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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    sweet. better post a link here so we can read it
    I will....eventually...still proof reading and stuff but *bounce* I'm so proud

    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
    In honor of all the licking going around here, I couldnt' resist making this icon:

    Screen cap courtesy of lilferret from the sanctuary board. It's from the Comic Con press conference here:

    Conference Part 1

    Conference Part 2
    Fantastic icon! and thanks for the links, not seen *that* video of comic con yet...can't watch too many videos of Amanda..thanks for sharing!

    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
    I've been licked on the left cheek by Chris too.

    Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
    Hmm, saw this pic of Amanda on Wikipedia that I'd never seen before

    I assume it's from that USO tour she did a while back, when she got that combat bracelet the troops made for her.
    Cool pic, I'd not seen that one before either, I like this picture quite a lot for some reason (well apart from the obvious AT is in it reason) thanks!

    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    Off topic... My sister has a huge blister over most of her eyeball. So gross.
    That is really gross...
    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
    My Fanfic~My Femslash


      Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
      That is really gross...
      It is. Really gross.

      I'm back home for the weekend and instead of the house being full of people like it is usually, I'm the only one here. None of the extended family came for dinner because my mum is at some work thing. Now my dad and sister are sitting in a doctors waiting room somewhere (it's 9pm). Sigh. On top of that, I'm in heaps of pain from where I landed on my tail bone, the scrapes on my stomach are stinging and muscles I forgot I owned are aching.

      Oh, and I really need chocolate. Girly chocolate. You know what I mean At least the clumsiness of falling over on rollerblades yesterday is explained.

      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        It is. Really gross.

        I'm back home for the weekend and instead of the house being full of people like it is usually, I'm the only one here. None of the extended family came for dinner because my mum is at some work thing. Now my dad and sister are sitting in a doctors waiting room somewhere (it's 9pm). Sigh. On top of that, I'm in heaps of pain from where I landed on my tail bone, the scrapes on my stomach are stinging and muscles I forgot I owned are aching.

        Oh, and I really need chocolate. Girly chocolate. You know what I mean At least the clumsiness of falling over on rollerblades yesterday is explained.

        *prescribes a long hot shower followed by chocolate, something alcoholic to drink, a big thick duvet on the sofa and watching Stargate*

        I really need to venture into the biohazard that is our kitchen...I don't want to though, if I don't go in there I can imagine that a brother has suddenly developed an altruistic streak and done the dishes without being asked, though I know they haven't.

        And on consideration I think I might attempt my hand at a Sam fic next..hmm *feels on a roll*
        Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
        My Fanfic~My Femslash


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          Question: does anyone has a good friendship fic with Sam in it...preferable Sam/Janet or Sam/Jonas or Sam/Vala, that isn't to long, if it is possible below 2000 words and on since LJ isn't an option atm
          thanks for anyone who can provide me with it
          to toot my own horn, Commonalities is a sam/jonas friendship fic. Dunno a bout the length though, but it's not too long
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by ames View Post
            Howdy y'all
            I'm a newbie here (d'uh) ... although I have been following your exploits and *some* of the inner jokes for quite a while, thx to Tracy ... hehehe -- as she dubbed me, I am the 'Samandan by proxy'...
            I just wanted to say that I loved both of the pic captions above - very well done!
            Welcome to Samanda!! Yay!!
            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
            *giggles at Amy*
            Sky, she's getting a little too excited about your noodle. Do you want to introduce her to one of Samanda's favourite pastimes? (I was thinking wonking, but if you want her to spread her legs....!)
            Holy Hannah!!! I can always rely on you to have me on the floor hubby really thinks I've finally cracked...not that the talking to him in my sleep bothers him much but the dropping to the floor in hysterics...he just left shaking his head...hehehe!!!!
            Originally posted by ames View Post
            Now, now Tracy (who immediately grabbed the only bottle of coke currently left in the house and is currently hiding it behind her back) - they're sticks of Edinburgh Rock! I don't want them thinking that I've got a bag of white sugar on my lap ... or icing sugar ... oh icing sugar ... I mean, it's not like I used to hide under the kitchen table eating icing sugar by the scoopful, nope nope nope!
            *looks furtively around*
            Well ...
            Okay - I was a toddler at the time, k??? I haven't done that in YEARS!!!
  's like having another Tracy in the thread...yeehaa...twice the fun...OMG...Samanda will never be the same!!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              what we COULD do... depending on that deejay thinks of course, since she's the mommy of tihs ficathon, let anyone and everyone send in missing scene ideas...that way those that don't write can participate. then let folks claim them or be assigned them.

