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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Thanks to all who helped put Amanda on top at the Celeeb Poll

    Here's a little souvenir, (minus the ads)



      Originally posted by Thor_Beyond769
      Hey Everyone! Do you guys like my new Sig?
      Very cool sig, but I'm not sure what you mean by "saviour of the coalition". Or "savior" as I think you've spelt it. Is that the American form?
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
        I just made a Sam vid for JanSam and well I thought let share it with Samanda

        Song: Stand my ground
        Artist: Within Temptation
        Spoilers: season 1 till 8

        It is a vid about all the aspects of Sam. I hope you all like it
        Well done RCtje! I really enjoyed that!
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by Lord_Minister
          is there a sam thunk thread around here?
          Well, this is everything mixed into one, really. We chat and discuss and appreciate, then certain members enjoy a little drooling and thunking as well Anything's welcome as long as it's Samanda related (and complies with forum rules - before Sky thwacks me again!)
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            whacks sally and yanks my wallet out of her hand

            hon, it's pretty empty, i just paid the bill for my air fare to at2/avalon
            You're feeling quite violent at the moment, aren't you, Sky? So glad I covered myself on that last post.
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by NearlyCircular
              Ok, here's one.

              Message in a Bottle is another example of Sam screws up, but I liked it because it seemed to me to be more like what science and real life are actually like. Most of the time, you don’t get it right the first time. You may have to try a lot of things before that happens.

              The whole episode was like one big science experiment run amok. First Sam and Daniel play around with an alien artifact; it starts acting up; Jack and Teal’c try to throw it through the gate, and it sprouts a bunch of spikes, one of which impales Jack, leaving him hanging, literally. They try blasting it with a staff weapon against Sam’s advice, try cutting through it, try heating it up, try turning on the ultra violet light, which only makes the gate room look like a black light flashback from the 60’s, then try turning the oxygen level down. Meanwhile, the device has not only infected people, but even the walls and the computers. So Janet is frantically looking for a cure. Finally Daniel figures out that it’s trying to communicate, so Sam reverses her earlier recommendations, and suggests raising the oxygen levels and blasting it with the staff weapon again. Finally, something that works.

              By the way, rereading the transcript from the episode, I realize that it demonstrated early on that Sam was willing to make the hard choices required of a leader. At the end, she ends up ordering Teal’c to shoot the orb three times, even though they’re not sure if it will kill Jack, and it’s obviously shocking him. Kind of reminds you of Entity, doesn’t it? Leadership ability? Oh yeah.

              And it also occurs to me that this is a perfect example of the old days when the writers didn’t rely on convenient plot twists or Asgard technology to give them an easy way out at the very last minute. They somehow managed to write episodes where the team managed to find their own way out of a crisis, even if it took all episode to get there.

              That was a really good read, NC.

              Actually, in response to astro's post, I'd like to add Singularity to the NotSuper!Sam list. Yes, she does save the day in the end by heroically saving Cassie, but she really has to battle with her emotions through the episode, and battle with her internal feelings of inadequacy - that she shouldn't have to battle the emotions.

              One of the things I hate about later episodes IS exactly the fact that they can press the reset button, get the asgard in etc, etc, etc. The whole point of Stargate was that it was present day, they were up against these super duper futuristic enemies and didn't stand a chance. They may now have a new enemy to try and reset it all, so that they are once more the underdogs like they used to be, but so much has already changed. They have ships, they can just drop a line to the asgard....

              Remember the time Sam looked up to the Earth in wonder? Her dream come true, something that she never thought she'd be able to do? When the asgard pretty much refused to help the children? When the Goa'uld were enemies to be feared, not just comedic devices?

              And I think at this point, I rish going too far off topic. It's one for the whinge nuts.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                sally????? you just propositioned Dem????

                am i reading this right????

