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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
    I'm considering doing it, hoping things at work will have quieted down, but do have an itty bitty question - is there any minimum word count/size requirement? (one persons fic might be another persons ficlet) Maybe what I'm asking is how're you defining the fic, ficlet and drabbles? I've seen them defined differently different places.

    LOL! Guess it would be performance anxiety - there's not a fic I've wrote that doesn't have Sam in it, but I've only done Vala in the Sam/Cam fic (WIP) that RL-work stuff kinda booted into the back seat....

    Thanks for any answer y'all (Spazzie, Sky, and Deejay) can give me.
    Hey ShimmeringStar! I'm glad you're considering the job. Whoot! But I'm afraid I have to be caught up on the ins and outs of this new ficathon as well!

    Deej, really if you need me to do anything - promote the ficathon to other places, harass certain fic writers, etc. - give me a holler. I just need orders.


      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
      To blow my own trumpet I do have Sam vs RepliCarter scene in my fic A Pond With No Fish

      It is S/J for those needing the ship warning.

      If you don't want to read the whole fic, the Sam/RepliCarter battle comes in chapter 34... Chapter 34 - in which you can ignore the tiny, tiny, hint of S/J Of course it may not make sense without reading the rest so brief recap...


      It's an alternate S9. Jack will retire in 5 days time becoming the civilian head of the SGC; Sam will report directly to HWS so taking away the regs the meantime, Sam almost died but was saved by Orlin who as his dying act gave her increased brain function and the Ascended gene knowing that Ba'al and RepliCarter (who ascended using the knowledge she gained from Daniel and then was descended by the others for interfering) have joined forces to retake Dakara from the Jaffa and get the Ancient weapon there. RepliCarter has kidnapped Jack. Sam (leading SG1), Teal'c, Daniel and Mitchell have all gone to rescue him and save the galaxy...
      I just read this story and loved it! Been meaning to send a thankyou for the opportunity to read your stories. I've never been disappointed by a Rachel500 story. I highly recommend this one especially.



        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        Sure. I'm on it
        Sounds a great idea! good luck Neep!

        I love charity stuff! I have worked or volunteered for so many charities over the years, especially when I was a student when I had (relatively) oodles of time. This auction is so cool wish I could go *sniffs*

        Hmm, I am still pondering the ficathon. I haven't seen Season 10 so don't actually have any knowledge from which to write about Sam/Vala...I think I'm gonna have ta be a reader on this one and wait for another cool one later on *g*
        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
        My Fanfic~My Femslash


          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          Maybe we could do something as Samanda that we can donate?

          Maybe if we had a some volunteers to put it all together, we could organise a quilt. Just thinking out loud here, but wouldn't it be cool if we found a simple (but effective) pattern and everyone finds a couple of cool fabrics and puts 1 square together. If we put together really clear instructions, does everyone think they could put one square together?

          Of course, it would all depend on someone volunteering to put it all together at the end (with a few $ from each of us to pay for the materials?). I would volunteer, but (not to mention that I wouldn't be the most skilled) the shipping costs for a complete quilt from NZ to the UK would be awful.

          Hmmm. Could this work? Any other ideas for a project?
          Hi folks, Elieen has contacted me about the ideas for fundrasing, We welcome donations from attendees with open arms and would LOVE to have some of Minigeeks artwork for starters. Antoa does stuff too? Wow thank you for your generosity. Yes please.

          100% of all the items we auction and raffle are donated by attendees, staff, and Amanda of course. We also have a HUGE ammount of support from Legends Memorabilia who never fail to load us up with unusual goodies.

          A couple of guidelines for people of thinking of donating items...
          First off is it something that you would want to buy yourself? (okay so the artists out there having inferiority complexes can ignore that one... yes we do want to buy them )
          Next, think storage and portability, Most of the attendees will be travelling some distance, even throughout the UK and Europe, so it has to be packable. If it's a drawing, it'll need a tube so the winning bidder can get it home safely. (if you are donating more than one item, let us know what has and hasn't got tubes so we can arrange for some extras ( ie you bring two drawings in one tube). China, pottery and anything heavy or fragile/brakeable is a bad idea. Only frame something small.
          Is it related to the Event? ie Amanda, Stargate, Altlantis, Sanctuary, etc. Will the people in the room be interested? General Sci fi stuff doen't tend to sell well at our events because it's quite a specialised group of attendees.
          Things that are signed by other cast members are popular, but you don't need to get Amanda to sign your donations in advance, because we can obviously sort that out

          Any and all donations for the AT3 fundrasing need to be notified to Sue the charities co-ordinator so she can make up a list of items in advance. The sooner you can do this the better, It helps us enormously with planning how long the auction might last, and what other fundraising things we can/ need to do. Some items may be used as the good raffle prizes rather than being auctioned. We do this so that everyone has a chance to win something really nice, even if they are on a low budget. This is why we always raffle the tea with Amanda places, rather than have them go to the highest bidder.

