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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Psst Regan, just pick up one of the disguises, with mini shaking her assets TPTB will be too distracted to pay attention to us

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      Psst Regan, just pick up one of the disguises, with mini shaking her assets TPTB will be too distracted to pay attention to us
      Do you think that I could find a working Invisibility Cloak at a shop for Harry Potter merchandise? Or maybe I could get a regular cloak and pretend to be an actor playing an Ori Prior.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Amanda at Avalon...



          Thank you for the birthday squee-ness everyone!

          I have PM'd this to a few people, but I have decided to post it. Spoilers for OTness... and yes, our cake may be on fire. We did notice shortly after the photo, I swear I'm on the right:

          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            we're women. we'd never make it past the first screening.

            the boys at bridge don't want anyone around that might 'suck the fun' out of thier work
            The thing is that they used to write decent stories. Was it BW's editing? RDA & Greenburg saying "no" to certain things? If the show had started the way it was in S9, I never would have kept watching it past an episode or two.

            And on the topic of demographics--the loyal viewers were maturing along with the show. (ok, I was already "mature" ) But my point is, they slapped we stalwarts in the face to go for "younger" and "less sophisticated" viewers. (And that's not necessarily synonymous with younger--we've got some discerning younger viewers on this thread, for example). Stargate was never "Shakespeare," but it was more than a shoot-em-up.


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              The thing is that they used to write decent stories. Was it BW's editing? RDA & Greenburg saying "no" to certain things? If the show had started the way it was in S9, I never would have kept watching it past an episode or two.
              i think that was it.

              rick, greenburg and wright kept the silliness out of it and kept it tasteful while still keeping the humor in

              but now that the 'adults' are gone, the kids have run amuck
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i think that was it.

                rick, greenburg and wright kept the silliness out of it and kept it tasteful while still keeping the humor in

                but now that the 'adults' are gone, the kids have run amuck
                I guess there's no hope of hiring a nanny to keep an eye on them while they make the movies.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Looks out my window...nope, no piggies flying past

                  Wouldn't hold my breath, sorry
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post

                    Searching through wardrobe for SG-1's newest, hottest, female addition, the writing team was ticked.

                    Only two of the four belt attachments they ordered had arrived with the initial shipment.....


                    *stifles giggles*


                    Where did come from, and what happened to the we know and love? (Shave Teal'c and give him back his staff weapon!)

                    My Fanfics Warning!: Some fics may contain , so non-S/J shippers BEWARE!


                      Message to Executive Producer Amanda Tapping:
                      Do not let the Boys at Bridge have jobs on your new show!

                      Or, better yet hire the B@B, give them leadership positions then take them away and give them to the new GIRL!


                        Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                        Message to Executive Producer Amanda Tapping:
                        Do not let the Boys at Bridge have jobs on your new show!

                        Or, better yet hire the B@B, give them leadership positions then take them away and give them to the new GIRL!

                        And for Heaven's sake make sure they are properly supervised by beta readers at all times.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          I just read this article about an amputee who was the only woman to win a Distinguished Service Medal for service during World War II. What an inspiration! You can read it here


                          I wish they'd make a movie about this woman, either big screen or on tv, and of course I would love to see Amanda playing the part.



                            *sneaks in thread really quick* (Should be asleep!)

                            For any who are interested, I finally got my first attempt at Sam/Daniel ship uploaded... all 46K words of it! And this thread is to blame... the late spring discussions of Sam and her non-Jack ships got me to thinking about Sam/Daniel and the muse hit me hard in July when most of it was written...

                            Synopsis: As a close friendship deepens, Sam discovers her soulmate where she least expects it. Sam/Daniel ship. Spoilers S1-S8. M rating: some coarse language/non-explicit adult situations.
                            Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama.
                            Rating: Mature.

                            (and now to go knocking on beta's door to see if the S/T has been finished....)
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                              I just read this article about an amputee who was the only woman to win a Distinguished Service Medal for service during World War II. What an inspiration! You can read it here


                              I wish they'd make a movie about this woman, either big screen or on tv, and of course I would love to see Amanda playing the part.

                              Wow, that would be a very heavy part. I would love to see Amanda sink her teeth into a part like that one. She would do it very well.


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                we're women. we'd never make it past the first screening.

                                the boys at bridge don't want anyone around that might 'suck the fun' out of thier work
                                ROTFL!!!!! Yes indeed! But you know, the female condition supposedly is better now than it was 50 years ago!....


                                ..... well okay.... The female condition IS better but predjudices among the MALE populaiton are stronger than ever.... *rolls eyes*
                                Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon

