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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
    I visit some of the ship threads here and there. I never really pushed for any particular ship. I believe I chimed in before with others that mentioned how Amanda has chemistry with everyone - so it's not strange that there are so many Sam ships out there. Personally, I really love the Sam/Cam friendship and not really in favor of a romance there. But I'd love to see Amanda and Ben do a romantic scene together. They are both *gorgeous* and I think it would be quite a sight!

    In the various alternate realities we know that Sam has had relationships. There But For the Grace of God and Point of View had Sam/Jack. One of the Sams in Ripple Effect was involved with Martouf but then was with someone else (never specified). Spoiler for season 10:
    The Road Not Taken - Sam was divorced from Rodney.

    I seem to recall reading a Ripple Effect fanfic where Sam finds out that all the AU Sams were involved with their AU Jacks...which, of course, gets her thinking about her life and why she hasn't done anything about her and Jack. I think it would have been interesting in Ripple Effect if we found out the various Sams were in relationships with different men. One of them was with Jack, one was with Daniel, one was with Teal'c, Cam, McKay, Martouf, Orlin, etc. How's that for a cheat? Who says you can't make EVERYONE happy? There were 15 AU Carters! I mean, when would an opportunity like that arise again?!?!

    It was just a wacky thought I had. I enjoyed Ripple Effect and I don't think I would have changed anything about it - except maybe have even more Janet. Maybe a few Janets. I miss her so much!
    You forgot the one that was involved with Janet Just to make Scari happy


      Happy Birthday jckfan!
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        Happy Birthday jckfan!!

        Hope you have a great day!


          HAPPY BIRTHDAY JckFan !!!!!


            Happy Birthday jckfan!!!


              Happy Birthday Jckfan!

              O.K., I was just rereading Myrth, Uber, and Shelley's interview with Damian. I loved this little bit with Damian comparing Helen and Sam. (slight spoilers for Sanctuary premiere)

              And we’re filming it and, I remember going to Amanda going, “I’m really sorry that we have to have this scene where you have this expository, you know, dialog, where we talk about ‘this, this and this’, and ‘this means this’ and ‘don’t you see I’ve figured it out’.” I said, “That’s a Carter scene and I feel bad” and she goes, “Damian, it’s the first one! It’s the first one in two hours of material where I’m actually sitting there going, ‘here’s my theory and here’s why I think this will work’.” And the great thing is that in the middle of it all, something explodes and stops it dead.


              DK: And in a way that was sort of how I feel about the character, that she’s a woman of action and she’s a woman of medicine. And a woman who basically, there’s moments where she…if anything…as opposed to Carter, she’s a bit more secretive. She’s not used to having to work with others like that. There’s moments where it’s actually Zimmerman saying, “I think this and this and this! And I think this is who they are and I think that this theory’s crazy!” and she just goes, “Eh…maybe.” Then she gets to dissect some horrible creature and he’s like, “Well, would you like to share YOUR theory?” She’s too cryptic. She’s a very cryptic lady. And I think that that makes her intriguing and charismatic and that’s not Carter. Carter is an open book and Magnus is not. She’s a dark, dusty tome…you open at your risk and I love that about her. Very sexy.

              Link to interview:

              How cool for Amanda! She's going to be playing two totally different characters this year. After so many years as Sam, this has to be a thrill! I am really excited.
              Last edited by Gate gal; 19 March 2007, 03:26 PM.


                I take this time to thank everyone for their best wishes and the green, but there's been a problem.While I was back in Las Vegas I'd recieved a call from my Dad that my Mom was having breathing problems, my Dad who took her to hospital. So I flew back and when I got home, this is what happened.

                She had fallen and when x-ray's were done, 3 hairlined fractured ribs, pneumonia in one lung, and they think they see the start of pneumonia in the other. As of now she's on anti·biotic's and she's sedated so she stay's still. I'm seeing if she gets better with this regiment and hopefully I'll be able to see if I can return back there.

                Sorry for the OT.

                Now back to your regular Samanda.


                  Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                  O.K., I was just rereading Myrth, Uber, and Shelley's interview with Damian. I loved this little bit with Damian comparing Helen and Sam. (slight spoilers for Sanctuary premiere)

                  Link to interview:

                  How cool for Amanda! She's going to be playing two totally different characters this year. After so many years as Sam, this has to be a thrill! I am really excited.
                  i LOVE the character of helen already!

                  one of the things i got from this section of the interview (which i've read and squeed on) is... well, helen kind of reminds me of jack, in that she's jaded. and what made (them) jaded? bad/dark things happening to them in their lives.

                  no doubt about it, helen is going to be a completely different character than sam. i ADORE sam in everyway, but this is going to be super fun to see amanda playing such a different character.

                  as much of a shipper as i am, i'm not sure how i feel about a helen/will ship. i think he looks too young or something. (guys don't get 'interesting' until at least their mid to late thirties... man, when it comes to hooking up amanda's characters with guys, i'm *so* superficial. )


                  Last edited by majorsal; 19 March 2007, 05:04 PM. Reason: 3s, not 4s



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                      HAPPY BIRTDHAY JCKFAN!
                      My View From The Peanut Gallery


                        Happy Birthday JckFan !!


                          Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! You guys are tops.


                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! You guys are tops.
                            Did'cha notice how everyone left the 55 off your name? Maybe something subliminal at work there?
                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                              Did'cha notice how everyone left the 55 off your name? Maybe something subliminal at work there?
                              Na, it's nothing like that, we're just a bunch of lazy people

                              my fanfic