          As to a quilt project... Sorry, can I rein you all in a bit on that one please. As someone that has done them in the past with her quilt group, I have to tell you that group quilts are very very difficult to pull together. It's a wonderful idea for everyone to contribute something but I do have to put some cautionary tales to you. It has a huge amount to do with Maths and seam allowances and you would be surprised how different one persons idea is of a 12 inch Block. The more seams in a block the more scope there is for variance in the finished blocks. And therefore wonky, ripply, skewiff tops which are a nightmare to sew and quilt.

          You need a very strong unifying theme for everyone, which really has to include some kind of similar ( preferably cut from the same bolt ) kind of fabric. Otherwise the whole thing can just not work physically or asthetically. Our group has almost given up on doing them, as in the end it's easier for one person to just do all the sewing herself and then give it to me to quilt! Also, you need to be very careful about the types of fabrics people use, otherwise the end result will be unusable. For example, you need to have similar weight fabrics so they don't unevenly wear the others next to them, and that they are all dye fast, so nothing is going to run from one patch to the next. It is a huge ammount of work for the final maker of the quilt, and so that is the key person you need to find. The instructions handed out to everyone would depend on that persons skills, and time availability. AT3 may be several months away but it in quilting terms that isn't very long.

          The staff team already have a very special quilt project underway for AT3.
          One staff memeber, Leisl, will be MAKING the main charity quilt with design input from me and technical support. Leisl made AT2's Quilt which had phototransfers of pictures of Amanda which fans donated. Sadly I no longer have enough time to commit to such a hard deadline to make the main quilt myself. This year, we are hoping to have a donation of some pretty special fabrics, ( which I can't talk about) which she will be making up into the quilt. It is going to be something which any fan of stargate would want to own.

          Now I know you all want to contribute something even those of you who cannot attend and in the dark resesses of my mind I remember sitting in a rain drowned car talking to Sue ( who is chief of staff at GABIT and also a quilter) who was muttering about something to do with sponsorship of patches of something a while back ( not to do with the spiffy fabrics because we didn't know about them then,) but I don't know how far that idea went. Leave that one with me for a few days I'll get back to you.

          If anyone is thinking about donating something to the raffls or Auction, can they please e-mail thier pledge to the [email protected] address for the attention of sue, so she can correspond with you about it.

          Can I thank you in advance for your generosity, and assure you that 100% of the raffle and auction incomes go to the Charity. GABIT Events ltd takes nothing and does not even handle the money. The charity takes it all.

          Thanks Again I'll get back to you about the project....


            There's only 4 days left to go, vote everyday!!

            Don't forget to vote EVERY DAY for Amanda and Sanctuary in the 2007 SyFy Portal Genre Awards


              Have an awesome day my wonderful friend


                Am in a picspamming mood, I'm afraid

                Not as cute as the one with the hand-kissing, but still fun. They're such kids

                Completely random:

                If anyone thinks they can caption Spacesuit Sam (with Spacesuit! team, including a non-too impressed-looking Jaffa) then I'll be happy

                Sort of OT: Urgh. Brain is on the fritz. A combination of too much sleep and the weather being so depressingly dismal outside. It seems that I'm so out of it that I can barely find my way around GW and have forgotten what exactly I do with things. Any mods in the area...ignore the calendar thing (if you haven't already). My brain wanted to do on on my PC proper, but somehow went here I seem to have completely lost sense over the last week

                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                  Sadly not much quilting going on at the moment. I am a bit behind... I have a wedding quilt I am now aiming to make in time for thier second wedding aniversary and a couple of baby quilts which are of course rather more time sensitive!!
                  I didn't make the Charity quilt at AT2, Liesl did the honours for that one and will be doing AT3's. It looks like that one might be rather special but we like to keep things quiet until we've got it sorted. I'm doing more design support this time round.
                  At the moment i am making jewelry, as this is related to my business on e-bay selling findings, but I have almost found my sewing area again from under the littel packetcts of bits of metal. I have a couple of practical sewing projects I need to get sorted, but i did break out the embroidery machine yesterday for the Charity Auction at AT3. Other than that I have a few quilts in my Stash which at the moment are class samples, but are just waiting to find the right home.

