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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hi all - hope everyone is well. I was over at Celeeb trying to vote using that dopey new system (I feel like an idiot bent over my computer trying to get those silly numbers in fast so I can vote again) and thought I would check out GW and saw the ratings for PP. Could not resist dropping in here as well. I do find that I miss the banter and the insights and the chuckles and the intelligent conversation but I am just not into the show but wanted to say hi. Thanks to all who sent PMs and greens (I will respond at some point).

    Speaking of the ratings -- did you see them? A whopping 1.5 (there ya go golfbooy). WOW and that was supposed to be an ep that drew from the pools of both shows - YIKES!!! Hope that the "vision" that TPKTS have for the show is really doing their hearts good.

    Anyway - saw a few of your posts discussing the respect thing - lack of respect for Carter and for AT - well what I see is that their lack of respect, their lack of vision, their inability to write strong eps in S9 and S10, their inability to see beyond their puerile nonsense with mitchell and vala, their inability to see the weakness that is mitchell, or the folly that is mitchell as leader, etc., has gotten them nowhere fast and this is in their 10th and MILESTONE season which is getting a ton of pub (at least in comparison to S8 which garnered the highest ratings ever for the show).

    I know many will not like this but honestly (and since I have had it with this show) I for one feel pretty dammmm good about the ratings bearing out what many of us have been saying about the direction of the show - not just here at this thread but elsewhere all over this board and at other forums. TPKTS chose to keep their heads stuck up you know where and now they are getting what they so richly deserve. They chose to write off those of us on the forums because, as I have seen written over and over again, we supposedly don't count. Well we do count - our opinions and criticisms and insights do count and that is being proven out. People are/have abandoned this show in droves and they do not seem to be coming back (I know there is still a lot of time left however there are only 7 eps left that will count towards the unlikely renewal and unless they start pulling in 2.0s their average for the first 10 eps will likely be around 1.5 and I do not see that getting them renewed).

    I for one do not see the ratings going up -- except for 200 because of the RDA draw and the milestone ep status, and perhaps RDAs second ep - but I think that one comes in the second half of the season so it will likely not help with the ratings race to cancellation. Boy I would love to know what TPKTS are saying right now perhaps it is something llike this - "oh no - another low rating!!?? Wahaaaaat?? How can those idiots not like this shiny, new, crapola we are feeding them?? Are they nuts - they'll watch anything as long as it's called Stargate SG-1!!! What's wrong with them!!!?? If we had known we were going to bomb we would have had RDA on SG-1 a lot more in the first half of the season to draw the people who can't stand change back to the show, yadda, yadda".

    TPKTS took their loyal, forum fan base for granted and didn't listen and now even thier plan for RDA cannot save them since it is too little too late. I have said before if the polls can use 500-3000 people to accurately predict the winner of a presidential election than the presence of the people on this forum who were criticizing the direction of the show starting in S9 (regardless of whether they have a Nielsen box or not) are a very good source of information. TPKTS are so arrogant in their own little "I am so great" world they failed to acknowledge that.

    Anyway, I'm stopping now - my negativity, as you can see has not abated but my glee level -- well that is another story.

    Take care all. I will be lurking around and I'll pop by once in a while - I likely won't have much to say since I do not intend on watching the show unless you all convince me it is worth it but that won't happen unless mitchell rides into the sunset on his 302, Carter gets her command back, Daniel is untied from that wretch and Teal'c reverts back to the warrior he was (as opposed to the weekly damsel in distress, or the guy that gets to sit out in space all alone while the rest of the so-called "team" is split up even further doing whatever it is they are suppsoed to be doing).


      I think the reason that there was no big Sam arc start of season 9 was because they knew Amanda was coming back. And practically, it's kinda hard to film an arc for a character when the actor isn't available They would have also been hampered by the fact that it was at the very start of a new season, which means they didn't have any opportunity for a lead up episode to explain the absence. Daniel got an arc because they knew Shanks was leaving before they finished teh season (plus they didnt know if he was ever coming back). Jonas got an arc because Nemec was available to film for his exit. Different situation for AT and RDA in the fact that they both were unavailable with no opportunity to explain the absence before hand.


