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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

    ooh still time left in the day..

    Happy Birthday donamac!

    Hope your day was pretty spectacular!!

    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    Hey Everyone,

    Ditto! Happy Birthday from me too, have a great day

    Its so quiet in here, hopes everyone is OK, maybe some folks are trying to stay away from SGA S4 spoilers, I know I am but its so hard not to look *wills Oct 19 to hurry up*

    ooh I knew those across the pond were delayed in the season premeire, but I didn't know it by almost 4 wks. Wow!

    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    Maybe they think you'll sit through the early shows to watch the late one. It is a fine theory. But, if you are like me, you'll fall asleep in that really comfortable recliner before the 10pm show starts

    I don't know if even Sam is enough incentive for me to stay awake. I hope so.
    I've read all the talk on time slots and competiton that Atlantis might have but I can only say that time (and ratings) will certainly tell. Seems cliche to say this but I'm not gonna worry this one (which is quite contrary for me!) as I am hoping Amanda's presence on the show will draw many of the sg1 fans and perhaps even a few new ones. I've been telling lots of people at work about the series and wearing my sg1 shirt to promote it as much as I can too hehe Anyway, the series actually comes on twice for me that Friday night..back to back starting at 8 pm. Not sure if this is how it will be for everyone but I'm quite happy for this.

    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    Any recommendations for a Monday night?
    I'm currently watching the series premiere of Heroes

    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

    Sam: "They finally make me a full-bird Colonel and then clean-up hitter for Friday night's line-up ..."

    Martouf: "That's why you're called 'the Tappinator', baby."

    Sam: "You say 'baby' one more time, and I'll be tappinating you."
    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

    He: "I hear you're bringing up the rear on Friday night's line-up."

    She: "I'd prefer to be known as an anchor woman."
    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
    LOL back atcha! Yeah, shall we conjugate our new verb form?

    I tappinate
    You tappinate
    He, she or it tappinates

    We tappinate
    You tappinate
    They tappinate

    However, let's face it - there is only ONE TAPPINATOR. Alas, we can only hope to tappinate.

    It seems that Jewel named Amanda at the right moment ... while they were swinging on their harnesses ... therefore ...

    Amanda tappinates
    While she levitates
    And never hesitates
    To initiate
    And retaliate
    In an appropriate
    And immediate
    Manner of delivery ...

    P90s, M16s, Carter Specials, zatnickatels, staff weapons, C4, computers, nano technology,
    suns and stargates ...

    It's what she does.
    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

    "Hey, I surrender. Don't tappinate me!"

    "Oooh, now there's a thought ..."
    Originally posted by ChopinGal

    "Oh, Jack, since we're in this sudsy state, I don't mean to intimidate but ..."

    "What? Sam, please elaborate ...

    "Would you like to tappinate?"
    er, ewww!

    hehe..loved all the rest though! Thanks for the chuckle!

    Feels a ramble coming on...

    Just need to gush a bit. Went out with my gf and some friends from work tonight for pizza and beer and dang am I beat! (in a good way ) The place I'm working at is brand spanking new and everyone for the next 3 wks is on 60+ hours a week to get it stocked and ready for all those outdoor enthusiasts to come in and spend, spend spend. I love the job as it's right up my alley and I'm meeting all sorts of cool people who love to mt. bike, climb, fish, camp, hike and even a girl who snowboards. She's already invited me up to Wisconsin later in the season for the weekend with her *whee* and I'm totally excited about that! Should be a blast! Anyway, off to move the gf in here so I need to jet. Night all!


      hey guys, seems like i missed a bit huh?

      i was at bro in law's birthday dinner

      as to kicking tushie...the only kicking nudging i'm gonna do is remind folks to not do the manips please. Out of respect for the actors, we like to keep manips tasteful, and the sam/jack hottub doesn't quite fit i'm afraid

      now, mod hat off, and captionator on please
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        hey guys, seems like i missed a bit huh?

        i was at bro in law's birthday dinner

        as to kicking tushie...the only kicking nudging i'm gonna do is remind folks to not do the manips please. Out of respect for the actors, we like to keep manips tasteful, and the sam/jack hottub doesn't quite fit i'm afraid

        now, mod hat off, and captionator on please
        Looks like the "foot in the mouth" award goes to me, not Mandy! Sorry about that.


          Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
          Is anybody else worried about the 10PM timeslot for Atlantis? Especially given the status of the lead-ins. Doctor Who's season ends next week. I have no idea how well Flash Gordon is doing, I don't watch-didn't find it very compelling so I haven't been keeping up on any news regarding it. But if it's limping along in the ratings, I fear that having weak lead-ins will adversly effect Atlantis' ratings.

