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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Congrats in advance on 5,000 posts LA! WTG Girl!


      Ok, now that I've gotten the green and felt the lurve, I have a silly question.

      How do I give as good as I've got? What do I click on? I feel like such a newb.
      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
      William Shakespeare

      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


        Well a couple of regular posters from this thread get mentions in Joe's blog today. I know some fans will have issues with today blog - but I must admit with the way I'm feeling today I had a good laugh at it.

        Jessica also writes: “Where is the logic in getting rid of two Atlantis fan favourites and risking losing their fans, just in the hope of getting a few people from SG1 to watch.”

        Answer: Allow me to clear up a assumption on your part, specifically the fait accompli belief that any creative decision made with regard to Weir was a result of Carter joining the show. In fact, the opposite is true. After a decision was made with regard to Weir, we entertained a number of possibilities - three in particular come to mind. In the end, we decided on Carter because - a) it’s something we’ve wanted to do for a while, and b) her strengths and backgrounds make her well-suited to the Atlantis environment. Holding the Samantha Carter responsible for any upcoming changes would be akin to holding the Cameron Mitchell character responsible for O’Neill’s departure or blaming the General Landry character for Hammond’s exit.

        For those that want to read more and don't have the link - well here is the link
        Last edited by tsaxlady; 23 February 2007, 09:12 PM.
        My View From The Peanut Gallery


          Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
          Well a couple of regular posters from this thread get mentions in Joe's blog today. I know some fans will have issues with today blog - but I must admit with the way I'm feeling today I had a good laugh at it.

          Jessica also writes: “Where is the logic in getting rid of two Atlantis fan favourites and risking losing their fans, just in the hope of getting a few people from SG1 to watch.”

          Answer: Allow me to clear up a assumption on your part, specifically the fait accompli belief that any creative decision made with regard to Weir was a result of Carter joining the show. In fact, the opposite is true. After a decision was made with regard to Weir, we entertained a number of possibilities - three in particular come to mind. In the end, we decided on Carter because - a) it’s something we’ve wanted to do for a while, and b) her strengths and backgrounds make her well-suited to the Atlantis environment. Holding the Samantha Carter responsible for any upcoming changes would be akin to holding the Cameron Mitchell character responsible for O’Neill’s departure or blaming the General Landry character for Hammond’s exit.

          For those that want to read more and don't have the link - well here is the link
          Thanks for the link! I'm sure some will also have issues with it too... But I was glad he at least addressed it in some aspect and took up for AT. Amanda/ Sam is not the reason! The decision was made well before Amanda/Sam was selected to join Atlantis!! So stop blaming Amanda for the decisions TPTB make!!! ok ...whew ... I feel better now

          Here is the answer that I liked the best from Joe's blog because he is sooo right!! I heard about this after the con from a few non supporters and I was frustrated by the news. However I did read a few blogs from others that attended that where a little unsure, but after hearing DH talking about how excited he was to be working with Amanda again some changed their minds and were looking forward to S4. Go David!!! I knew I loved that guy

          Jessica writes: “You might want to ask David Hewlett about the boos he got when he mentioned that Amanda was going to be in 14 episodes at a recent con in the UK. That's right. People booed.”

          Joe's Answer: Well, David Hewlett may have been surprised when a certain group of fans booed an actress for doing nothing more than accepting a job to help support her family, but me - not so much. What can I say? Congratulations to all those who embarrassed themselves and the performers who made the long trek to spend time with you all. Classy.
          Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 23 February 2007, 11:03 PM.


            Congrats on 5000, LAD!


              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
              Did you guys all read Rachel's latest "Aftershocks" chapter from today? With the Sam/Teal'c friendship at the end? Loved it!!
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              yes, i LOVED it too. forgot that one. d'oh
              Interestingly I was thinking about Sky when I wrote is as I know how much you love Sam/Teal'c...

