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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Dani76
    Wow, thank you, Spaz, this looked cool. If nothing else, we will at least have this to look forward to. Up until now I was dreading this episode because of the little Cam/Landry part of it, but now I can't wait to watch it!
    Did I see that right? Was Sam sitting in Landry's chair at the conference table and Teal'c and Vala were reporting to her?
    Yes. It doesn't take much to get my hopes up evidently. I'm still squicky about the whole thing, because of (a) the inevitably explosive online reaction and (b) what it'll represent, after all this time.

    However, yes, the bits they did show (and that's 4 for 4, Strix ) were great - even the "fat kid in a candy store" bit.


    And you did, indeedly, see right, Dani! Sam was most definitely sitting in Landry's chair in the briefing room.


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
      Okay, okay. You talked me into it.

      I'll go be a producer on Stargate. But only cuz you asked!!!

      Yea! *hands Oooober ticket to Vancouver* Hurry up!


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

        Go to this site to catch the "Insiders" vignette (vignette 4) AND a supremely intriguing "Uninvited" preview...

        ... Where everyone on base answers to Carter while Landry and Cam are away, and Teal'c and Vala are offworld.

        I don't know if this was intentionally posted early or not. If it was, then disregard.

        If not, then hurry!
        Cool! Was Sam
        surrounded by a bunch of Ba'al's(the first time I typed balls) with guns? And Sam does seem to be in charge in Uninvited. Too cool!!!!! She should already be running the place!


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

          And you did, indeedly, see right, Dani! Sam was most definitely sitting in Landry's chair in the briefing room.
          Is it alright if I squee right now?



            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
            Cool! Was Sam
            surrounded by a bunch of Ba'al's(the first time I typed balls) with guns? And Sam does seem to be in charge in Uninvited. Too cool!!!!! She should already be running the place!
            Yes. In Insiders,
            Sam had more Ba'als than the average woman would be able to handle... Give her some ammo, and she'd be a Class Act Ba'al Buster... They'd be blue Ba'als when she was done of them... In fact... shall I go on?

            After all of my griping last night, this does make me laugh a little bit - in a good way.

            Because it's further evidence of why Sam should be in charge of SG-1, when they can't help but write her in charge of the entire SGC while the he-men are out a-hunting.

            Before I saw this clip in the News section, I almost asked if anyone thought that Sam would have to answer to Reynolds or some other "2IC" of the base, who only comes out to bark orders when both Landry AND Mitchell are away. So this was a pleasant surprise.


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
              Because it's further evidence of why Sam should be in charge of SG-1, when they can't help but write her in charge of the entire SGC while the he-men are out a-hunting.

              Before I saw this clip in the News section, I almost asked if anyone thought that Sam would have to answer to Reynolds or some other "2IC" of the base, who only comes out to bark orders when both Landry AND Mitchell are away. So this was a pleasant surprise.

              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              Is it alright if I squee right now?

              I just did the same at work and now everybody is giving me weird looks. I don't care,

              Thank you, Skydiver


                Originally posted by Dani76
                Wow, thank you, Spaz, this looked cool. If nothing else, we will at least have this to look forward to. Up until now I was dreading this episode because of the little Cam/Landry part of it, but now I can't wait to watch it!
                Did I see that right? Was Sam sitting in Landry's chair at the conference table and Teal'c and Vala were reporting to her?
                Yeah I noticed that too... well that really looks promissing!! I can't hardly wait to see the ep.


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                  I don't know if we'll get any substantial Sam moments beyond...

                  Late S10...
                  Sam being the damsel in distress.

                  But if you're looking for great acting on AT's part...

                  PegPro, Line in the Sand and The Road Not Taken will probably be our best bets, though I'd like to wait until it gets closer to when they air. In March.

                  I know what you mean, though. I don't want Sam or any character to dominate the series. I just want to see each character used to their full potential. When it comes to Sam, that hasn't happened in a year.

                  ETA: OK, here's a nice vid that made me smile, if no one's posted it here before:

                  Whenever You Remember

                  It'll either cheer you up or make you depressed all over again!
                  NNNNnnoooooooooo... I spent 10 min looking for this original post so I could green you for the way cool video only to find the frig locked.... Life is so unfair
                  Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                  ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                  AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                    It is already the 4th of august here so....
                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TSAXLADY
                    have a wonderfull day today!!!


                      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                      It is already the 4th of august here so....
                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY TSAXLADY
                      have a wonderfull day today!!!
                      What she said! See you in November!
                      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                        Originally posted by binkpmmc
                        Hi all - hope everyone is well. I was over at Celeeb trying to vote using that dopey new system (I feel like an idiot bent over my computer trying to get those silly numbers in fast so I can vote again) and thought I would check out GW and saw the ratings for PP. Could not resist dropping in here as well. I do find that I miss the banter and the insights and the chuckles and the intelligent conversation but I am just not into the show but wanted to say hi. Thanks to all who sent PMs and greens (I will respond at some point).

                        Speaking of the ratings -- did you see them? A whopping 1.5 (there ya go golfbooy). WOW and that was supposed to be an ep that drew from the pools of both shows - YIKES!!! Hope that the "vision" that TPKTS have for the show is really doing their hearts good.

