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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Okay this is my list of favorite/least favorite things...on some of them i really couldn't answer well, 'cause i'm also not that much into Atlantis...that are more questions for my oldest brother(who loves Atlantis)

    Favorite Stargate SG-1 Ep: Grace
    Favorite Stargate Atlantis episode: The long goodbye
    Top Stargate SG-1/Atlantis Male: Jack O'Neill
    Top Stargate SG-1/ Atlantis Female: Sam Carter
    Top Stargate SG-1 tearjerker: Threads
    Top Stargate Atlantis tearjerker:uhm haven't got one
    Best Stargate SG-1 Villian: Anubis
    Best Stargate Atlantis Villian: Wraith
    Funniest Stargate SG-1 Moment: WoO the part when Jack&Teal'c know that there are no consequences
    Funniest Stargate Atlantis moment: in Hide and Seek with Rodney
    Best Stargate SG-1 Guest Star: uhm thinks Carmen Argenziano
    Best Stargate Atlantis Guest Star: Amanda Tapping offourse
    Most romantic Stargate SG-1 moment: D&C confession/Threads
    Most romantic Stargate Atlantis Moment: ??
    Best Stargate SG-1/Atlantis one liner: Jack's saying For Crying out Loud(sp??) and other lines of Jack...i can't remember one in particular now, there are so many
    Best Stargate SG-1/Atlantis set design/faked location: That episode in S3...Crystal Skull(forgot the name)
    Best Stargate SG-1 Costume: All the goa'uld suits..and especially the one of Baal
    Best Stargate Atlantis Costume: Wraith offcourse
    Best Stargate SG-1/Atlantis Cliffhanger: Nemesis
    Best Stargate SG-1/Atlantis Writer: Brad Wright, but i like the most of them, it's just his name i think of first
    Best Stargate Sg-1/Atlantis Director: Martin Wood

    I thought that was it


      Originally posted by scarimor View Post
      Gotta love those clever blonde girls...

      And while I'm here - well done to our resident artists on the thread; impressive
      lol love that icon...really good...i wish i could make that..but i'm still keeping it at trying to make some good things with photoshop



        (sigh) The things I do for the people I love!

        Standing next to the perpetually lovely Amanda Tapping and the sweet and petite Skydiver for a photograph, I feel very much like the 600 LB gorilla in the room! However, Skydiver has convinced me to shut up and suck it up, geek! (and i certainly don't want to know what happens if I disobey a direct order from Skydiver! (gulp!) ) In the interest of how much I love all you guys and how much I'm still grateful to you all for allowing me to present your beautiful thoughts and wishes alongside my drawing, we've finally gotten permission to share the photo taken at the presentation!

        So................ now that I've gone and finished all my whiny, petulant excuses! lol

        Here's a little back story for those unaware. Julia had graciously gone to bat for us and made a special moment available during the very first autograph session where Skydiver and I would be able to come in via a special pass and present what I've now come to realize is entitled "The Samanda Poster" to Amanda. In truth there are messages from all over Amanda's fandom on it, but the idea did originate here on this very thread. Not only did Julia make this possible for us, but she also took care of the expense of sending of the poster safely back to Amanda in Vancouver so that it would be possible for her to look at it in London and receive it later on at home without having to carry something that bulky around in her baggage. Julia took care of all of that and she told me it was her part of the gift as a Samandan herself, so THANK YOU again Julia, for making all of this possible. ((hugs))

        When the poster first popped into idea form I thought we might get nearly a hundred signatures for it. Well there was more than double that number!!!! I also received notes from people who, for whatever reason, couldn't participate or wanted to mention that they didn't feel eloquent enough to say anything but that their affection and admiration for Amanda was there anyway.

        When Becks came out into the lobby during the first autograph session and found Skydiver and I, she said: "C'mon you two!" and literally marched us into the room, past everyone, and set us up right in front of the autograph desk. GULP! lol I remember standing there much like a deer in headlights thinking Oh. My. God. What do I say?!! lol - but Skydiver grabbed my arm and tugged me out there with her, and together we managed to unroll the monster in the poster-tube.

        I know I've said this before, but when Amanda saw it, she immediately read two or three of the messages randomly and she remembered people. She looked up and she was smiling and she said, "Oh, I know her! I met her just this summer!" and "Oh my gosh, she's the lady who gave me the great potty training book!" and "I can't believe you guys did this!" - needless to say, I was somewhat tongue tied to reply. But I did manage to get out that there were a couple of hundred messages and that for every signature on that poster, there were at least ten or twenty others who wanted to be there, many of whom were at AT2 right now and some of who couldn't be, but were there in spirit. I don't remember if I managed to say anything else because I was so nervous. But Julia was so helpful and so was Skydiver that I think it actually went OK in the end!

        Amanda hugged Sky and I both (and somehow we need to share those hugs! Next year's GABIT event? Group Hug?! lol) and then she went back to reading more of the messages, she really seemed fascinated by them. To illustrate even further how amazing she was (I don't know if I should even mention this), but as has already been mentioned before in the thread, she had a very "wonky tummy" that morning and it looked like she was in a fair bit of discomfort/pain when we entered the room. Even so she GOT UP and came over and walked around and held the poster and hugged us, etc., and all I kept wanting to say was: "Oh, god it's OK, please don't worry about getting up...!" She hardly let it show, she was so amazing about it, so I opted not to say anything because hers was such a graceful gesture, I didn't want to tarnish it.

