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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Just a change of subject.....not that this wasn't a fine discussion and everything. I just thought you might be interested in this:

    Little programming notes.....


      Hey guys? This is totally unfounded at the moment, but I heard at the studio today from one of the visiting directors that MGM is still shopping SG-1 around for an 11th season - in *addition* to the two movies (obviously it would have to be delayed and happen after the movies are over, but still). He said there's a loophole in some contract which they're trying to extort. He came by to discuss his own production materials and I wasn't even there when he mentioned the SG-1 tidbit - I heard second hand that he'd mentioned it and went to go find him before he left, he told me the same thing (conversationally). I'm inclined to believe he really did get this information reliably, but whether or not MGM succeeds or plans change in future, I don't know. I thought it was worthy of conversation/speculation though. But I didn't want to start a crazy GW fervor by posting to the main boards. Figured the Samanda family would have enough fun with speculation. I wonder what they're planning...

      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        some can be good, but 'stargate the next generation' is something i'll never watch
        That's a notion best left to fanfic I think...and only in capable fanfic writers' hands at that. So sorry, Sky, that leaves you out. *ducks*

        In all seriousness though, it's rarely done well...but I think Star Trek did a great job with the concept with Worf and his son. But then I think Trek did a better job with character development and relationships than SG one I'd be scared of them doing something to make our favorites look bad.

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
          That's a notion best left to fanfic I think...and only in capable fanfic writers' hands at that. So sorry, Sky, that leaves you out. *ducks*

          In all seriousness though, it's rarely done well...but I think Star Trek did a great job with the concept with Worf and his son. But then I think Trek did a better job with character development and relationships than SG one I'd be scared of them doing something to make our favorites look bad.
          Breaks out the wet noodle of doom

          shame, shame, messing with a hormonal,tired woman with super duper mod powers
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
            Just a change of subject.....not that this wasn't a fine discussion and everything. I just thought you might be interested in this:


            Little programming notes.....
            thanks for posting this!! finally, there's going to be some semblance of how things should be. It's not our normal sci-fi friday, but it's getting there.

            Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
            My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
            My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
            My Stargate Videos
            It's meant to be!


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              Breaks out the wet noodle of doom

              shame, shame, messing with a hormonal,tired woman with super duper mod powers
              //shrieks in horror

              [[iz feeling chastened]]

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                //shrieks in horror

                [[iz feeling chastened]]

                my job here is done
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  i can't find the video.

                  i did find, though, some more wonderful amanda-rick pics.

                  but i want to see this video! help
                  Hey Sally,

                  This is a very confusing website, but I think I've finally found the video. You need to click on the link Kat provided:



                  1) click on "arc2TV" on the right and it will take to their video archive site. There will be a brief flash presentation and then a list of "channels" will pop up on the right.

                  2) click on FMA Vancouver at the top of the list. It will take you to a list of all the FMA videos.

                  3) click on FMA Vancouver 2006 at the top right.

                  4) select whether you want to watch the vid in windows media or quicktime and it should start playing.

                  I haven't been able to watch it since I am on dial-up right now, but I'm sure it's the one Kat was indicating. It seems the address for the video page is the same as the one for the main website. That's probably why the link Kat provided didn't go directly to the video archive but went to the main page instead.


                    Originally posted by ReganX View Post

                    People will have to depend on spoilers and, if they decide to wait before buying, reviews from others to know how big or small a role their favourite character(s) play.
                    Well, I'll be watching it the minute it comes out, so I'll be glad to spoil anyone who wants to listen.

                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    the second movie is supposed to be a time travel situation. what about...

                    the offspring of our lead heroes?

                    sam and jack's son/daughter. teal'c's kid ry'ac. throw in a mitchell kid and vala?... i was going to say a vala/daniel kid, but i don't want them to get together because i like daniel enough that i want him with someone better for him.

                    so the offspring of our heroes, set 20 years in the future where the stargate has been revealed.



