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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by DEM
    I knew there was a reason I... You were one of those Pepsi drinkers too, weren't you?

    Carter drinks Coke and prefers Mac to MicroSloth.
    Originally posted by Spazzy
    Them's fightin' words.

    Carter drinks Diet Coke, and she works with Macs because she likes the challenge.
    Actually, you're both wrong. Sam drinks beer and compiles her own kernels for her operating system.


      Originally posted by Agent_Dark
      Sam drinks beer and compiles her own kernels for her operating system.
      What a geek.


      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        Hey don't dis soap opera's at least they are well written and thought out and character driven So what if they have a character(s) come back to life after having an autopsy and being least its more believable than what they have done to Sam's character since S9
        okay end rant
        You know, I think you're right.


          Originally posted by Mandysg1
          Why that just sounds like a sequel and we all know sequels are never as good as the originals

          okay, how about ms fine whine?




            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            Uh huh. Hmmm... OK, tell the class (again) why you don't write fanfiction, please? I think I missed the answer the first fifty times you were asked.

            And two posts! Way to be awesomely verbose. I love this scenario, and I love that you posed those questions.

            Unfortunately, you kinda answered a lot of what you brought up, depressingly enough.


            When it comes to the characters questioning why Cameron is leading, I just shake my head, because it's so clear that TPTB knew this was going to be a big issue before it even was one. They can pretend like they didn't see this coming all they want. They can act like they just don't understand (*whimper*) why certain factions of the fandom - who like to unintelligibly whinge, no less - refuse to like their product.

            However, the very fact that they didn't have the presence of mind to look back at their own canon and create a scenario where Daniel and Teal'c questioned this choice means that they didn't want to address it. Because addressing it would mean they'd be admitting that it was an issue; ignoring it makes it a non-issue (in their minds), and they can pretend like this is how it was always meant to be.

            They can essentially reset to zero by not having Sam talk to Cameron about his restless behavior - especially when they plan to make him more "in control" in future episodes. They can let Cameron be inconsistent for the sake of the plot, a joke or a jolly, because they've decided that it's perfectly OK to make him suddenly and illogically heroic in the very next breath.

            They can gloss over Cameron's lack of development by making the rest of SG-1, SGC, nay the U.S. enamored by his heroics. They can create team nights, direct the actors to smile a certain way, embrace, etc., because then it'll create the false illusion that the current direction of the series somehow falls into place and is cohesive.

            They can absolutely, positively ignore Sam's position in S8 - and that's INCLUDING her lame-o, one-shot position at Area 51 - because she's supposedly serving her purpose just fine as the fourth-string, second-rate character, whom they can utilize whenever they're in need, because they know that AT will give 110% and deliver what they're looking for when they need it.

            The rolling of the eyes and the scoffing can be interpreted in a way akin to how people try to treat Bush - "Oh, he's just being him. Ignore what he says; watch what he does!" It's not really a compliment, it's not really condemnation - it's subtle recognition of the stupidity of his actions, for those who want to see it, and it's confirmation of how much "in" he has with the team, for those who want to see that. In essence, it's the easy way out for writers who have grown quite accustomed to ambiguity over the past four years.

            The conflict you guys mentioned earlier takes work. It takes a bit of risk - there are many of us, myself included, who probably would've taken the canon conflict and twisted it into evidence of TPTB's weaknesses. They know how visceral many of us can be. There was a time when I would've nodded with the rest who said that TPTB don't really care what we think. But Wright's mini-whinefest in his interview with Darren and David, and Mallozi's audacity to include GW members in his little ratings/mathematics problem says otherwise to me. They care. For some reason, they caring.

            Is it because we, as a fanbase, demonstrate our appreciation on a regular basis even when the Nielsens don't reflect it, or when it seems that the critics don't care about their hard work? Maybe. Whatever the case, I do believe that GW is being monitored by people in charge. JM said he likes to catch the reception of the episodes on Friday nights - what's to say that's stopped?