              Just a quick post to say I have updated Aftershocks with 'Lessons Learned' which follows after Spirits...

              And also to say, that I won't be around much in the next week as I'm away on a business trip. Unfortunately that also means I won't be around to do the usual summary on Tuesday night - I'll have to post that when I get back and see the epi.

              Glad to hear the news on AT being in the SGA credits...I've always thought she would end up taking the final spot a la Michael Shanks/SG1 and will be 'and Amanda Tapping as Col. Samantha Carter'.

              And thanks for the posting the JM's blog on how the decision making went Weir reduced = Sam included more and not the other way around...I would just like to say in a very smug way that I postulated that theory way back when the news broke....

              OK. Got to run. Have a fun weekend!
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                I'm off to Melbourne for a week of TAFE (skill based, adult learning school) as part of my new traineeship, so probably no internet access for me I'm kinda annoyed because Family Ties airs this week and I've been looking forward to that ep for a while So no-one is allowed to enjoy all teh Sam/Vala until I get back!!!


                  Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                  Ok, now that I've gotten the green and felt the lurve, I have a silly question.

                  How do I give as good as I've got? What do I click on? I feel like such a newb.
                  The little scales in the right corner of the post. Have fun. You can green someone about once every hour and a half (15 times a day). You can't green the same person to closely to when you green'd em before, either. Hope this helps.
                  Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                  And thanks for the posting the JM's blog on how the decision making went Weir reduced = Sam included more and not the other way around...I would just like to say in a very smug way that I postulated that theory way back when the news broke....
                  I've never understood why everyone just assumed Sam's coming was the cause of Weir's leaving -- or not leaving, but you-know. Both changes were announced at the same time, but general casting info would be.


                    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                    Hmm, I'm not sure what mine said before and I'm so pathetic I had to make a post simply to see what it says now.

                    Wow, I suppose we should thank everyone for the jello they gave us.

                    Because without the little Tauri this never could have happened.

                    As your Goddess, we thank you.
                    I hate to break it to you, but you make a really lousy Goa'uld. Come on, thanking your minions?

                    Then again, if you were good at being a Goa'uld, we'd have to do nasty things to try to get rid of you, and that would just bring down the tone of the whole thread.


                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      hey everone, greg did a little magic. Hover your mouse over your jello blocks. He added a new twist

                      I'm not seeing anything different. What am I missing?


                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        hey everone, greg did a little magic. Hover your mouse over your jello blocks. He added a new twist
                        ROTFLOL Kudos to Greg! After years of advising students, I'm now advising System Lords!

                        Psst, I think he knows that scarimor is a force to be reckoned with.


                          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                          I'm not seeing anything different. What am I missing?

                          Yours says "scifithinker is finally ready to take a human host". Hold your cursor over your row of jello blocks and the message should pop up eventually.

                          Ral tora ke (Translation: Good luck!)
                          Last edited by ChopinGal; 24 February 2007, 03:12 AM.


                            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                            Thanks for the link! I'm sure some will also have issues with it too... But I was glad he at least addressed it in some aspect and took up for AT. Amanda/ Sam is not the reason! The decision was made well before Amanda/Sam was selected to join Atlantis!! So stop blaming Amanda for the decisions TPTB make!!! ok ...whew ... I feel better now

                            Here is the answer that I liked the best from Joe's blog because he is sooo right!! I heard about this after the con from a few non supporters and I was frustrated by the news. However I did read a few blogs from others that attended that where a little unsure, but after hearing DH talking about how excited he was to be working with Amanda again some changed their minds and were looking forward to S4. Go David!!! I knew I loved that guy

                            Jessica writes: “You might want to ask David Hewlett about the boos he got when he mentioned that Amanda was going to be in 14 episodes at a recent con in the UK. That's right. People booed.”

                            Joe's Answer: Well, David Hewlett may have been surprised when a certain group of fans booed an actress for doing nothing more than accepting a job to help support her family, but me - not so much. What can I say? Congratulations to all those who embarrassed themselves and the performers who made the long trek to spend time with you all. Classy.
                            I'm not too sure I like Joe's answer at all. IN fact I think he is doing exactly what he is very scathingly accusing the fans of doing in respect of the initial question that Tsax put up above. Drawing incorrect conclusions.

                            I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of those fans were not booing Amanda at all - I think that this was their way of expressing what their feeling was about that particular creative decision.

                            Joe's reaction not only avoids the point (which was "do you realise how unpopular that decision is") but goes on to be very very snide about those fans - who dared to voice their opinions.

                            I can't quite understand the ego who would turn the insult on Amanda and not realise it was directed at the people making creative decisions - including himself. I think it wholly poor form of him to be so nasty back to the fans. I could quite happily throw the sarcy "classy" comment back his way!

                            I would also take Joe's response about decions about Cater and Weir with a pinch of salt. In addition if they though that Weir wasn't really coming accross as they hoped - the sensible alternative would be to try and use new writers first rather than just get rid of the character.

                            I think there is quite a small clique of a boys club running the Stargate universe and there are all looking after themselves. This is only my opinion though - of course I don't know for sure.

                            On the issue of TPTB listening to the fans. Kat made a very eloquent comment that the writers should make their own creative decisons.

                            I agree only in part. Of course the creativity is inextricably linked to the writing process and probably the writing enjoyment (and ego's).

                            I think the writers should feel free to come up with the storylines and write the stories. However it is probably the exec producers job to make sure that the creativity is in line with ensuring the continued popularity of the show. The writers can only exercise their creative juices if they have a show to write for. Thus the opinions of fans do matter to a great extent and - if the producers want a show renewal - should be borne in mind when any show changes are considered and when the writers are coming up with storyline ideas.

                            Joe can be scathing and obnoxious all he wants. He just shifted from one very nicely paid job to another - whilst a lot of the crew of SG1 had to find other work. You think that the rest of the crew could be borne in mind by the writers of a sucessful show too. Unless of course it is all about them??!!

                            I'm afraid I will always be very disapointed and amazed at the foolhardy decsions made regarding SG1 I know quite a number of people who stopped watching after they heard that Cam was in command and also after watching a few season 9 episdoes. Got nothing to do with RDA leaving - everything to do with the state of the writing and the direction of the show.

                            I'm afraid I think if we are dispointed with the writing and show direction we should feel able to say it without being made to feel we are horrible people.

                            If we took every change affecting/imposed on our lives with a pinch of salt and a cheery "lets make the best of it, lets not moan and lets see the good side" then you are washing your hands of ever being able to make anything better. Constructive critical comment is a vital component of a democratic society.

                            Amanda made the point at AT1 I think that soap box, in your face banging on tables criticism is not the best way to affect change. Yes she has a great point and I felt a little shamed myself at that comment. But I'm afraid sometimes outwardly voicing your opinions in a strong uncompromising way can be the only option and this forum and Joe's blog means that any feedback is as it is. Critical comment. It should never be downright nasty though.

                            Voicing my opinions about the writing, the decisions made and the actions of the PTB means I care, not that I'm a sad and horrible individual.

                            I have said plenty of times that the writers must take a lot of credit for how Sam was portrayed in seasons 1 to 6 and that they can write well, so why can't I say if I think they are doing a bad job?

                            I think the writers should accept their responsibilty to the show and everyone involved. I'm sure they would not deliberatley sink a show, but they did not pay any thought whatsoever to the original SG1 cast when they made their totally unecessary changes in season 9. I'm not quite sure where Joe gets the gall to call fans for what he percieves to be unfair treatment of Amanda when only a couple of years ago they had more or less discounted her from playing a decent role in SG1. That, in effect rather than by meaning, was a slap in the face decision. Amanda has said a couple of times how dispointed she was in the lack of character development of Carter in seasons 9 and 10.

