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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    I think, only a guess, mind you, with the benefit of hindsight, that in their clumsy way, when they said they didn't know what to do with Carter in season 9, what they really meant was that they didn't know what to do with her because they hadn't expected to get a season 9 but were already planning to send the character to Atlantis.

    So it came out as a terrible thing to say about the character, and in lots of ways, proved to be true; they didn't use Sam to her best advantage, hampered in part by AT's post baby schedule, plus their own ineptitude.

    But season 10 has been much better ballanced.


    Yes, it did sound terrible. This is on the heels of us just finding out exactly how marginalized Sam was. And it for worse in S9.5.

    Honestly, my first though on hearing "We don't know what to do with Sam in S10", Amanda not having a contract (yet) and Claudia being contracted for 20 eps was they were trying to get her off Stargate so Claudia could be female lead. Note: I have never minded Claudia. Vala...especially S9.0-9.5...Oy. This was before they realized -and tried (badly at first) to fix - what a mess they had made for Vala's long-term usage.

    In hindsight I also agree that them wanting to move Sam over to SGA wasn't as bad a thing as I'd assumed <<---Gotta watch those things. Nasty buggers. . In fact, I kinda with they had. Only kinda though. And AT seems like she had a blast with CB.

    I'm not so sure Amanda's post baby schedule was a block for Sam usage. Sure, she was tired, but she was there full-time. We'd have certainly heard that as an excuse reason if she had a more limited availability. YMMV.

    Yes, S10 was better. And seemed to get better as it went. Mostly.

    I'm really looking forward to Sanctuary. I might look forward to SGA S4 if I like the back half of S3. ::fingers crossed:: Here's hoping.

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Hi all. I thought I would run by and drop this off. I am caught up on this thread just haven't much time to post. Besides lurking is fun sometimes.


      oops I forgot the video has spoilers!

      "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."--Thucydides


        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
        Sam/Cam/Teal'c then?

        And tell spazzy... it's Sam/Cam... not Scamming.

        ((Scari)) ((Spazzy))

        OK, OK. Sam/Cam it is.


          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          i know!

          i know i said it here that when i saw how many sam/ship threads there were, i grinned. she's just a babe and everyone wants her in their ship.
          Or just wants her


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
          Okay I know you all are just DYING to get my take on the whole Unending Sam/Teal'c debate right?


          *crickets chirping*

          Well in case someone cares, here's what I think:
          I decided that over the course of time, their friendship deepened a lot. So much so that I think that it very well likely could have evolved into a more physical relationship...the catalyst potentially being the death of Landry.

          Now this is not to say that their relationship did go that way...I'm saying however that it is possible given the circumstances that it might have.

          You see, I rewatched Unending wearing Sam/Teal'c goggles and there were some cues that could be interpreted as "proof" there was something more.

          The strong and comfortable hug between Sam and Teal'c...that he's the one to be there for her and their embrace is oh so natural.

          And when Sam tells them all she's figured it out but they don't have the energy to pull it off...Mitchell reaches for her hand and there's a moment that passes between her and Teal'c where it's almost like he's saying it's okay for her to take Mitchell's hand. [I know, that's not conclusive by any means but I did say I was looking at it through the Sam/Teal'c eyes right? ]

          And then at the end...Teal'c's "Good things come to those who wait" followed by Sam saying, "You know, as hard as it is for us not knowing, it must be torture for you not to tell us"...there is a LONG beat where Teal'c is looking at Sam and then FINALLY says..."Indeed" which Sam quirks her head slightly.

          "Circumstantial" you say. Sure it is...but why not?

          Now yes...I am still a Sam/Jack shipper and none of this changes anything in that regard. But this is a very special circumstance. I would hope that she would not have been alone for 50 years, as that would suck...and out of the, sans Jack, Teal'c would be my pick for her for a relationship to blossom. From deep abiding friendship to perhaps more. Perhaps a true deep love and perhaps even physical affection.

          It wouldn't be any kind of betrayal of any kind and I wouldn't think less of Sam or Teal'c if they sought comfort in each other. And if it happened in any capacity, then Teal'c has wonderful memories that can only serve to deepen his relationship with young Sam...which can only be a good thing because I want more Teal'c and Sam scenes.
          That's just my take on it of course.