        Originally posted by NearlyCircular
        But should we be surprised at the lack of back story or explanations for Sam compared to the other characters? It’s been happening since the very beginning. I looked back at the first two seasons, and it wasn’t until the ninth episode of season two before we learned as much about Sam as the rest. We knew a lot about Jack and Daniel’s stories from the movie, and looking through the first season and a half, consider all the shows that referred to their past. For Jack – Children of the Gods, Enemy Within, Cold Lazarus, Solitudes, Within the Serpent’s Grasp, Serpent’s Lair, and Gamekeeper. For Daniel – Children of the Gods, Within Serpent’s Grasp, Serpent’s Lair, and Gamekeeper.

        Even Teal’c was given more history than Sam. Children of the Gods, Family, Bloodlines, and Cor-ai.

        In those same episodes, what did we learn about Sam? In COTG, all we got was that she was a brilliant scientist who had worked on the original Stargate project, she had experience in flying, and that she was apparently a raging feminist. We all know that Amanda talked TPTB down off that last ledge. In Emancipation- we got just the tidbit that she had been through hand-to-hand training, and wasn’t afraid of the dark. Real revealing stuff, that. Then in First Commandment, they gave us the standard situation for a female character in virtually every show in history – a confrontation with the former fiancé. In Enigma, oh, look, she has a cat! It wasn’t until almost halfway through the second season, in Secrets, that we learned anything more substantial about Sam.

        I’m not claiming that Sam didn’t have some truly great episodes in the first season and a half – Singularity, Solitudes, In the Line of Duty, etc. What I am saying is that they really didn’t tell us much about her. It’s a huge tribute to AT that she made the character as appealing and believable as she did, given how little background we were told about her. She could very easily have been just the talking head, and it would have been very easy to not care about her at all.

        So, I guess I’m not too surprised that we were bombarded with Cam’s history last season, with the excuse that we already knew everything about the other characters, and we needed to catch up with his background. Omitting any explanation about Sam’s actions is nothing new, unfortunately.

        This deserves repeating, even if I shouldn't be breeding the Cam-talk anymore. Great post, NC.

        It's an interesting point that I, personally, had never noted before. And it's quite the example of AT's charisma, when you put it that way. I guess a lot of that can be connected to what's been discussed here before - that is that Sam wasn't meant to be anything more than a supporting character when she was created. However, she grew and she became much more than what they expected, thanks to AT and her reception.

        They could've picked Daniel, the supposed second-lead character, to get snaked in ITLOD, but they chose Sam, and they ran with that arc for a bit. While it's a shame that they haven't ever revisited that part of her life (and they were ignoring it long before Cam and Vala came along), it's an aspect of Sam that we, as fans, will never forget. It's what's given AT something to hold onto as well, when it comes to deepening her understanding of the character.

        The dynamic between Jacob and Sam, Janet and Sam, and McKay and Sam are very popular in the Stargate fandom. They're popular because AT showed her stuff in the beginning, and was received by the production staff and the fans. They gave her more to do.

        Sam is the most-cloned, most-duplicated, most-AU...ed... character in the whole Stargate franchise. I don't think it's because they were short on characters to work with; it's because they knew AT could and would pull it off.

        Though they've been remiss with how they've handled Sam, it's very cool to think about how a collaborative effort between AT and the writers created such a great character. Mistakes aside, the credit can go to where it's due. And whatever TPTB have done and will do to weaken the character for the sake of their new agenda, they won't ever be able to undo the strength and depth that has been imbued into Samantha Carter over the past decade.
        Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 02 August 2006, 07:14 PM. Reason: Carter has an "r" at the end.


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
          I think we needed that in the midst of our whinging...WELL REASONED AS IT MAY BE.

          And may I personally let off a little squee for the snippet of information we have for The Road Not Taken (which sounds to be a CARTER ep)???

          Ooober, can you point me to the spoiler? That's the first I'd heard of the title... but that title does seem to match up with the teaser that AT gave in the crossover TV guide article. Here's to hoping that it really *is* a strong, competent Carter episode.
          Hopefully it's not... Carter screws up on some new invention or the operation of an Ancient artifact... thereby putting herself into an AU... where she messes things up... and then gets rescued by Mitchell

          ......oooooooo... now is that 'glass empty or what!!!'?


