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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Thor_Beyond769
    You said it all for me. I tried and failed at the spoiler tags.... I know sad. But I'm glad that someone thinks just like I do. <I might like daniel a little more then you do though.. >
    Thor, if you look at the grey area just above where you write, there are pics, the last one with the ! in a white box will do the tags for you. Just highlight the area you want in tags then press that button then preview your post to make sure you got everything you wanted in the spoiler tags

    my fanfic


      Okay and now my take on last night's Pegasus Project

      Warning: Those who like Cam, may not like this post
      I did find it an improvement over S9, and I did love the moments between Sam and Rodney, love the snarkiness and expressions AT uses to express Sam's feelings Oh and look Sam had more to do than Cam

      What I find the most BS moment is them looking at Cam for his approval of the plan Yea right, all I can hear in my mind is McKay saying: "And why would we listen to you? (or care what you think?)

      What I have to laugh about, is it seemed more like they didn't know what do with Cam in this episode, so they gave him a lemon I think it is BW's influence, he wrote the Sam character, so he knew what to do with her, but got stuck with the Cam character, which has not been written very well in S9IMHO, so how can he follow cannon for the character when there isn't any. I guess Coop really screwed that up

      It would have been easier to write Cam in that episode if he was a Major and used this as a learning experience, as opposed to cutting in on everyone's conversations like the kid in the class who thinks he knows everything It just seemed to me like Cam was not needed in that episode for anything Which is how I feel about the character in every episode So given that, yes it was a much better episode, than anything I've seen in S9.

      my fanfic


        I see that
        Lt. Colonel exposition is back. Come on! We don't need an explanation of past episodes. At least in the manner that they've decided to portray it.

        I still missed who wrote this episode.


          My sincerest apologies for not using spoilers on this - I was just livid when I wrote it and did not even think since the ep aired - I know it has not aired everywhere and my mind was not with me. I am sorry Tracy Jane I truly regret that you saw the spoilers - likewise to all others who may have been spoiled by my trangression.

          I have not seen this one yet - and may in fact skip it by the sound of some of this crapola (IMO crapola). I did catch that littel AOL thing they have now and I was immensely annoyed by the fact that mitchell (tool that he is and after this I will never accept or like him in this role - he is intrusive as someone here has pointed out and he is waaay too gee-whiz and hewo macho-man cliche) got the
          lemon line and actual lemon
          - this IS Sam's and should be Sam's no matter what may come. mitchell did not even exist when the
          Carter/McKay lemon stuff
          happened and I resent the fact that TPKTS continuously try to make mitchell acceptable by giving him the things that used to be Carter's and should be Carter's, or Daniel's or Teal'c's -
          that lemon thing
          is just ridiculous IMO. Like I say at work - the people in charge do not realize how much the "little things" can add up and TPKTS have a ton of little things that have, in combination with the really BIG thing, made me leave this show--
          Carter had leadership - they gave it to tool, Carter had the motorcycle thing - they gave it to tool, Carter had lemons on McKay - they gave it to tool, Carter had Jolinar and ability to use Goaould tech - they gave it to the other tool
          - what a crock o' crapola (I really want to say sh-- but can't but you get my meaning).

          What they have done to this character, plus the deadly boring Ori, a storyline that I just abhor, and the equally boring Lucian Aliance and the sci-fi cliche use of ships and convenient beaming technology to get themselves out of scrapes, I find that I just cannot stand this show anymore. It is NOT SG-1 -- it is a less-then-mediocre sci-fi show rife with caricatures, cliches and mockable nonsense. It is not a show I would have spent 5 minutes watching if not for the lure of the BIG 3. Now that the BIG 3, well at least 2 of them, are emascualted to where, IMO, they are unrecognizable, it's time to finally give up that last teeny, tiny glimmer of hope I had. It is gone.

