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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
    Can I be that cute when I'm that age? Please? It won't be long

    I'm already that age and there's no chance in hell for me.

    It's ok though...

    *Tries to think of something she might have that Amanda doesn't.*

    I bet Amanda doesn't have a pool in her backyard and I do. Neener Neener.

    What?!? Yeah, she probably has one of those as well, but can she say that she lives in Netu on earth? huh? I didn't think so!
    Last edited by ForeverSg1; 08 February 2007, 12:07 PM.


      Originally posted by SamCarterFan View Post
      Amanda is just being modest... come on, when she looks in the mirror in the morning she HAS to know she's the most beautiful woman ever to walk the earth *sigh*. There is no way I can imagine her looking in the mirror and going "god, I look like crap, poor me!" There is absolutely no flaw to be found.
      Okay, this isn't really important I just had to get this out of my system.
      Oh and another thing, don't be too hard on yourself! I'm sure you look great
      I don't know. We rarely see ourselves the way others see us. When most people look in the mirror, they see the person they were at 14 aka the awkward years. Society puts such an emphasis on being pretty. The entertainment industry throws beautiful people on the screen, and teens decide that its the norm and they'll never measure up. That follows many of them into adult life.


        Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
        Hey, do you all remember the "Crazy 8's" festival Amanda was involved with around mid/late last year? The short films thing? I remember posting a pic from the showing of the films of Amanda and Alan, but going back there again the other day they have trailers of each of the films that I, at least, had never seen before. The trailer of Amanda's one is just her

        If anyone wants to see:

        which one is hers is rather obvious
        **sniff, sniff* my page won't do the active X thingie (technical term ) so I can't watch it

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
          I don't know. We rarely see ourselves the way others see us. When most people look in the mirror, they see the person they were at 14 aka the awkward years. Society puts such an emphasis on being pretty. The entertainment industry throws beautiful people on the screen, and teens decide that its the norm and they'll never measure up. That follows many of them into adult life.
          that is very well said and very true! Ofcourse when you live with yourself you don't see yourself as pretty, you're usually content (or not). But maybe when so many people say to you that you're drop dead gorgeous, and they tell you over and over again, then you might go "Hmm maybe I am pretty" But in Amanda's case, she's really down to earth concerning those things. But no worries I will keep spreading the word that she's the most beautiful woman alive I think!
          : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
          Geeky : Oh brother...
          : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

          Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


            SciFi Channels website updated the Stargate SG1 page today with a clip from an upcoming (in the US) S10 preview - it is from Road Not Taken with Sam and

            My View From The Peanut Gallery


              Ok the Wolf Pegasus 2 (P2) convention that took place Feb 2-4, 2007... last weekend had more news about Sanctuary, from Dan Payne and Chuck Campbell (both are in Sanctaury)... but I didn't find anyone really giving details about it... other than the post parsifal provided for us...THanks for that by the way Parsifal!!!

              I have exhausted my search of LJ's who have all stated who was in it, but not what it's about or what type of characters they would be playing... Anyone else hear anything?? I heard PM might be in Sanctaury too!


                Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                SciFi Channels website updated the Stargate SG1 page today with a clip from an upcoming (in the US) S10 preview - it is from Road Not Taken with Sam and

                I saw that earlier. They have a funny definition of "exclusive".


                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                  Ok the Wolf Pegasus 2 (P2) convention that took place Feb 2-4, 2007... last weekend had more news about Sanctuary, from Dan Payne and Chuck Campbell (both are in Sanctaury)... but I didn't find anyone really giving details about it... other than the post parsifal provided for us...THanks for that by the way Parsifal!!!

                  I have exhausted my search of LJ's who have all stated who was in it, but not what it's about or what type of characters they would be playing... Anyone else hear anything?? I heard PM might be in Sanctaury too!
                  I like the idea of Paul being in the series. He is such a sweetie. I'd love to see him playing opposite of Amanda. I, too, have searched and searched for new details on Sanctuary. Nothing is out there. This is the best kept secret since the Stargate program (cold medicine remember?), but February is almost to the half way point so details should arrive soon.