                We now have a Samanda Escort Service going on????
                You didn't know about this? Ooober and AD run the show. Myrth and Sally also offer their services
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  well, you know, in a big enough font, Umlauts can be...ratehr titilating *ahem*
                  It's all coming out tonight, eh? Zat guns, battery operated *ahem* devices, titilating umlauts.....!
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Originally posted by chelle db
                    Hi all!!
                    I agree with you Sky...I don't see disrespect...I like Cam *don't shoot me!* and this week sees the return of Sam...we've just started watching season 9 and we're up to Beachhead...but I don't see Cam as the disrespectful type...maybe a little over zealous at times...but I'm not comparing him to Jack either...still...I wish Sam was team a little bit of conflict between team members would be great...add a little realism to the team dynamics!
                    I think you've hit the nail on the head there. It's not so much that Cam *is* the leader, more the fact that there's no comeback, no explanation, no way it has been dealt with. You're absolutely right that a little team conflict would make things interesting. I sincerely doubt that Sam would sit there and take that. Look how hard she fought to be respected by other team members, by the men in this patriarchal institution. And now the lead has been tossed to an inexperienced puppy (overexcited puppy dog is basically how I see Mitchell) and she's said NOTHING.

                    Well, I suppose she might be resigned to the idea. Oh well, he's a bloke. Blokes always get the top jobs round here. Or maybe it's a case of realising that she relinquished command at the end of season eight. But whatever it is, surely we would have seen her deal with this in SOME way. Perhaps over coffee with Jack? Or Hammond? You know?

                    If Sam hasn't got a problem with it herself, what about Teal'c or Daniel? I can't really see them sitting back and taking it without sticking up for their friend. Especially Daniel who would be absolutely baffled at why a woman with eight years' experience was overlooked in favour of someone still wet behind the ears.

                    But then again, I wouldn't know. I'm just a woman.
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Originally posted by chelle db
                      ROFLMAO....holy moses...well said!
                      and size doesn't matter!
                      Wow ! I should really get up earlier in the morning, I've missed a very interesting conversation !

                      Regarding TPP,
                      I really enjoyed that episode, I thought the Sam/Rodney interactions were very good !

                      As for Cam getting close to Sam, putting his hand on her seat, for instance, that doesn't disturb me. I think it's only a way to show that they're close (I don't speak about ship, here, I really would hate that ! ) and that they really know each other, as they have tried to show us since the beginning of season 9.

                      Even if Cam stood up for the defense of Sam, I agree with that too, because it would have been too much if Sam had always had the possibility of reacting to Rodney.

                      I'm happy they didn't try to ship Sam with Rodney or with Cam, it would have been illogical since they had already done this with Jack.

                      Someone asked for birthdays... mine is december 17th.


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        well, supposedly, the female you-know-what is just a little you-know-what. supposedly.

                        Yupp indeedy. But get this....


                        It's the only organ in the female body made PURELY for pleasure and it has 8000 nerve endings. That's more than the lips, the fingertips OR the tongue, and it's TWICE as many as in the penis.

                        So the reason Cam got leadership is pure jealousy

                        And there endeth the biology lesson.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          Your "ELVIS" name? As in, "Dont you step on my blue suede shoes" ELVIS????

                          Unh huh, unh huh.
                          Mmmmmm, my Mum reckons my Elvis name would be Hound Dog. She says she never had children, she had a b*tch and a rottweiler. My name is Shep *sigh*

                          Any suggestions on what Sam/Amanda's Elvis name is? C'mon now, it's an interesting question.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by Gate gal
                            What happens in Samanda stays in Samanda!
                            Or at least in that dingey back alleyway on the outskirts
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              Fëël thë ümläüty lövë, my frïënds!!!
                              Are they battery operated umlauts?
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by DEM
                                AH! You're saying you think Daniel was the A-story? : DEM strokes chin thoughtfully:
                                Well, this week Daniel's story got an A in my opinion.

                                A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                                "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                                One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                                resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                                confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                                A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                                The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."

