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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    hey guys, check out this cute fic
    season 10 team, very humorous and...hey, if hte writers could write this kind of comedy, i think many fen would be happy kids
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      hey guys, check out this cute fic
      season 10 team, very humorous and...hey, if hte writers could write this kind of comedy, i think many fen would be happy kids
      That's our Caladria who, granted, tends to lurk but when she opens her mouth...

      And who will probably kill me for posting this


        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
        I'd like to think that Jack also was surprised at her ability to handle herself in Emancipation with the hand-to-hand combat at the end. She was still new under his command and she showed him she could take care of herself when needed.
        I always thought he looked kind of impressed & proud of her, myself.


          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          'A Matter of Time' was just repeated over on Sky One and its strange how on a second viewing I noticed all the little but very endearing team moments between Sam, Teal'c and Jack- the wormhole explanation; Sam's quick little smile at O'Neill before she leaves; and then the obvious understanding between her and Teal'c when they're on the surface trying to find a solution. Cute.
          Ah, yes. These are some of the reasons it's one of my favorite episodes. That and the fact that it's an interesting problem. That's when they were writing more SF not cheesy spandex Sci Fi. (not that I'm bitter or anything )


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            hey guys, check out this cute fic
            season 10 team, very humorous and...hey, if hte writers could write this kind of comedy, i think many fen would be happy kids
            Great fic rec, Sky! Loved the humor!


              Alex Levine has updated his blog on SciFi there is one comment on Carter which I will put in spoiler tags since it is about Quest Part 2
              From Joe and Paul on The Quest:

              - Believe it or not, but the ‘snow’ set is the same as the ‘sand’ set with different lighting. That’s movie magic for you.
              - Carter’s punch (she will only take so much sexist BS) wasn’t in the first draft, it was only decided after mulling over the scene that her reaction should be stronger.

              Check out the blog at
              My View From The Peanut Gallery


                Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                Alex Levine has updated his blog on SciFi there is one comment on Carter which I will put in spoiler tags since it is about Quest Part 2
                From Joe and Paul on The Quest:

                - Believe it or not, but the ‘snow’ set is the same as the ‘sand’ set with different lighting. That’s movie magic for you.
                - Carter’s punch (she will only take so much sexist BS) wasn’t in the first draft, it was only decided after mulling over the scene that her reaction should be stronger.

                Check out the blog at
                And that is what made that scene a classic. I am glad they added it! There is definitly only so much a girl can take, even Sam!


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  folks involved in stuff like Sam have thier files flagged. and if people start to dig into them then it sets off little alarms and the chain of command is notified, which would be hammond.

                  It's a way to keep an eye out for possible leaks in security. Just like they likely keep an eye on who hangs around the outsideo f hte base and running thier background to see if they are harmless folks or if thy are bad guys.

                  i think that' show farriday knew to tell pete 'back off' because farriday got flagged and told by his boss to stop digging into things, which he passed onto pete...who ignored him
                  Oh right...I can see I'm wondering if they would have told Sam as does concern her!
                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  hey, i had teal'c give pete the smackdown and the 'i know 28 ways to kill with my bare hands' 'speech' in a fic ....ok so he didn't speak all that much, but there was a definite jaffa don't screw with my friend thing going on
                  I do think that the boys WOULD have little man to man moments with pete and a 'don't hurt her' talk. It's just natural. and, if pete is going to be welcomed into the fold, he's gonna have to get along with the boys, because they're jsut as much a part of her life as he wants to be
                  Yeah...I agree...just like in most families I hubby got the 3rd degree when we got engaged...poor baby copped it from my dad and 2 brothers...I still think it's a miracle he married me in the end...I would have ran if I had any idea what I was in for marrying into my family!!
                  Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                  Poor Pete. Sam's so out of his league
                  Yeah...poor Pete...are you kidding????? ....He was so far out of her league he might as well have been a Klingon!...oops...wrong show...he might as well have been a Furling!!
                  Seriously though...I didn't mind Pete except for the fact that he was too sneaky, pushy and just didn't take Sam and the SGC seriously...I would date the guy but that's coz he's more my type...not Sam's type...IMHSO!!
                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  That's our Caladria who, granted, tends to lurk but when she opens her mouth...
                  And who will probably kill me for posting this
                  YeeHaa...go Anne...she's gotta give her that!!

                  Back face is numb having just returned from the so not a happy camper right now!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    *Looks around, feels so alone* Where is everyone )
                    Tell me about 2 FCOL!!'s so eerily quiet in here it's almost frightening!
                    Read and reviewed you fic Mandy...though I had read it a while back somewhere...I think
                    So I wonder if Amanda has read the Samanda Story thingy yet?...I still don't know what it ended up being called?!

                    I'm off...gotta choof...face is aching...that big honkin needle he used must have done some damage!! At least the tooth is ok...D'oH!!
                    Night night all! Take care everone, be safe, stay happy and hug your loved ones!!

                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Guys, have you seen the latest news? Amanda has been confirmed as a guest for the London Expo. For anyone wondering about cost issues and stuff, the express tickets are £10 per day. It's 26-27th May at the ExCel centre in London. Website is
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        It is very quiet around here. I think it's GW in general.

                        Umm, my favourite Sam moment... It might be... I have no clue. I love all Sam moments. I can't pinpoint one moment that stands out. I loved her in Relativity, and 1969... but no one moment. Heh.

                        "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                        "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                        My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                          Wonderfully articulate as usual Space At least you didn't ramble like I did. It's such a hard question!

                          (Lots of new friends from around the country, btw One girl came up and said "Marian! Your hair is so different!" I said, "Hi, I'm Eileen... Marian's twin." That sort of thing actually happened quite a few times. )
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                            Guys, have you seen the latest news? Amanda has been confirmed as a guest for the London Expo. For anyone wondering about cost issues and stuff, the express tickets are £10 per day. It's 26-27th May at the ExCel centre in London. Website is
                            Thanks for the heads up TJ.

                            *Does happy feet dance*


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              Guys, have you seen the latest news? Amanda has been confirmed as a guest for the London Expo. For anyone wondering about cost issues and stuff, the express tickets are £10 per day. It's 26-27th May at the ExCel centre in London. Website is
                              Wow, AT's really on a roll! The poster is neat - so there's a Chewbaca-type member of the team, eh? I'm still impressed with the girl who plays her daughter ... she really does resemble Amanda. Very nice match-up. I wonder if Amanda looks at her and thinks "hmm, that could be Olivia in another 20 years". I love that she's playing a mother in this series.

                              Seems like the Sanctuary producers/cast are pulling out all stops and wanting to promote the beginning of the show.

                              From polar bears to the streets of London ... go, Amanda, go!


                                I love those little moments, and maybe it's just me, but I found them sadly lacking a lot in later seasons.

                                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                                'A Matter of Time' was just repeated over on Sky One and its strange how on a second viewing I noticed all the little but very endearing team moments between Sam, Teal'c and Jack- the wormhole explanation; Sam's quick little smile at O'Neill before she leaves; and then the obvious understanding between her and Teal'c when they're on the surface trying to find a solution. Cute.
                                Pixie's Haven

