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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    but is that even anatomically possible?
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      but is that even anatomically possible?


      I was wondering how it's possible to blink innocently and wink at the same time, Sky
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        i'm talented
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
          OK, I'm getting as confused as chelle I think.

          I thought prompts were less restrictive than the 'what I want/what I don't want' assignment format.

          So, if the ficathon is running with the latter then it will restrict the writer into providing three things the requester wants to see and three things they don't. Which doesn't give the writer a lot of space to work with.

          I thought prompts were simply anyone can drop by the ficathon site and say 'the shopping trip between Vala and Sam before Family Ties' or 'Teyla meets Vala during SG1's trip to Atlantis in Pegasus Project'. Writers can then pick up and write whatever they want around that....writing more than one if they want to...I have to admit I was pleased at the idea the WoTG ficathon would do this rather then the assignments this time because while I got lucky with my assignment last time, generally I know I struggle to get inspired by someone else's 'what I want'.

          I admit when I saw your post saying the prompts would be given out as assignments I got a little confused but thought it was going to be a combination of the latter (ie non-restrictive prompts) with the former (ie give the writer one to do which they don't choose but have to do but then they can also pick up and write any of the others in addition).

          Given the ficathon seems to already be restricting the stories to TAGs/missing scenes/what we didn't see, I think the 'what I want/what I don't want' is going to be very restrictive format if that's the way the ficathon is going to work again this time and it's not going to allow the writer much freedom to get inspired.

          I'll still take part whichever way but it would be good to get some clarity on which way its going to work.
          I'm feeling very sick this weekend, and have had to deal with vandalism to my car twice so I haven't been able to get to the ficathon stuff yet. I'll get to is as soon as I can.


            Originally posted by hastiekido View Post
            and some with her teammates...

            You know I really love all the three and four shots they used to do with the characters. I know these types of shots are much harder to do, because it's difficult working in such a tight space, but I've always enjoyed them because I love seeing all their faces react to one another at the same time. I think one of my favorites is still the scene in 2001 when they are all looking at Joe Fallon's shoes. That was perfection at it's best. The reactions they all had was absolutely priceless.

            *sighs heavily*


              Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

              I watched the commintery for that episode too i belive it was CAMELOT at the end of season 9 , amanda done realy well in that ep concidering how unwell she was .

              AMANDA ROCKS!YAY!
              Yeah, I thought she maybe looked a little tired, but would have never guessed how sick she was.
              I agree with those who've said we've all had to tough out being sick, or having personal pain, sick relatives etc and have to work; but at least we're not on camera. Probably another tribute to her acting ability.

              I hesitate to bring up licking again. But that clip with CJ was kind of fun. He's incorrigible isn't he? I love how they really seem to get along and joke around.
              She also seems to really get along with Ben Browder which is so nice to see. Everything I've seen about him seems to indicate he's a good guy, so it's nice to know that despite certain circumstances related to him being on the show that I didn't like(not his fault), at least AT and he worked well together.


                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

                Its quiet this afternoon , i was wondering i got amanda a post card and a birthday card and its my first time writing to her and im kinda nervouis im not sure what to write cam anyone help me ? if anyone can that be great

                I know what you mean. except for one fan letter when I was a kid, AT is the only actor I've ever written to. I know I don't want to sound dumb or silly, but I think she'd be appreciative of the thought. I'd say other than wishing her a happy birthday, just say what you feel.
                my 2 cents.



                  Action Sam! Yay!


                    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                    CB's sounded like a right mess, her, her hubby and the new baby all sick at the same time and unable to get the time off. I feel for her, particularly being so far from home and her support network.

                    Laughs. You might well be right; I know of at least five men, MS included, rushed in for emergency appendictomy when it becomes life threatening. The three women I know who had their appendix out, all went to the doctors when they felt ill and had it removed by scheduled surgery, no fuss, no bother, no near death experiences.
                    I could say something very sexist at this point but I wont because I is nice. Allegedly.

                    LOL, yep I live with one of those types of men. I can't even get him to take an aspirin when he's complaining about a headache! Ba'al forbid I'd suggest him going to the hospital when he's in pain! My husband would still be insisting he was fine as they rolled him into the operating room on the gurney.

                    I also felt really really bad for Claudia.

                    But I'll just leave it at that for fear that I may something nasty or bitter
                    Last edited by ForeverSg1; 19 August 2007, 08:03 AM.


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                      I actually like having the prompts. It gives me some guidance. And especially if you get someone who says "I'll have anything", it doesn't really help you because you don't knowwhat they like / dislike. Last year, I wrote a piece for the Ficathon called Impenetrable for Mandy, but didn't realise that she generally refused to read any fic with Vala and/or Cam in it.

                      On the other hand, I wrote Land of the Setting Sun for Strix which was GREAT fun. She gave me really challenging and strict prompts and I loved every minute of it. It's also the only whump fic that I've ever written and I researched it and everything to make sure that the whole thing was medically possible and historically accurate.

                      Strix asked for this:
                      WANTS: 1. An AU in which Nazi Germany and Japan won WWII 2. Kinsey as the main Nazi villain 3. Janet treats a whumped Sam

                      DOESN'T WANT: 1. Major character death (unless it's non-permanent) 2. A tragic ending 3. Evil Sam

                      Honestly, prompts in a ficathon are GREAT!
                      Highlighted story was excellent, by the way. Check it out if you haven't read it. Goes to check on Impenetrable.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        we can do the ficathon several ways.