              it does mean that some prompts will never be written, but just because folks aren't in the ficathon doesn't mean that they can't also write a prompt. my last fic was from a prompt for a ficathon that i wasn't in. so i took the idea and ran with it outside of the ficathon
              Uhm...excuse me for sounding like a nuff nuff....but does that mean we can't just write about anything we come up with ourselves?? Do we have to do a missing scenes thingy or can we just go into our own little world and write whatever pops up in our own frons?? I is a wee bit confused by the prompts...sorry
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                For AT's birthday is everyone sending actual cards or postcards? Or something in between.
                I sent an actual should be there by next Friday!!
                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                Being sick influences my straight thinking
                (((Eve)))...hope you're feeling better soon schnooky!!
                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                I am going to send a post card myself, makes it easier on the envelope opening
                D'OH...why didn't I think of that??...D'OH!!!
                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                Yeah, I had a mild car accident a few years back (got rear ended on city streets--not my fault). I felt ok initially. I wound up going to the dr a few days later b/c of bad headaches & neck pain. I think one of the reasons the doctor scolded me for waiting to go in is that I could have gotten a concussion, (as I found out after seeing a list of possible concussion symptoms--some of which i had later on the day of the accident.)
                You reminded me of the time I was bucked off a horse...I didn't have a helmet on and my head smacked the floor so hard I was seeing stars...or dots...or whatever they were...I got back on that horse and went for the ride but when I got back I went to bed and slept for hindsight, I shouldn't have done that. Ooops!
                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                Yeah, we wouldn't want AT to get paper cuts from opening all her b-day cards!
                Does anyone know how much it costs to send a postcard from the US to Canada?
       idea how much it costs from there but from here it was a whole $1.95....oooooh....nearly broke the bank....that's the real reason why the market crashed!!!
                Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                I just realized that I made my 2000th post in this thread. Which goes to say that I've talked alot since joining.
                Also welcome Amy.
                Congrats on the milestone LaCroix!!!
                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                I always cringe in sympathy when I watch Enemy within. Poor Amanda. (I think she said in addition to Jay A. pushing her, she also flung herself a little accidentally & so she really connected with the wall. ) She's had the "method" experience now for whenever she has to play a head injury, I guess.
                And then she was so sick in the S9 finale and came into work hardly able to stand. You'd think under those circumstances they'd give her a sick day FCOL.
                Ok...not sure about you all...but when I first heard about Amanda being so sick on the set in season 9 and how she was virtually being propped up coz she was almost falling over, I get really annoyed...annoyed because -
                1. She shouldn't have gone to work when she was so sick...she could have collapsed and ended up in the hospital...making herself even sicker
                2. Those on the whoever it was that was in charge that day, should have seen how ill she was and sent her home...fancy making someone as sick as that just seems selfish to make her work under those conditions
                3. If my hubby dared to think to drive me to work coz I could barely do it myself...I'd bop him as soon as I was better...I'm surprised Alan actually drove Amanda to work that day...although I'm figuring he probably didn't want to in the first place
                4. I realize that they have a schedule to keep but c'mon...this is what point do they say..."ok, she's really sick, lets call it a day and try tomorrow".
                I guess it just kinda irks me that her health seemed to be a secondary just didn't seem wasn't right!
                But that's just my opinion...or am I over reacting to it all??? Sorry - again
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  I can see her coming in. There was no more *time*. They were down to the last few days of shooting. And any extra day(s) cost in the tens of thousands of dollars for each one. They worked out what they could, having her sit. Well, there was no choice. The poor woman literally couldn't stand. (((Amanda))) That situation was far different that Claudia's.

