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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
    *hands licks round*

    *specially chases down Cel to give her hers*
    *dodges licks* You'll have to run a lot faster than that.

    Originally posted by Über View Post
    ASIF you can avoid the licking. It's the cornerstone of Samandan society!!!

    *tackles and gives a double lick just for tryin' to dodge da lickin'*
    *wiggles free* ewwww!

    Originally posted by J-To-The-Essica View Post
    I thought I'd take this opportunity, in between all the lickings and musical action, to let you all know how awesome you Samandans are. I am a lurker, seriously, if there were Lurker Awards, I'd be a shoe-in, but I visit this thread faithfully. There's always something going guys keep me informed, make me smile and are so supportive of each other and Amanda. I've visited/lurked at other sights and the negativity is so discourging, and a bit overhwhelming, but one visit here does wonders. So thanks for, well, thanks for being you.

    I would green you all if I could, but to be honest, I have no idea what that even is!

    In the words of the legendary Ron Burgundy, Stay classy, San, Samandans.
    awe...Welcome J-To-The-Essica to Samanda! Glad you decided to stop your lurking and I hope you continue to stick around and join in on all the craziness and fun that goes on here in honor of AT.

    Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
    If you go to this thread then scroll to the second post in the thread you will find scans of a new article in SFX Magazine about SGA. Most of the information is stuff we have already heard/read. However, you might get a kick out of David's comment on what Rodney looks at as Sam walks out of a room.
    Very cool! I'll have to give it a go later though. Too much written there for my eyes at 2am. Thanks for sharing the links and I can't wait to read it later.

    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    Ok, in honour of 4000 pages celebrating our favourite Essex girl, help yourselves to a piece of chocolate orange sent to me from a friend who lives quite near Essex. Or something. I think.



    Just one piece each guys, that's my lunch!
    heh...the orange candy reminds me of one kind that we can get around Christmas time here. This though is shaped like an actual orange and covered in a very fine orange foil. You unwrap the whole thing and can break it off in segments like an orange. Of course it's delicious. What chocolate (flavored or otherwise) isn't?

    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
    Amanda inspires poetry and, yes, I've tied up this thread tonight but for a good cause. It was fun to look back at our Samandan family history ... let me share one more oldie, but goodie, which still seems to fit ...

    Reprise: A Salute to the Thread
    (originally posted on its first-year anniversary)

    Many fans have come and gone
    And yet the SaGC thread goes on
    It seems to have a life of its own
    Through ups and downs, the posts have grown

    No matter who or where we are
    Some so near, some so far
    Samanda is our happy place
    To honor Sam/AT, full of grace

    Other fans may think us mad
    A Royal Court? An imaginary land?
    Perhaps they don’t really understand
    Why admiring Sam produced something so grand

    Over 80,000 replies of fun and mirth
    In discussing Sam Carter’s worth
    It started as a single simple post
    From MajorSal, our inquiring host

    She touched a nerve and we resonated
    To the fair heroine who had Stargated
    Into our homes and our mundane lives
    Bringing female power alive

    Sam was what we wanted to be
    Brilliant, gutsy, and so on key
    She could handle anything in stride
    She was just as capable as the guys

    As the seasons waxed and waned
    Sam Carter grew and we exclaimed
    “Of Sam Carter, we’ll never tire
    She models, motivates and inspires”

    Yes, she’s had her moments of despair
    Times we thought the script needed repair
    But through it all the core was true
    Sam Carter was a winner too

    Her face and figure left its mark
    But something more, that inner spark
    Is what drew us here to talk of her
    A reality-based well-acted character

    Amanda Tapping kept her engaging
    All the while her own life changing
    From young ingénue to solid lead
    Even marrying motherhood to career, indeed!

    And so we watch and always wait
    For Sam Carter to travel through the Gate
    Here we post and sometimes falter
    But always expect the best for Carter!

    A simple toast to SaGCT, may ever it strive
    To keep the role of Sam Carter front page and alive
    Now is the time to raise a glass and give a loud cheer
    Sam Carter rocks, each and every year!


    Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with us! I've enjoyed reading each and everyone of your poems. Well done!

    Love your banner btw


      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      heh...the orange candy reminds me of one kind that we can get around Christmas time here. This though is shaped like an actual orange and covered in a very fine orange foil. You unwrap the whole thing and can break it off in segments like an orange. Of course it's delicious. What chocolate (flavored or otherwise) isn't?
      It's the same Terry's stuff, just in a bar

      I remember when a friend of Torri Higginson (whose partner is called Terry) had an orange sweater that Torri had left at her place. She put it on and said "I'm Terry's chocolate Torri orange!"

      I think of that whenever I hear them mentioned now
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Oh my bob, too many posts to reply to.

        CG awesome! *applaudes til her hands are sore* those a bloody brilliant, you're a master!

        Everyone who has posted...(I have had 11 hours sleep since sunday) you guys are hilarious and you all make Samanda such a wonderful place! Reading here has been the start to most of my days since I joined and it's better than a cup of tea for getting ya going...except this week I need both *slurps tea and licks Samandans*

        Welcome to J-to-the-essica...fine time to delurk...I hope you stick around

        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        *dodges licks* You'll have to run a lot faster than that. know I can take you, don't even pretend I can't

        All Hail Samanda and Long May This Thread Continue!
        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
        My Fanfic~My Femslash


          Hi Everyone,

          I loved reading all the lovely posts yesterday, the lovely words about Sam/Amanda and about her fans too, the great poems as well, it was great fun

          Originally posted by J-To-The-Essica View Post
          I thought I'd take this opportunity, in between all the lickings and musical action, to let you all know how awesome you Samandans are. I am a lurker, seriously, if there were Lurker Awards, I'd be a shoe-in, but I visit this thread faithfully. There's always something going guys keep me informed, make me smile and are so supportive of each other and Amanda. I've visited/lurked at other sights and the negativity is so discourging, and a bit overhwhelming, but one visit here does wonders. So thanks for, well, thanks for being you.