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            Ooober, can you point me to the spoiler? That's the first I'd heard of the title... but that title does seem to match up with the teaser that AT gave in the crossover TV guide article. Here's to hoping that it really *is* a strong, competent Carter episode.
            Hopefully it's not... Carter screws up on some new invention or the operation of an Ancient artifact... thereby putting herself into an AU... where she messes things up... and then gets rescued by Mitchell

            ......oooooooo... now is that 'glass empty or what!!!'?
            'Carter ends up on her own in an alternate universe, where she procedes to change the course of things in that universe'


              Well it’s our Royal Bartender’s Birthday (I know you are 5 hours ahead, but I don’t want to make you older sooner than I have to )

              Let’s take a look and see how the party is going


              Some how I knew we’d be able to pick TJ out in the crowd

              But now the problem, what do you get TJ for her birthday?
              Hmmm? A French/German/ Dutch dictionary….no that would be too boring for our TJ

              I have to admit that being TJ’s twin for a short period of time (on the celebs site) was quite fun, we both liked confusing everyone who couldn’t tell us apart Except for that incident when poor RepliCartertje got injured *shakes head*


              Here you go TJ to replace the one threw at RepliCartertje

              Uh oh…no TJ not again….….Duck RepliCartertje!!!

              Oooooh, sorry I guess I should have warned you before I gave her the moose

              Well any way Happy Birthday TJ

              my fanfic


                Here's to TJ and hope that she had a good day. See you all in the AM. Good night.


                  Originally posted by binkpmmc
                  Hi all - hope everyone is well. I was over at Celeeb trying to vote using that dopey new system (I feel like an idiot bent over my computer trying to get those silly numbers in fast so I can vote again)
                  Hi Bink! Great to see and hear from you! And I totally concur RE Celeeb's new voting system. I gave it a try last night, but it was horrible to try and type in those numbers on my silly laptop with a time limit of 30 seconds (I am the queen of typos in the best of situations, but with time pressure, I'm just a numble-nuts).
                  Originally posted by binkpmmc
                  and thought I would check out GW and saw the ratings for PP. Could not resist dropping in here as well. I do find that I miss the banter and the insights and the chuckles and the intelligent conversation but I am just not into the show but wanted to say hi. Thanks to all who sent PMs and greens (I will respond at some point).

                  Speaking of the ratings -- did you see them? A whopping 1.5 (there ya go golfbooy). WOW and that was supposed to be an ep that drew from the pools of both shows - YIKES!!! Hope that the "vision" that TPKTS have for the show is really doing their hearts good.

                  Anyway - saw a few of your posts discussing the respect thing - lack of respect for Carter and for AT - well what I see is that their lack of respect, their lack of vision, their inability to write strong eps in S9 and S10, their inability to see beyond their puerile nonsense with mitchell and vala, their inability to see the weakness that is mitchell, or the folly that is mitchell as leader, etc., has gotten them nowhere fast and this is in their 10th and MILESTONE season which is getting a ton of pub (at least in comparison to S8 which garnered the highest ratings ever for the show).

                  I know many will not like this but honestly (and since I have had it with this show) I for one feel pretty dammmm good about the ratings bearing out what many of us have been saying about the direction of the show - not just here at this thread but elsewhere all over this board and at other forums. TPKTS chose to keep their heads stuck up you know where and now they are getting what they so richly deserve. They chose to write off those of us on the forums because, as I have seen written over and over again, we supposedly don't count. Well we do count - our opinions and criticisms and insights do count and that is being proven out. People are/have abandoned this show in droves and they do not seem to be coming back (I know there is still a lot of time left however there are only 7 eps left that will count towards the unlikely renewal and unless they start pulling in 2.0s their average for the first 10 eps will likely be around 1.5 and I do not see that getting them renewed).

                  I for one do not see the ratings going up -- except for 200 because of the RDA draw and the milestone ep status, and perhaps RDAs second ep - but I think that one comes in the second half of the season so it will likely not help with the ratings race to cancellation. Boy I would love to know what TPKTS are saying right now perhaps it is something llike this - "oh no - another low rating!!?? Wahaaaaat?? How can those idiots not like this shiny, new, crapola we are feeding them?? Are they nuts - they'll watch anything as long as it's called Stargate SG-1!!! What's wrong with them!!!?? If we had known we were going to bomb we would have had RDA on SG-1 a lot more in the first half of the season to draw the people who can't stand change back to the show, yadda, yadda".

                  TPKTS took their loyal, forum fan base for granted and didn't listen and now even thier plan for RDA cannot save them since it is too little too late. I have said before if the polls can use 500-3000 people to accurately predict the winner of a presidential election than the presence of the people on this forum who were criticizing the direction of the show starting in S9 (regardless of whether they have a Nielsen box or not) are a very good source of information. TPKTS are so arrogant in their own little "I am so great" world they failed to acknowledge that.

