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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by AmberMoon View Post
    Sneaks in... Amanda Wall #2 ...sneaks out.
    Oooh that's purdy!!! Keep em comin' girlfriend!!


      Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
      :: pokes ROX's sig::

      Lemming Club? Shrill and uninformed lemming club? I'm sure there's a story there that I simply must know! (Please).
      Hi Deejay, *waves*

      Check your PM on this, if I got your question correct?
      Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
      Quint Studer


        Hi, all! I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this... and if it isn't I apologize... but does anyone know what AT's favorite color is? She seems to wear pink and red a lot... Any ideas?
        Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

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          Originally posted by Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel View Post
          Hi, all! I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this... and if it isn't I apologize... but does anyone know what AT's favorite color is? She seems to wear pink and red a lot... Any ideas?
          I think I read orange somewhere, but I could be wrong...
          Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
          Quint Studer


            Originally posted by Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel View Post
            Hi, all! I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this... and if it isn't I apologize... but does anyone know what AT's favorite color is? She seems to wear pink and red a lot... Any ideas?
            Orange. But God love her, it's not her color. Pink is much better on her.

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
              See just because she hated
              Mitchell's macaroons
              doesn't mean she doesn't like coconut.

              I LOVE coconut...and I HATE
              And let's not go into why
              they were black or really dark brown. Mitchell seemed pleased with them so I suppose he made them to spec. Nevertheless...*yuck*.

              I love macaroons. Well good ones that is and more than likely Mitchell's were just covered in dark chocolate. I make em that way sometimes.


                Originally posted by tagger View Post
                I think I read orange somewhere, but I could be wrong...
                Originally posted by suse View Post
                Orange. But God love her, it's not her color. Pink is much better on her.

                Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

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                  Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                  :okes ROX's sig::

                  Lemming Club? Shrill and uninformed lemming club? I'm sure there's a story there that I simply must know! (Please).
                  Well, once upon a time .........

                  The word came down from on high that there be changes in the wind universe. Many fan factions began to squabble and raise their voices in anguish (most notably the Elizabeth and Carson fans but also some Sam fans too). Then a silly scribe made an unfortunate comment on his blog and squabbling fans of all factions united in a common cause of lemmingness and much laughter and mirth eventually ensued.

                  If anyone would like a laugh and a good long read then I suggest you head over to the Lemming thread. Please note that although it started from an unfortunate comment from JM about "shrill and ill-informed lemming", it is a place of fun that is rather unique in that many fan factions are playing peacefully together while we all celebrate our inner lemming. Fan squabbles are not welcome as it is a Pro Lemming thread, if someone should try to start something just turn the other cheek or take it to another thread.

                  Seriously, though, there are quite a few excellent filks, posters, pictures and lots and lots of lemmings as well as the occasional serious commentary on changes in the Stargate Universe.

                  Actually I'd like to thank everyone here for the general good behaviour of "Sam fans" in the current situation with Atlantis. Bah! I hate labels - I don't have a favourite character and pretty much like most of the characters but if I post for or against a character then I'm a {insert character here} lover / hater. Sheesh.

                  Thats why I play in Samanda because there is a remarkably diverse group of opinions but we all agree that Sam and Amanda are simply one of the best!!

                  (see!! I did get it on topic )


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i thnk it's the same reason that those that are out of phase can still stand on floors and not fall through things

                    the bigger plot hole i had LITS
                    why didn't vala heal sam? she did it in u ninvited, why didn't she do it this time? and since when do they travel with med kits complete with surgical tools?

                    but i did enjoy it. no one was really wallpapered
                    I was thinking the same thing...about the surgical tools that is...and I hope it wasn't Cam's grandma that taught him how to sew stitches...poor Sam!

                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                    you are so right about that...
                    How much morfine can you bring...what they thought to sedate the prior if their plan didn't work??
                    as for Vala...wasn't she captured already by the Ori when Sam got shot?? So she couldn't heal Sam and she probably didn't have her hand device with her... She was busy fighting...
                    Cam just came in when Sam was shot...and they had to think fast so they made the house out of phase...And then it was up to Sam and Cam to help themself...and they couldn't go out of phase cause then they would be detected so...they had to wait and see what they could do...
                    I can see that...pardon the pun!
                    Originally posted by tagger View Post
                    Aaah, good points.

