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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scifi_girl View Post
    last nights episode

    i thought it was a lot of fun. really liked the opening with vala and sam, and also the last but one scene with the two of them. its nice to see the interaction between the two of them, and them getting on so well. the last scene made me laugh, it was brilliant. thoroughly enjoyed last nights episode. just disappointed that its all coming to end, when this season has i think been really good, and way, way better than season 9.
    My favourite moment so far is the very Samandan reference...


    "The Virginia Dialogue show thing". Then he asks if Teal'c wants to go. Can you imagine Teal'c at TVM?
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
      My favourite moment so far is the very Samandan reference...


      "The Virginia Dialogue show thing". Then he asks if Teal'c wants to go. Can you imagine Teal'c at TVM?
      I'll keep an eye out for him


      my fanfic


        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
        Ok I just got my dvd boxset of season 2 of SGA...and the first thing I did was watch the audiocommentary of Grace under pressure and make some screencaps so...I thought since I already made a summary for myself, lets just also post it here with also some screencaps... Btw all what is written down can be missinterpreted by me and the language barriere... But I did quote all of Amanda literalarly...
        All I just can say is I so love audiocommentaries if they are more then just j/k around...if they are the 2 they are great and that was the case with this audiocommentary

        Audiocommentary Grace under Pressure :
        With Marting Wood, Martin Gero, Amanda Tapping and David Hewlet

        * In the beginning Amanda says Yippie…what is totally adorable.

        * It was supposed to be a season 1 episode. MG watched over 100 episodes of SG-1 during the break of season 1 of Atlantis. Where Amanda says: ‘I am so sorry’ (very funny if you ask me) And after they watched Descent they decided to make GuP, cause they owned all the material already.

        * While they give away a spoiler of the ep itself. Cause well lets face it everyone already has seen the ep if they listen to the commentary. Amanda reacts on a way only she can with: ‘Oh man’

        * It was filmed in 3 different jumpers.

        * they found it a very exciting episode that goes on and on. The only problem they had was for 2 acts they only had David in the back of a jumper.

        * There were 2 ways how they filmed the death of the pilot. Also the lightening of the beginning when McKay is in the back of the jumper is with only flashlight and the tablet McKay is holding. They made it very claustrophobic cause they have the camera that close on David. The camera is only 5 inches away from him.

        * It was supposed to be an underbudged episode. And while joking they said Amanda showed up. Where Amanda replies: ‘asking for scale’. And they all laugh. For cutting the budget they did a lot of long shots with the jumper falling in the water. To cut the special effect. In fact there are only a few of shots of the jumper falling in the water. They are just 15 seconds long.

        * They talk about the fact that Grace is the SG-1 episode equivalent of GuP. And that not a lot of actors can play only with themselves. Where Amanda says to David that it is a gift. The way she says it is very funny. David did a lot of act 1 and 2 in single takes to save money. They also only shot 5 days. They also used a lot of camera’s to get different angles, what made it hard to edit.

        * The episode was 6 minutes over, normally that is good cause they can cut it easily. But in episodes like this it is really difficult. So they deleted some scene’s with David and they really had to be creative about it. There used to be a scene where McKay is going insane, but due to time it wasn’t in it anymore.

        * Amanda says about David: ‘ This is a great performance David. It is a really nice arc throughout the whole thing for you.’

        * They use a lot of jump cutting to show that McKay is dreaming. It is cut shot to shot to show what is happening to his brain. It is something stylistically they don’t normally do on the show.

        * When they are on Atlantis and all the sparks are behind Torri and Joe, it is something they don’t like doing cause the actors have to go to the soundstage to speak in what they were saying. But they thought it was worth it cause it is a visual piece. And it is necessary to see all the activity to see that they are pushing forward… To show they are going to save him.

        * funny thing about the whale: it was put in out of desperation. And then it started solving all of these problems. It was like one of these divine interventions. And according to Amanda: ‘It is an ocean, there are whales.

