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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally Posted by jckfan55 View Post
    Not so little. She's really quite tall. I notice it more when she's not with the SG guys b/c I think they're all over 6 feet. She seems taller in other roles.
    Who was it here who said she seemed taller in person when you lucky people got to meet AT?
    Well when I first met her, I was several inches shorter, as in the range of 5' - 5'3. then over the years she shrunk, and shrunk and shrunk until i'm now taller so to me as well she often seems "shorter" than one would think. It's aaaall relative.

    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

    How are you? It's been so long! How was the birthday?

    I've been stupidly stupidly busy :| :| :| It certainly has been a long time! My birthday was good, fraught with belgian waffle breakfast, all-you-can-eat sushi lunch, and dinner at my fave bistro. *sigh* why is food so good, lol. Havn't had the party yet

    How was yours?
    The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

    |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      with me, i thought amanda looked shorter. well, shorter than i was expecting (with how tall i know she is). she just seemed like a regular sized woman.

      Maybe in height, but she's a giant in terms of her personality.
      I'd look up to her and not just because at 5'9" she's 3 inches taller than I am.
      Maybe with the talk about her height it sort of got exaggerated in your mind.

      On another note, I'm at Scifi for not running the rest of S10 for months. All these posts I can't read b/c they're spoilers.
      Though from what I've seen it sounds like some Sam Rocks! moments to look forward to.


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        I think we've seen most of 'em before, just not like that. Of course, I think they were coming from Replicarter. I've been noticing for awhile how much like Replicarter in many ways Sam has become with her newly found confidence. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to do what is necessary to get it. Even if that means
        punching Ba'al and *then* threatening his life as blood drips down his face.
        I love this side of Sam

        EDIT: All without apologies, or guilt, or angst, or self-doubt...
        What is really cool is that after a decade of being Sam, Amanda is still keeping her fresh. Sam is still growing and changing (even when she isn't always given the best writing). That is totally Amanda. She is still working just as hard as she was in season 1. Most people would have gotten a little lazy and let the character just stay the same. Afterall, we loved the character. We wouldn't have noticed that she hadn't continued to change, but Amanda kept improving Sam any way. And that is why Sam is such a great character!
        Oh, and I totally agree with everything you just said.
        Last edited by Gate gal; 12 January 2007, 08:04 AM.


          According to the CDC-NCHS National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III (NHANES), the average height of White American* adult females is 163 to 164 cm, which is approximately 64.2 to 64.6 inches. At 69", AT is above the 95th percentile for 40 year-old American White women.

          *I'm having trouble finding exact stats for Canada, but the numbers that I do find are very similar (average height = 161 cm). UK women = 162 cm.


            Since Amanda was born in the U.K., we should probably go with the 162cm. I always wanted to be tall, but alas I'm an inch over average. (Well, an inch is something.)


              i love Sam especially after she thwacked Baal hehe
              "You have earned my respect and my friendship"

              "The feeling's mutual"

              "Please do not be sad"


                Quest 2 was great, it really brought me back to Season 1 where Sam introduced for the first time and where Kawalsky made the comment about pulling G's :rofl:
                Last edited by coffeerox; 12 January 2007, 09:27 AM.


                  Hey all...I noticed we have some new faces around here. Welcome! I hope you have a great time in our little corner of the interweb.

                  Feel free to sit back, relax and enjoy talking about our favorite gal...but please be sure to put any comments about stuff from Season 10 in spoiler tags. To do this, simply select the text in your post and click on the white square with an exclamation point above and it will set the tabs for you.

                  Sure it's forum rules...but in addition to that, I'm sure many people will appreciate this gesture, including the mods who'd have to do it for you and the other posters who don't want to be spoiled.

                  That being said I hope you all have lots of fun here and I look forward to getting to know you all soon!

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    I know I am no longer a part of this thread, and do not post here, BUT I do read it daily. I understand the title of the thread warns about spoilers, but it would be very much appreciated if information about the second half of SG-1's last (gulp) season, were posted with spoiler tags, as many of us won't be seeing the second half for several more months.

                    Thank you and I'll leave now, as many here perceive me as some kind of spoiled b@tch. You really have it wrong, but I'm not going to fight any longer.
                    I've been given a label, unfairly, and I guess I'll live with it. However, I will NEVER abdandon Amanda.
                    On fighting:
                    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                      Oh fcol...

                      Hey, a hearty welcome to the new faces as well


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                        please be sure to put any comments about stuff from Season 10 in spoiler tags. T

                        Speaking of which, I really like the part in the QUEST pt 2 where the big bomb goes off and everybody dies....that was cool.

                        Well, it WAS.

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Minigeek is very very naughty.



                            Well, looking at some of these recent posts, it looks like our next venture into facfic should be "The Amazon Women of Samanda"

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                              Minigeek is very very naughty.

                              If I only had a nickle...

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                                Minigeek is very very naughty.


                                my fanfic