          I also cant believe that crap (which was also in the AOL piece -
          where McKay is being a jerk and mitchell has to step-in with that macho-face as if to say shut-up or I'll clock you. Since when does CARTER, of all people, need a putz like mitchell to step in and protect her from the likes of a McKay. Carter could wipe the floor with McKay and she has defended herself from worse than poor silly Rod -- Emancipation anyone.
          I can honestly and truly say, without even seeing PP that I hate mitchell and he has single-handedly ruined this show for me and TPKTS have ruined the Carter character for me.

          TPKTS have, IMO, emasculated Carter and the character no longer holds any intrigue or joy for me. They have taken away what was, IMO, the heart of the character. They have given everything that was Carter's to mitchell (or vala) in order to make one of the weakest characters I have ever seen seem like they matter or seem like they belong - what a waste and what a real shame.

          To AT if you see this - I am sorry and if you are having fun this season and if you appreciate the direction that they have taken for Cater I am happy for you - I, however, can no longer sit by and watch what, IMO, is the complete and total dismantling of what was once my favorite character on TV. A strong, independent, intelligent female lead. I truly fear for the character as S10 continues - seems to be lots
          of mitchell "saving" Carter
          and being the hewo. Thus far my fears from spoilers have been realized, and beyond even my worst fears.

          I will say nothing about the dismantling and emasculation of Teal'c, which, in a lot of ways, IMO, is worse than what they have done to Carter.

          Such a shame that this is the only way they can make such a weak character like mitchell seem like he belongs and is capable of being part of this team - by emascualting the 2 really strong, warriors/soldiers. I am disgusted and angry and disappointed and sad all wrapped into one. I do fear that this is it - I have long wondered when I would be able to cut that last tie to the videotape and I think that PP will be the ending point for me. I have enjoyed the ride and I thank AT for 6 1/2 really great seasons of Carter with 1 1/2 seasons of Carter on the slide however I dare not say anything further with regard to S9 or what I have seen inS10 - it's just not there for me and I truly am sorry.

          To TPKTS - as a fan (or former fan) who you have clearly told to f-off I will likely take my permanent leave from this show and, as I have said before, now I really won't count - I have not counted since episode 1 of S9 and I never will count again. I hope you are happy with your 1.4s and 1.6s. Hey Brad are you disheartened - good - cuz so am I and you have finally done it - I don't know whether to thank you or not since I have been trying since mid-season 7 to lose this show - now I think I can.

          To everyone on this thread - thanks for playing. I have enjoyed it and I wish you all well. I hope that S10 improves and that you find something to enjoy - it is all in the perception and opinion and unfortunately mine is negative and likely always will be from here on. I may lurk a while to see if anything strikes my fancy (maybe the second half will improve but I won't be holding my breath) and to see if AT gets out of this disaster and moves on to something else worth her talent. If she does I would like to know since I would likely at least take a look at what she does next because I really do think that of the bunch on the show she certainly has the most talent.

          Take care everyone. See ya.

          One last thing - but certainly not least - I would like to thank Sally for starting this thread many moons and almost 48,000 posts ago.
          Last edited by binkpmmc; 29 July 2006, 12:21 PM.


            Oh, wow, Bink! I'm just about to sit down and watch the episode. I was avoiding spoilers. But after reading that, albeit accidentally, I'm not sure I'll bother. I wish I hadn't seen it. Oh, well.
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by JanSam
              Thanks Nora! Here are some captures.
              Okay, so I couldn't help myself, I had to caption these

              Sam: thinking *Oh would you two stop talking about your hair*

              Sam: Okay, McKay, you want your fantasy fulfilled, meet me in the room over there, and if I’m not there in 10 mins, start without me.

              Sam: Gahhh, do you two have to follow me everywhere I go?

              McKay: Oh I see you’re still using food to explain physics.

              McKay: Hey, its my turn to stand behind Sam, you’ve been there long enough!

              Sam: D****t Cam and Rodney! I told you not to fool around with my equipment!