                            It is also an opinion of mine that perhaps the improved writing and recent improving of Sams role in season 10 may well be down to the overall opinion of SG1 viewers (i.e. switching off").

                            And yes they may well be trying to use the huge popularity of Sam to prop up their Atlantis show which is looking not too strong in the ratings. As I said earlier - perhaps some fresh writers are required?!

                            I shall end my disjointed rambling rant now. Suffice to say my opinions are not based on how much I like Sam or Amanda - they are based on what I think is sensible and fair - and I'm still not sure I am happy with Sam going to Atlantis for 14 eps.
                            Last edited by Coley; 24 February 2007, 04:00 AM.


                              Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                              Holding the Samantha Carter responsible for any upcoming changes would be akin to holding the Cameron Mitchell character responsible for O’Neill’s departure or blaming the General Landry character for Hammond’s exit.[/I]
                              Of course I don't hold the character responsible - I hold the writers responsible for trying to make Mitchell a bad carbon copy of O'Neill in S9, therby souring him to many people and still not really explaining Jack's departure. They could have done so much with Mitchell - made him loveable to everyone in addition to the Jack love. Season 9 alone will never make me like the character.


                                Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                                I'm off to Melbourne for a week of TAFE (skill based, adult learning school) as part of my new traineeship, so probably no internet access for me I'm kinda annoyed because Family Ties airs this week and I've been looking forward to that ep for a while So no-one is allowed to enjoy all teh Sam/Vala until I get back!!!

                                I hear ya, AD. Have fun anyway

                                Originally posted by Coley View Post
                                I'm not too sure I like Joe's answer at all. IN fact I think he is doing exactly what he is very scathingly accusing the fans of doing in respect of the initial question that Tsax put up above. Drawing incorrect conclusions.

                                I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of those fans were not booing Amanda at all - I think that this was their way of expressing what their feeling was about that particular creative decision.
                                But regardless, it's not classy to boo at David Hewlett's announcement from the stage, no matter what the various motives behind it might be. It's just rude, and may have made him feel uncomfortable.

                                I thought the decision to make an inexperienced officer of equal rank to Carter the nominal "leader" of SG-1 sucked big time (it' looked incredibly sexist, for a start) but there's no way I'd have boo'ed at a convention if one of the guests mentioned that Ben Browder was joining the cast. It would have made no difference that I wasn't actually boo-hissing at Ben, or even boo-hissing the character of Cam per se. Fans who do that kind of thing are lacking in manners, at the very least.

                                Joe's reaction not only avoids the point (which was "do you realise how unpopular that decision is") but goes on to be very very snide about those fans - who dared to voice their opinions.
                                That "point" is not quantifiable. There's no controlled survey among on-line fans, much less one among the general viewing population, to sustain the claim that the decision is unpopular. Some people may not like it, and may say so louder than those who are happy with it and the probably many more who are ambivalent. The question was so loaded - "do you realise" what? Something that is an assumption from a few, nothing else. What was he supposed to say in response? "No, I didn't realise... please show me the results of your international Mori poll"?

                                I would also take Joe's response about decions about Cater and Weir with a pinch of salt. In addition if they though that Weir wasn't really coming accross as they hoped - the sensible alternative would be to try and use new writers first rather than just get rid of the character.
                                Creative decisions are not solely about how a character is working out. There is a focus by fans on character above all else, because we have our favourites, but really that is not how a writer approaches his craft. The decision to reduce Weir's time may have far more to do with a general direction they want to take their story. For example, what if their plan is to militarize the Atlantis expedition, for other creative reasons? A side-effect of that would the removal of the local civilian oversight - i.e. Weir. SG-1 and SGA are not character-driven shows. Sure, character is important, and is often the element which attracts hard-core fans, but it's not the central theme.
                                Last edited by scarimor; 24 February 2007, 07:52 AM. Reason: can't spell Hewlett

