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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by dreamer

    After listening to Amanda's last interview and her hesitation on if she will continue with the show I think it bothers her the direction the show has taken. It is just my opinion of the interview but who knows. Amanda will do great no matter what show she is in. Her acting Talent is great if the writers want to reach an audience who watch the show for the half dressed and mindless sex appeal than it will soon grow tiresome and fall by the wayside I am sure. I will watch as a fan of Amanda's to see if it improves but as far as rewatching goes that is doubtfull.
    i want amanda to get that spin off!

    stargate: Odyssey have to look up the spelling of it every time

    sam helps pick her crew. she's slightly ambivalent about this posting, because she's just off getting married to jack o'neill and doesn't want to possibly be gone for long periods of time (or poss not come back at all). but jack is proud and this gives sam the boost to give it her all.

    after her crew is set, they set off on their first mission. it's a simple one, that, of course, goes wrong. but it also shows the crew just how much they can depend on their new commander, and sam how much she can depend on them.

    on their (new) first mission, they meet the aliens from 'grace'. they're very secretive, but they agree to help with the ori. to sorts. (must keep the trials and tribulations of the bad guys ).

    but their first mission(s) are of trial and error, because they're breaking in some new things on the odyssey. so things are breaking down more than working.

    the main objective for the odyssey is to find tech to fight the ori, with a second objective to explore the unknown. and it's the unknown that's going to through the crew of the odyssey for a loop!





      Originally posted by Strix varia
      About the Mitchell scene in TPP
      involving the lemon. Shepp gave Mitchell the lemon in what felt like a pretty natural exchange to me. When Mitchell threatened McKay with it, it also worked. Mitchell and Shepp are goofy enough to get away with doing something like that, but it wouldn't have felt natural to me if it had been Sam. Sam does not threaten people's lives with lemons. Besides, if it had been Sam doing the threatening, McKay's reaction to her wouldn't have been the same. He would have snapped back at her with some wise-ass comment and gone his merry way because he knows he has nothing to fear from Sam. (She saved his life, afterall!). But he was unfamiliar with Mitchell, so the threat took him off-guard. He didn't know how to react, and he wasn't expecting it. That's the only reason why the scene worked for me. I think I would have disliked it if it had been Sam.
      That was a fantastic analysis of that scene...even though I haven't see it...and most likely won't until it airs here next's good to read a more positive spin on it...I remain optimistic for the show...I find it hard to not be...I know it has changed a lot from the earlier seasons but sometimes that can work out for the best...given time...yes I miss RDA and TR and DSD and CA, but I'm glad we still have MS, CJ and most importantly Amanda!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        concerning Pegasus Project....

        i'm just SUPER glad they didn't ship sam and mckay!

        after the 'if we can ship her, he will come!' attitude of season 9, i'm super fearing them doing this again in season 10! so i was very relieved they didn't go the sam/mckay route.




          Originally posted by DEM
          The habit BB has adopted of leaning over AT with his hand on the back of her chair (anyone else noticed this?) also heightens the intrusiveness factor. It's a nonverbal with a lot of (unconscious) kick, I think.
          I've noticed that habit too. I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

          Cameron's Behavior in S10
          It definitely lends to the intrusiveness you mentioned before. In some ways, it's kinda sweet. But in other ways, it's like, "Damn, give the girl some space!" I wonder if it's a crutch BB has kinda developed (because he does do it a lot), or if he's been directed to do it. However, since there are so many directors, who all seem to have varying agendas, I just don't see that being the case.

          All I know is, my younger sister watches SG-1 with me, and she taunts me with the horrid word, "Scammer!" every chance she gets.


            Originally posted by Mandysg1
            Okay, so I couldn't help myself, I had to caption these

            Sam: Okay, McKay, you want your fantasy fulfilled, meet me in the room over there, and if I’m not there in 10 mins, start without me.

            Sam: Gahhh, do you two have to follow me everywhere I go?
            Bahaha! ((((Mandysg1)))) That was just too good. Thanks so much for the laugh.

            ETA: To prevent triple posting, I thought I'd add this...

            S10 preview/promo spoilers
            I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but I find it kinda funny/weird/interesting/ironic that the past three episode promos, starting from Morpheus and ending with Insiders, showed a whole heckuvalot of Sam - Sam in peril, Sam in the line of fire, Sam + explosions, etc.

            I don't know what to make of THAT little tidbit either, considering TPTB totally pimped "Morpheus" as a Vala+Humor ep (nothing against that) and "The Pegasus Project" as a Daniel+Atlantis ep (nothing against that either... really).

            I mention it, because I'd kinda accepted the fact that Sam would be a loyal and true anchor of the show (alongside Daniel and Teal'c), who helped remind us of the Stargate of Old, but who really didn't have much to do for the rest of the season. And, considering how much Sci Fi just lurves to pimp SG-1's new characters as well, I honestly did not expect to see promos that featured much of Sam at all. I've gotta say I'm surprised - either it's a bit of ignorance on someone's part, or someone, somewhere thinks that viewers actually care about what happens to Carter, of all people. We'll see, I guess.
            Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 29 July 2006, 08:34 PM.


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              I noticed that last night. I was thinking 'Geez, get out of her personal space please. A little too close there.' I wouldn't have minded if it were, say, Daniel. But when Mitchell does is...I don't like it so much.
              The personal space thing bothers me a little too, but it is so one-sided (thankfully). Sam doesn't even seem to notice and certainly doesn't respond by getting in his personal space. I'd like to see her call him on it in a future episode, or, better yet, I'd love to see him make a move and her shut him down! That would fix him for taking her command.

              Seriously, I like Cameron this season. He's still being written a little to much like Jack, but he's improving.


                Dani76, Happy Birthday!!!


                  Originally posted by majorsal

                  i misinterpreted the coming attractions. i thought
                  the very last scene, when mitchell yelled 'sam!'... i thought it was baal that was right behind her, but it's... argh, that guy that likes sam that's in the nid! this completely changes the danger!

                  I'm with you! Oh No!


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    Bahaha! ((((Mandysg1)))) That was just too good. Thanks so much for the laugh.

                    ETA: To prevent triple posting, I thought I'd add this...

                    S10 preview/promo spoilers
                    I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but I find it kinda funny/weird/interesting/ironic that the past three episode promos, starting from Morpheus and ending with Insiders, showed a whole heckuvalot of Sam - Sam in peril, Sam in the line of fire, Sam + explosions, etc.

                    I don't know what to make of THAT little tidbit either, considering TPTB totally pimped "Morpheus" as a Vala+Humor ep (nothing against that) and "The Pegasus Project" as a Daniel+Atlantis ep (nothing against that either... really).

                    I mention it, because I'd kinda accepted the fact that Sam would be a loyal and true anchor of the show (alongside Daniel and Teal'c), who helped remind us of the Stargate of Old, but who really didn't have much to do for the rest of the season. And, considering how much Sci Fi just lurves to pimp SG-1's new characters as well, I honestly did not expect to see promos that featured much of Sam at all. I've gotta say I'm surprised - either it's a bit of ignorance on someone's part, or someone, somewhere thinks that viewers actually care about what happens to Carter, of all people. We'll see, I guess.
                    Proof that they know what we want!


                      Originally posted by binkpmmc


                      Take care everyone. See ya.

                      One last thing - but certainly not least - I would like to thank Sally for starting this thread many moons and almost 48,000 posts ago.

                      i don't want you to leave, bink... but i thoroughly respect your strength for doing what i can't seem to do. i agreed with so much of what your post said. and i've always respected your personal fortitude for saying it like it is. you will be utterly missed me friend.





                        Originally posted by Gate gal
                        I'm with you! Oh No!
                        Well, Sam's already given Barrett the brush off. If he asks again, then he's the pathetic one that can't accept no for an answer. I kinda like 'ol Malcom, so I hope he keeps his mouth shut.


                          Happy Birthday, Dani76!!

                          Hope you've gotten a chance to pamper yourself!


                            Since some folks have groused that Sam is too perfect, that she always knows the answer... and that they want to see more of situations where Sam *doesn't* know the answer and doesn't figure things out... I set about to make a list of the times that Sam *didn't* know the answer -- because I think they've done a good job (sometimes too good) of showing Sam as not-perfect and not always having the ansewr (much more so than most scifi lead science-types) - and they started this in Season 1. (Frankly, I think they've gone too far to the 'don't know' side over the past couple of years...)

                            At any rate, here's the list that I have so far, and I'd like help adding to it

                            Not Super!Sam – she has her human sides, she has her vulnerabilities, she doesn’t always have the answer, she doesn’t always save the day

                            Season 1: The First Commandment – she can’t pull the trigger on Jonas (she isn’t the perfect soldier – she’s human)

                            Season 1: Solitudes – she didn’t think of dialing another gate. She didn’t save the day and rescue herself and Jack. (not Super!Sam who always comes up with the answer)

                            Season 5: Red Sky – they screwed up that sun!