        Anyhow, as we finally left the room, Julia looked up and grinned and said: "See? That wasn't so hard!" (or something to that effect, and I could have hugged her right there, lol) but I think I hugged Sky instead and we walked out together (I was grateful for the support just then .... LITERALLY!).

        So without further adieu, here it is. The photo of Skydiver and I presenting the Samanda Poster to Amanda at AT2. Julia sent it last night and gave us permission to post. I think Amanda had to OK it first. You can really get a good sense for how large the poster was in the picture, finally.


        I have to say I felt such a great sense of pride to have been able to get up there and represent this group of people and so many articulate voices. There were so many amazing messages and so many encouraging notes on that poste from people all over the world, I had quite a few I am sooo not worthy moments the night before, lemme tell ya! lol I said to Anni when I got back that it was one of the scariest things I ever did. Also one of the most amazing things. The irony of course is that I do meet so-called celebrities on a fairly regular basis and I've never really been nervous before like this. Then again I've never really had a (famous) hero before so I guess it balances out. I have to say, Amanda Tapping is a personal hero of mine. Not because she's famous. Not because she's on TV. But because she's so absolutely, unfailingly genuine. She's REAL. I admire her more so now after AT2 than before, having met her. The thing is I can't even put into words the kindness or the warmth that comes off of her face to face, it's like an energy you can feel and she's so willing to BE around people; to hug them or to share whatever personal space they're comfortable with in order to make them feel special. She really does care and as a result WE all truly care about her right back.

        I didn't think it was possible that a TV "celebrity" could be so darn COOL. I went to AT2 believing I'd have my little case of hero-worship tarnished and move on (because c'mon, no one is that awesome in real life, right?!). Amanda is. I came away from AT2 realizing that we're not just nameless fans to her, we were not just demographics for her series, we were people and we were important to her on a level that seemed to go beyond the call of duty if she didn't truly care about folks.

        No matter where she goes from here, or where I go, I know I can personally say one thing for certain. I think a lot of us can. I will follow Amanda's career with interest and enthusiasm for the rest of her life. And I would wholeheartedly embrace any future opportunity to meet her again. She is truly one in a million.


        [ / gush off]

        (no really i swear!)

        mini(the carpal tunnel)geek

        Last edited by minigeek; 05 December 2006, 06:48 AM.

        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          [important post coming soon ]
          lol are you gonna tease us again before posting it...and let us wait a day

          or are ya gonna post

          Sorry but i had to say this, this kind of posts make me very curious


            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
            [important post coming soon ]
            Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
            lol are you gonna tease us again before posting it...and let us wait a day

            or are ya gonna post

            Sorry but i had to say this, this kind of posts make me very curious
            Is it going to be the completed sketch with Red bow tie

            Edited to add, after the post came out

            Wow mini, that was awesome I am so glad you were able to get past your fear of being recognized and share this with us And I have to also say thanks to Sky, you two represented us very well
            Last edited by Mandysg1; 05 December 2006, 07:17 AM. Reason: to add to post

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              Is it going to be the completed sketch with Red bow tie
              oh that sounds good lol when does that post comes(and i hope that is it)
              But something else is also good


                Best Stargate SG-1 Guest Star: Teryl Rothery as Dr Janet Fraiser


                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post

                  (sigh) The things I do for the people I love!


                  mini(the carpal tunnel)geek

                  WOW! Thank you!
                  Great picture, great artwork, great idea!
                  Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                  Quint Studer


                    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                    Best Stargate SG-1 Guest Star: Teryl Rothery as Dr Janet Fraiser
                    Teehee, unfortunately sad but true
                    IMO Janet was the best doc...
                    Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                    Quint Studer


                      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                      (sigh) The things I do for the people I love!
                      Wow minigeek, that's a wonderful post. Wow. Amazing stuff. Thanks for the pic of the presentation - it looks superb.

                      (edit: ooh ooh! I can see my message! )


                        Originally posted by minigeek View Post

                        (sigh) The things I do for the people I love!


                        mini(the carpal tunnel)geek

                        <snipped *only* for length...>

                        Wow, mini!! What a wonderful post. And such a cute picture. Nicely done!


                          Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                          (edit: ooh ooh! I can see my message! )
                          For those who want to read their message as it appeared on the poster, I'll make a higher res version of the actual poster available to you privately (the lady who was concerned didn't want her personal message posted publicly, but I don't believe she'd mind if it was shared privately). PM me and I'll send you what I have.


                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally posted by minigeek View Post


                            Great story, was worth the wating thanx for sharing it, and the poster was beautiful too


                              Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                              Best Stargate SG-1 Guest Star: Teryl Rothery as Dr Janet Fraiser
                              Oh, how could I have missed that one?!?!?!?!?!?! Oh, I know because I never classified her as a guest star....she was just a star whose name was mysteriously left out of the opening....hmmm, I smell a conspiracy.

                              WTG, mini, excellent post!!!!!! Mini, Sky, you look just lovely in that pic and I had no idea you were both so young. **Feels old** Thanks to Julia and G4 for helping make that moment happen, and I love that it is called the Samanda poster. Excellent!


                                Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                                WTG, mini, excellent post!!!!!! Mini, Sky, you look just lovely in that pic and I had no idea you were both so young. **Feels old** Thanks to Julia and G4 for helping make that moment happen, and I love that it is called the Samanda poster. Excellent!
                                Not so young, lol, I'm in my (early ) 30's. But thanks for the sentiment!


                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