            Will it change what they've done to the series this season? I doubt it. It'd be nice if they could wave some crazy Hollywood wand and undo all of the (Sk)iffy stuff that's already in the can. But I think that requires a desire to admit that they messed up somewhere in February of 2005 - and that's not gonna happen. And I don't know if I wholly blame them anymore... Everyone likes a steady paycheck after all.

            ETA: Remember Daniel's rather uncharacteristic behavior in Ripple Effect? Honestly, the writing is SO on the wall when Daniel, of all people, is rolling his eyes during a complicated scientific explanation. I dunno if this is a subtle way of showing that the Daniel character is safe from a good axing come the 2007-2008 season or what, but I think it kinda falls in line with what you're saying... Explanations and scientifically sound theories beyond some Scapey "slingshot" maneuver are no longer so welcome, unless Brad Wright is willing to write some eps to include them. And since he has his hands full being the showrunner for the other series and all, and the SG-1 writers are having so much fun with the new characters and arcs they have... Well, it doesn't take a theoretical astrophysicist to do the math for this equation.
            I can't rep you, so I'll just have Jack applaud!


              Originally posted by Mandysg1
              Hey don't dis soap opera's at least they are well written and thought out and character driven So what if they have a character(s) come back to life after having an autopsy and being least its more believable than what they have done to Sam's character since S9
              okay end rant
              Eeek! *That's* in soap operas?!! Wow! Who needs the Scifi channel when non-cable, general broadcast soap operas must also have sarcophogi?


                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                Originally posted by majorsal
                well, can i be ms negativity 2 (mn2)?

                Why that just sounds like a sequel and we all know sequels are never as good as the originals
                Well, here's the deal, majorsal...
                but you have to keep it under your hat and not tell Sky... I mean, she's been wonderful and all, but... if there was a Ms Negativity spinoff series, would you be interested? In the meantime, Sky is going to be gone at Gabit and Avalon, so you can keep her seat warm until she gets back.

                Time passes...

                Hi, Majorsal - you were really great... and it doesn't look like there will be a spinoff series right away, but would you be interested in joining the Negativity cast? Even after Sky comes back? We're going to go a whole new direction with the Negativity show... new story arcs, new characters - and yours would be great! New blood and all - and everyone loves you...

                OK... I'll stop here... and let someone else take it from here if they want to... or not..


                  I can host it for you Astro, no size limit

                  And I'm with AD.. I reckon Sam said bugger you all and wrote her own OS... one that works

                  Originally posted by astrogeologist
                  OK, I need some recommendations from the computer-oriented amongst us...

                  I have update my PDF collection from the thread
                  'Welcome To My World'

                  Here's the problem: The pdf file is 24.6MB (the original Word document is more than twice that size), and my Personal Web Space is only 25MB... so I am rapidly reaching the limit.

                  I tried creating a ZIP file of the PDF file, but the resulting ZIP file was only a few hundred bytes smaller than the PDF file.

                  Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions or recommendations?

                  I don't want to split the file into two before posting because it has a table of contents (custom-created, but it still updates and finds page numbers (when I tell it to), so I don't have to hunt and scroll).


                    Originally posted by Myrth
                    I can host it for you Astro, no size limit

                    And I'm with AD.. I reckon Sam said bugger you all and wrote her own OS... one that works
                    No size limit! How did you do that? Running your own server?

                    So, how can I get updated versions to you? Email? Will it get through as a 25 (+)MB attachment?

                    You can PM me (or send me an email) if you don't want to reply on the thread
                    [email protected]


                      Originally posted by astrogeologist
                      Well, here's the deal, majorsal...
                      but you have to keep it under your hat and not tell Sky... I mean, she's been wonderful and all, but... if there was a Ms Negativity spinoff series, would you be interested? In the meantime, Sky is going to be gone at Gabit and Avalon, so you can keep her seat warm until she gets back.

                      Time passes...

                      Hi, Majorsal - you were really great... and it doesn't look like there will be a spinoff series right away, but would you be interested in joining the Negativity cast? Even after Sky comes back? We're going to go a whole new direction with the Negativity show... new story arcs, new characters - and yours would be great! New blood and all - and everyone loves you...

                      OK... I'll stop here... and let someone else take it from here if they want to... or not..
                      More time passes....