                  Oh wow...that's awesome...I wish I had an ounce of the talent you possess!!
                  Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                  The Hugo is awarded every year for the last fifty three years at the Worldcon.
                  Spoilers for OT Hugo neepery.

                  My Hugos, in 2003 and 2005 were both won in the best fan artist catagory, which is a bit like the best foreign short film at the Oscars, the smallist and least important catagory! It's still an incredible honour to be nominated, let alone to win; you are nominated by the members of the Worldcon and voted for by the same. I'm the first British Woman Artist to win in 53 years. Winning a Hugo translates as big bucks for the pros, particularly writers and editors, for fans, it is just an honour without equal.
                  This is a photo of me just after I picked up the 2005 Hugo in Glasgow - our fanzine, Plokta won best fanzine too and we were up until 7am drinking champagne in the fan bar. Six bottles, if my hangover recalls correctly. Best night of my life thusfar. It was so good because lots of our friends, pro and fan, won too.

                  At the posh post Hugos bash (we left early because, what use is free booze if non of your friends can get in?)
                  Seconds after I went on stage to collect (I am a tad excited!)
                  The Plokta cabal, the three editors in front, partners and me in back.
                  The base of the Hugo is designed by a different artist each year, my 2003 Hugo was at Torcon, in Toronto so nestles between two halves of a maple leaf, my 2005 Hugo has a Rennie Mackintosh inspired base, as in the one on the Wikkipedia site. Of course, I am a rank amateur by comparison to my friend Dave, who has about 26 Hugos for fanwriting (maybe more, I can't be bothered to check right now!)

                  I love hearing about your four bears quilt! What a lovely present, bless.

                  Awesome FF...that's fantastic!!
                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                  Speaking of fan art (which in no way compares with the Fox's drawings, I can only wish!), and I couldn't make a quilt to save my pathetic life, so I'm always in awe of those who have the ability to make such wonderous things.
                  I'd like to share my latest conceptual illustration of Helen Magnus, though.
                  It's AKA minigeek has fun with crayons! (ok so not crayons -, but it sounds funnier if you say it that way!)
                  I have asked for permission to donate this illustration and one of my others as (very) limited edition giclée prints on canvas for the AT3 charity auction in May. Not sure if there'd be anyone interested in actually having one (I've never sold anything I've drawn before), but the cause is a really good one so I'll keep fingers crossed for it! If not, maybe we can do a Samandan sympathy bid for minigeek ... it's charity after all !!!!!