                  Anyway, I'm stopping now - my negativity, as you can see has not abated but my glee level -- well that is another story.

                  Take care all. I will be lurking around and I'll pop by once in a while - I likely won't have much to say since I do not intend on watching the show unless you all convince me it is worth it but that won't happen unless mitchell rides into the sunset on his 302, Carter gets her command back, Daniel is untied from that wretch and Teal'c reverts back to the warrior he was (as opposed to the weekly damsel in distress, or the guy that gets to sit out in space all alone while the rest of the so-called "team" is split up even further doing whatever it is they are suppsoed to be doing).
                  Wonderful post, Bink!


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    This deserves repeating, even if I shouldn't be breeding the Cam-talk anymore. Great post, NC.

                    It's an interesting point that I, personally, had never noted before. And it's quite the example of AT's charisma, when you put it that way. I guess a lot of that can be connected to what's been discussed here before - that is that Sam wasn't meant to be anything more than a supporting character when she was created. However, she grew and she became much more than what they expected, thanks to AT and her reception.

                    They could've picked Daniel, the supposed second-lead character, to get snaked in ITLOD, but they chose Sam, and they ran with that arc for a bit. While it's a shame that they haven't ever revisited that part of her life (and they were ignoring it long before Cam and Vala came along), it's an aspect of Sam that we, as fans, will never forget. It's what's given AT something to hold onto as well, when it comes to deepening her understanding of the character.

                    The dynamic between Jacob and Sam, Janet and Sam, and McKay and Sam are very popular in the Stargate fandom. They're popular because AT showed her stuff in the beginning, and was received by the production staff and the fans. They gave her more to do.

                    Sam is the most-cloned, most-duplicated, most-AU...ed... character in the whole Stargate franchise. I don't think it's because they were short on characters to work with; it's because they knew AT could and would pull it off.

                    Though they've been remiss with how they've handled Sam, it's very cool to think about how a collaborative effort between AT and the writers created such a great character. Mistakes aside, the credit can go to where it's due. And whatever TPTB have done and will do to weaken the character for the sake of their new agenda, they won't ever be able to undo the strength and depth that has been imbued into Samantha Carte over the past decade.
                    Fantastic post, Dancer! Loved it!


                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                      I think the reason that there was no big Sam arc start of season 9 was because they knew Amanda was coming back. And practically, it's kinda hard to film an arc for a character when the actor isn't available They would have also been hampered by the fact that it was at the very start of a new season, which means they didn't have any opportunity for a lead up episode to explain the absence. Daniel got an arc because they knew Shanks was leaving before they finished teh season (plus they didnt know if he was ever coming back). Jonas got an arc because Nemec was available to film for his exit. Different situation for AT and RDA in the fact that they both were unavailable with no opportunity to explain the absence before hand.
                      I really, really hate to compare two actors, because the actor I'm bringing up had, as far as I'm concerned, nothing to do with AT's slight. However...

                      When Michael Shanks left in S6, they gave his character a pretty big send-off, while still leaving it open for him to come back in some way. This is a difficult feat to pull off during the best of times, but it would seem that they bent over backwards to keep their options open while essentially killing Daniel off.

                      They then proceeded to pimp Shanks/Daniel's presence throughout the sixth season - an entire season - even though they had different stories, a new character and a new dynamic to work with. They worked all of the newness in without taking away from the character who was gone, and without taking away from the characters who were still around.

                      Following Daniel's one-year absence, they brought him back with a fairly large arc - one they didn't exactly follow through in the best possible way, but one they evidently pimped nonetheless. Daniel had a purpose while he was "dead," he had a purpose during and after his return - heck, had a dang good purpose in the very episode where he risked his life.

                      Fast forward to this season, and you see Daniel taking off four episodes.

                      Future episodes, like "The Shroud"
                      Michael Shanks took some much-needed time off to spend time with his family (and do another film), though Daniel plays a very large role in the Stargate universe these days. This was ironed out in his contract, and he'll be gone in a smattering of different episodes ("Insiders," being one of them).

                      Yet Daniel is being sent away on an "absence," and he's being brought back with a very important arc attached. Meanwhile, there are characters who are "present" (I use that word lightly in regards to Sam and Teal'c) for all of the episodes, but they're being relegated to Damsels and Sidekicks.