        * the wire on the sealing made it hard to cut. But when the jumper is moving…It is actually not moving but has everything to do with the camera and David moves the wires

        * David thinks that these are dream roles cause you got so much to say. And then he thinks about that he has to learn it all. And Amanda replies: ‘Then you have a lot to do, but it is exciting’

        * The reveal of Sam had to look like nothing magic has happened, and that it is just inside his head. That is why they showed a lot of the back. To show no one is there and then of course Amanda comes to the back.
        Amanda: ‘a lot of people have issues with the colour’ Cause it is so different then everything in there, and that was the point. Amanda: ‘ I didn’t choose this colour by the by, this was Christina mc Cory.(sp?) I think it is brilliant because it is so not what Carter would normally wear. But what McKay might see her and it is a complete brightness in this dark dark puddle jumper. And I think it adds a little bounce, what is nice.’

        * Amanda wasn’t going to be Carter Carter but McKay Carter. At the moment Carter comes in MG found it easier to write. He also didn’t know if Carter would say some of the stuff she said but since she was McKay Carter some of the things she would have said. The 2 characters bounce of each other. They have such a great chemistry. When Carter says: ‘do you know what you are doing’ the perspective changes cause it is not only McKay anymore. It is all about what is in McKay his head.

        * The whale cut out was very funny. Amanda replies: ‘Oh yeaaaah.’ They always new it was going to cut out. It was actually a finding Nemo thing. Here they say what it was supposed to be.
        Carter: ‘I speak Whale.’
        McKay: ‘You do?’
        And Carter stands up toward the camera and she says: (in that finding Nemo type of way)‘Heeey goooo geeet heeeelp’
        Amanda says: ‘I can’t remember how I did it’ but everyone found it very funny. And David his reaction was so classic, it was like a non-reaction.

        * Amanda says: ‘Can I say that I was very nervous to shoot this episode?’ ‘ It was a different approach to Carter which I really liked. But I was back on set with Martin. I hasn’t worked with you in a while, and I was working with David, who I hadn’t worked with in a long time. And I was working with the Atlantis crew and I didn’t know all of them. And I wanted to make a good impression. And I was really, really nervous.’
        Then they reply that it sure didn’t show up and that it is great

        * David talks about Amanda having a baby. Amanda says: ‘ She was about 4 months old, 5 months old.’ When they shot GuP

        *When the puddle jumper hits the ground they love it that Carter doesn’t fall, cause she isn’t affected but it cause she isn’t real.

        * From this moment on they are in a second jumper… the wet jumper. This shot this in a giant tank of water that was in a huge hangar. And the echo was insane. Sharp Sound cleaned that up so nice that they didn’t have to go into a sound stage. They lower the puddle jumper in the water. They did heated the pool.
        Amanda (or Sam) had to stay dry until she did her wild stuff cause it was impossible to stay dry when you got to that level.

        * This was the hardest show to mix (sound effects wise) because they didn’t know how the things sounded and every single sound was new.

        * When McKay blames himself, they love the way Amanda reacts, the non-reaction to what is going on.

        * The shooting was simple. It was all about the performance. Amanda says: ‘It was a nice change of pace’

        * They put Amanda in the water now cause it was to hard to keep her dry and they did it all in one shot. And it was the first scene MG thought about when they heard McKay and would hallucinate Carter she could not have her top on. Amanda says: ‘ Well, I think I look like a woman who just had a baby.’
        And they have been getting strange and awkward thank you letters from fans.
        They did have a costume Amanda was going to wear. Amanda says:’ Christina McQuarrie built a great sort of wet suit costume’ But when it got wet it turned into papier-mâché and really weird. And then Amanda said she had a really great blue bra and it was a fluke she got that. And it looked great.
        And the only time Carter would be interested in McKay is when she would trick him, cause there is no way she would actually like him, unless she was up to something.

        * About the water stuff and about how much fun it is Amanda says: ‘I did too, it was quite fun’ Amanda and David didn’t get out of the water tank for most of the day. Amanda on the question what is that like: ‘Prune-y’ ‘I had to get out to feed the baby, that was the hard part. Because I had a wet suit on. I had to get out to feed.’

        * The end of the ep was the trickiest part. To try to figure out how to get this to work. They also wanted to let Carter disappear but they did the close the door thing in the end.

        some screencaps...klick on it to make it bigger...