                        usually what happens is people sign up with

                        three things i want to see in a fic
                        three things i simply won't write

                        and then we swap the prompts around, 12 writers (or however many sign up) 12 prompts, matching squicks to non-squicks and cut folks loose

                        Other ficathons, they allowed anyone to put up prompts, even those that weren't writing. then assigned them to writers

                        the main reason we assign???

                        human nature. if folks don't have a deadline, they procrastinate and fic never gets written
                        Oh yes please do assign or i know I will never finish my fic I started on...I always have issues ending it...
                        And a deadline is good, stress sometimes can be good...depending when of course

                        Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                        I'm feeling very sick this weekend, and have had to deal with vandalism to my car twice so I haven't been able to get to the ficathon stuff yet. I'll get to is as soon as I can.
                        awww Dee, hope you feel better soon
                        and no hurry on the ficathon part, that will get set up when you have the time, it will not run away


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          I actually like having the prompts. It gives me some guidance. And especially if you get someone who says "I'll have anything", it doesn't really help you because you don't knowwhat they like / dislike. <snipped>

                          Honestly, prompts in a ficathon are GREAT!
                          Different things suit different writers.

                          I have to admit I prefer the 'I'll have every/anything' and don't find the 'what I want/don't want' great at all. I've written four stories using prompts 2 for ficathons and 2 as thank yous to people who created sigs for me (which reminds me I need to sort out a photobucket account). What I've found is that being restricted creatively for me sucks some of the enjoyment out of it which was why I was looking forward to the idea the WoTG ficathon wouldn't work like that this time.

                          Like I say I was lucky last year with my assignment for WoTG which I wrote for Sky. Her requirements still gave me a lot of room to work with and the result was Goddesses.

                          In all honesty, the WoTG ficathon is the only one I'll participate in again and only because I'd like to see more fic written showcasing the female friendships, whether Sam/Vala, Sam/Janet or Sam/Weir, Teyla/Weir, etc

                          Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                          I'm feeling very sick this weekend, and have had to deal with vandalism to my car twice so I haven't been able to get to the ficathon stuff yet. I'll get to is as soon as I can.
                          (((Deejay435))) Sorry to hear you're not feeling well and about your car. No rush - just take care of yourself. Sending you hugs.
                          Last edited by Rachel500; 19 August 2007, 10:08 AM.
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Re the ficathon – Thanks to Chelle and Rachel and others who’ve asked questions about how it would work. I was confused as to what was involved, and thanks to Sky and others for clearing it up. I think I get it now. I’m unsure of whether to take part or not. I’d like to, but I’m really new to writing and I’m not sure if I can write a story “on demand” so to speak. Plus, for me, finding time to write becomes an issue next week when school starts.

                            With all this discussion of Sam/Vala friendship fics, a couple of ideas came to me, and I wrote one story already and have a good start on another. (got to write when inspiration hits, because it doesn’t visit very often ) Would I be undermining the WoTG if I put the stories out on now, instead of waiting for an assignment on the ficathon? I really don’t want to take anything away from the WoTG, because I think it’s a great idea. What do you think, should I wait and see if the stories fit a prompt on the ficathon and hope to get that assignment, or publish them now?

                            And I add my sympathy to you Deejay. Hope you find the little turds who are messing with your car, and that you feel better soon.

                            NC (aka exsquared)


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              heck, everytime a female goes to the doctor with abdominal issues, it's automatically written off as 'female problems' and she's carted off to the ob/gyn.
                              Except my best mate a couple of years ago...who went to the doctor with abdominal troubles, they decided it was appendicitis, rushed her into surgery, cut her open and found a wonderfully intact was female troubles, nasty female troubles. *rolls eyes*

                              Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                              I'm feeling very sick this weekend, and have had to deal with vandalism to my car twice so I haven't been able to get to the ficathon stuff yet. I'll get to is as soon as I can.
                              Sorry to hear you are having such a bad weekend! I hope things begin to look up! *hugs*

                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                              You know I really love all the three and four shots they used to do with the characters. I know these types of shots are much harder to do, because it's difficult working in such a tight space, but I've always enjoyed them because I love seeing all their faces react to one another at the same time. I think one of my favorites is still the scene in 2001 when they are all looking at Joe Fallon's shoes. That was perfection at it's best. The reactions they all had was absolutely priceless.

                              *sighs heavily*
                              I know what you mean that was a BRILLIANT shot that makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it.

                              I'm considering trying my hand at a fic in this one now too, it's beginning to sound like a good idea *checks sanity levels*

                              Off topic (even more than usual) my kitchen and bathroom are both spotless *smug*
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                                Except my best mate a couple of years ago...who went to the doctor with abdominal troubles, they decided it was appendicitis, rushed her into surgery, cut her open and found a wonderfully intact was female troubles, nasty female troubles. *rolls eyes*
                                But at least she went to the docs in the first place and she was in the right place for them to help her, it wasn't her fault they misdiagnosed her.

                                Off topic (even more than usual) my kitchen and bathroom are both spotless *smug*
                                Strangely, so is mine, you could currently eat your dinner off the kitchen floor but this is only because thing with four large dirty paws is asleep on my bed upstairs.

                                Trying, sadly to get back on topic, when they showed the interior of Sam's house in Ascension, Amanda dressed it with bits and bobs fans had sent her over the years, including a quilt. Which I thought was a lovely thank you to the fans, and very Amanda.