                        Anyway - saw a few of your posts discussing the respect thing - lack of respect for Carter and for AT - well what I see is that their lack of respect, their lack of vision, their inability to write strong eps in S9 and S10, their inability to see beyond their puerile nonsense with mitchell and vala, their inability to see the weakness that is mitchell, or the folly that is mitchell as leader, etc., has gotten them nowhere fast and this is in their 10th and MILESTONE season which is getting a ton of pub (at least in comparison to S8 which garnered the highest ratings ever for the show).

                        I know many will not like this but honestly (and since I have had it with this show) I for one feel pretty dammmm good about the ratings bearing out what many of us have been saying about the direction of the show - not just here at this thread but elsewhere all over this board and at other forums. TPKTS chose to keep their heads stuck up you know where and now they are getting what they so richly deserve. They chose to write off those of us on the forums because, as I have seen written over and over again, we supposedly don't count. Well we do count - our opinions and criticisms and insights do count and that is being proven out. People are/have abandoned this show in droves and they do not seem to be coming back (I know there is still a lot of time left however there are only 7 eps left that will count towards the unlikely renewal and unless they start pulling in 2.0s their average for the first 10 eps will likely be around 1.5 and I do not see that getting them renewed).

                        I for one do not see the ratings going up -- except for 200 because of the RDA draw and the milestone ep status, and perhaps RDAs second ep - but I think that one comes in the second half of the season so it will likely not help with the ratings race to cancellation. Boy I would love to know what TPKTS are saying right now perhaps it is something llike this - "oh no - another low rating!!?? Wahaaaaat?? How can those idiots not like this shiny, new, crapola we are feeding them?? Are they nuts - they'll watch anything as long as it's called Stargate SG-1!!! What's wrong with them!!!?? If we had known we were going to bomb we would have had RDA on SG-1 a lot more in the first half of the season to draw the people who can't stand change back to the show, yadda, yadda".

                        TPKTS took their loyal, forum fan base for granted and didn't listen and now even thier plan for RDA cannot save them since it is too little too late. I have said before if the polls can use 500-3000 people to accurately predict the winner of a presidential election than the presence of the people on this forum who were criticizing the direction of the show starting in S9 (regardless of whether they have a Nielsen box or not) are a very good source of information. TPKTS are so arrogant in their own little "I am so great" world they failed to acknowledge that.

                        Anyway, I'm stopping now - my negativity, as you can see has not abated but my glee level -- well that is another story.

                        Take care all. I will be lurking around and I'll pop by once in a while - I likely won't have much to say since I do not intend on watching the show unless you all convince me it is worth it but that won't happen unless mitchell rides into the sunset on his 302, Carter gets her command back, Daniel is untied from that wretch and Teal'c reverts back to the warrior he was (as opposed to the weekly damsel in distress, or the guy that gets to sit out in space all alone while the rest of the so-called "team" is split up even further doing whatever it is they are suppsoed to be doing).
                        You know Bink, I actually had a laugh when I saw the ratings and thought the same way you did. The urge to yell from on high "I Told You So!" is still in me

                        One thing I find 'funny' about that is when they brought Jonas to the show, it only really upset one fandom (I think ) But with Cam he seems to be an equal opportunity offender. Just look at the WSL thread (Where I'm sure we can find Rox, if we misplace her ) Sam has over double the votes than Cam and those votes are not just from Sam fans but from SG1 fans!

                        I understand your reasons for staying away, but please delurk as often as you feel you can, at least to have some fun and I do hope to read some more of your insightful posts

                        my fanfic



                            Love that pic AmberMoon

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by jckfan55
                              Ok, this can be a dangerous can of worms to re-open, but part of me says --if they had at least one woman producer she would have said "Why can't Sam be in command of SG1?" when they started on this "we need a new male hero to lead now that RDA's gone" road.

                              and to the guys who would say: "the guys in the audience won't accept it" I could hear her say: "Excuse me, Sam's been leading SG1 all through Season 8 and that's worked out fine. Ratings were fine. "
                              If they genuinely thought that guys watching the show would really object to seeing a woman in command and that they wouldn't have any problems with seeing Sam demoted, as long as it meant that a man was in charge, then TPTB had a moral responsibility to continue to show Sam in command and provide these guys with a positive example, rather than reinforcing existing sexism by demoting her.

                              Shame on TPTB!

                              BBC shows a lot of shows for little kids, montessori age and those shows are almost always, if not always scrutinized by experts to make sure that they avoid showing negative stereotypes or anything that could lead to the children watching it picking up sexist or racist ideas.

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                                One thing I find 'funny' about that is when they brought Jonas to the show, it only really upset one fandom (I think ) But with Cam he seems to be an equal opportunity offender. Just look at the WSL thread (Where I'm sure we can find Rox, if we misplace her ) Sam has over double the votes than Cam and those votes are not just from Sam fans but from SG1 fans!
                                That's the part that's actually very encouraging, because any sane individual would know that there aren't 600+ "Demandas" floating around GW (besides the thought of 600 Samandans running around here like our royal heads are cut off is downright disturbing).

                                These are everyday, regular, joe-schmoe poters, who may or may not lean towards one persuasion or another, and who just happen to think that Sam is more qualified than Cameron to lead. And I think that definitely says something.

