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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    i am BEGGING someone to PLEASE put some sam caps from 'unending' up. i'm rather bummed right now, so some sort of goodness has to come out of this day.

    (is it wrong to wish that sg1 would have ended at season 8?)




      Originally posted by JanSam View Post

      Sushi anyone?
      Oh wow, Jan! That looks sooo tasty.


        That is just WRONG.

        Originally posted by JanSam View Post

        Sushi anyone?

        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


          Originally posted by majorsal View Post

          (is it wrong to wish that sg1 would have ended at season 8?)
          Nope. Not wrong at all. If you think about it SG-1 did end with them on the dock. The past two seasons have been SGC.


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

            I do think, after 10 years of hammond and jack listening to and trusting her, she's grown in her confidence. she knows her abilities and her competance and knows that she can do what she says she can do. but she's also smart enough not to make promises she can't keep
            yeah, I think with that confidence comes the ability to say "I don't know." Not that she ever doesn't know for long--she's brilliant, ya know.


              Originally posted by JanSam View Post

              Sushi anyone?
              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
              That is just WRONG.
              But it looks about right

              my fanfic


                I just got back from my GW get together (no ep spoilers)

                We had helium balloons (I'll never get invited anywhere again); Jaffa Cakes, JELLO, and these giant boxes of tissues on the side of which the GW mods had written "Please Send More". LoL. I stole a box. Actually it was pretty much shoved at me, but I really wanted to steal it before it was so generously given. I had a fantastic time. Everything was ten times funnier in a room with a lot of people in it. And at the end... well this giant box of man tissues came in handy. Salut SG1 Ten years. From the bottom of my heart, I love each one.

                It was possibly my bedtime a while ago, but having played catch up on the thread, I felt I couldn't say goodnight without posting something. I posted this on the shipper thread first so some of it might seem a little odd as I was thinking of some of the comments people were making there at the time. So spoilers for "Unending":

                It was frakkin' awesome, and no one will ever convince me otherwise. I'm not saying it was perfect, but I genuinely felt that they did justice to a great television show. It was poignant, and funny, with every inch of nostalgia that one might expect from the end of an era.

                Amanda and Claudia were simply amazing, but I naturally gravitate towards the women of Stargate anyway. Teal'c was on form with his Jaffa humour, and the "skunk" hair at episode end was just so very cute lol. The SFX guys went all out to produce some master images, that left so many of us holding our breaths (though to be honest, I was doing a heck of a lot of that tonight).

                There is so much that I want to say in response to some of the things that have been said on the board tonight. But I fear, that my opinion would possibly not go down well, or that I may be criticised for feeling a certain way. Ever the people pleaser, perhaps my opinion would best be served on the general season ten thread and not here.

                In respect to ship. Honestly, as some have said before in the weeks leading up to today, I did not expect any to begin with. I am not disappointed because I've always hold faith for the second movie. Feel free to call me deluded, but faith has always done a heck of a lot for me. As for Vala and Daniel, I wasn't surprised. The only thing I would say is that they focussed on it too much and could have let one of their scenes loose (and this is me speaking as a viewer and not just a S/J shipper. It is sad that Jack received no mention.

                The majority of the 50 years took place in montage to "Have you ever seen the rain", which floored me btw, so there was very little dialogue in which to assess what they might have felt over the years, let alone what they might have said. Mitchell's Christmas kisses were those that you or I might do when greeting family members during the holiday's, and were so fleeting as it blended with Credence Clearwater Revival. Sam's cello playing covered the remainder of their "golden" days until the end when she revealed she'd figured out how to solve it. But, as there was very little dialogue, the characters didn't just sit down and remenice, which for me, served the episode, and the show, better.

                The fact that Teal'c remembers everything, means that the time they spent together was not in vain, and will not be "forgotten". The final words were "God Speed", but as a fan I will treasure the moment where they all turned to the Jaffa, and spoke the words "Indeed". Watching them head up the ramp, I had very threatening tears in my eyes. I was clutching my friend Vic's hand, and her eyes were red from trying to hold them. This was a show, after all, that had brought us together as friends.

                Good night Stargate SG1.



