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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    You know that explosion was probably all AmberMoon's fault. And I'm sure Mini, Mandy and Scari egged her on the whole time, while Kat, starrgazer and Famantha looked on.

    Poor Toronto.


      Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
      I've made two new Sanctuary walls. I know they are both a little OT, so I'll place them in a spoiler for anyone not interested in viewing them.




      The second one is just a wall I made myself with the poem I made for Spazzy's sig.

      Marvelous pictures! Did you write the poetry? Beautiful as well!



        Originally posted by hastiekido View Post
        nice looking spoiler...

        WOW...thanks Hastie...they're excellent!!
        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i like it that those two are getting along. it looks quite fun
        Yeah I like that too but it's a pity we didn't really get much of that with Janet and Sam...that was wasted opportunity!!
        Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
        Are those guys in the background staring at Sam and Vala? LOL, this episode sounds kind of funny. I love that Sam and Vala seem (at least by the pictures) so caught up in their shopping and girl talk to notice. Of couse, Sam only has eyes for Jack any way.
        Yep...I noticed tht too!!
        Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
        Well, of course. Why do you think
        that she went to Victoria's Secret?
        That is so cool...poor Jack...NOT!!!hehehe!!!

        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        Sodney sounds like something that's illegal

        and i can't say that i care for Ram either.

        how about McCarter? cause i think sam will be going 'MCKAY!!!!' a lot
        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
        How 'bout we just don't go there at all - ever.
        Yep...I agree...let's just NEVER go there...EVER!!
        Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
        I'll second that one!!!
        I'll third it!!!
        Originally posted by scarimor View Post

        tHe popPINS.
        Originally posted by scarimor View Post
        Ignore the above monstrosity. Mini hasn't had her spoonful of crack-laced sugar in sufficient quantities today and feels the need to hack my login.
        Hehehe...heaven help mini's neighbours!!
        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        I think toronto is in trouble
        Yep...BIG, HUGE trouble!!!
        Originally posted by Famantha View Post
        I tried to make animated icons on SG1 1018 Family Ties
        Beware of spoilers
        Oooh la la...thank you!
        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        more like he's enjoying what sam picked up at vicky's secrets
        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        Scarigeek does Toronto
        Minimore Does Dallas

        High tech doo hickies huh????

        *trots off to buy stock in Energizer

        Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

        "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Samandans have invaded Toronto and look what's happened!"

        Hahaha...LOL...excellent NC...well done!!

        Night night all...popping in really all you lucky Samandans off to see TVM...have fun...not tht I need to tell you that...but have a great time and cheer extra loud for Amanda and Starrgazer for all of us who can't be there!
        Take care everyone, be safe, be happy and huggles to everyone!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Ok couldn't come online yesterday cause my internet was slow... I really hated it only did what needed to be done lol... But now I have a big catch-up post coming up...

          Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
          oh come on. Someone had to do it!

          I so love it...and yeah someone was going to do it...and looks like you were the first...Like I said on LJ I snurched it and it is now my WP... must say everytime I look at it, I start laughing lol
          Must say I keep remember her speaking whale lol... d'oh so funny...Amanda is so wicked and funny

          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
          Nice one, kir_fect!

          Now, is it possible to upload videos with audio commentary to youtube? Just wondering...
          Check your e-mail on hotmail Spazzy

          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          yeah! i love the way you put that too.
          to look forward to:

          1- 14 eps MORE of sam.
          2- NEW show with amanda as THE star.
          3- amanda.
          4- more amanda.
          5- did i mention more amanda?
          6- naked rda.
          7- (disregard #6. private)

          I love your little list....yay for more Amanda...and honestly Sally how can anyone disregard #6? I rather disregard #7...

          Originally posted by scarimor View Post
          Weeee, I'm in Toronto, with minigeek!

          More folk to come!

          Wow scari!!! Have a great time there...and well try not to destroy the city while you are there and Enjoy...most of all ENJOY!!!

          Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
          Present for ya.
          I haven't quite got the hang of things yet, still learning how to futz. Hope you can put up with me while I do that
          Click for big...

          Wow MegYn you really are doing a great job with those WP and things you have been making...I love them...I love the blending and everything...WTG keep it up!!!


            Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
            Are those guys in the background staring at Sam and Vala? LOL, this episode sounds kind of funny. I love that Sam and Vala seem (at least by the pictures) so caught up in their shopping and girl talk to notice. Of couse, Sam only has eyes for Jack any way.
            they really are getting alone really great and I love to see that actually. I must say in the beginning I wasn't a big Vala fan but now I adore her... She really changed and Sam and her are great together. They have great little moments between them and they are adorable together...I love the end where they are drinking wine together to forget about what has happened and in a way just enjoy their (friend)ship
            Although I am also a bit sad cause Vala can never be Janet...I want Janet back!!! I wished they put those moment in for the 2 of us. Yes we had some moments between them but they could have been like the one we had in Family Ties...

            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
            How 'bout we just don't go there at all - ever.
            But I want to go Ram...Or Sodney...or is it McSam or McCarter?!? ok see to many names now
            I must say I do love Sam and Rodney BUT not in a shippy kind of way...although sometimes it is fun to hear how Rodney thinks and feels about Sam... it is in a way cute but not if it is only about that... I think in GuP it was well done the Rodney/Sam stuff

            Originally posted by Famantha View Post
            Wow I really like those icons...they are great I really never tried to do animated icons yet...but if I see yours I think I should play with imageready a bit
            Cause they are amazing!!!!!

            ok I am still in a GuP mode and yesterday I made again 4 icons...seems like I can't get enough of it... These icons aren't the same as yesterday by a long shot...they are rather strange if I say so...and have actually nothing to do with GuP lol...
            But still enjoy them and feel free to snurch them...




                Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                "It is called a doohickie, and I believe some of "her" fans may be experimenting with it this weekend. For this reason, I intend to stay far away from Toronto, and I would urge you to do the same if you value your safety and sanity."

                Jack: "So tell me again how do you use it?"
                Sam: "You really don't want to know, Sir."
                Jack: "No. Really. I do."
                Teal'c: "It requires *four* double-A batteries, O'Neill. I understand it is a top of the line doohickie."
                Jack: "I still got nothin'. So what is it again?"
                Daniel: "Jack, just let it go. Just let it go...."
                Jack: "But it sounds like it could be fun! Here let me play with it..."
                Sam(grabs it and stuffs it into her fatigues pocket): "Sorry, Sir. I promised Mini and Scari that I'd be the only one to play with, uh, do research on it..."
                Jack: "Partypooper."
                Sam (grins): "Sorry, Sir."
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  IMHO, sam would never go for rodney. he's too high maintenance and i don't think she has the tolerance or patience to deal with him beyond the professional

                  YMMV of course
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    IMHO, sam would never go for rodney. he's too high maintenance and i don't think she has the tolerance or patience to deal with him beyond the professional

                    YMMV of course
                    I totally agree, and that's why
                    I found that alternate universe stuff in The Road Not Taken with alt!Sam having married alt!Rodney so ridiculous (and plain old WRONG). Even if I didn't like Sam/Jack I'd still feel that way. Other than Katie, most women we've seen him around tend to bring out the crappy side of Rodney, the side that makes me wanna smack him upside the head multiple times. And I actually like Rodney.
                    Pixie's Haven


                      it was along the line of sam being involved with marty, i just can't see it beyond the massively dysfunctional because martouf didn't love SAM, he hungered after the remnants of Jolinar.

                      The one AU relatioship i could kinda see was the Sam/Cam that PdL played up in RIpple Effect, ok two, teh Sam/Lorne that was shot down in TRNT

                      Sam, not my interpretation of her, wouldn't go for someone high maintenance or too immature (which is why i don't see sam/shep, he's too immature), she would want someone a bit more her equal, not only mentally but physically, and someone that can e a partner, not a subordinant
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        *Stares at MG. Boy am i glad you're a few hundred miles away, otherwise i'd be skeered
                        Just be glad I managed to haul mini out of the Ask the Mods thread before she pulled that little stunt

                        Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                        Screw Toronto (um, perhaps not literally), I will never be the same. The two of them sharing a pad together... playing with mini's hightech doohickies!!! Scarigeek, Minimore...
                        Yes, we have fused. It's like The Fly. It's skeery

                        Btw, I experienced my first freezing rain last night. It's a tad chilly, wot!

                        Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post

                        Ah, a suitable Sam reference! Good chap, AD!

                        Family Ties
                        Quiet room, bottle of wine - good femslash fic should ensue...


                          Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                          "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Samandans have invaded Toronto and look what's happened!"

                          Um... that wasn't my fault...honest

                          **glares at scari** see what you get for playing with mini's doohickies!

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            it was along the line of sam being involved with marty, i just can't see it beyond the massively dysfunctional because martouf didn't love SAM, he hungered after the remnants of Jolinar.

                            The one AU relatioship i could kinda see was the Sam/Cam that PdL played up in RIpple Effect, ok two, teh Sam/Lorne that was shot down in TRNT

                            Sam, not my interpretation of her, wouldn't go for someone high maintenance or too immature (which is why i don't see sam/shep, he's too immature), she would want someone a bit more her equal, not only mentally but physically, and someone that can e a partner, not a subordinant
                            I can't see any Sam/Rodney other than the one-sided stuff we already see, and I think if they ever had Sam feel feelings for Rodney it would do major character damage to our Sam. Believe it or not, that isn't my inner S/J shipper speaking. I could actually go with AU Sam/Cam (probably thanks to SS's fanfic...yes, this die hard shipper read and enjoyed it), but it would have to be an AU where Jack is dead (probably dead before season 4) and Cam leads SG-2. (Now, that was my inner shipper speaking. ) I could possibly handle an AU Sam/John, but again Jack would have to be dead (and so would Elizabeth and Earth would probably have to be destroyed)...Maybe I couldn't handle Sam/John afterall. I never saw Marty as a match for Sam. He's a cutie, but that is the end of it.

                            Disclaimer: In my reality, our Sam would only be with our Jack. (So ship family members who hang out in Samanda don't think I'm turning on the ship.)
                            Last edited by Gate gal; 02 March 2007, 08:14 AM.


                              I don't see Rodney/Sam or Ram either, at least not as more than friends or a one sided crush on Rodney's part. Like Sky said he's too high maintenance and too immature.

                              I personally never had a problem with Sam/Marty, but that was probably because of some excellent fics AC, a former forum member posted. She's the only one who ever managed to do Sam/Marty really well.


                                Originally posted by scarimor View Post

                                Ah, a suitable Sam reference! Good chap, AD!

                                Family Ties
                                Quiet room, bottle of wine - good femslash fic should ensue...
                                Scari...are you saying you going to write it...Cause I would love that Must say I thought about you the moment I saw it...and that about a great fanfic coming from you...just a little hint