        Thanks for that Eve! My daughter nearly flipped out (spoilers for GuP)
        when Sam was left in that puddle jumper at the end. Of course, she didn't like the Sam/Rodney lip lock either (yep, she's a shipper ). Hey, she was 7 when she watched it the first time. It was a little hard for her to understand that this was Dream Sam.

        I loved the commentary notes.


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          I'll keep an eye out for him

          ROFL!!!!! At the end...


          It WAS the Vagina Monologues he went to!!
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
            My favourite moment so far is the very Samandan reference...


            "The Virginia Dialogue show thing". Then he asks if Teal'c wants to go. Can you imagine Teal'c at TVM?
            You are kidding, right? There was actually a TVM reference! That's cool!


              Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
              You are kidding, right? There was actually a TVM reference! That's cool!
              Not only that but...


              You actually SAW Teal'c at the show and cringing. It was HILARIOUS.

              Why's this show getting cancelled again?
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                Not only that but...


                You actually SAW Teal'c at the show and cringing. It was HILARIOUS.

                Why's this show getting cancelled again?

                It's just not getting the support that it used to get. And after all it's done for the network.


                  Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                  I actually enjoyed most of the episode (better than "Grace" which I only saw once, whereas I watched "GUP" several times) except for the part where Sam gets very OOC. IMHO it was a test to see fans reaction to porting AT/Sam to Atlantis (which already happenned) and the future Sodney (which might happen in the near future)
                  That's the thing about GUP, the Sam we saw was suppose to be OOC. Because it wasn't our Sam -- it was McKay's Sam -- which is very different to how Sam would truly act.

                  I'm hoping the writers will be smart enough not to turn Atlantis into a Sodney fest. While I enjoy their snarky bantering on occassion, I don't think it would be any funnier than what we saw with Daniel/Vala on SG-1. That type of humor only goes so far in my opinion. The writers seem to have calmed down a bit with Vala/Daniel in S10, so hopefully they've[TPTB] finally got the picture and won't try it on Atlantis; because I don't think I'd stick around for too long -- even if Amanda was on screen forty minutes an episode.
                  Last edited by ForeverSg1; 28 February 2007, 02:16 PM.


                    Ok I am still in a Grace under Pressure mood...Surprise surprise I know lol
                    so some icons (and watch out there can be someone in it you don't like )


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                      That's the thing about GUP, the Sam we saw was suppose to be OOC. Because it wasn't our Sam -- it was McKay's Sam -- which is very different to how Sam would truly act.

                      I'm hoping the writers will be smart enough to not to turn Atlantis into a Sodney fest. While I enjoy their snarky bantering on occassion, I don't think it would be any funnier than what we saw with Daniel/Vala on SG-1. That type of humor only goes so far in my opinion. The writers seem to have calmed down a bit with Vala/Daniel in S10, so hopefully they finally got the picture and won't try it on Atlantis, because I don't think I'd stick around for that for too long -- even if Amanda was on screen forty minutes an episode.
                      I couldn't agree more. And please... don't tell me you made up "Sodney".

                      No, I'm glad you likened Sam/Rodney to Daniel/Vala. I'm obviously a big Sam fan, but I don't want to like her and her presence at the expense of the other characters. And I think a lot of Sam fans share that mentality. The potential for TPTB to take it too far is definitely there, and that's why I also hope they've learned from their mistakes. It'd be great if they could start S4 off on the right foot, instead of having to seemingly correct it along the way.

                      That balance that we've all been talking about for a year or so is what they need, and hopefully with only 20 episodes to worry about, they can focus on all facets of Atlantis.


                        Originally posted by starrgazer
                        that is SO weird! especially since none of us on the prod team knew we'd be working on the play until the end of October/early November, and in Amanda's case January! lol - TOO COOL!!!! (but she really likes the play - so maybe that's why it ended up in there!?!?! Can't wait to see this ep!!!!!)

                        Oh - and if he is there... for the Samandan's who've been on the TVM thread - maybe he'll be my net?!?!?!