                  I haven't read it, I won't click, I will not come back on the thread until I watch it on Thursday *nods*

                  I'm glad you had a good time though GateGirl, that must have been special to be all together for the last one


                    Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                    I just got back from my GW get together (no ep spoilers)

                    We had helium balloons (I'll never get invited anywhere again); Jaffa Cakes, JELLO, and these giant boxes of tissues on the side of which the GW mods had written "Please Send More". LoL. I stole a box. Actually it was pretty much shoved at me, but I really wanted to steal it before it was so generously given. I had a fantastic time. Everything was ten times funnier in a room with a lot of people in it. And at the end... well this giant box of man tissues came in handy. Salut SG1 Ten years. From the bottom of my heart, I love each one.

                    It was possibly my bedtime a while ago, but having played catch up on the thread, I felt I couldn't say goodnight without posting something. I posted this on the shipper thread first so some of it might seem a little odd as I was thinking of some of the comments people were making there at the time. So spoilers for "Unending":

                    It was frakkin' awesome, and no one will ever convince me otherwise. I'm not saying it was perfect, but I genuinely felt that they did justice to a great television show. It was poignant, and funny, with every inch of nostalgia that one might expect from the end of an era.

                    Amanda and Claudia were simply amazing, but I naturally gravitate towards the women of Stargate anyway. Teal'c was on form with his Jaffa humour, and the "skunk" hair at episode end was just so very cute lol. The SFX guys went all out to produce some master images, that left so many of us holding our breaths (though to be honest, I was doing a heck of a lot of that tonight).

                    There is so much that I want to say in response to some of the things that have been said on the board tonight. But I fear, that my opinion would possibly not go down well, or that I may be criticised for feeling a certain way. Ever the people pleaser, perhaps my opinion would best be served on the general season ten thread and not here.

                    In respect to ship. Honestly, as some have said before in the weeks leading up to today, I did not expect any to begin with. I am not disappointed because I've always hold faith for the second movie. Feel free to call me deluded, but faith has always done a heck of a lot for me. As for Vala and Daniel, I wasn't surprised. The only thing I would say is that they focussed on it too much and could have let one of their scenes loose (and this is me speaking as a viewer and not just a S/J shipper. It is sad that Jack received no mention.

                    The majority of the 50 years took place in montage to "Have you ever seen the rain", which floored me btw, so there was very little dialogue in which to assess what they might have felt over the years, let alone what they might have said. Mitchell's Christmas kisses were those that you or I might do when greeting family members during the holiday's, and were so fleeting as it blended with Credence Clearwater Revival. Sam's cello playing covered the remainder of their "golden" days until the end when she revealed she'd figured out how to solve it. But, as there was very little dialogue, the characters didn't just sit down and remenice, which for me, served the episode, and the show, better.

                    The fact that Teal'c remembers everything, means that the time they spent together was not in vain, and will not be "forgotten". The final words were "God Speed", but as a fan I will treasure the moment where they all turned to the Jaffa, and spoke the words "Indeed". Watching them head up the ramp, I had very threatening tears in my eyes. I was clutching my friend Vic's hand, and her eyes were red from trying to hold them. This was a show, after all, that had brought us together as friends.

                    Good night Stargate SG1.

                    Wonderful post, GateGirl! I think this was a very nice way of looking at the episode, and I look forward to seeing it for myself.

                    Also, I don't think you should ever feel like you have to censor yourself here. Because we all have such a wide variety of opinions here, chances are that someone (or more than one) agrees with you.

                    I'm glad you guys had such a great time together! I bet nothing could've ended the series better than a bunch of fans experiencing it together one final time. Thanks for posting!


                      Originally posted by JanSam View Post

                      Sushi anyone?
                      But but it is still alive...that isn't supposed to be alive right

                      Must say not that fond on Sushi

                      And (((((MegYn)))) sorry I though I multiquoted your post but apparently not lol... blame it on the lack of sleep I am glad you had a good time...and I am glad you did go... It seems like you had a great time!!! I am happy for you!!!
                      and this might be the end of the serie but not of SG-1 or the franchise!!!


                        The way to watch the last episode is with a bunch of GWers! Waves at GateGirl422.

