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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    More commentaries from Ascension

    MW on the difficulty in shooting a scene without Carter
    Guys goofing around

    More on the scene which was cut
    Cut scene part 1
    Cut scene part 2

    AT and MW on her reaction to what CJ was wearing
    Inappropriate reaction

    AT on a personal picture in the scene
    Personal picture

    MW’s on RDA’s way of playing the scene with Hammond and Simmons
    O’Neill’s reaction

    AT and James Tichenor on acting in scifi
    Acting in scifi

    AT and MW on AT doing her own stunts

    Don’t you just love that line of Martin's? Hero Shot for Carter! Let’s hope for a lot of hero shots for Carter in Season 9!

    Last edited by NearlyCircular; 05 June 2005, 03:17 PM.


      Originally posted by NearlyCircular
      More commentaries from Ascension

      MW on the difficulty in shooting a scene without Carter
      Guys goofing around

      More on the scene which was cut
      Cut scene part 1
      Cut scene part 2

      AT and MW on her reaction to what CJ was wearing
      Inappropriate reaction

      AT on a personal picture in the scene
      Personal picture

      MW’s on RDA’s way of playing the scene with Hammond and Simmons
      O’Neill’s reaction

      AT and James Tichenor on acting in scifi
      Acting in scifi

      AT and MW on AT doing her own stunts

      Don’t you just love that line of Martin's? Hero Shot for Carter! Let’s hope for a lot of hero shots for Carter in Season 9!

      What fun, NC! Thanks so much for getting all of these audio clips and the screen shots to go with them!

      I too wish they could have left those cut scenes in the episode - would have loved a little more on Sam's reaction to no one calling and telling her that she could come back to work... and a little Sam/Janet discussion about this new guy she kinda likes...

      And I'm with Martin Wood - I really liked her house... it's one part of the show that I didn't analyse too deeply... I liked seeing Sam in civvies, I liked seeing her car and her house... and seeing her walk around in her house as she went along with her life outside the SGC.

      Love AT saying 'Carter's cool' -'she's got a vingtage Volvo, an Indian motorcycle and a Harley in the garage'. I always love constrasting 'Carter is cool' with the quote from the net that AT read on that Lowdown: 'Carter is hot!'

      And the 'Hero Shots For Carter' - just great! Here's to hoping that we get to see lots of them in Season 9.

      Thanks again for posting all of this for us, NC!


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        Whoops...I upset someone on that Cam should outrank Sam thread.

        I do tend to get a little energized when I defend something I believe in. I don't think I was taking pot shots...just doing my very best to systematically pulverize the ridiculous argument that Sam should take 2IC to Cam.

        That's all.
        I think I know who you are talking about and they also got upset at me - I gave up after awhile becuse it was not worth arguing. I know those that say Carter should lead are right so no need to carry on the argument! Your posts were very well written and certainly did not seem to be offensive so you should not fret, keep up the good workl.


          Originally posted by binkpmmc
          I think I know who you are talking about and they also got upset at me - I gave up after awhile becuse it was not worth arguing. I know those that say Carter should lead are right so no need to carry on the argument! Your posts were very well written and certainly did not seem to be offensive so you should not fret, keep up the good workl.
          Yeah... heh heh... I've been duking it out on that thread for a couple of weeks, I think, and it's like we're all just running around in circles, poking each other with sticks...

          In other words, it's kinda going nowhere. To some extent, I wonder if I was babbling or making my point clear. Either way, the person we're all talking about doesn't look like they're gonna change their mind any time soon, so... Until July!

          I'm always up for a good debate, though.


            Originally posted by MajorSam

            well, here's a post... hm, what can I say...

            ah, yes, I should have the vid of the Leo's up in less than three hours!!!!!D

            HONESTLY, where the HECK does Myrth get these!??!?!

            I'm voting that she's secretly Amanda's personal photographer...

            Oh, and Uber.... BRILLIANT little factoid!!!

            Imagine... Sam, the Supreme Commander of Earth's Allied Forces... *dies* Her and Thor, little Supreme Commander buddies, off scheming how to save the Universe...

            Jack: "So, Sam honey, how was work today?"

            Sam: "Oh, you know, I led a batallion of F-302's against a Goa'uld Armada and saved a Solar System, then hopped off to meet with the Ancient and Asgaard High Councils, gave them some advice... Same old, same old..."
            Dear Madam President

            We await the video link with great anticipation! Better late than never and at least you've gotten the Queen during her acceptance speech. Thanks!

            Love the Sam/Jack dialogue LOL

            Myrth, I agree with MS ... you must be working in the photo studio! Your website has some amazing and candid photos. Thanks for sharing.

            Wonderful posts, everybody! Thanks for keeping Samanda humming along ... humming, did you say?

            Keeper, the Royal Accountant had the same disturbing idea as you about Sam "not being single any more". Let us hope it is only a figment of your imaginations ... a bit of undigested beef ... a royal nightmare!

            Jester (who has been away from her PC most of the weekend but is now perched here waiting to see Madam President's post of link to the Leos)


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
              In other words, it's kinda going nowhere. To some extent, I wonder if I was babbling or making my point clear. Either way, the person we're all talking about doesn't look like they're gonna change their mind any time soon, so... Until July!