          I would green you all if I could, but to be honest, I have no idea what that even is!

          In the words of the legendary Ron Burgundy, Stay classy, San, Samandans.
          Originally posted by emmynorman View Post
          Just coming out of my lurk to say congrats everyone.

          All hail the Tappinator!

          and emmynorman well done for de-lurking and welcome to Samanda!!!

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            Originally posted by emmynorman View Post
            Just coming out of my lurk to say congrats everyone.

            All hail the Tappinator!
            Welcome emmynorman!

            Glad you decided to de-lurk and come out of hiding. I know I've been in the same spot as you here before and even now I still visit other threads around GW cloaked in invisibility, but it's much more fun and you make some awesome friends when you do the big unveiling. Hope you decide to stick around and join in on all the fun here. I do suggest running from teh licking though. It's a bit for me at least.
            Last edited by Celandine; 31 October 2007, 04:58 AM. Reason: Frog jumping over words is never advised :P



              Today at work we had to come dressed up and i went as boath Sam and Helen Magnus it was so cool i went as Sam in the morring and Magnus in the afternoon

              I love the the poems they are great very

              AMANDA ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO
              (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

                Today at work we had to come dressed up and i went as boath Sam and Helen Magnus it was so cool i went as Sam in the morring and Magnus in the afternoon

                I love the the poems they are great very

                AMANDA ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO
                Pictures! Please! Very cool idea though, I didn't get to dress up for work but I did go to a party dressed as William Wallace last night.

                What would Sam dress up as for Halloween?
                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                My Fanfic~My Femslash


                  Sorry i don't have any pic's at the moment but i will soon the sam costume i wore was the one like what she wares in Atlantis and the magnus one was like what she wears in webisode 7 with the red top
                  (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                    Originally posted by J-To-The-Essica View Post
                    I thought I'd take this opportunity, in between all the lickings and musical action, to let you all know how awesome you Samandans are. I am a lurker, seriously, if there were Lurker Awards, I'd be a shoe-in, but I visit this thread faithfully. There's always something going guys keep me informed, make me smile and are so supportive of each other and Amanda. I've visited/lurked at other sights and the negativity is so discourging, and a bit overhwhelming, but one visit here does wonders. So thanks for, well, thanks for being you.

                    I would green you all if I could, but to be honest, I have no idea what that even is!

                    In the words of the legendary Ron Burgundy, Stay classy, San, Samandans.
                    Go ahead and post. Join us... (waves shiny object in front of you to hypnotise you into posting.)

                    Congrats to everybody on the big 80,000! Thanks to CG for the trip down memory lane.
                    Sam and AT still rock.
                    Hail to our Queen.
                    Last edited by jckfan55; 31 October 2007, 09:03 AM.


                      80,000 Posts.

                      Well Done !


                        What would Sam wear for Halloween?

                        (I was just thinking of asking the same question)

                        As a kid, I bet she stole some of her Dad's Air Force clothes and went trick or treating as an officer or commando.

                        When she was little she went as Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz)


                          I know. Belated reply, but am just catching up:

                          Whether or not Sam should have gone on the rescue mission in Reunion?

                          As a new commander, I would have gone on the mission just to see what PG ops were like and see the Wraith. It has nothing to do with 'wanting to go offworld', it has to do with making future decisions. No it isn't something Sam will do every time, but she needs to do it at least once. Not only to prove to herself and others that she can, but see their tactics and strategies in action. Now she can adapt her experience more quickly to the new situation.

                          Just imagine the criticism she would get in a few episodes the first time she sends a team out and something goes wrong. I could see naysayers saying "Carter doesn't know anything about Pegasus, how can she send the Team out. She was stupid?"

                          Well, now she knows. So, there shouldn't be any criticism in the future. I know. Wishful thinking on my part

                          On whether or not she 'de-balled' Shep?

                          Is this a word?

                          Did Hammon 'de-ball' Jack when he and Tealc rode the ship through the Stargate to save everybody in Into the Fire? No.



                            To the Lurkers:

                            Posting isn't too painful

                            I've just started and I'm already over 100 posts. It doesn't feel like I've said all that much, but they add up fast.

                            I think it is amazing there are as many 'viewers' as there are. Doesn't this thread have more 'views' than any other except RDA's?

                            Go Sam
                            Last edited by hisg1fans; 31 October 2007, 09:49 AM.


                              Debate: Samantha Carter vs Helen MagnusHhhmmmmm?

                              Tough question!

                              There are so many things about Sam Carter that mirror my life, she would be tough to give up. But, the new adventure of Helen M. is intriguing to say the least.

                              Atlantis is new to me as is Sanctuary. So from that perpective, it is a tie. However, I still seem to fall asleep during Atlantis but Sanctuary immediately grabbed my attention and I was sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time. (That may have had something to do with my broken office chair though )

                              Wardrobe? I like Sam's eagles, but Helen wears lots of interesting styles.

                              Sam's American accent is familiar, but Helen's sounds exotic and changes over time.

                              Both have long hair. You have to consider the IMPORTANT criteria you know


                              I guess I'm leaning toward Helen. There are 10 years of SG1, two movies, and one year of Atlantis for Sam. Yes, I'll miss the character dearly when she's finished, but I've still got the DVDs. I would love to see Sanctuary continue. There is a huge potential for characters and stories. And with the talent behind the camera, a good track record for 'good' and 'great' episodes.

                              P.S. Is it obvious I've found the formatting buttons?


                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                What would Sam wear for Halloween?

                                Happy Halloween Everyone.