                        Amanda is fabulous as an old woman, easily the best of the lot (and they were all pretty good, so that's saying something). Her make-up helped but it was the mannerisms which worked best, it must have been scary for her, to see herself in 50 years time. But at least she now knows she will grow old gracefuly.
                        Beautiful Sam/Teal'c moment, she can always go to him when she needs comfort, he's her rock.
                        And she saved the day, of course.



                          As far as Sam's confidence level at the beginning of the series goes:

                          Sam has experienced some real confidence busters by the time she gets to the Stargate program for the second time. Her family has basically rejected her. Her brother has next to no contact with her because he disapproves of her career, and she hasn't earned her father's approbation. When she jokes that her name means her father wanted a boy, it's actually very telling. A person doesn't make that joke without having felt rejected by the parent in question.

                          Her drive and brains likely meant she probably had few, if any, friends, a problem which would have been compunded by the nomadic lifestyle resulting from her father's career. Once she graduated from the academy, there would have been people who assumed she was riding on her father's coattails, which would likely have also left her socially isolated. Add to that the sexism that is in the military, and she's most likely had plenty of times when she's felt like she could never be good enough. Her not being given the opportunity to go through the stargate on the first mission would have been the nail in the coffin.

                          By the time she finally gets assigned to the stargate program, she's assigned to a CO who makes it clear he doesn't want her on his team. Is it any wonder she's got a chip on her shoulder and a sometimes verbally aggresive style? She's spent years being rejected by her family, her peers and her colleagues. She does everything she can to appear self-confident, but it's appearence based on being surrounded by people who wish she would or expect her to fail.

                          Who's in her corner? Nobody that I can see.

                          In her years in the SGC, she's been on a team where everyone has some stellar level of skill in some area, so she doesn't stand out like some genius freak. She's had two COs who make it clear they value her contributions. She's totally rebuilt her relationship with her father, who is now clearly proud of her and who has taken risks that obviously show how much he loves her. She's developed a deep friendship with her friend Janet. She's even had a serious relationship with someone. All of the areas she's had such profound lacks in have been addressed and with the exception of the dating issue, redressed.

                          Not to mention that she's aged ten years. I think for many women, they become more accepting of themselves as they age. Sam has settled into her own niche, and that can be highly liberating. It doesn't mean she doesn't still have her self-confidence issues, but I don't think they form the core of her self-image anymore.

                          What a difference ten years have made for her.

                          In memory of Deejay.
                          May we all be so well loved.


                            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                            The way to watch the last episode is with a bunch of GWers! Waves at GateGirl422.

                            Amanda is fabulous as an old woman, easily the best of the lot (and they were all pretty good, so that's saying something). Her make-up helped but it was the mannerisms which worked best, it must have been scary for her, to see herself in 50 years time. But at least she now knows she will grow old gracefuly.
                            Beautiful Sam/Teal'c moment, she can always go to him when she needs comfort, he's her rock.
                            And she saved the day, of course.


                            Thanks for you post, as well as those by GateGirl422, and Rachel500. They give me hope that this last episode has some really good Sam scenes with other team members and characters. I'm looking forward to it because of your posts.

                            I will probably feel a bit sad to see the last episode, but for me the first eight seasons will always be SG-1 to me, and these last two seasons are just a variant that got better as it went along, but was never real satisfying. I do look forward to several episodes in the second half that have a lot of Sam, and this one sounds good too. But what I'm most excited about is that Sam is going to Atlantis because it will be Sam on a very different show.


                              Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post
                              Kett from Shore Leave here....we're not one of the smallest, but we're not one of the largest either. I'll take Amanda's comment anytime....we're a larger convention that feels like a small one.
                              On personalization....we leave that totally up to the actor. Amanda is one that wants to take the time to personalize and doesn't want to feel like the fans are being rushed through like cattle. Since that's our philosophy too, I took my lead from her and let her sign at her own pace. Okay, I admit....I did ask her if she'd only personalize if they actually asked her to....of course she ignored me : )
                              Amanda doesn't have time (especially since Olivia was born) to do many conventions. She's been very selective in the past couple of years. While it would be a violation of the contract to ever disclose $$ amounts, I will tell you that I am sure that she was offered and turned down higher fees than we would be able to afford. To quote her rep that negotiated our deal with her "It's not about the money." Amanda took our offer because she wanted to do Shore Leave, not because we had deeper pockets than some of the "Supersized Shows" have.
                              Back to lurking...