                            Season 5: Desperate Measures – she doesn’t get herself out of this one. Jack swoops in and saves her.

                            Season 6: Forsaken – she got cold-cocked and tied up, then got put on the sidelines because of wooziness.

                            Season 7: Avenger 2.0 – she definitely didn’t save the day here. Felger had to reprogram the ‘Gate and Jack swooped in and saved both Carter and Felger.

                            Season 7: Fallen – she can’t run the ‘digger’ well enough – Kianna must operate/drive the machine

                            Season 7: Death Knell – she outruns the SuperSoldier for awhile, but it ultimately outlasts her and Teal’c and Jack swoop in and save her.

                            Season 8: New Order – Jack and the guys and the Asgard save the day. Fifth lets Sam go

                            Season 8: Gemini – RepliCarter fools her and gets the frequency/code to the Ancient Replicator gun.

                            Season 9: Beachhead - Carter isn’t needed to go with the bomb after all.

                            Season 9: Camelot – Sam can’t deal with the SuperGate fast enough

                            Ship – the whole Pete saga, Jonas, Jack – she definitely doesn’t have the relationship thing down.

                            And, then for contrast, here's a list of episodes where I think that Carter was a main hero, or *the* main hero, or did something decisive towards victory for that episode.

                            Episodes where Sam *did* save the day, where she was figuring things out, where she could see ‘the answer’, where Sam was the hero

                            Singularity – heroically going back down to Cassie
                            Hathor – taking on the Goa’uld, saving the base, saving Jack from being a Jaffa
                            Seth – using the hand device against Seth
                            1969 – figuring out the time travel/sunspots
                            Fair Game - where she uses the healing device on the Goa’uld
                            A Matter of Time – great Science!Sam
                            2010 – Science!Sam, Ship!Sam, Heroic!Sam
                            2001 – falling through the horizontal ‘Gate
                            Small Victories dumb ideas – blowing up the O’Neill to save the Asgard
                            A Hundred Days -creating and building that particle accelerator
                            Foothold – saving the SGC, and Earth
                            Grace – saving the Prometheus, it’s crew, and the aliens
                            Last edited by astrogeologist; 29 July 2006, 09:11 PM.


                              Originally posted by minigeek
                              Hey all,

                              Just had time to watch the latest ep. So thought I'd drop in. Wowsers! I agree with her Oooooberness, I really enjoyed the ep a lot!!

                              This is the first time in ..... i can't even remember HOW long ..... that I've really laughed and had a good time watching an episode of SG-1, all throughout. I enjoyed every character tonight, including Vala and Mitchell, who managed not to bother me a bit and I felt he had some pretty darn decent moments, too (like when he stood between McKay and Carter and made McKay stop speaking mid(inappropriate)word! LOL, that was a fantastic moment.

                              Of course a great deal of my enjoyment came from the Sam/McKay snark, too. But I also saw DANIEL back... and he was... DANIEL. Michael really pulled off some great moments in this ep. I love that he wore his glasses (I know, a little thing, but still) and that he was so excited to see Atlantis and to be in the archives at first. The Vala interaction was quite humerous and not overwhelming at all, I loved her digs (I found them appropriate and funny).

                              Sam's relevance to the episode as both a scientist and a soldier was extremely apparent and intelligently interwoven-I LOVED THAT!-she had a lot to do, and she really shone. Gosh I love episodes like that. We really got to see even more of the differences between the character-types and problem solving skill methodologies of McKay and Carter respectively. The two obviously respect one another, but also obviously have huge issues with one another. Always love seeing more of that, too. I'd completely rate this episode as a Sam Carter episode and slate it into my repertoire for future viewing as such.

                              The episode was quite well written and the two casts merged famously. It made me wish we could see more overlapping interaction of that caliber and I'm looking forward to the future crossovers now as a result more than ever.

                              I know this isn't the most eloquent or through provoking post, but I had a long day and I'm wiped. Plain and simple, I HAD FUN watching SG-1 tonight, and for me, that's what it's all about. So I'm giving kudos where kudos are due.

                              Great ep! I'll definitely re-watch it again.

                              mini(the happy!)geek
                              I couldn't green you, so I thought I'd just agree! I liked it! Season 10 is off to a good start!


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                Well, Sam's already given Barrett the brush off. If he asks again, then he's the pathetic one that can't accept no for an answer. I kinda like 'ol Malcom, so I hope he keeps his mouth shut.
                                Thanks for the reality check! My moment of worry is gone!