                  WooHoo mini!! I wish I could go and buy one myself...they are awesome...especially the second one!!!!
                  Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                  Don't sell your tallent short, these are great, particularly like the one against the dark background. I hope you get to sell them.
                  Exactly!! You have a lot of talent mini...I love your pictures...would be good to get one of them on a t shirt!!!
                  Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                  Seeing as we are facing an AT dry spell (between Sanctuary and Atlantis), any news about Stuck? I'm hoping there will also be a way to get a copy of Breakdown. They are showing it in Chicago this weekend. Though I doubt they will be selling DVD's of a 15 minute short.
                  Were you reading my mind??? I was thinking that last night but wasn't sure how to put it in a post...I really need to think about what I'm ideas what's happening with Stuck??? Anyone????
                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  darling, you draw it, amanda signs it...along with you, presuming that gabit accepts it as a donation, it WILL sell. My gut feeling, it will sell.
                  I wish i had something cool like that that i could do, but i don't draw or knit or sew. My talents are pretty useless beyond cranking out fanfic and the occasional jaunt in photoshop...and even with that i'm a dabbler not an artist
                  You are truly talented and it's a wonderful thing that you're doing
                  At least you have talent with your fanfic and lets not forget you are an "Associate Research Assistant in Child Development and Human Relations" that's a title to be proud of!!!
                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  And even if you don't have any money... It doesn't have to be for hearing dogs, just go out in your town and see if people need volunteers for something... and ask them if you can help out. Even if it is only an hour a week...those little things help!!!
                  Every little thing helps, to make it into something big.
                  I might be passionate about this, and I know I am, but I think people should help each other whenever they can... sometimes a little gesture is what other people need...someone who cares!
                  Oh yeah!! No truer words than that!!
                  Even if you just smile at someone and say can really make their day!
                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  Maybe we could do something as Samanda that we can donate?
                  Maybe if we had a some volunteers to put it all together, we could organise a quilt. Just thinking out loud here, but wouldn't it be cool if we found a simple (but effective) pattern and everyone finds a couple of cool fabrics and puts 1 square together. If we put together really clear instructions, does everyone think they could put one square together?
                  Of course, it would all depend on someone volunteering to put it all together at the end (with a few $ from each of us to pay for the materials?). I would volunteer, but (not to mention that I wouldn't be the most skilled) the shipping costs for a complete quilt from NZ to the UK would be awful.
                  Hmmm. Could this work? Any other ideas for a project?
                  It's a great idea Eileen!!
                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  We all have different things we can give. I'm a student and I don't have much money, but I have a weird schedule so I find myself with time to give during the day. That's how I found myself out on the street with a bucket collecting for things like Rape Crisis and Womens Refuge. Amanda inspired me to do that and I'm so glad because as well as helping out, I have met some awesome people.
                  Amanda's such an inspirational person...(((Eileen)))...good on you for taking the steps to help others like that...inspirational little angel that you are!!
                  Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                  Hi folks, Elieen has contacted me about the ideas for fundrasing, We welcome donations from attendees with open arms and would LOVE to have some of Minigeeks artwork for starters. Antoa does stuff too? Wow thank you for your generosity. Yes please.
                  This year, we are hoping to have a donation of some pretty special fabrics, ( which I can't talk about) which she will be making up into the quilt. It is going to be something which any fan of stargate would want to own.

                  Can I thank you in advance for your generosity, and assure you that 100% of the raffle and auction incomes go to the Charity. GABIT Events ltd takes nothing and does not even handle the money. The charity takes it all.

                  Thanks Again I'll get back to you about the project....
         I am going to go and sit in my corner and cry...I want to go to so not fair...why can't we fly free damn it?
                  I seriously can't wait for AT4...*is wondering how soon it will be after AT3 that they will announce AT4!!*
                  Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                  There's only 4 days left to go, vote everyday!!

                  Don't forget to vote EVERY DAY for Amanda and Sanctuary in the 2007 SyFy Portal Genre Awards
                  I'm voting!!! Everyday!!! I so hope Amanda wins!! And GW, and JF, and RDA, and Sanctuary!!!!!!!

                  Night then's 9.40pm and I've finally sat down at my desk after finishing taking care of the grommets and enjoying my coffee and peanuts!!!
                  Tomorrow my little blue goes to the car brakes are nearly all but gone...dang!!!

                  Happy Birthday Mandy!

                  Night all, take care, be safe, have fun and hug your loved ones!!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Heh, good points about the quilt problems Becky. I guess not everyone has grown up in a quilting family

                    I'm looking forward to news on this sponsorship idea though!

                    Hehe, thanks (((Chelle)))

                    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANDY!

                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!




                        Happy Birthday Mandy!

                        Hope you have a great day!
                        Last edited by Tittamiire; 21 August 2007, 05:10 AM.
                        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                        My Fanfic~My Femslash


                          Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                          Any and all donations for the AT3 fundrasing need to be notified to Sue the charities co-ordinator so she can make up a list of items in advance.

                          Sorry Becks. I apologize for inadvertently starting a snowball rolling. I had no idea it would be this popular a plan when I mentioned it, but then I should have, knowing how giving the Samandans are.

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post

                            Sorry Becks. I apologize for inadvertently starting a snowball rolling. I had no idea it would be this popular a plan when I mentioned it, but then I should have, knowing how giving the Samandans are.
                            No problem hun, we like to harness all the positive energy we can. I have spoken to sue and we are going to have a chat about things tonight. I have come up with a plan, but I need to talk through some logistics before going public.



                              Originally posted by donamac View Post
                              I just read this story and loved it! Been meaning to send a thankyou for the opportunity to read your stories. I've never been disappointed by a Rachel500 story. I highly recommend this one especially.

                              yes, rachel is a very good writer. she interprets the characters just like i do, which makes her work readable to me
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                yes, rachel is a very good writer. she interprets the characters just like i do, which makes her work readable to me
                                In other words, you both have the same screws loose.

                                *grins and runs away*

                                In memory of Deejay.
                                May we all be so well loved.

