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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by chelle db
    I don't believe that that's an exaggeration...I don't trust the internet to be as safe and private as they would have us believe...I'm going with Sky on this one!! Sorry AD...I know your a wonderful computer geek...but I believe in the "big brother is watching" theory!! They're probably watching us right now...

    Well if they are...this is for them...


    my fanfic


      Originally posted by LaCroix
      AD, I know that you live in another country, but has your local government put camera's at/on stop lights? Have they told you it's to monitor traffic-flow?

      In my opinion it's just another invasion of your rights to see what your doing while at those stop lights. Now I have no problem with cameras being used at ATM's, banks, airports, ...,etc. But I do with these.
      Put in spoilers simply because it's completely OT.

      Hmm, I'm completely the opposite. In the town I live in there are cameras on most of the major streets now and personally I find it reassuring as a parent. On one of our street intersections there is a sign that says something like 'Over 5000 tickets have been given at this intersection for people running a red light.' 5000 times in one year someon has run the same intersection. It's very easy to say that's no big deal until someone smashes into your car unexpectedly and kills your child or your spouse.

      I understand how some people can see these advancements in technology as ways of taking away our rights to privacy, but as a parent it makes me feel much better at night knowing that the town I live in has a 3% crime rate and is considered one of the top five safest places in the United States to live. As a mother it also eases my mind to know that if my daughter disappears, I will no longer have to wait 24 hours for the police to do something. Within minutes of reporting her missing, her face will be broadcast across the television, radio, internet and in the state of Texas sirens go off to let people know that there is a child missing with an Amber Alert; because sometimes the difference between life and death is only a matter of minutes. Those same traffic lights could track a suspect who may have my daughter and honestly I would give up my privacy, hell I'd give up my life, if it meant that the police could find her more quickly.

      Perhaps it's because I've lived in one of the most unsafe cities in the US, that I know what it's like to be afraid of walking down the street alone at night. I've gone to middle schools that required students to walk through a metal detector before entering the building and random body searches. I've feared driving through certain parts of town without locking my doors and rolling up all of the windows because strange people would just jump inside the car at a red light, and I've gone to sleep to the sounds of gunshots. So while some people may not consider the loss of privacy to be worth the cost; it's more than worth the peace of mind for me. Am I at risk of someday losing my rights completely? Perhaps, but I've lived where my life was at risk on a daily basis and that's far more precious to me than whether or not my privacy is being invaded.
      Last edited by ForeverSg1; 01 October 2006, 08:58 PM.


        Hey min, I'm getting your PM's, but I have to say, with your avitar showing AT holding a sign, then numbers under looks like a mug shot

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Mandysg1
          Well if they are...this is for them...

          LOL!!...Good one Mandy...I like your thinking!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            ever since i read a sam whump fic a few days ago, i can't get out of my mind the idea of baal getting his hands on sam. and not in a nice way. SOMEONE'S GOT TO WRITE A SAM CAPTURED BY BAAL FIC!!




              So AD, was the FMA event broadcast live last night?

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                Hey min, I'm getting your PM's, but I have to say, with your avitar showing AT holding a sign, then numbers under looks like a mug shot
                Well, at least I haven't given anyone the number 24601 .... YET.


                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  So AD, was the FMA event broadcast live last night?
                  No, it doesn't seem to be up yet. I'm thinking they meant 'Recorded Live' rather than broadcast live.


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    ever since i read a sam whump fic a few days ago, i can't get out of my mind the idea of baal getting his hands on sam. and not in a nice way. SOMEONE'S GOT TO WRITE A SAM CAPTURED BY BAAL FIC!!

                    Have you read A matter of Survival by Gen Varel???
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      And just because Sam IS a great character...


                        1. IMHO my 60" HDTV is superior to any computer monitor screen and much more enjoyable to watch classic Stargate with the mighty SG-1 TEAM and the wonderful Samantha Carter,

                        2. There has never really been any "privacy" much like "security" it is an illusion that makes us feel better but does not really exist if someone wants to know something. To that end I am far more concerned with the new trend of electronic distribution because of the ability for businesses to "nickle and dime" you to death. Things that were once free when the computer geeks ruled the interenet are now charged for. Oh yea 10 cents doesnt seem like a big deal but it adds up over time. Worse (worse imho from a nickle and dime perspective) is that now they want to make video game consoles on line all the time. So you buy the console you got to have the DSL so that you can patch the crpy half finished games and then PAY for content that should have been IN the game to begin with. Oh but its only 5 cents for this or that... what a load of crp. No one finishes anything anymore.

                        3. I think it makes perfect sense
                        for a US military person going off world to have some type of locator on them (actually I am pretty sure all units on world now currently have something like that). The only arguement I have heard against it that gives me pause is not a privacy issue (as US military members have none to very little to start with) but the idea that the enemy can get the codes and then easily track the team.

                        4. I like making list.

                        5. Samantha Carter is a great character along with Jack O'Neal, Daniel Jackson and Tea'lc. I miss them very much especially in my times of saddness, they always used to cheer me up. I love the idea of earth being good guy underdogs coming up with creative (some may considers stupid....Thor ) ideas to save the world. I miss the allies they worked with Jacob, Janet, Hammond, Bratec (the real Bratec), Maj Davis, Martouf, Raknor, Hailey and many more who I am sure I have forgotten.

                        6. Bengals stink

                        7. I am trying to get to ten (for no apparent reason)

                        8. Nice poster

                        9. This thread rules (well minigeeks Rage thread is pretty cool too and need I say that all the Anti threads are great fun. Sure we may be Anti but we are quite the partiers)

                        10. Samantha Carter is a great character (where have I heard that before)
                        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                          I made some Sam and RepliCarter icons:

                          And couple hidden for language (well, Sam's not quite said at least one of them on the show, sooo )

                          Last edited by scarimor; 02 October 2006, 02:43 AM.


                            Originally posted by scarimor
                            And couple hidden for language (well, Sam's said at least one of them on the show, sooo )
                            I don't remember :O :O


                              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                              I don't remember :O :O
                              That first one is made from a cap from Foothold, when she's telling Maybourne what she thinks of him. She didn't quite say it - you're right. I'll edit

                              Sadly she's not used the second


                                Originally posted by scarimor
                                I made some Sam and RepliCarter icons:

                                And couple hidden for language (well, Sam's not quite said at least one of them on the show, sooo )

                                Aww! Those are beautiful and crazy