          Feel free to disagree and pelt me with tomatoes as you see fit.
          No tomato pelting. Have flowers and chocolates, dammit!
          I'm so with you on this. And I want to point out - that final scene you describe between Sam and Teal'c (which I also mentioned before):
          And then at the end...Teal'c's "Good things come to those who wait" followed by Sam saying, "You know, as hard as it is for us not knowing, it must be torture for you not to tell us"...there is a LONG beat where Teal'c is looking at Sam and then FINALLY says..."Indeed" which Sam quirks her head slightly.
          - that is easily if not more "shippy" in the "could be couldn't be shippy reference" department as lines like "not exactly" and "fishing" and Sam's stay in Washington. Hang it all, O'Neill's not even in those scenes, and isn't even mentioned. But Sam and Teal'c were looking right at each other and talking to each other in the last scene of Unending



            I've been reading these posts...and it really is in the eye of the beholder. I got something a lot different from certain scenes than some of you. Leave it to TPTB to leave so much up to interpretation.


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
              Okay I know you all are just DYING to get my take on the whole Unending Sam/Teal'c debate right?


              *crickets chirping*

              Well in case someone cares, here's what I think:
              I decided that over the course of time, their friendship deepened a lot. So much so that I think that it very well likely could have evolved into a more physical relationship...the catalyst potentially being the death of Landry.

              Now this is not to say that their relationship did go that way...I'm saying however that it is possible given the circumstances that it might have.

              You see, I rewatched Unending wearing Sam/Teal'c goggles and there were some cues that could be interpreted as "proof" there was something more.

              The strong and comfortable hug between Sam and Teal'c...that he's the one to be there for her and their embrace is oh so natural.

              And when Sam tells them all she's figured it out but they don't have the energy to pull it off...Mitchell reaches for her hand and there's a moment that passes between her and Teal'c where it's almost like he's saying it's okay for her to take Mitchell's hand. [I know, that's not conclusive by any means but I did say I was looking at it through the Sam/Teal'c eyes right? ]

              And then at the end...Teal'c's "Good things come to those who wait" followed by Sam saying, "You know, as hard as it is for us not knowing, it must be torture for you not to tell us"...there is a LONG beat where Teal'c is looking at Sam and then FINALLY says..."Indeed" which Sam quirks her head slightly.

              "Circumstantial" you say. Sure it is...but why not?

              Now yes...I am still a Sam/Jack shipper and none of this changes anything in that regard. But this is a very special circumstance. I would hope that she would not have been alone for 50 years, as that would suck...and out of the, sans Jack, Teal'c would be my pick for her for a relationship to blossom. From deep abiding friendship to perhaps more. Perhaps a true deep love and perhaps even physical affection.

              It wouldn't be any kind of betrayal of any kind and I wouldn't think less of Sam or Teal'c if they sought comfort in each other. And if it happened in any capacity, then Teal'c has wonderful memories that can only serve to deepen his relationship with young Sam...which can only be a good thing because I want more Teal'c and Sam scenes.
              That's just my take on it of course.

              Feel free to disagree and pelt me with tomatoes as you see fit.
              My take on S/T in "Unending"


              I don't think it did happen 'cause I can't imagine Teal'c not telling her (consequences be damned) if they've been together for all that time...

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i know!

              i know i said it here that when i saw how many sam/ship threads there were, i grinned. she's just a babe and everyone wants her in their ship.
              What really strikes me is that AT/Sam is not drop-dead gorgeus from a physical POV, but when when you add the way AT acts both at cons and on screen both become one of the HOTTEST women I've ever seen (Some say sexiness is a state of mind...)


                AT is sex on toast


                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                  Okay so perhaps I'm a smidgen biased when it comes to Amanda Tapping (consider that my blanket disclaimer regarding the below opinion)...

                  But is anyone else getting the sense that someone figured out that Amanda deserved more than she was getting and kinda decided to set the record straight as best they could?

                  For instance, I felt like she got royally screwed over in Season 9. It was like they didn't know what they had and/or didn't recognize her value to the show...not only with her character but her as an ambassador for the franchise.

                  But now? It's like they've seen the error of their ways and are making a point of recognizing her contributions and making better uses of her now. Unending was largely a Carter-centric episode...and from there, she'll be involved in both of the movies and have a strong presence in Atlantis,
                  where I believe we'll see Carter in a command position with possibly a promotion to full Colonel

                  On top of that, people she's worked with for forever respect her as an actress and as a person to the point that they're working on Sanctuary with her too.

                  So...either I was wrong in my initial knee-jerk "she's been given the shaft" reaction from season 9 or they always saw it but didn't know how to handle it for awhile and now they do.

                  Or...something else? What do you all think? Do you think I'm close or way off here?
                  My reply in spoilers as I refer to S9/S10 and SGA S3/S4..