              Sam: Thinking *Some days it just doesn’t pay to get out of bed.*


              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                Okay, so I couldn't help myself, I had to caption these

                Sam: thinking *Oh would you two stop talking about your hair*

                Sam: Okay, McKay, you want your fantasy fulfilled, meet me in the room over there, and if I’m not there in 10 mins, start without me.

                Sam: Gahhh, do you two have to follow me everywhere I go?

                McKay: Oh I see you’re still using food to explain physics.

                McKay: Hey, its my turn to stand behind Sam, you’ve been there long enough!

                Sam: D****t Cam and Rodney! I told you not to fool around with my equipment!

                Sam: Thinking *Some days it just doesn’t pay to get out of bed.*

                Mandy you are way to funny
                I just love the one where MacKay says that about the food the most!!!


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  Okay, so I couldn't help myself, I had to caption these

                  Sam: thinking *Oh would you two stop talking about your hair*

                  Sam: Okay, McKay, you want your fantasy fulfilled, meet me in the room over there, and if I’m not there in 10 mins, start without me.

                  Sam: Gahhh, do you two have to follow me everywhere I go?

                  McKay: Oh I see you’re still using food to explain physics.

                  McKay: Hey, its my turn to stand behind Sam, you’ve been there long enough!

                  Sam: D****t Cam and Rodney! I told you not to fool around with my equipment!

                  Sam: Thinking *Some days it just doesn’t pay to get out of bed.*

                  ROTFLMAO at the second and third one!


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    Oh, wow, Bink! I'm just about to sit down and watch the episode. I was avoiding spoilers. But after reading that, albeit accidentally, I'm not sure I'll bother. I wish I hadn't seen it. Oh, well.
                    Well I understand some of Bink's issues as I share them....but I liked Pegasus Project.

                    Here's a post I did on the Anti Season 10 thread about the things that bothered me and, just so you understand the context, it was in response to someone who didn't understand my Mitchell issues.
                    For me, Mitchell's been all over the map. There were times when we saw more military-minded/serious Mitchell like Avalon 1 and Flesh and Blood, then there were times when he was acting completely on impulses and whims like Stronghold and Off the Grid then we saw him at other times trying to be the funny guy yucking it up...

                    I remember Ben saying they didn't want to nail him down to any one personality because they were trying to figure out what works. But as long as Coop continues to think of Mitchell as the intergalactic screw up with such glee, I am going to have a hard time taking him seriously.

                    I was much happier with his characterization in Pegasus Project. At first I was irked by the fact that Shep
                    gave the lemon to Mitchell rather than Sam, who was the one who'd have to spend more time with McKay. And then Agent Dark suggested it was due to the fact that Sam had probably already built up enough McKay defenses of her own that she wouldn't need the prop and that made sense to me on some level. Further I was irritated by Mitchell jumping in and defending Sam against McKay because she knew out to take care of herself just fine around him. But then the more I thought about it, she did great on her own and didn't need Mitchell to help...and as long as he knew she didn't need him to ride to her rescue, it was a nice gesture of support.
                    I still stand by my sense that so far, Season 10 is much better than all of Season 9. There are a few episodes I'm really looking forward to and then there are others that are like landmines of awfulness just waiting to blow.

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      About the Mitchell scene in TPP
                      involving the lemon. Shepp gave Mitchell the lemon in what felt like a pretty natural exchange to me. When Mitchell threatened McKay with it, it also worked. Mitchell and Shepp are goofy enough to get away with doing something like that, but it wouldn't have felt natural to me if it had been Sam. Sam does not threaten people's lives with lemons. Besides, if it had been Sam doing the threatening, McKay's reaction to her wouldn't have been the same. He would have snapped back at her with some wise-ass comment and gone his merry way because he knows he has nothing to fear from Sam. (She saved his life, afterall!). But he was unfamiliar with Mitchell, so the threat took him off-guard. He didn't know how to react, and he wasn't expecting it. That's the only reason why the scene worked for me. I think I would have disliked it if it had been Sam.