                  Any news on Amanda and 2007 conventions? My daughter has realized that Mom and Dad don't plan to take her with them to London next year, and I promised to check into conventions for this summer. I know Paul is going to be in Chicago, and Michael and Chris will be at DragonLand. I haven't seen Amanda's name anywhere yet. I know she's going to be really busy, so she may not have time this year. Anybody remember when she made the announcement about what conventions she would be attending for last year?


                    Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                    I like the idea of Paul being in the series. He is such a sweetie. I'd love to see him playing opposite of Amanda. I, too, have searched and searched for new details on Sanctuary. Nothing is out there. This is the best kept secret since the Stargate program (cold medicine remember?), but February is almost to the half way point so details should arrive soon.

                    Any news on Amanda and 2007 conventions? My daughter has realized that Mom and Dad don't plan to take her with them to London next year, and I promised to check into conventions for this summer. I know Paul is going to be in Chicago, and Michael and Chris will be at DragonLand. I haven't seen Amanda's name anywhere yet. I know she's going to be really busy, so she may not have time this year. Anybody remember when she made the announcement about what conventions she would be attending for last year?
                    Yep I think Paul is a great guy too I would love to see him in Sanctuary!!

                    As far as the Stargate conventions here is the only list I have seen so far for the 2007 conventions... I am sure it will be updated as more dates and conventions are added... So there is still hope that AT will appear in the US this year if her schedule allows her too... maybe another shore leave, always a possiblity


                      little Story mod note, Scari, shimmering star, nzg and ann, can you check out a message in the samanda story thread

                      we need to tweak things a bit

                      deejay's not feeling so hot at the moment so she's gonna skip her part. I need to make sure the next part is getting moving
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        First of all, congrats on the little one, Sky! Very cool!

                        Second of all, I believe I've heard Mini do her Marvin the Martian impression, and it is totally spot on!

                        Third of all, sorry about the vid, Kat. I don't know what's wrong with it.


                        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                        Ok the Wolf Pegasus 2 (P2) convention that took place Feb 2-4, 2007... last weekend had more news about Sanctuary, from Dan Payne and Chuck Campbell (both are in Sanctaury)... but I didn't find anyone really giving details about it... other than the post parsifal provided for us...THanks for that by the way Parsifal!!!

                        I have exhausted my search of LJ's who have all stated who was in it, but not what it's about or what type of characters they would be playing... Anyone else hear anything?? I heard PM might be in Sanctaury too!
                        I've been looking for the same information, ann. Mini mentioned that DH spoke about AT on Atlantis, and how his enthusiasm convinced a fan to be as well... And then the news about how Sanctuary shirts were given out. It's beginning to look like a whole slew of SG people are going to be on the series.

                        But I'll keep an eye out for P2 con reports, too, just in case more pop up.


                          Ok this has nothing to do with what everyone was talking about previsouly, and you may have already said that before, I admit I haven't read all the pages, it's already difficult to keep up with the daily amount of posts here

                          So I was looking for baby names and their meaning (I don't even know why... ) and of course I looked for the meaning of Amanda, and it said : loveable, worthy of love
                          This is perfect lol, I can't agree more !!


                            OMG, I'm MIA for like 24 hours and there are pages and pages and pages of posts from you guys. My goodness you've all been so talkative.

                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                            Oh... I forgot the cutest moment from school today.


                            And at that point, beaming my head off, we got back to the lesson, everyone paying a lot more attention now that they had remembered how good Sam Carter was at school!
                            That is very awesome. Kudos to you and to Sam! hehe. On a similar note, it was actually Amanda and Sam that was the starting point to me going back to College and 'facing' it all. I won't bore you with a long story because truly, I'm not *that* interesting but suffice to say, I probably wouldn't have gone back if I hadn't watched Stargate.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            i won't mind if it's like Outer Limits or Poltergeists. Little spooky but not OTT scar you for life scary
                            and, knowing amanda and martin, i'm thinking for the former not the latter. Neither of them strike me as folks to make something so...umm, adult?

                            uber violent, uber gory, etc.
                            Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                            I wouldn't mind that mix, maybe with a little of the Twilight Zone added to it.
                            And believe me, as someone who's seen Hellraiser 1-3 , I'm not looking for a show like that.
                            Oh, I love both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits and that would actually be cool. Didn't Amanda do an episode of The Outer Limits? I've never seen it so I could've been dreaming that fact up from somewhere strange... but I was sure she had done one. I definitely don't think they'd go for adult, that's not where I think a revolutionary internet series would really go.