                      Again, lest there be any misunderstanding, this is nothing against Michael Shanks or Daniel Jackson. I'm just saying that TPTB pick and choose when they want to utilize and prioritize actors and characters, and when they simply don't have the time to develop an arc for them. I don't know why they did it in this case with AT last year (and it certainly doesn't explain this year), but they really didn't make an effort. Though I do understand if she wanted a lightened load to begin with, they could've easily alluded to a slightly grander, more detailed reason for Sam's absence.

                      And I don't think there's any excuse for why they did NOT do that - other than a lack of foresight, and a torrid, fanboish love affair with the new characters/plots/arcs/sfx.
                      Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 02 August 2006, 07:17 PM.


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                        I really, really hate to compare two actors, because the actor I'm bringing up had, as far as I'm concerned, nothing to do with AT's slight. However...

                        When Michael Shanks left in S6, they gave his character a pretty big send-off, while still leaving it open for him to come back in some way. This is a difficult feat to pull off during the best of times, but it would seem that they bent over backwards to keep their options open while essentially killing Daniel off.

                        They then proceeded to pimp Shanks/Daniel's presence throughout the sixth season - an entire season - even though they had different stories, a new character and a new dynamic to work with. They worked all of the newness in without taking away from the character who was gone, and without taking away from the characters who were still around.

                        Following Daniel's one-year absence, they brought him back with a fairly large arc - one they didn't exactly follow through in the best possible way, but one they evidently pimped nonetheless. Daniel had a purpose while he was "dead," he had a purpose during and after his return - heck, had a dang good purpose in the very episode where he risked his life.

                        Fast forward to this season, and you see Daniel taking off four episodes.

                        Future episodes, like "The Shroud"
                        Michael Shanks took some much-needed time off to spend time with his family (and do another film), though Daniel plays a very large role in the Stargate universe these days. This was ironed out in his contract, and he'll be gone in a smattering of different episodes ("Insiders," being one of them).

                        Yet Daniel is being sent away on an "absence," and he's being brought back with a very important arc attached. Meanwhile, there are characters who are "present" (I use that word lightly in regards to Sam and Teal'c) for all of the episodes, but they're being relegated to Damsels and Sidekicks.

                        Again, lest there be any misunderstanding, this is nothing against Michael Shanks or Daniel Jackson. I'm just saying that TPTB pick and choose when they want to utilize and prioritize actors and characters, and when they simply don't have the time to develop an arc for them. I don't know why they did it in this case with AT last year (and it certainly doesn't explain this year), but they really didn't make an effort. Though I do understand if she wanted a lightened load to begin with, they could've easily alluded to a slightly grander, more detailed reason for Sam's absence.

                        And I don't think there's any excuse for why they did NOT do that - other than a lack of foresight, and a torrid, fanboish love affair with the new characters/plots/arcs/sfx.
                        Very well put!
                        Strong Believer in LOVE!


                          Originally posted by astrogeologist
                          Fantastic post, Dancer! Loved it!
                          I concur!!!


                            Even still Spazzy, they had actor availability for Daniel's arc. Any arc for Sam would have had to be done without actually seeing anything on screen about it. And TV is a visual medium..


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan


                              [...] But I'd also like to add "ship" to that list. Having it be a perpetual mystery makes Carter look wishy washy and while I enjoyed her angsty struggle as she tried to nail down how she felt and if her feelings were legitimate, they already did all that, focused on that and I think had her realize the feelings were legit and allowed her to want to explore something with Jack once the option was legally open to her.

                              Amanda will never hear an end of "will they or won't they" questions until they finish that story. NEVER. My perfect scenario would include an onscreen confirmation where those who appreciate it know that it's happening offscreen and those that don't have to see it. And then MOVE ON.

                              Now, as you saw, I focused on the secondary issue I have with how Sam is being written because I don't believe for a SECOND that they'll do her justice with regard to why they wrote away her command. Frankly, I'm only minimally hopeful that they'll conclude her Jack arc with any finesse or poise.
                              yes. yes. and more yes.




                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                Kernel. We're talking popcorn, right?

                                And I read the stuff about batteries and, uh, certain parts of the female anatomy (8,000 nerve endings etc. *insert cheesy grin here*)...but what's all this about zats???

                                *patiently awaits response*
                                To lazy to find the original post, but it had to do with popping-up ready for action. Maybe it was popcorn kernels?