                  I think the problem was that they didn't expect S9 and when they were revisioning SG1 as 'Stargate Command', I do think they stumbled over how to include Sam given AT's maternity leave at the beginning; and unfortunately their decision on how to deal with it left them with a mess and disgruntled fans.

                  I think at the end of S9 they knew they had a mess and wondered how to fix it with potentially one of the options being to send Sam to Atlantis and CB taking over as lead female. But I do think they realised that this wouldn't be warmly accepted. However, I also think the anticipation was to have AT do more SGA than she did in SGA S3...I think if RDA hadn't been signed up to do 3 SGA, we would have at least seen AT in The Return. And I think had they got S11, that anticipation of sharing AT between SGA and SG1 would have continued.

                  I also think that given SG1's cancellation and the rumoured Sci-fi wish to have some crossover from SG1, that it wasn't a surprise for them to invoke AT's contract and request she still do some SGA as I believe they would have done anyway if S11 had got the go ahead. I think that AT's own graciousness and willingness to work between the two shows was a factor, and the fact that many love having her on set helped; I think the Sam/McKay established dynamic played into the mix on that particular decision. I think its interesting, for instance, that in a heavy Sam episode in SG1, RNT, we got McKay and Lorne - SGA characters.

                  What I think has made the significant difference is that with Weir's reducing role, its obviously prompted them to simply expand on the anticipated number of episodes they expected to include Sam in.

                  I do think in general they've made an effort to try and balance the characters more in S10. For me in Flesh and Blood, they reenvisaged Sam as being the one through which to show how much of a bond the team have (probably partly because AT is great at reaction shots - and they've repeated that in Unending. The strong focus on Sam in the latter half of S10 has also been a recognition that they needed to give the character more to do than stand around and provide technobabble exposition.

                  Have they worked out how important the character is for the franchise and what a great ambassador AT is or have they simply managed to work out how best to use the character and the fact that AT is a joy to work with is a plus? Only they know but at least we get the benefits in seeing a rejuvenated Sam and her character going on beyond the cancellation of SG1.
                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    Originally posted by nihela View Post
                    My take on S/T in "Unending"


                    I don't think it did happen 'cause I can't imagine Teal'c not telling her (consequences be damned) if they've been together for all that time...

                    Actually for me...


                    Teal'c is the only person who I would wholeheartedly believe could go back in time and be able not to tell about any relationships that had formed in the fifty years including his own. He's very honourable and stoic in that regard and would take his duty about causality seriously.

                    I also think if he and Sam had gotten together but he knew Sam was in a relationship at the time of the Ori attack say with Jack, that he would be too honourable to mess that up for her and for Jack. He'd want them to be happy.
                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      Sam/Teal'c Proof::




                        Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                        Actually for me...


                        Teal'c is the only person who I would wholeheartedly believe could go back in time and be able not to tell about any relationships that had formed in the fifty years including his own. He's very honourable and stoic in that regard and would take his duty about causality seriously.

                        I also think if he and Sam had gotten together but he knew Sam was in a relationship at the time of the Ori attack say with Jack, that he would be too honourable to mess that up for her and for Jack. He'd want them to be happy.
                        I don't think you're right !!! Out of the whole bunch I think it's Sam who I trust to keep her mouth shut, after all she knows best what are the consequences with messing with the timelines...


                          Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                          Sam/Teal'c Proof::


                          FF falls off sofa laughing!
                          As Susan Ivanova would say, "No boom Today, Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow."

                          or to quote everyones favourite spy/torturer/tailor, Garak. "The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."



                            Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                            Oh Chelle, big hugs for you and everyone involved. (((Chelle))) I can offer you my support, but no real advice... the closest I have come to being involved in anything like that is collecting money for the womens refuge... I can see how you could feel a bit useless... but you can offer your love and support...
                            Originally posted by starrgazer View Post
                            Sometimes it's hard for them to step back and really see what they are going through. My Mum was like that. It took her 10 years to leave my father (ten years after the first time she threatened to leave him). And she still questions whether or not she made the right decision (seventeen years later...).
                            All you really can do is be there for them; hug them when they need it, listen to them, tell them they have a safe place with you and let them know they're loved. One day she'll realize that going back/staying is not the right thing to do, so, in the meantime, yeah... just be there for her.