                        I'm guessing you'll be diving off the stage, not falling off it

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by starrgazer
                          that is SO weird! especially since none of us on the prod team knew we'd be working on the play until the end of October/early November, and in Amanda's case January! lol - TOO COOL!!!! (but she really likes the play - so maybe that's why it ended up in there!?!?! Can't wait to see this ep!!!!!)

                          Oh - and if he is there... for the Samandan's who've been on the TVM thread - maybe he'll be my net?!?!?!

                          LOL! If he were there I'm sure he'd have a few people aiming to use him as a net. But not to worry, I'm sure we'll be somewhere near the front, we'll catch ya. *g*
                          Pixie's Haven


                            oh come on. Someone had to do it!


                            "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."--Thucydides


                              Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
                              Very Good!!!


                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                                Excuse me?!? Since when can I only be a S/J and not be anything else... I think I make it clear that I in the first place am a Sam/Amanda fan...Yes I do like S/J but I do love Amanda too...And I must say I like her with Rodney too...There is something there, not in a shippy way but more in a funny kind of way.
                                I don't think next year will be Sodney (I take it that is what Sam and Rodney stands for). I think that there will be some Sam and Rodney moments in it. But there will be much more in it.
                                And honestly the ep was great!!! if you ask me. And Amanda was amazing in it. And sorry that you didn't like the kiss but I found it nice to see...
                                And if that makes me a bad shipper...So be it. Cause I always say I am first an Amanda/Sam fan and then a shipper. And lets face it I am also not the greatest shipper that is out there ;-) Cause I did like the Sam/Pete thing too... I just don't see Sam being alone. And true I think that Jack is the man she loves I also love to see her with other men.
                                And not only men
                                I love the Sam/Janet dynamic...and in FF I love them together in more then friendship kind of way
                                WooHoo...WTG Eve!!
                                I totally agree with you schnook! And you are soooo NOT a bad are a wonderful shipper...actually I don't think there is any such thing as a bad there??? As for the Pete thing...I have stated once before that I think it was a good...for me it reinforced the idea that Sam and Jack belong together...IMHSM anyway!! As for Sam/Janet...not my cup of tea but hey...that's just me...never was one for Sam/Teal'c...til posts today Eve...boy do I have a lot to catch up on!!
                                Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                                One of the biggest reasons that S/J shippers get flak from anti-shippers/noromo-whatchama-callit (seriously what do you call it? )/ is that we cannot seperate Sam from the ship. I will always maintain that it's a part of her, but I will never state that it's the be all and end all. General disclaimer - am not saying anyone has said that here. But we are massively defensive of our ship regardless. Even if SG1 had ended at Moebius, and tptb had planned to move Sam to Atlantis in time for S2, I in no way believe that it would be to ship her with somebody else. I will always believe that Jack is an important part of Sam's life, and it would just have come off false after "Threads". That aside, it would have been a massive insult to the character of Sam Carter. It would pretty much have cemented the fact that tptb can't write for Carter without associating her as part of a ship. Which is cheese and baloney because look what an amazing actress they have to work with. And I do believe that McKay is getting better... at least a little LoL.
                                Great post MegYn...and so true...except that not all shipper have a hard time seperating Sam from the is a big part of who she is but like you said not the be all and end all...I don't think TPTB would have shipped her off to Atlantis to be shipped with someone else...I honestly think they know that the Sam/Jack ship is a big huge seller...IMHSM
                                *ok...I know...a lot of ship in that post but's what I do!!*

                                Originally posted by starrgazer
                                that is SO weird! especially since none of us on the prod team knew we'd be working on the play until the end of October/early November, and in Amanda's case January! lol - TOO COOL!!!! (but she really likes the play - so maybe that's why it ended up in there!?!?! Can't wait to see this ep!!!!!)
                                Oh - and if he is there... for the Samandan's who've been on the TVM thread - maybe he'll be my net?!?!?!
                                Speaking of TVM...I checked to see if we were getting a show over here and guess what...we were...but they had to cancel just 2 days ago as the sponsor for the venue pulled out and they didn't get the support they needed to get the show up and running..would have been on this weekend but now I have to wait til next year.
                                So has anyone got a copy of the dialogue that Amanda will be doing...someone posted it a little while back but I don't know where to find it.
                                Thank you!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

