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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    My copy of Titan's book "Stargate SG-1 The Illustrated Companion Season 9" has arrived earlier today I really like Amanda's take on the Ori:

    "One of the major new threads added by the writers in season nine, was, of cours, a new evil for SG-1 to battle in the form of the Ori. As far as Tapping is concerned, the religious overtones used by the writers to form this new danger to the galaxy is very closely - and cleverly - connected to the current larger world view. "Not to get too hyper-political about it, but I think it's really an interesting mirror of our society," says Tapping, "what happens when fundamentalism takes over, and how fundamentalist religion of any bent rules by fear and intimidation. We're seeing it in society, close to home and far afield, and it's interesting that we're paralleling it with the Ori. It's all fear and intimidation, it's bullying. [The] aggressor comes in, takes over, makes people scared, puts them in a position where they have no choice but to follow or they die. It's an interesting geo-political pointing it up, I think. I don't know if our writers intended for it to be [that], or whether they had conceptualised this storyline and suddenly the world's global political scene mirrored it. We're in a position where it makes a lot of sense [to be] doing this kind of storyline. It's not just an over-the-top Goa'uld, which is the same thing. Here, they're doing it on the basis of a very specific religious ideology that the people have to follow. I think it's very well done, and I think for us, too - once we've defeated the Goa'uld, where do you go? Something bigger, better, scarrier and more potent. And people do believe in it. There's a god quality to [the Ori]. But are they really Ascended beings, or have they just found a way to have all the smoke and mirrors and bells and whistles, without actually having properly Ascended? Is Ascension really what we think it is? It raises a whole bunch of questions that could keep us going for years!"
    T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



      Wow, it's good to be back

      My computer broke down and it took a week to get it fixed and back to me

      (wonders if it had anything to do with the discussion I was having with Eve )

      Will be trying to catch up (boy you guys talk a lot )

      oh and Sky, I just read my e-mail about the fic-a-thon, will get right to work on it

      oh yea, and tomorrow the Gemini's are on
      Last edited by Mandysg1; 03 November 2006, 01:00 PM. Reason: To add something

      my fanfic



        oh, and all the ficathon assignments have gone out. so if you signed up and didnt' get one, let me know and i'll resend it
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Lida View Post
          I would love to see Amanda on ANY TV show or movie, except, perhaps, one that is medically based, but that's my own personal bias. She could play any role and I would love to see her try something she has never done before, to show others her amazing acting range. How about a serial killer on the new Showtime show, Dexter? Just an off the wall suggestion.....

          Also, just a quick note.....I refuse to vote in the mod "popularity" poll, but if I absolutely had too, my choice would be Skydiver....she has been very kind to me, fair to others and her advise is always sound.
          Oooooh Lida! Now that is a good idea - a serial killer, definitely something meaty I'd like to see AT have a go at. I love watching AT, she says so much without saying a thing.


            I would love to see Amanda film/directt maybe a few documentries. Maybe one on Lise Meitner. To those who saw the Eureka episode that mentions her, this person is so fastinating.

            The Mother of nuclear-fission, who really wanted nothing to do with the bomb.

            I'd love to see how Amanda could treat this.


              Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
              *snickers* Waves *HI* Tracy Jane
              Errrrr.... *waves back* Where do I fit into this?
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                okay I really enjoy reading these threads and seeing what everyone has to say as we go along but man do you post fast. I am always pages behind the latest post. Just when I think I've caught up wham i am so far behind again. Amazing but says alot for AT that you all have so much to talk about. Wish I had more time to read everything. Only get to pick a few. Get lost easy as well since it moves so quickly. Oh well one day I'll keep up I guess.


                  It takes a lot of time to be this dedicated
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by dreamer View Post
                    okay I really enjoy reading these threads and seeing what everyone has to say as we go along but man do you post fast. I am always pages behind the latest post. Just when I think I've caught up wham i am so far behind again. Amazing but says alot for AT that you all have so much to talk about. Wish I had more time to read everything. Only get to pick a few. Get lost easy as well since it moves so quickly. Oh well one day I'll keep up I guess.
                    you'll just have to come by more often dreamer. More the merrier
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                      I would love to see Amanda film/directt maybe a few documentries. Maybe one on Lise Meitner. To those who saw the Eureka episode that mentions her, this person is so fastinating.

                      The Mother of nuclear-fission, who really wanted nothing to do with the bomb.

                      I'd love to see how Amanda could treat this.
                      Oh, I remember that episode of Eureka! Maybe instead of a documentary, Amanda could play her in a biography. (Now, I haven't read up on her so forgive me if anyone knowing the full story thinks this idea is crazy.) I just love to that technobabble that Amanda does so well!


                        Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                        Well, after ann sgcfan suggested Amanda in a Lifetime movie and Sally suggested a Doris Day remake, I had a thought for a Lifetime movie with Amanda and Doris Day together. (Does she still act?) I'd love to see Amanda play Doris's daughter. Doris's character could have an illness, and Amanda's character could come home to help out. I'd really love to see something like the Abbie/Sally Field character storyline from E.R., dealing with bipolar disorder. (Any illness would do as long as it doesn't involve death.) These two actresses could handle the serious moments and still interject a bit of humor (in appropriate places).
                        I like this idea Gate gal. I think Amanda could certainly pass as Doris Day's daughter, and you're right their humor would soften the rough edges on a heavy drama.


                          so, has it ever been revealed if the brits and/or canadians are going to see all of season 10 before the second half continues for the US peeps?




                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            so, has it ever been revealed if the brits and/or canadians are going to see all of season 10 before the second half continues for the US peeps?
                            I remember some colourful phrases resulting when this happened with another show. Was it Babylon 5? My memory's not what it was.


                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              so, has it ever been revealed if the brits and/or canadians are going to see all of season 10 before the second half continues for the US peeps?
                              I don't think we will somehow... Sky One (who always buy the rights to Stargate, don't know for certain if they bought S10 though..) have just finished showing everything up to season 9, and now they've gone back to season one again.. not a hint or a whisper of season 10, which I assume they will want to give a whole whack of advertising before airing, so I doubt we'll have seen it *all* before SciFi starts it again... just IMHO though... considering they advertised S9 for about a month if I remember correctly...

                              *waves to fellow Samandans*

                              I've been distracted by RL again lately... damn thing just gets in the way! Just two weeks til AT2!!!!!!! *starts gathering popcorn and paper cups to throw at Scari*


                                Originally posted by myblackrose View Post
                                ... I've been distracted by RL again lately... damn thing just gets in the way! Just two weeks til AT2!!!!!!! *starts gathering popcorn and paper cups to throw at Scari*
                                Arms race, huh?

