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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by mywraithcommander
    No, why would I? That was only two past original postings ago.
    Oooooo-kay, huh?

    No, why would I?
    No to what? And why would you what?

    That was only two past original postings ago.
    What was only two past original postings ago.

    Try to be a little clearer.

    (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


      Originally posted by mywraithcommander
      The scene was sexual. They way they had the scene play out was a sexually suggestive scene. Period.

      I didn't say she fully exposed her breasts. You said that.

      Melora, you are being disrespectful. Quite mean. And you just did exactly what the moderators don't want you to do to your fellow gateworld forum members.
      lol QQ


        Originally posted by mywraithcommander
        These two:
        Ok, I have no idea what your trying to say, but what I'm saying is the Sam was not inappropriately dressed because:

        Sam was wearing a bra, which wasn't see through, so therefore equivalent to a bikini, which girls/women wear all the time on public family friendly beaches.
        And the situation was not inappropriately sexual because:

        And sexual? They kissed! In Rodney's head! You see girls wearing a bikini kissing guys/respective others, on public family friendly beaches all the time.
        Which I believe were your two arguements and "issues" with Sam in GUP.

        (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


          I agree with everyone else there was nothing wrong with the sceance it was mckays fantasy and it wasnt like sam wasnt wearing top its how he saw her in his mind and in the pegusis project when mckay told sam u see she is uncomfortable with it but it was only in his mind .

          Also my favorite sam episodes are , Gemini , reckoning 1&2 , Grace, Death Knell , Desperate Messuries, Entity, Singularity, Emancipation , In the line of duty, Line in the sand & The road not taken these are just a few but there are plenty more

          Amanda ROCKS !

          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


            Originally posted by mywraithcommander
            Yeah, and I found it innapropriate. Many others didn't, So what? They turned it into a HUGE deal.
            seem's like you're the only one turning it into a deal.


              Hi, just dropping in to say that I've updated Aftershocks...

              Another Day, Another Forest

              Its a TAG to Rules of Engagement and it's a team fic with some S3 style S/J shippiness.

              On the whole Sam/bra discussion...

              I can understand some people finding any scenes of a sexual nature being inappropriate; I can understand some people finding some costumes inappropriate if they feel they show too much flesh. Everyone has their own tastes and moral compass about such things.

              Anyway, for me, personally, I don't mind the GUP scene - it was McKay's fantasy and ergo it made sense that he would have had Sam scantily clad in some way. Real Sam realises that when McKay talks about it with her the Pegasus Project and I agree with whoever said she looked faintly horrified at the realisation - I didn't see amusement.

              Equally, while I'm not entirely convinced the overt Daisy Duke outfit was necessary, it is very Vala, as have been her lingerie scenes - sex and using it for manipulation/relieve boredom, that's part of her character. So, no outrage from me but I can see why it isn't for everyone.
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                On the Sam/Weir...

                SGA S4

                I hope there is a passing of the torch scene between the two women somewhere along the line but I have a feeling there may not be as I get the impression, Sam turns up in episode 1, is away in episode 2 (which is when Weir ostensibly leaves) and returns to take command in episode 3 from the spoilers I've been reading. I could be hopelessly wrong though and I really do hope we get some great Sam/Weir moments in the episodes where they are together.

                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                  Originally posted by mywraithcommander View Post
                  The scene with sam and rodney was sexual. That's why.
                  You're correct, in a way that scene was sexual. Hallucination Sam was seducing Rodney in order to get him to stop doing something she didn't want him to do. However, I'm curious if your issue was with the hallucination seducing Rodney or was it the fact that Amanda agreed to wear the bra? Also are you an Atlantis-only fan? Meaning you haven't watched the past decade of SG-1? I ask because I'm not really familiar with Atlantis, therefore I can't offer many examples; but I know there have been many scenes over the past decade where a character has been seduced on SG-1 and there have been many episodes with scantilly clad women. Soo I was just curious if this was an issue you had specifically with Sam/Amanda or just in general.

                  Because in Divide and Conque, Anise wore quite revealing articles of clothing and she also tried to seduce Jack going so far as to kiss him. Were you not offended by that episode as well?

                  Or what about Brief Candle? In that episode Kynthia was dressed very seductively and she actually drugged Jack and had sex with him and in Hathor, Hathor drugged Daniel and had sex with him as well. I admit I was actually bothered by both of these episodes because in my opinion both men ended up having intercourse with women they probably wouldn't have had they not been under an influence( which is -- in my opinion -- the same as being raped ).