                            Hugs to you chelle - if you need to talk, I'm here (((chelle))).
                            Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post
                            Some advice:
                            Are the children that you are referring to yours or your relatives? As a child I was exposed to domestic violence. My mother wasn't the only victim, as a witness I too was a victim.
                            I don't know what the laws are in your country, but I do know that the most dangerous time is actually after the woman has left the situation.
                            Here's what you can do to help:
                            1) Find out how to contact the closest battered women's shelter and make sure that your relative receives that information. That will give her a place to run to if it's needed.
                            2) Contact your local law enforcement and ask them for advice. That might also be a good place to find out about shelters.
                            3) Abusers will often apologize and promise to reform, but rarely does this actually happen unless they enter counseling. While you should strongly advise your relative to not return to the situation, make sure that they know that even if they do, you will still be there for them.
                            Some people that have never been battered don't understand why some women won't leave or will return to the abuser. Psychologically, the woman has been battered too. They start to feel like it is partially their fault and that they don't deserve to be treated better.
                            Thank you all for your kind thoughts and words of advice.
                            It was very awkward last night because things were very tense to say the least.
                            Thank you Eileen for your kind words. And thank you Starr for being there if I need any help and Kett...the kids are mine and they have no idea about what's happening but my eldest is aware that something is not right. We did find out a little more about the situation...none of it nice mind you but at the moment we just have to be there for our family member in the only way we know how...I just don't know why she's sticking around...or why he's sticking around either...they aren't married so there's nothing tying them to each other. Thank you all's been very much appreciated.

                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                            OT driveby pic of my two yo niecelette <grin> Since Sky is babysitting HER niecelette tonight!

                            OOOO THOSE CHEEKS!!!!
                            OMG...she is such a cutie!! I hope you don't change your avatar mini coz it's one of the best around...she's adorable!!
                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                            *bounces excitedly*

                            After over a year of writing, I think the end is in sight. Wooooohoooo! I've got the chapter I'm working on (counselling), a chapter after that about time travel (it's Sam/Teal'c, folks!) and then I think I'm on the final chapter!

                            When I first plotted the story, there were 40 chapters, then I revised it to make 30. I posted 24 today and realised that a lot of the next six chapters had no real purpose. So I have three more chapters, as far as I'm concerned, then Shattered can finally be put to bed!

                            It's kind of weird in a way because I've been working on this for so long. When I first started this, I wanted it finished by Easter, then I decided to finish it by my graduation, then the deadline was Gabit. Somehow the months have slipped away so quickly and I find myself writing this fic from a new perspective.

                            When I first started writing, I was still hurting so much. The reason I started the project was because Mini and a few others were talking about rape and rape fics on this thread. It hurt me so much to even contemplate reading a fic. How could anyone ever write that as a fictitious story? After that, I challenged myself to read a few fics and found a lot of them to be so unrealistic, a glorification of such a terrible, horrifying issue. You see, Sam Carter, though a strong woman and incredibly smart, is a human being. And she would react just like any other human being. I found that rape was being used too much as a plot device for Sam and Jack to get together, or that it was all fluffy and I wanted to write something that was real and something that would help me in the process of writing it.

                            The reason it's taken so long so far is that it's been painful to write. It's bought up so many issues and memories for me, but it's helped me so much in the process. Now, though, things are so different for me. I'm happy, I'm safe, I'm able to go out without fear, I'm able to be normal. I have a girlfriend even though I never thought I'd be in a relationship again. Things are so, so incredibly different. And it's so strange and so rewarding to see this process in writing and... yeah.

                            Anyway, I've finished babbling now. Three more chapters. Then I'll present you with the finished product. You all told me to repost the link when I'd finished. I will do, I promise. And I'll make a huge fanfare about it.

                            I'm not the best fanfic writer in the world. Far from it, in fact. I'm not promising greatness from this fic, but I just wanted you all to know how important it is to me and stuff.

                            And as I get close to the finish mark, I want to say thanks to Myrth, Spaz, Mandy, Mini and others who have inspired, encouraged, helped and betad.

                            Gads... I do go on, don't I?!
                            I was going to snip this post a bit coz it's so long but it's too brilliant to snip...I just want to say congratulations TJ...I read your fic after work tonight and I think it's beautiful. Well done. (((TJ)))
                            Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                            AT is sex on toast

                            RITGLMAO...I saw this and nearly choked on my kit is just so...funny!!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Good night all...take care, be safe, stay happy and hug your loved ones!!
                              It's great that RDA is back for the second movie...yeehaa!!!

                              Oh yeah...the Samanda story cover is's awesome!!!
                              I can't wait to read the entire story when it's finally completed.
                              WTG are all a fantastic bunch of people...thank you!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                *drops in to leave some icons again*

                                *drops out without reading all Sam / Teal'c posts points at sig*