                              Which just goes to show what a good con you run. Take a few dozen attagirls outta petty cash..and i'm not being snarky.

                              I think that's one thing i like about Amanda. Ok, yeah, reality is she's making a living. but it's not ALL about the money for her. You can tell that just by how she acts. There is a sincerity and realness to her that no amount of 'schtick on stage' can match.

                              I've seen actors at cons who are simply doing a job. I can see them put thier 'game face' on as thehy step on stage, they go through their contracturally obligated motions and work with one eye on the clock to the end of thier commitment.

                              I have nothing against them making a living. but i will always know that - to these actors - i'm nothing more than an obligation standing between them and thier paycheck.

                              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                              As far as Sam's confidence level at the beginning of the series goes:

                              Sam has experienced some real confidence busters by the time she gets to the Stargate program for the second time. Her family has basically rejected her. Her brother has next to no contact with her because he disapproves of her career, and she hasn't earned her father's approbation. When she jokes that her name means her father wanted a boy, it's actually very telling. A person doesn't make that joke without having felt rejected by the parent in question.

                              Her drive and brains likely meant she probably had few, if any, friends, a problem which would have been compunded by the nomadic lifestyle resulting from her father's career. Once she graduated from the academy, there would have been people who assumed she was riding on her father's coattails, which would likely have also left her socially isolated. Add to that the sexism that is in the military, and she's most likely had plenty of times when she's felt like she could never be good enough. Her not being given the opportunity to go through the stargate on the first mission would have been the nail in the coffin.

                              By the time she finally gets assigned to the stargate program, she's assigned to a CO who makes it clear he doesn't want her on his team. Is it any wonder she's got a chip on her shoulder and a sometimes verbally aggresive style? She's spent years being rejected by her family, her peers and her colleagues. She does everything she can to appear self-confident, but it's appearence based on being surrounded by people who wish she would or expect her to fail.

                              Who's in her corner? Nobody that I can see.

                              In her years in the SGC, she's been on a team where everyone has some stellar level of skill in some area, so she doesn't stand out like some genius freak. She's had two COs who make it clear they value her contributions. She's totally rebuilt her relationship with her father, who is now clearly proud of her and who has taken risks that obviously show how much he loves her. She's developed a deep friendship with her friend Janet. She's even had a serious relationship with someone. All of the areas she's had such profound lacks in have been addressed and with the exception of the dating issue, redressed.

                              Not to mention that she's aged ten years. I think for many women, they become more accepting of themselves as they age. Sam has settled into her own niche, and that can be highly liberating. It doesn't mean she doesn't still have her self-confidence issues, but I don't think they form the core of her self-image anymore.

                              What a difference ten years have made for her.

                              so, where are those little clappy smilies????

                              wonderful post and teriffic insight into sam. You've touched on a lot of what i've 'seen' in her...that sense of self reliance that's disguising loneliness. A need to always be 'fine' because there's no one around to really care if you aren't.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                Which just goes to show what a good con you run. Take a few dozen attagirls outta petty cash..and i'm not being snarky.

                                I think that's one thing i like about Amanda. Ok, yeah, reality is she's making a living. but it's not ALL about the money for her. You can tell that just by how she acts. There is a sincerity and realness to her that no amount of 'schtick on stage' can match.

                                I've seen actors at cons who are simply doing a job. I can see them put thier 'game face' on as thehy step on stage, they go through their contracturally obligated motions and work with one eye on the clock to the end of thier commitment.

                                I have nothing against them making a living. but i will always know that - to these actors - i'm nothing more than an obligation standing between them and thier paycheck.

                                so, where are those little clappy smilies????

                                wonderful post and teriffic insight into sam. You've touched on a lot of what i've 'seen' in her...that sense of self reliance that's disguising loneliness. A need to always be 'fine' because there's no one around to really care if you aren't.
                                I think its a indication of the characters of the Gate cast and crew that I have heard so many positive things about people's experiences at cons, from Amanda and the others-about how friendly they are and how they go way beyond what is required of them.

                                You'll be pleased to know I've shown my appreciation for scifithinker's post in private

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