                  I could go on with other examples, but I'm sure you get the point. I completely understand if you have issues with these kinds of episodes. We all have different levels of tolerances for different things, I'm just trying to understand if it's the type of episode you have an issue with or an issue with Amanda/Sam specifically.
                  Last edited by ForeverSg1; 22 July 2007, 03:57 AM.


                    Originally posted by mywraithcommander View Post
                    The scene with sam and rodney was sexual. That's why.
                    Okay I see your issue... it was sexual, of course it was, it is Rodney hallucinating of Sam...why wouldn't it be sexual, we all know Rodney.

                    But my question is, is that such an issue to make such a fuzz about?

                    I mean if I look back on all the episode of SG there are a few more, I would make fuzz about that aren't even neccesary...
                    I mean Rodney would dream of sam of course, she is his ulitmate fantasy, and when trapped in a puddle jumper with a concussion and thinking you would die, it is understandable to dream about these things... that is a mechanism humans have to survive things like that...

                    I am just wondering, if you are not just posting this cause you don't like Carter and what to give her fandom a little discussion, or just cause you think it is fun to do...

                    Cause if you think it is the latter, I would say why?? it is not like Carter don't has enoug negativism coming over her lately...


                      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                      On the Sam/Weir...

                      SGA S4

                      I hope there is a passing of the torch scene between the two women somewhere along the line but I have a feeling there may not be as I get the impression, Sam turns up in episode 1, is away in episode 2 (which is when Weir ostensibly leaves) and returns to take command in episode 3 from the spoilers I've been reading. I could be hopelessly wrong though and I really do hope we get some great Sam/Weir moments in the episodes where they are together.

                      I hope so too; I don't want something cheesy and contrived like Jack and Mitchell's flight together, though. Something simple like a "Good luck", "Take care of them", etc, would be better.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Does anyone have any pics of sam in the pegusis project , mckay and mrs miller and any from any promros of season 4 becase im doing a little book of sam in atlantis and i need some pics if anyone has any that be great

                        And does anyone know anymore about the eps the seer it sounds realy cool i love sam eps

                        Pls pm if anyone has any pics
                        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                          Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                          Does anyone have any pics of sam in the pegusis project , mckay and mrs miller and any from any promros of season 4 becase im doing a little book of sam in atlantis and i need some pics if anyone has any that be great

                          And does anyone know anymore about the eps the seer it sounds realy cool i love sam eps

                          Pls pm if anyone has any pics
                          Hi helenmagnus23 and welcome

                          you can find many screencaps of both shows here Stargatecaps

                          and I have to say I love your choices of favourite Sam episodes, it is hard to narrow them down.

                          my fanfic


                            Hi Everyone,

                            I'm a little late to get in on this but, my thoughts on the SGA Sam/bra discussion, I've only seen the ep a couple of times, but I personally had no issues with what Amanda was wearing, it was completely in character as far as what we were seeing was Rodney's hallucination/fantasy when he thinks he's going to die, and I didn't realise it was actually a bra until I read the posts here, the way I think about this ep is, for Amanda/Sam this was almost an AU ep and an opportunity for AT, DH, TPTB and us to have a little light hearted fun with Sam! I enjoyed it and I thought Amanda and David(Hewlett) played a potentially "cringe worthy" ep very well and kept it well balanced and very funny.
                            And as others have said, we have seen much more things that might make someone feel uncomfortable over the last 10 years, but then everyone has their own ideas on what is and isn't appropriate witch is fine, my motto is, if you don't like something, don't watch it Just MHO though and not meant to offend anyone
                            Edit: Welcome helenmagnus23

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              I think Amanda was a real trooper, they had a problem with the original costume, and she came up with a solution, instead of them using up more production time to come up with a costume of their own...
                              Way to go Amanda!

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                                Also my favorite sam episodes are , Gemini , reckoning 1&2 , Grace, Death Knell , Desperate Messuries, Entity, Singularity, Emancipation , In the line of duty, Line in the sand & The road not taken these are just a few but there are plenty more

                                Amanda ROCKS !

                                CANT WAIT TO SEE ATLANTIS SEASON 4
                                Nice selection of episodes from various seasons! Lots of good Sam/AT stuff there.

                                As for Sam in Atlantis, I'm wondering if she
                                shows up in a ship in the first place b/c she's been assigned to investigate what happened to Atlantis. My guess is they will have been out of contact for a while with the whole moving the city thing.