              I'm always up for a good debate, though.
              I was just over at that thread and was about to post to UBERto say that it looks as if LS has opened their mind a little more after Uber posted some spoilers that LS had not seen until now. I was going to congratulate Uber for finally getting LS to understand what some have been saying about the circumstances of why Carter, and the others left, and why it was not their choice. Perhaps LS will come around sooner or later, perhaps not though and that's fine too as everyone is entitled to their opinion (even if it is wrong - just kidding).


                Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
                As a bit of light relief from all the S9 angst going around, here’s what we got up to in this part of Samanda on Saturday…

                The day started with the Royal Accountant struggling to create order from chaos (or to put it more accurately, faffing about). Eventually we made it to the Yorkshire Dales, where I am pleased to say the RA managed to avoid acrobatically detaching herself from her bike for once .

                After a couple of hours’ energetic fun in the pouring rain, we decided to head back to the ranch and spend the afternoon watching Stargate.

                During the journey home, it became obvious that I had incurred the Royal Accountant’s acute displeasure by sending a photo of her to a fellow Samandan. This probably explains why the RA felt it necessary to fasten the restraints on the Stargate Viewing Settee ™ even tighter than usual - she said it was only to prevent me over-exerting myself at the sight of our Queen‘s dress in Emancipation, but I’m not convinced. It certainly turned the mid-show feast of Spaghetti Bolognese into an interesting challenge - at one point I even tried to get a certain large and spirited dog to loosen the restraints for me, but as usual he just thought I wanted my face licking (though to be fair, this did get rid of most of the Bolognese sauce).

                Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed seven whole episodes (from The Enemy Within to Brief Candle) without too much interference from the RA, apart from various attempts to distract me during Emancipation. As for her insistence that we re-enact the “Carter thumps Marine” moment from The First Commandment, I can only presume this had something to do with my aforementioned photographic misdemeanour.

                Oh, and just for the record, my favourite episodes so far are The Broca Divide (and no, this has nothing to do with the tank top, honest) and The Nox.

                ROTFLOL! Thanks so much for posting that 1speed! Love your humor!
                Originally posted by tsaxlady
                Okay this is from the Burbank Con July '04 -

                AT arrived on stage to a standing ovation - she thanked people - looked around the room and then saw the banner hanging to the right of the stage -
                Here is what she had to say about it "Uh, Hello. Stargate Barbie, hello. New from Matel, accessories, including the breasts, not included... " She acted like she was going to say more but stopped.
                Now several of the other guest had made comments about the banner - CJ walked up to it acted like her was laying his head on AT chest. - Carmen Argenziano
                said this about it "wow, what a beautiful woman. Some things about her have changed…" As each guest finished on stage they had them sign all the banners when AT went to sign that banner she looked at it, looked at the crowd smiled and sign it across the chest with a LARGE autograph -

                ROTFLOL! Great post, tsaxlady - thanks for sharing this with us!


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                  Yeah... heh heh... I've been duking it out on that thread for a couple of weeks, I think, and it's like we're all just running around in circles, poking each other with sticks...

                  In other words, it's kinda going nowhere. To some extent, I wonder if I was babbling or making my point clear. Either way, the person we're all talking about doesn't look like they're gonna change their mind any time soon, so... Until July!

                  I'm always up for a good debate, though.
                  Actually you should read their last post...

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    You know I was under the conception that we didn't get to see much of Sam in command throughout the years...but she did a heck of a job in The Sentinel...

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Was just reading through some of the older posts... and ran across this and just had to repeat it - in light of our recent Season 9 discussions...
                      Originally posted by hrh36
                      Hi all:

                      Wow! Taking a day off from this thread is a mistake -- it takes hours to catch up.


                      Re: Cooper saying Sam is off somewhere until certain things happen that bring her back. Wouldn't it be neat if Cameron messed up big time and Sam was actually asked back to lead SG-1? My jaw would probably drop to the floor 'cause the current writers have NOT shown their ability (or personal belief in IMO) to write the leadership abilities of women over men, but I can still dream, can't I?

                      And while I'm dreaming, I'll bring the Sam/Teal'c dynamic into it and pick Teal'c to be the first one to say that he wishes to again be under Lt. Col. Carter's leadership! Yep, I like it.
                      OK, so we all know that they aren't going to do anything like that on the show...but it is fun to think about
                      Last edited by astrogeologist; 05 June 2005, 04:46 PM.


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                        Yeah... heh heh... I've been duking it out on that thread for a couple of weeks, I think, and it's like we're all just running around in circles, poking each other with sticks...

                        ...Either way, the person we're all talking about doesn't look like they're gonna change their mind any time soon, so... Until July!

                        I'm always up for a good debate, though.
                        What an apt description of that thread. LOL.
                        Why I still go there, I don't know. Maybe it's like the proverbial car wreck you don't want to look at but you can't help yourself. I believe the person we are talking about can "dish it out, but can't take it." While accusing people of basically being intolerant and uncivil, he/she (IMO) is very intolerant of others' opinions. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! "These and other cliches..."
                        Last edited by jckfan55; 06 June 2005, 09:45 AM. Reason: typo


                          AND THE VID IS UP!!!!!

                          Go there, then follow the link "Vid of Amanda's Big Win!" Click on the pic, and you're there!!!
                          The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                          |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                            Uber... How about this AT quote: "I give good dead'

                            (and someone can correct me if I didn't get that right)


                              Originally posted by MajorSam
                              AND THE VID IS UP!!!!!

                              Go there, then follow the link "Vid of Amanda's Big Win!" Click on the pic, and you're there!!!
                              Wow! Great clip, MajorSam! Great quality too!
                              Thanks so much for posting it for us!