                      Oh hi Sky, I'm afraid I have to confess....that while you were gone....I made overt sexual passes at AD, I'm not sure but I think he enjoyed them ...then there was Dem, since I wasn't sure of Dem's gender I thought it would be a challenge now I'm afraid I've brought the kingdom of Samanda down to a new level...well maybe Oooober can decide that point

                      anyone else want to take it D

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by astrogeologist
                        Well, here's the deal, majorsal...
                        but you have to keep it under your hat and not tell Sky... I mean, she's been wonderful and all, but... if there was a Ms Negativity spinoff series, would you be interested? In the meantime, Sky is going to be gone at Gabit and Avalon, so you can keep her seat warm until she gets back.

                        Time passes...

                        Hi, Majorsal - you were really great... and it doesn't look like there will be a spinoff series right away, but would you be interested in joining the Negativity cast? Even after Sky comes back? We're going to go a whole new direction with the Negativity show... new story arcs, new characters - and yours would be great! New blood and all - and everyone loves you...

                        OK... I'll stop here... and let someone else take it from here if they want to... or not..

                        but miss astro, i'm going to have to pass on the negativity spin off. see, my heart really isn't into it, and if things started going the way i want them to, then i'm be ms positivity. so i'm too fickle for the spin off.

                        besides, i think i'll be screwed over by the ptb of the spin off, so thank you but no thank you.




                          Originally posted by Osiris-RA

                          I thought I was the only one noticing!! How lame is it that in their quest to make Cam shine, they can't even give Carter her usual role of being the smart one - they actually have to go write in some filler scientific type character - who isn't even as interesting as Beckett or (dare I say it?) Mckay - to spew technobabble. Carter's the only who can do the technobabble, dammit!!

                          That said, Sam seemed a tweed more in character last Friday. She was making faces again. Yay!
                          I hope we see more. It was great to see her smiling/laughing more. I love the way she glows even when the camera's not on her.

                          It's one of the special things about her. She's always "on." I think this is what caught the eye of TPTB early on and why they focused on her for close out shots. She was their "go-to girl" because they knew she was the one who could really delivered the goods. I think Michael Shanks said something about that in the past.

                          Anyway, some of the spoilers have me excited as a Carter fan and I hope they don't disappoint...and I also hope we see much more of this side of Carter much more often.

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                            Uh huh. Hmmm... OK, tell the class (again) why you don't write fanfiction, please? I think I missed the answer the first fifty times you were asked.

                            And two posts! Way to be awesomely verbose. I love this scenario, and I love that you posed those questions.

                            Unfortunately, you kinda answered a lot of what you brought up, depressingly enough.


                            When it comes to the characters questioning why Cameron is leading, I just shake my head, because it's so clear that TPTB knew this was going to be a big issue before it even was one. They can pretend like they didn't see this coming all they want. They can act like they just don't understand (*whimper*) why certain factions of the fandom - who like to unintelligibly whinge, no less - refuse to like their product.

                            However, the very fact that they didn't have the presence of mind to look back at their own canon and create a scenario where Daniel and Teal'c questioned this choice means that they didn't want to address it. Because addressing it would mean they'd be admitting that it was an issue; ignoring it makes it a non-issue (in their minds), and they can pretend like this is how it was always meant to be.

                            They can essentially reset to zero by not having Sam talk to Cameron about his restless behavior - especially when they plan to make him more "in control" in future episodes. They can let Cameron be inconsistent for the sake of the plot, a joke or a jolly, because they've decided that it's perfectly OK to make him suddenly and illogically heroic in the very next breath.

                            They can gloss over Cameron's lack of development by making the rest of SG-1, SGC, nay the U.S. enamored by his heroics. They can create team nights, direct the actors to smile a certain way, embrace, etc., because then it'll create the false illusion that the current direction of the series somehow falls into place and is cohesive.

                            They can absolutely, positively ignore Sam's position in S8 - and that's INCLUDING her lame-o, one-shot position at Area 51 - because she's supposedly serving her purpose just fine as the fourth-string, second-rate character, whom they can utilize whenever they're in need, because they know that AT will give 110% and deliver what they're looking for when they need it.