                    I enjoyed the episode, but just thinking about different things, I don't really care, just mental doodling
                    err drooling

                    One more thing:
                    Why do you think Sam was convinced she was going to die? That didn't seem like Sam to me. Did you see it as giving up, or she simply knew the severity of her injuries?
                    I think it was because she
                    knew how bad her injuries were...would you say this was the worst injury she's recieved over the years...excluding Jolinar and the times where she was The Nox and RoE...I can't think of another time where she was so close to dying...not even in Grace...yes she was hurt and rescue seemed unlikey but she still had was this the worst injury for Sam???
                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    I think she knew how severe her injury was. She probably also knew that by the time Mitchell could get her out of there, if he even could at all, it would be too late. One of the saddest parts is when she tells Mitchell he'll have to face the fact she's gonna die there.
                    That was so sad and Amanda was just excellent...and did you hear that squeek she made when Cam was sewing her up...that had to hurt!

                    Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                    :: pokes ROX's sig::
                    Lemming Club? Shrill and uninformed lemming club? I'm sure there's a story there that I simply must know! (Please).
                    I was actually wondering
                    where the pillow came from. Surely they don't carry big fluffy pillows in their backpacks. Or even on the Fred.
                    BUt, even so-loved the episode with all my little SG1-fanatic heart.
                    I don't know what
                    a hemostat is...but I figure, with their history they probably DO carry a ton of morphine with them.
                    Plus-I think you're right. The macaroons had to have been burned. Mmmm. Macaroons. Must call mom tomorrow and see if I can con her into making some. If she made them over Christmas, I missed them!
                    I noticed the bed with the pillow was set up before they put the village out of phase...the bed is a camp bed but the pillow could be one of those ones that you suck all the air out of and it fluffs up when you open the bag...just a thought...but I was thinking the same thing when I watched it...where did it come from...but more importantly...why the heck did they have it with them??

                    So...I finally watched LitS last night and I absolutey loved it...kept me intrigued the whole way through...what a fabulous episode...for all the characters...
                    Vala was brilliant, Teal'c...well he was just Teal'c...but I luvs him still...and Cam was pretty good too...but Sam...holy hannah...she was the best...and Amanda is so incredibly talented...I loved would definitely be in my top 5...I can't wait to watch it again...

                    Well I'm off weekend starts tomorrow but I have to take the boy to the orthodontist, get Niki's books for school, do the banking and usual running around that we mum's do when it should be our day off...who am I = no days off!!
                    I'm looking forward to the kids going back to school on Feb 1...then it's back to the dance classes twice a week for Niki and scouts for Tom...and all the expenses that go with it...D'oH!! But then I get some me time when they're at school...yay!!
                    Good night all...take care, be safe and stay happy!
                    (((Samanda and Amanda)))
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Wow, LitS must have been incredible! It took until today for people to start really analyzing the oopsies. For science fiction fans, who are normally quick to call TPTB on blunders, that is saying something! It must be good entertainment!

                      I'm glad the days of really good episodes aren't done. The show may have 'jumped the shark' in season 9, but its really getting back on track now. As great as SG-1 has been, it deserves a strong ending. (Movies withstanding!)

                      To stay on topic, if TPTB hadn't remembered that Sam isn't supposed to be wallpaper then they would have had a very poor finish. She's just too great a character not to be in the forefront!


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        well, i've ventured into some atlantis threads to see what some fans think of sam for 14 eps. it's quite depressing. not everyone is against it of course, but some of the more angry ppl... of course, it's not even close to the HATRED i read today and last night at some other place.



                        Sally, of course I wish Sam were everyone's favorite character, but regrettably, she isn't. I remember how upset I was when Sam was wallpapered in S9. So the reaction of the Elizabeth fans is completely predictable and understandable – I would be equally unhappy if Sam were sidelined for whatever reason. That’s why I visit only this thread because I know people here appreciate Sam. I hope AT does the same.


                          Originally posted by suse View Post
                          Orange. But God love her, it's not her color. Pink is much better on her.

                          Hmmm.. actually, I think they both look fine:

                          But, I'm no fashion expert.

                          Hmm, decisions, decisions...
                          Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

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                            Hehe! Orange is my favourite colour too. Doesn't look good on me either.
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Hi everyone :waves:

                              Fly by post with some wallpaper-age


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                                Possibly. Of course as a Kansan, it's pretty obvious that he
                                went to the same high school you did. Maybe he was in your class!!!!
                                Cam and Sky, sitting in a tree...


