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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by astrogeologist
    Erm, I have to admit to doing nothing but using the Print Screen button on my keyboard.. and then pasting the screen image into Photoshop, where I cropped it, then saved it as a jpg. And I think several other folks (e.g. LA Doyle) did the same. Someone like AD might have some fancier software and be able to do it in a more impressive and cooler fashion. My method was pretty 'brute force'.

    as i said to a fellow samandan; i thought the 'print screen' button (which was on option on the macromedia thinger) was for printing that entire page (and i've run out of ink).




      Originally posted by majorsal
      as i said to a fellow samandan; i thought the 'print screen' button (which was on option on the macromedia thinger) was for printing that entire page (and i've run out of ink).

      Yeah, that key is misnamed for how it actually works. When you hit the 'Print Screen' key, it actually takes a snapshot of what's on the screen and puts that into your 'Copy' buffer.. and you can then Paste it into things like MS Word documents by just using the Paste command... and the same works for most photo-editing programs such as Paint or Photoshop.

      Maybe at one time, the Print Screen key actually did send an image of the screen to your printer. It sure doesn't do that anymore on any computers that I've worked with.


        Originally posted by Coley
        Amanda: "Right so that's one offer for a TV film need to meet Director over lunch next tuesday, one offer for a lead in a network series, one audition for a movie in LA. Michael, are you keeping up with this?"

        Michael: "Uuuh...yeah, this P.A. job you've given me is harder than I thought it would be. I think you've double booked now for tuesday, lunch with RDA".

        Amanda: "Ahh yes, we're discussing the option of doing another show together..."
        LOL and i bet that's not far from the truth in Amanda's life right now!


          Any guys find Sam Carter cute?


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            Erm, I have to admit to doing nothing but using the Print Screen button on my keyboard.. and then pasting the screen image into Photoshop, where I cropped it, then saved it as a jpg. And I think several other folks (e.g. LA Doyle) did the same. Someone like AD might have some fancier software and be able to do it in a more impressive and cooler fashion. My method was pretty 'brute force'.
            That was my method. Except that I have Paint Shop Pro. Yes it is as you say brute force, but if they do not play fair, how else do they expect us to acquire images that we want for our personal collections.
            I have used that method many times.



              Originally posted by Myrth
              I think I'd watch anything Amanda was in regularly. I've mourned the loss of the SG-1 I fell in love with and am in that place where I'm standing back and supporting the remnants Sam Carter gets. There'll be brighter points this year, but I've accepted that no amount of complaining is going to bring back the quality lost, so I've just given up doin it. There's a silver lining there if you squint. It's blonde, 5,9', smart as hell and real pretty.. there in the back
              I know Amanda has a future outside of Stargate, but I am glad she didn't do Whistler. I have yet to make it through a full ten minutes of an episode, and the first time I tried to watch it with my eight year olds (bad idea). She showed great judgement in turning that one down, so I know that whatever series she says yes to will be a good one. I just feel bad that none of us wanted her to split her time with Atlantis. If she were there half the time this year then maybe they'd make her a regular when SG1 finally finishes its run.


                Originally posted by majorsal
                please no. not that i don't think atlantis would be nice (i actually don't know because i don't watch it), but more characters means less time for the important ones (sam-jack-daniel-teal'c).

                Of course... this was all in reference to the manly-man scenes Browder and Flanigan were allegedly looking for in...

                "The Pegasus Project"

                So (and I'm kinda kidding) that kinda tells me where everyone's head is at in terms of a telefilm with a blended cast. The testoste-relationships are evidently a must.

                Oh, and raise your hand if you have potentially unsubstantiated misgivings about Dean Devlin being so outspoken about doing another Stargate film...

                I say that because, iirc, the guy has never been overly thrilled about the direction of the television series, yet he wants to do a feature film trilogy (big dreams, fella). The fact that he mentioned it at Comic Con (to me) must mean that it's at least plausible for MGM to consider it, right?

                I just thought it was weird. Either the guy doesn't have a snowball's chance and he's just talking out of his rear, or he's been given some kind of assurance by someone in charge.