                      My LJ


                        Originally posted by Strix varia
                        About the Mitchell scene in TPP
                        involving the lemon. Shepp gave Mitchell the lemon in what felt like a pretty natural exchange to me. When Mitchell threatened McKay with it, it also worked. Mitchell and Shepp are goofy enough to get away with doing something like that, but it wouldn't have felt natural to me if it had been Sam. Sam does not threaten people's lives with lemons. Besides, if it had been Sam doing the threatening, McKay's reaction to her wouldn't have been the same. He would have snapped back at her with some wise-ass comment and gone his merry way because he knows he has nothing to fear from Sam. (She saved his life, afterall!). But he was unfamiliar with Mitchell, so the threat took him off-guard. He didn't know how to react, and he wasn't expecting it. That's the only reason why the scene worked for me. I think I would have disliked it if it had been Sam.
                        Interesting perspective. I'll rewatch it with that in mind and get back to you. But keep in mind that, of my own admission, I have Mitchell issues to begin with so I have to try to learn to balance those with what is portrayed to come to some sort of compromise I guess.

                        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                          Originally posted by jckfan55
                          Other issues: I don't know if it's just me, but I felt very little tension during the ep. I was a bit worried about Teal'c, particularly when he heroically broke radio silence, but wasn't worried about the Odyssey. Sure, I know the main cast will live, but sometimes they do manage to work up the tension level a bit.
                          Now to see what everyone else thought.
                          I felt some tension. Then again, we kept saying, 'Oh they'll live...they're in 200!!' Or 'I know the Odyssey's in another episode!' But the end was so cool when the kawoosh took out the Ori Ship. Not only do I think the Super Gate's kawoosh is REALLY cool, they FINALLY destroyed an Ori Ship! Woohoo!
                          Last edited by L.A. Doyle; 29 July 2006, 08:09 PM.


                            Originally posted by DEM
                            The habit BB has adopted of leaning over AT with his hand on the back of her chair (anyone else noticed this?) also heightens the intrusiveness factor. It's a nonverbal with a lot of (unconscious) kick, I think.
                            I noticed that last night. I was thinking 'Geez, get out of her personal space please. A little too close there.' I wouldn't have minded if it were, say, Daniel. But when Mitchell does is...I don't like it so much.


                              Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                              Furthermore, Rodney McKay once said that she was not only a scientist but an artist and I think those episodes show a terrific marriage of skill and the ability to improvise - to take her knowledge and discipline and apply them effectively and creatively in dire and unexpected situations.
                              That's how I see Carter too, WFAR! Well-stated!

                              Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                              This brings me to my misgivings about S9 & S10 - I don't see that as much in what they've written for AT. Like you, I do scratch my head at how they can possibly not know what to do with her character, a character that they themselves have given nearly endless possibilities. But then they've pretty much decreased old fashioned Tau'ri ingenuity to searching for hi-tech alien toys. I really hope S10 focuses less on the treasure hunt and more with artful solutions to problems faced by humanity/SGC/our allies.

                              I'd like to see a Homeworld Security spinoff with her and Jack O'Neill. She'd command a team of intergalactic troubleshooters that deal with technologically-based threats to earth. That way you could have a variety of baddies - not just focus on one or two, and a variety of technologies from genetically enhanced alien warriors gone darkside to super plagues to supergates. And you wouldn't focus on the toys, you'd focus on the baddies and the people fighting the baddies.

                              That's just one possibility of many - I'm sure the ficcers out there can come up with much better. But not know what to do with Sam from Foothold, Sam from Entity, Sam from Nightwalkers, Sam from In the Line of Duty - oy!

                              P.S. I'm with you - I should be cleaning my house and getting ready for DD's big birthday bash tonight. Live music, food, etc. Does Thor do finger food????


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                                I think it is BW's influence, he wrote the Sam character, so he knew what to do with her, but got stuck with the Cam character, which has not been written very well in S9IMHO, so how can he follow cannon for the character when there isn't any. I guess Coop really screwed that up
                                Yeah. (((BW))) Sorry Rob. This episode was a definite improvement, so... Please Brad! Have more influence!

