight, help, explanation......I watched 1969 the other day and got lost in the whole timeline, grandfather paradox thing.

      Was Sam picked to be on SG1 all along because Hammond remembered them from 1969?

      Or did he remember 1969 only after he saw Sam?

      What are your thoughts?
      There's a great fanfic that addresses this. I'm not sure, but I think it's called Aftershocks. Either way Aftershocks I and II are great reads. They deal with after effects of each episode. Really well written and I'd say about 95% in character and canon.
      No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.

      -Helen Keller


        Hey everyone,

        Originally posted by Alan View Post
        My thoughts? Check the spoiler:

        Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.
        LOL, my thoughts exactly Alan
        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
        Okay guys, follow put your left leg in.....your left leg do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around...

        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        I know it hasn't been addressed in the show, but do you think the team ( and specifically Sam, given that this is her thread) has had any issues with PTSD? I mean they've essentially been in a war for 10 years. Sure, they're not in combat every day, but it sort of seems like multiple deployments. Thoughts?
        Yeah I think they'd have issues with PTSD, I would loved to have seen it dealt with more fully on the show.

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          I don't know, I clicked it and it worked
          I think the link is to a preview not the actual story.


            Originally posted by Neesie View Post
            There's a great fanfic that addresses this. I'm not sure, but I think it's called Aftershocks. Either way Aftershocks I and II are great reads. They deal with after effects of each episode. Really well written and I'd say about 95% in character and canon.
            That would be Rachel500's Can't Argue With Destiny

            Just team friendship and Hammond/Jacob friendship so no shippy warnings needed

            And welcome to Samanda Neesie
            Last edited by PengYn; 09 April 2008, 12:07 PM. Reason: forgot my manners


              Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
              I think the link is to a preview not the actual story.
              Oops you're right, it's all fixed now. Thanks


              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Funny you brought this up, I just finished writing a fic from Sam's point of view during Metamorphosis, if there was ever a reason to have PTSD, I think this episode would apply.


                It's a general fic, rated PG due to thoughts of death
                Shameless self-promotion! (good for you )

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  On the whole Hammond and 1969 front I think he didn't know what was going to happen exactly, but saw each of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle as they fell into place. Only when he saw Sam's hand got injured did he see the whole picture and know what was coming.
                  Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                  My Fanfic~My Femslash


                    Originally posted by BPC View Post
                    I just read Mr. Cooper's Part 2 on GW Home page and can only say that my opinion and thoughts on him just keep getting lower - if anyone else reads it I am pretty sure you'll figure out what makes me just shake my head in disbelief at him. One mention of Carter in the entire 8 pages and that is what he had to say after 10 years of the character being a hero and saving the earth umpteen times with her team. I guess what I really feel for Mr. Cooper is contempt at this point and he has so turned me off I would probably reject any project he is involved with in the future includeing SU if it ever gets off the ground.

                    Between Part 1 and Part 2 of this interview Tit is striking how much he has to explain about the movie and the whys and wherefors of it. This is the problem with Stargate for a while now - SHOW me for goodness sake don't tell me but it seems Mr. Cooper had a lot to tell to try and put the movie and the Ori in context since he didn't show it. Any way that is what came across to me from this interview - a lot of talking to try and explain the movie to people. I also noticed he talks about what he likes a lot - the root of the probelms with seasons 9-10 get clearer now.
                    i didn't know there was a part two until i read your post. the ori-sg1 s9/10 storyline just basically bored me. i skip read through this interview. cooper really loves the ori storyline; i don't. i'm glad it's over.




                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      I know it hasn't been addressed in the show, but do you think the team ( and specifically Sam, given that this is her thread) has had any issues with PTSD? I mean they've essentially been in a war for 10 years. Sure, they're not in combat every day, but it sort of seems like multiple deployments. Thoughts?
                      oh yes. they'd *have* to have some issues, or they'd be machines. the only time i can remember the series showing someone having issues was in s2's 'line of duty', when sam was so depressed after the event. that was realistic to me. when jack went through his horrible situation in 'abyss', i kept expecting to see the results. too bad.




                        Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                        Short Rant
                        I rather do get the impression that he is not particularly fond of Carter. He barely mentions her and when he finally does, he says she screwed up in Unending.

                        I guess she should have let the ship blow up. Everyone's dead but at least there were no screw ups.
                        am i supposed to put this in spoiler tags?
                        he didn't say she screwed up, but that, "Carter makes the mistake of using the time dilation field in "Unending.". it might have been a mistake to use tech you don't know perfectly, but if she hadn't used it, they'd have all died, end of story.




                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          am i supposed to put this in spoiler tags?
                          he didn't say she screwed up, but that, "Carter makes the mistake of using the time dilation field in "Unending.". it might have been a mistake to use tech you don't know perfectly, but if she hadn't used it, they'd have all died, end of story.

                          Exactly! so thank god for Sam being so quick on her feet!


                            Made these!



                              Originally posted by BPC View Post
                              I just read Mr. Cooper's Part 2 on GW Home page and can only say that my opinion and thoughts on him just keep getting lower - if anyone else reads it I am pretty sure you'll figure out what makes me just shake my head in disbelief at him. One mention of Carter in the entire 8 pages and that is what he had to say after 10 years of the character being a hero and saving the earth umpteen times with her team. I guess what I really feel for Mr. Cooper is contempt at this point and he has so turned me off I would probably reject any project he is involved with in the future includeing SU if it ever gets off the ground.

                              Between Part 1 and Part 2 of this interview Tit is striking how much he has to explain about the movie and the whys and wherefors of it. This is the problem with Stargate for a while now - SHOW me for goodness sake don't tell me but it seems Mr. Cooper had a lot to tell to try and put the movie and the Ori in context since he didn't show it. Any way that is what came across to me from this interview - a lot of talking to try and explain the movie to people. I also noticed he talks about what he likes a lot - the root of the probelms with seasons 9-10 get clearer now.
                              To be fair the movie was not about Sam. it was Vaniel and the Bori mostly. And the Bori are what he's answering questions about.

                              That being said.... I'm not a fan of what was done to the show in S9/S10 so doubt I'll watch more stuff he does.

                              He noted that he wasn't alone in making s9/S10. Well, I blame those people too, but to a lesser extent. They weren't the official rein-holders.

                              I agree it *seems* he's not a fan of Sam. Oh well. He's not writing for her anymore, is he?
                              Last edited by suse; 09 April 2008, 05:42 PM.
                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!


                                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                                Made these!

                                Wow, i really like these! Especially the second one. The lighting on her face just gives me shivers, but i want to keep looking at it. What's the screencap from?

                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                oh yes. they'd *have* to have some issues, or they'd be machines. the only time i can remember the series showing someone having issues was in s2's 'line of duty', when sam was so depressed after the event. that was realistic to me. when jack went through his horrible situation in 'abyss', i kept expecting to see the results. too bad.

                                That's what fanfic is for. I wrote a tag for In the Line of Duty showing what might have gone on in Sam's head when Jolinar was in there with her. It was really fun to write, and it helped me understand why she was so upset at the end of the episode. Of course, it's all in my head, but hey...

                                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                                SG-1 FanFiction
                                Sanctuary Fanfiction