                  Ok...was just browsing a bit on your thread know checking out some other interesting sites....anyway...I think Sam Carter is one of the best female characters on TV to date...and AT portrays here wonderfully...Can I be Sam Carter when I grow up? Well, I just absolutely love the subtleties that AT uses when playing all the different Sams/Replicarter etc. She's great! The character is believable because she's smart, assertive - when necessary, loyal, athletic, feminine, shy, uncertain - in personal life, hopeful, and on and on and on...I think she is portrayed as a real flesh and blood female with all of life's trials and hurts..

                  I saw AT in an old late night Cheryl Ladd movie...It was the only other thing I've seen AT in...weird but neat. Wish we could see more of AT's comical background in Sam - as warranted. Ok - enough from me...bye
                  This is great.
                  I told ya.
                  I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                  Well, let's not dwell.


                    Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                    Ok...was just browsing a bit on your thread know checking out some other interesting sites....anyway...I think Sam Carter is one of the best female characters on TV to date...and AT portrays here wonderfully...Can I be Sam Carter when I grow up? Well, I just absolutely love the subtleties that AT uses when playing all the different Sams/Replicarter etc. She's great! The character is believable because she's smart, assertive - when necessary, loyal, athletic, feminine, shy, uncertain - in personal life, hopeful, and on and on and on...I think she is portrayed as a real flesh and blood female with all of life's trials and hurts..

                    I saw AT in an old late night Cheryl Ladd movie...It was the only other thing I've seen AT in...weird but neat. Wish we could see more of AT's comical background in Sam - as warranted. Ok - enough from me...bye
                    Welcome to the thread, GateSeeker2! It's nice to meet you, and I hope you enjoy it here!


                      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                      I am going to answer this one for her cause I know she isn't around that often at the moment so...
                      Lizlove is talking about region 2 boxset and that is a grey boxset. I posted a link of it somewhere in this thread and it is not the same as region 4. that is so unfair I like that one much more
                      Ok going to bed...goodnight everyone
                      Sorry to butt in, but this needs correcting. It's not region 2 as a whole, because each country in the region has its own individual boxsets. For example....

                      The French boxsets are round like Stargates.

                      The German collectors boxsets are silver with holograms on the front.

                      Generally speaking, the German, English and Spanish boxsets are the same, because those are the three languages featured.

                      Also, is the season nine boxset already out over there? It won't get released in the UK until March!
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        I've kind of been reading along with interest on the ratings discussion.

                        If the ratings have taken the drop that's reported in the article posted then I do feel incredibly sorry for everyone who works on the show even TPTB. As BW said in his article, generally they're trying to make the best show possible and work incredibly hard to do it. As a writer, I know how disheartening it can be to work on something and for you to feel its great but when its read it gets less than a 'OMG that was brilliant' reaction. However just because your intention is to produce a great a show doesn't mean it will be perceived as such by your audience when it gets to the screen.

                        For me, it all comes down to the fact that there is a schism between TPTB and the fans (especially veteran fans who've been with the show a long time and make up the bulk of the audience) on the new 'vision' for the show since Season 9. It's not that fans cannot accept change, (as another Trek fan I'm with Astro, I sat through a number of changes in the Trek universe without throwing my toys out of the pram) but when change happens its got to be handled well. As RC said in a trade article, you have to respect what has come before and I think a lot of fans didn't feel that the writing in Season 9 did respect what had come before; especially for the older characters such as Sam.

                        If we take Sam's character as an example; it was, IMO, badly written in Season 9; the storylines whipped away her leadership of SG1, didn't promote her character or seem to remember her characterisation beyond science-geek, they didn't provide her with much beyond technobabble which every other character got to roll their eyes at or scenes with 'male friends' (what was all that about FCOL??). While there was some improvement at the end of the Season (the Scourge, for instance), it was too little, too late to redeem the situation within that Season.

                        While there is always a balancing act with 'servicing' characters and trying to ensure all main characters get a good storyline, the servicing in Season 9 was completely imbalanced in favour of the new characters - one of whom, Vala, who was only meant originally at least to be a temporary stop-gap for AT's maternity leave. So what was meant to be Sam's return story becomes Vala Saves the Galaxy story.

                        It's things like this that irritate the majority of veteran fans who are heavily invested in the old characters and tuning in primarily to see good stories showcasing the characters. I'm not against Mitchell being written as a hero (or Vala) but not at the expense of the old characters. I don't think it's incredibly difficult to give everyone their turn in the spotlight and there are a couple of epis in Season 9 that I do think get the balance right. I'm still hopeful about S10 despite the ratings drop for the Season premiere. If they can the balance back, fans may return and the ratings go back up.