                            Originally posted by crazedturkey View Post
                            Hurrah! TPTB are never gonna give me any jack/sam shippiness, so it's high time I got a new one!

                            Cam/Sky has a nice ring to it don't you think?

                            The URST!

                            The fact that she's out of reach, being Goddess/Queen and yet, there's still something there!

                            The potential kinkiness of the wet noodle of doom!

                            *feels urge to write fanfic*

                            Popcorn as a final disappointing...

                            Is it really wise to bully the mod? Although the entire conversation was incredibly amusing to read. I was ROTFL so much it almost hurt.

                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            from joe's blog --

                            Majorsal writes: " there going to be a 'sam ep' in season 4?"

                            Answer: All of our characters will get a spotlight episode in the front half of season four.


                            i didn't think we'd get a 'sam ep' because, well, she's a recurring character and not a lead. but, we DO!!
                            Now this is cool. I know some people aren't pleased for her to be in Atlantis but I am and this is some great news! *does happy dance* I just hope that not all her episodes revolve around McKay....

                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                            *clears throat*
                            *readies her awesome Marvin the Martian voice...*

                            "STOP HER! She's stealing the SPACE CANON!"

                            LMAO. That was my favourite scene too.

                            Originally posted by SamCarterFan View Post
                            OMG Sam is so adorable, with her it's like the older she gets the cuter she gets. That husband of hers has to be the luckiest man alive....
                            Some people just have that gift and she's definitely got it in bundles and bucket loads. I hope that I age as gracefully as her.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            Congratulations Sky! She's very beautiful and cute. Congratulations to your family. The future of Samandan is obviously in safe hands.

                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                            Speaking of horror films (and noodles) I say Amanda should star in THIS


                            Now come on - who's gonna try out for the part of the noodle? Admit it...

                            *raises hand* Me! Definitely me! I usually like to eat my noodles but I wouldn't mind being in this.

                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                            Well, I think Buffy would have qualified on all those fronts as well. I does look (genre-wise) as though it'll be a similar sort of deal - simply from the photo released thus far.
                            Buffy was one of those all-round genre series. I wouldn't mind if it's a little Buffy-esque, but not in-your-face like that but they did tell some great stories. As long as there is no supernatural chosen one... ooh, unless it's Amanda. I could go for that but I do think it would be cheesy.

                            Made by the lovely Jakie


                              Very cute...

                              This one is so adorable...

                              Extreme close up, and still no flaw...

                              This is her 'yeah right!' face

                              This one I'm not sure, it couldn't be more fake, but funny... (not for kids)

                              "Why do I feel like I'm in a women behind bars movie?" part 1

                              "Why do I feel like I'm in a women behind bars movie?" part 2 (look at the pic she's signing... it's my sig woohoo)

                              Her puppy face...

                              The early years (my fav.) so beautiful... *sigh*

                              More early years...

                              This one I love...
                              : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
                              Geeky : Oh brother...
                              : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

                              Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


                                Originally posted by SamCarterFan View Post
                                I don't really mind whether it's ssn 4 SGA or ssn 10 SG1, just as long as there's a lot of Sam! whoever has the most of, that I want! Loving the Sam, but that wasn't really a suprise was it...
                                BTW loved this episode major Sam whumping, still a little mild I think but very cool none the less.
                                This also goes back to the younger Sam, so adorable...
                                No matter what her age...Amanda/Sam is always adorable...even when playing replicarter...I'm looking forward to SGA s4 but not the end of SG1...I know a lot of folk out there are glad it's over but I think season 10 has shown that it was a premature death for the show...I is so not a happy camper about that but I am glad that we are getting some movies...hopefully there will be more than 2 made...3 or 4 a year would be good...with lots of Sam-centric storylines...maybe a bit of S/J ship...that would be awesome!!
                                Originally posted by hastiekido View Post

                                *wanders out again to pick up the kids....*
                                Oh wow Hastie...that pic is the best yet...I love it...thank you!!
                                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                                Can I be that cute when I'm that age? Please? It won't be long
                                I wish I was that cute at any would be nice
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