                            The rolling of the eyes and the scoffing can be interpreted in a way akin to how people try to treat Bush - "Oh, he's just being him. Ignore what he says; watch what he does!" It's not really a compliment, it's not really condemnation - it's subtle recognition of the stupidity of his actions, for those who want to see it, and it's confirmation of how much "in" he has with the team, for those who want to see that. In essence, it's the easy way out for writers who have grown quite accustomed to ambiguity over the past four years.

                            The conflict you guys mentioned earlier takes work. It takes a bit of risk - there are many of us, myself included, who probably would've taken the canon conflict and twisted it into evidence of TPTB's weaknesses. They know how visceral many of us can be. There was a time when I would've nodded with the rest who said that TPTB don't really care what we think. But Wright's mini-whinefest in his interview with Darren and David, and Mallozi's audacity to include GW members in his little ratings/mathematics problem says otherwise to me. They care. For some reason, they caring.

                            Is it because we, as a fanbase, demonstrate our appreciation on a regular basis even when the Nielsens don't reflect it, or when it seems that the critics don't care about their hard work? Maybe. Whatever the case, I do believe that GW is being monitored by people in charge. JM said he likes to catch the reception of the episodes on Friday nights - what's to say that's stopped?

                            Will it change what they've done to the series this season? I doubt it. It'd be nice if they could wave some crazy Hollywood wand and undo all of the (Sk)iffy stuff that's already in the can. But I think that requires a desire to admit that they messed up somewhere in February of 2005 - and that's not gonna happen. And I don't know if I wholly blame them anymore... Everyone likes a steady paycheck after all.

                            ETA: Remember Daniel's rather uncharacteristic behavior in Ripple Effect? Honestly, the writing is SO on the wall when Daniel, of all people, is rolling his eyes during a complicated scientific explanation. I dunno if this is a subtle way of showing that the Daniel character is safe from a good axing come the 2007-2008 season or what, but I think it kinda falls in line with what you're saying... Explanations and scientifically sound theories beyond some Scapey "slingshot" maneuver are no longer so welcome, unless Brad Wright is willing to write some eps to include them. And since he has his hands full being the showrunner for the other series and all, and the SG-1 writers are having so much fun with the new characters and arcs they have... Well, it doesn't take a theoretical astrophysicist to do the math for this equation.
                            Hah! Very interesting that you would post that about my quote because I got so nervous after writing it that I deleted it. You must have quoted me right before I deleted it! ROFL


                              Perusin the thread while I watched Eureka. Can't say it really excites me. It does make me laugh when I see the Eureka ads at the bottom of the screen on Stargate episodes. It makes me think - Eureka! they've got an idea.

                              I could see Sam compiling her own kernel. With the different technology that they have to interface with, there would have to be some specifjc code thrown in.

                              I remember seeing an Apple used in one episode, something with Tokra crystals. It made me chuckle because I've never found it easy to interface an Apple with other equipment from this planet I know, the SG scientist are much smarter.

                              Oh, and the zat discussion of the last day or so has me seeing them in a whole new light!

                              Now off to catch last Friday's episode.


                                Originally posted by gatenv
                                Perusin the thread while I watched Eureka. Can't say it really excites me. It does make me laugh when I see the Eureka ads at the bottom of the screen on Stargate episodes. It makes me think - Eureka! they've got an idea.

                                I could see Sam compiling her own kernel. With the different technology that they have to interface with, there would have to be some specifjc code thrown in.

                                I remember seeing an Apple used in one episode, something with Tokra crystals. It made me chuckle because I've never found it easy to interface an Apple with other equipment from this planet I know, the SG scientist are much smarter.

                                Oh, and the zat discussion of the last day or so has me seeing them in a whole new light!

                                Now off to catch last Friday's episode.
                                Kernel. We're talking popcorn, right?

                                And I read the stuff about batteries and, uh, certain parts of the female anatomy (8,000 nerve endings etc. *insert cheesy grin here*)...but what's all this about zats???

                                *patiently awaits response*

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