                        But I do think TPTB need to take on board still that for those veteran fans that make up the bulk of the audience, this isn't Season 2 of a new show that we're getting to know; this is Season 10 of a much loved series. I have sympathy with the business decisions TPTB have to deal with. I think they wanted to have a new show having effectively 'finished' SG1 at the end of Season 8. In some ways, I would have been happy to see SG1 end at S8 despite my love for the show and to welcome a new show last Season with a different cast (with maybe one of the originals moving forward).

                        But it didn't end and the reality TPTB have to face is they don't have a new show, they have a hybrid show of the old and new. And for the bulk of the audience while we may in time come to love the 'new' right now its the older part that we love and which keeps us watching - characters like Sam.
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                          Sorry to butt in, but this needs correcting. It's not region 2 as a whole, because each country in the region has its own individual boxsets. For example....

                          The French boxsets are round like Stargates.

                          The German collectors boxsets are silver with holograms on the front.

                          Generally speaking, the German, English and Spanish boxsets are the same, because those are the three languages featured.

                          Also, is the season nine boxset already out over there? It won't get released in the UK until March!
                          The silver ones are in Belgium too. I have them. With English, Dutch, French & Spanish!
                          We'll have the boxset in a few months. 3 or 4 I think...


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                            I am going to answer this one for her cause I know she isn't around that often at the moment so...
                            Lizlove is talking about region 2 boxset and that is a grey boxset. I posted a link of it somewhere in this thread and it is not the same as region 4. that is so unfair I like that one much more
                            Ok going to bed...goodnight everyone
                            Well, thanks honey! I was talking about those in the USA I think.
                            I saw that in a a magazine. There was only Mitchell on it believe me!
                            But I guess it doesn't matter because I'm... anyway!


                              Dean Devlin & Roland Emmerich bring up making another Stargate movie every few years. It is not a surprise Devlin made a comment about it again at Comic Con this year. MGM initally talked with them about the TV series after the first movie and one of the big issues was they did not want to film in Canada. About the same time Brad Wright and Jonathan Glassner talked to each other about the idea of doing a series losely based on the movie and when Devlin & Emmerich did not agree to MGM's terms Glassner and Wright were given the go ahead. D&E realize they missed the boat on a profitable series.

                              As for Amanda staying around for S10 - well if you saw the Urban Rush interview then you know even while they were filming S9 she was saying in interviews she was not sure she would stay for a S10 or beyond. I can't remember were I read the interview but she has said in an interview since they sarted filming S10 that if there was a S11 she would be around for it. The studio was smart in having everyone sign two year contracts this year for finacial reasons.

                              With early reports of last weeks rating it would be my guess that unless they improve or pre-sales of S9 DVD's being unusually high S10 will be it for the series. S1 - 8 have done very wel in DVD sales - often being in the top ten for DVD box set sales for weeks at a time. I wish I had hard data on numbers of DVD box set sales in the US alone because I have a feeling S9 will be less than any other season.

                              Amanda is a smart lady - she is already laying the ground work for what she will be doing once SG-1 ends. She made references to this at Shore Leave. She also knows the value of the SciFi fandom base and following she has at the current time. I would lay odds we will be seeing and hearing plenty about what she does after Stargate.

                              Would I love to see the series end strong and with the kind of characters and stories I feel in love with when I first started watch - YES. Do I think this is going to happen - No. We are only one episode into S10 and it was better than most of S9 IMO. But it still pales in comparsion to my favorite seasons 4 & 5.

                              Well I have rambled on far to long tonight - from San Diego I bid you a good night - I do hope tomorrow nights episode is a good one as I will be at Comic Con hopefully enjoying what I see on a big screen without commercials at Comic Con's SciFi Friday event.
                              My View From The Peanut Gallery


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                                Sorry to butt in, but this needs correcting. It's not region 2 as a whole, because each country in the region has its own individual boxsets. For example....

                                The French boxsets are round like Stargates.

                                The German collectors boxsets are silver with holograms on the front.

                                Generally speaking, the German, English and Spanish boxsets are the same, because those are the three languages featured.

                                Also, is the season nine boxset already out over there? It won't get released in the UK until March!
                                Here is a much bigger version of the silver box

                                They say the release data is August 8th!