                  Ok...I know I asked the other day...but what happened with Claudia???? Is she Ok??
                  As for time and money...without Amanda they wouldn't have money coz the show would be worthless without her...and surely her health is worth more than a day's shooting being postponed??!! I'm not being too biased here now am I???
                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                  Hmm, saw this pic of Amanda on Wikipedia that I'd never seen before
                  I assume it's from that USO tour she did a while back, when she got that combat bracelet the troops made for her.
                  Ooohh...excellent!! Thanks AD!

                  Ok...I've stayed up too late again.
                  Good night everyone, take care, be safe, have fun and hug your loved ones!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Don't forget to vote for Amanda, Rick, GateWorld, Sanctuary and JF...

                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      Ok...I know I asked the other day...but what happened with Claudia???? Is she Ok??
                      As for time and money...without Amanda they wouldn't have money coz the show would be worthless without her...and surely her health is worth more than a day's shooting being postponed??!! I'm not being too biased here now am I???
                      Yes she was sick but I can't imagine anyone *made* her work, (I'm assuming) she made that decision for herself and got on with it as best she could. She chose to prioritize shooting that day over getting better, if she'd said she was too sick to work no one could have made her. She's a trooper!

                      I've worked when I've been really sick before because there wasn't anyone able to cover for me and I made that end up relying on your colleagues and supervisors (and in AT's case her husband too) to make the day as bearable as possible.
                      Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                      My Fanfic~My Femslash


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        to toot my own horn, Commonalities is a sam/jonas friendship fic. Dunno a bout the length though, but it's not too long
                        Okay thanks Sky, I am going to read it later tonight probably If work is as slow as yesterday at one point...

                        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                        Don't forget to vote for Amanda, Rick, GateWorld, Sanctuary and JF...

                        Thanks for the reminder Chelle!!! Really I need those things, I always forget to vote otherwise!


                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          I've been licked on the left cheek by Chris too.
                          In your fantasies?

                          In memory of Deejay.
                          May we all be so well loved.


                            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                            Yes she was sick but I can't imagine anyone *made* her work, (I'm assuming) she made that decision for herself and got on with it as best she could. She chose to prioritize shooting that day over getting better, if she'd said she was too sick to work no one could have made her. She's a trooper!

                            I've worked when I've been really sick before because there wasn't anyone able to cover for me and I made that end up relying on your colleagues and supervisors (and in AT's case her husband too) to make the day as bearable as possible.
                            That's not necessarily true. Claudia asked for a reduced work schedule when she was very sick in season 10, and they said no. So we don't know if Amanda would have been made to work or not then. Given what happened with Claudia, I'd guess they would have made her work too.


                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              It is. Really gross.

                              I'm back home for the weekend and instead of the house being full of people like it is usually, I'm the only one here. None of the extended family came for dinner because my mum is at some work thing. Now my dad and sister are sitting in a doctors waiting room somewhere (it's 9pm). Sigh. On top of that, I'm in heaps of pain from where I landed on my tail bone, the scrapes on my stomach are stinging and muscles I forgot I owned are aching.

                              Oh, and I really need chocolate. Girly chocolate. You know what I mean At least the clumsiness of falling over on rollerblades yesterday is explained.


                              Hope you called Dad and told him to bring home some ice cream w/chocolate in it. Bet the sis could have use it too.

                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!


                                Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                                That's not necessarily true. Claudia asked for a reduced work schedule when she was very sick in season 10, and they said no. So we don't know if Amanda would have been made to work or not then. Given what happened with Claudia, I'd guess they would have made her work too.
                                I stand corrected!
                                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                                My Fanfic~My Femslash