          And then we might be without Stargate of any kind. That would be horrid.

          Has Joe said anything on his blog regarding the time slot?
          i'm not crazy about the timeslot *or* that it's against first-run network shows. why would scifi want to put one of their shows in a situation like this?




            Looks like someone is sinking some money into advertising for SGA S4. I'm watching Monday Night Football on ESPN and there was a commercial for SGA starting Friday night on SciFi at 10:00 pm on during the game. At the end of the commercial they put MGMs Stargate web site URL on the screen, so I'm guessing that MGM paid for the commercial time.
            My View From The Peanut Gallery


              Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
              Looks like someone is sinking some money into advertising for SGA S4. I'm watching Monday Night Football on ESPN and there was a commercial for SGA starting Friday night on SciFi at 10:00 pm on during the game. At the end of the commercial they put MGMs Stargate web site URL on the screen, so I'm guessing that MGM paid for the commercial time.
              Good. <<fingers crossed that people want to watch SGA>>

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                LOL CG you are in fine form tonight
                she sure is.

                ~she's the maestro of phrasology~




                  Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                  Looks like someone is sinking some money into advertising for SGA S4. I'm watching Monday Night Football on ESPN and there was a commercial for SGA starting Friday night on SciFi at 10:00 pm on during the game. At the end of the commercial they put MGMs Stargate web site URL on the screen, so I'm guessing that MGM paid for the commercial time.
                  Isn't that interesting? To me it almost seems as if Sci Fi is doing everything it can to put obstacles in the way and MGM is doing everything it can to keep the franchise afloat. I sincerely hope it helps, but only time will tell.

                  Has MGM done something like this before?

                  I guess the good news is that MGM is supporting the franchise so much. Even if Sci Fi ends up sabotaging the whole thing (intentionally or not ), maybe MGM will be able to figure something out to get a fifth season.


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1
                    Ok CG, in this one, Jack looks guilty and Sam looks like she found his hand

                    Where's the polar bears when I need them
                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    Temporarily unable to type due to covering their eyes and screaming: No!
                    is there a pic that's been removed???


                    (edit: saw sky's post )
                    Last edited by majorsal; 24 September 2007, 07:46 PM.



                      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                      The Tappinator in Action

                      Sam: "They finally make me a full-bird Colonel and then clean-up hitter for Friday night's line-up ..."

                      Martouf: "That's why you're called 'the Tappinator', baby."

                      Sam: "You say 'baby' one more time, and I'll be tappinating you."

                      He: "I hear you're bringing up the rear on Friday night's line-up."

                      She: "I'd prefer to be known as an anchor woman."

                      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                      LOL, ain't it the truth? And mature women playing at their computers creating silly captionaries ... there oughta be a law!
                      Silly captionaries ROCK!!

                      YAY!! CG is back out to play.

                      CG Unplugged.

                      Originally posted by suse View Post
                      Good. <<fingers crossed that people want to watch SGA>>

                      Eternal optimist here, but I think SGA will do well.

                      Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                      Quint Studer


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        is there a pic that's been removed???


                        (edit: saw sky's post )
                        I missed all the pics Photobucket wouldn't dl into Firefox or IE.

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                          Looks like someone is sinking some money into advertising for SGA S4. I'm watching Monday Night Football on ESPN and there was a commercial for SGA starting Friday night on SciFi at 10:00 pm on during the game. At the end of the commercial they put MGMs Stargate web site URL on the screen, so I'm guessing that MGM paid for the commercial time.

                          Well the advertising worked for one non-gater. My husband is out of town on business( he doesn't watch SG) and he sent me a message tonight saying that the new Stargate Atlantis commercials are really funny. I had to ask which commercials he was talking about and where he saw them. I was also suprised to hear it was during the Football game.


                            Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                            Looks like someone is sinking some money into advertising for SGA S4. I'm watching Monday Night Football on ESPN and there was a commercial for SGA starting Friday night on SciFi at 10:00 pm on during the game. At the end of the commercial they put MGMs Stargate web site URL on the screen, so I'm guessing that MGM paid for the commercial time.
                            I saw the same thing on USA this morning (ETA: During JAG reruns, heh heh). I'm glad MGM's pitching in. Is that unusual?


                              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                              I am loving this series. Often the episodes end too soon and these fics round them off nicely.

                              Looking forward to the next one

                              Kay aka Mumsey
                              As am I--keep on--this is a great series!



                                OMG I love all your stuff about "Tappinating"....

