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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Deejay435
    So, over on LJ they're having a "Five Things" fic writing thing. People give five prompts, such as "Five vegtables Jack will never eat again", and other people come in and write their views on these.

    I wrote, if anyone's interested, the only response so far for "Sam's five biggest regrets".

    Sam's Five

    Also-The Jack Veggies ones are pretty funny.

    Edited: It would be great to see other responses for the Sam prompt!
    Nice job DeeJay. I think you're right on the money with Sam.


      Originally posted by Lida
      I'm very tired right now, but I felt I had to write this. I was on location with AT last week. We were shooting in Central Park, in Burnaby, and Amanda was in her off world black uniform, looking absoluting gorgeous. Now this is what I found to be important...of the 6 main characters also there on location, AT was the most gracious, warm and welcoming. She came right up to my husband, remembered his name and gave him a hug. When she saw me, I got the same hug. She joked with us and thanked us for our contribution. In short, if Sam is a great character, it is because Amanda is a great lady. If I admired her prior to this meeting, my new admiration knows no bounds.

      During the shoot, someone got the idea to dress me up as a medic, and I finally got to wear the off world uniform. I was in seventh heaven, and of course AT commented on my "new" look, poitive, of course. I doubt my on screen moment was captured, but it was such a hoot, as it was my first costume, make-up and hairstyling of the day. I was sitting in AT's chair, in the make up trailer and Jan Newman, the original make up artist did my make up. Plastered all over the mirror were pictures of Olivia. She truly looks like an angel. She has the most beautiful blonde hair and Amanda's blue eyes, and from someone I met while there, a friend of AT's and RDA's, she is an 18 month old toddler, who already knows her ABC's and is learning to count.

      The shoot ran hours over-time, and yet right before she left, I gave Amanda a sterling silver Guardian Angel necklace for Olivia, and she was truly moved. She hugged and thanked me, and when I told her I would be seeing her again in London, she laughed and said she would look forward to it. I understand that celebrities are used to dealing with "fans", but I never once felt that AT was anything but genuine.

      Just my take, on a wonderful lady.
      Wow Lida! Sounds like you had a fabulous time. And it's just more proof that AT is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.


        Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
        But, anyways, I would like to join the ficathon, this time around. I'm gonna be doing the NaNoWriMo thing in November ( ) and I find that when I'm writing like that tons of fic ideas just stream in - mostly to distract me from getting my original story down.

        Just an interesting tidbit about the women of Stargate, (and a spoiler for Atlantis third season eps7 thru 10) that kind of smacked me between the eyes, this morning:
        All four main characters have now been infested with an alien intelligence?

        Sam got Tok'Rafied, but she also got that goa'uld from Nightwalkers.
        Vala got Setesh, Teyla has the Wraith gene and
        Liz has the replicator nanites.

        I'd love to see a story that had all four of these women together, drawing from their unique experiences to get through a situation.
        Oooh. Fic by Gracie. I can't wait.


          Originally posted by KatG
          Oooh. Fic by Gracie. I can't wait.
          me neither. is it done yet?

          is it???

          is it?????
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            I've been told that squeeing for Sam here is totally allowed, so here I go again . Today I watched In the line of duty, and again what a great Sam episode. Or great acting from AT really, she does can say it all with 1 look. Here are some looks from ItloD:

            You just gotta love her! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
              I've been told that squeeing for Sam here is totally allowed, so here I go again . Today I watched In the line of duty, and again what a great Sam episode. Or great acting from AT really, she does can say it all with 1 look. Here are some looks from ItloD:

              You just gotta love her! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
              Oh indeed it is allowed here and please....continue

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess

                Jonas: Wow, Sam, wormhole theory, motorcycle riding, lock picking and pin up model?!

                Sam: This is worse than I thought; I think we've stumbled upon Agent Dark's room.

                Teal'c, thinking to himself: Hey I took most of those pictures!
                Good one!
                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                  ok again caption time...can anyone think of a good caption for this one...
                  for the last time, no, i will not wear the jumpsuit like those girls in "cannon ball run" did.

                  meh. i'll think of a better one later.


                    Originally posted by DEM

                    Say, I know Übes did that Ruler of the Known Universe Carter mockup, but did anyone ever make a 'real' ribbon rack for Carter -- one that is more accurate than the lame-o one she still wears?

                    Oooh, hey... aw, nevermind. I just went to check to see whether [spoilersold]that extremely disturbing Not!Carter[/spoilersold] from Memento Mori had a better one, but alas no.

                    why is extremely not spoilerised?
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                      Are they finished? There's no Sam's POV?
                      sam's is the last one to be done, and i can't wait for it!!

                      but i soooo hope the writer doesn't take long to do it.




                        does anyone have the addy for the celebrity voting thinger that amanda's WON more than once?




                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          does anyone have the addy for the celebrity voting thinger that amanda's WON more than once?

                          Here you go Sally...Keep on voting...she is now on #10 so... maybe we can get her closer


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                            ok again caption time...can anyone think of a good caption for this one...
                            "You know, if I put an extra crystal panel on it, not only will it travel in hyperspace but it will do my laundry in half the time!"


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                              Here you go Sally...Keep on voting...she is now on #10 so... maybe we can get her closer

                              thank you.

                              i lost the addy a bit ago, but could not find it in search (here or google).




                                Originally posted by Nolamom
                                "You know, if I put an extra crystal panel on it, not only will it travel in hyperspace but it will do my laundry in half the time!"