                    O.K., I'm going to take a different route than everyone else has taken. Since it is a time travel movie, why don't we get Moebius Sam and Jack's child and bring that one to the future. Give Sam the lead in the new series and let her deal with this daughter (?) who isn't her daughter exactly. She'd be smart of course, but having been raised by Geeky Carter, she would be very different from Sam. This way the series would be set in the present(ish). Wait, that does sound like a bad fanfic, but hey a real writer might be able to make it

                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                    Hey guys? This is totally unfounded at the moment, but I heard at the studio today from one of the visiting directors that MGM is still shopping SG-1 around for an 11th season - in *addition* to the two movies (obviously it would have to be delayed and happen after the movies are over, but still). He said there's a loophole in some contract which they're trying to extort. He came by to discuss his own production materials and I wasn't even there when he mentioned the SG-1 tidbit - I heard second hand that he'd mentioned it and went to go find him before he left, he told me the same thing (conversationally). I'm inclined to believe he really did get this information reliably, but whether or not MGM succeeds or plans change in future, I don't know. I thought it was worthy of conversation/speculation though. But I didn't want to start a crazy GW fervor by posting to the main boards. Figured the Samanda family would have enough fun with speculation. I wonder what they're planning...
                    Figures, just when I get used to the idea that it is over then it might not be so over. As long as Amanda signs on, I'm there. If RDA would consent to 7-208 episodes per season then it would be perfect. The time travel episode could set up a wonderful season 11 scenario for us. Trapped in the past, SG1 plus Jack must find a way home without destroying the time line.

                    Thanks for the link to the blog! Could it be that SciFi realizes they aren't perfect and that fan opinions actually matter???? I loved season 8, so this will be a real treat for me. (Interesting that they chose season 8 reruns over season 9-10 recaps.....)


                      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                      O.K., I'm going to take a different route than everyone else has taken. Since it is a time travel movie, why don't we get Moebius Sam and Jack's child and bring that one to the future. Give Sam the lead in the new series and let her deal with this daughter (?) who isn't her daughter exactly. She'd be smart of course, but having been raised by Geeky Carter, she would be very different from Sam. This way the series would be set in the present(ish). Wait, that does sound like a bad fanfic, but hey a real writer might be able to make it work.
                      Argh, the badfic is killing me!


                        I made some icons with the pics that have been posted recently. The first one was inspired by the lovely icon Eve made.


                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          the second movie is supposed to be a time travel situation. what about...

                          the offspring of our lead heroes?

                          sam and jack's son/daughter. teal'c's kid ry'ac. throw in a mitchell kid and vala?... i was going to say a vala/daniel kid, but i don't want them to get together because i like daniel enough that i want him with someone better for him.

                          so the offspring of our heroes, set 20 years in the future where the stargate has been revealed.



                          i like the idea but then

                          i still want to see the orginal team, it was all about them so it has to keep about them. i like the idea of offspring but not that it''s only about them, they are then always different then the old team...and there are also always people that don't agree with who with who got kids so... and if it's only with the offspring then we don't get to see sam!!! so in the end i don't want a offspring serie/movie. maybe 5 minutes in the end but that's that, not more


                            Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                            I made some icons with the pics that have been posted recently. The first one was inspired by the lovely icon Eve made.

                            Very nice! Is the second icon from the FMA event?


                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                              Very nice! Is the second icon from the FMA event?
                              Yes, it's from this pic that picked up.


                                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                                Hey guys? This is totally unfounded at the moment, but I heard at the studio today from one of the visiting directors that MGM is still shopping SG-1 around for an 11th season - in *addition* to the two movies (obviously it would have to be delayed and happen after the movies are over, but still). He said there's a loophole in some contract which they're trying to extort. He came by to discuss his own production materials and I wasn't even there when he mentioned the SG-1 tidbit - I heard second hand that he'd mentioned it and went to go find him before he left, he told me the same thing (conversationally). I'm inclined to believe he really did get this information reliably, but whether or not MGM succeeds or plans change in future, I don't know. I thought it was worthy of conversation/speculation though. But I didn't want to start a crazy GW fervor by posting to the main boards. Figured the Samanda family would have enough fun with speculation. I wonder what they're planning...
                                Thanks for posting that little bit of info Mini, i find it interesting that MGM are not giving up and to be honest i've wondered about the "S11" slot that's there on their website.
                                Also Sci-Fi i feel, have been given a kick up the backside with how they've gone about the cancelation of SG1 and the thinking that BSG would draw in lots and lots of fans and this is from a viewer from the UK!

