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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by kes
    Damn! Never get to see any of that cool stuff! Hope its on the DVD, That way I'll see it, eventually. When the 10th season cost like 30/40€. Probably in the year 2015.
    Where do you live??? I mean here in Belgium the dvd box cost only 39,90€ or something like that. I know that it is more expensive in Germany.
    And it is true that some of the extra's like lowdowns and science of the stargate we don't see So do hope it will be on the extra's from the dvd's.


      Bummer! On the S/J Ship Thread, stargate barbie just told us that The Science of Stargate aired in Britain before S9 ever aired. So, apparently, the U. S. is just the last to see it.



        Originally posted by stargate barbie
        hhhmm, mark on his forhead, eyeliner and partially orange? he should definitely be named jaffa.

        just look at him, doesn't he look like a "jaffa"?

        (or maybe "samanda" )
        Hmm Teal'C is a cool name. I actually wanted my sister to name her cat Teal'C (would have been great cos' he is HUGE!) but she was like T...what?!


          Originally posted by majorsal
          and didin't someone say/or it showed that the event took place in pasadena, california? pasadena is, like, SURFACE OF THE SUN TEMPERATURES right now... i should know, i'm living in them. *checks room temperature... 93 degrees... for days... cries*

          BUT, rick and amanda were THAT close.... bloody hell, i should have been there! i can't afford Avalon con -can barely afford the essentials to living-... arghing bloody hell!

          but didn't amanda look gorgeous. and rick! *swoons* i already did my freak out about the gorgeousness of olivia, BUT SHE'S GORGEOUS!

          btw, i'm kind of excited about tonight's premier ep. and amanda's 'science behind stargate' thinger is on first! but tonight... all i care about is seeing amanda/sam.

          Help me, Sally!!! What are you talking about above, and WHERE CAN I SEE PHOTOS???????


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            Well. I'm convinced.

            Oh, and is it me or was Wright deliberately making it sound like the complaints people have are limited to baseless statements like accusations of laziness, of all things. He seemed to be on a b*tchtastic roll there, and instead of tackling the meat and potatoes of the issues (sexism, Farscape Part Deux), he attacks the laziness issue? Mmmkay.

            I totally understand his frustration - especially since he probably doesn't come here on a regular basis, and it may be hit or miss with what bits of criticism he reads. I totally get that. They DO work hard at what they do. However, it's the motives behind their priorities that have gotten me and other people worked up. I honestly don't believe he hasn't seen those kinds of arguments before.

            Or maybe that fits in the "totally out of our control" box. Whatever.

            Oh, and I love it when showrunners perpetuate the, "Oh, they can't accept change!" excuse. Wonderful.

            If there was any doubt in my mind that Wright and Cooper are on the same page with many issues, this interview pretty much erased it.
            yeah I agree. I had respect and hope for Brad Wright that translated into a small, tiny, itsy-bitsy glimmer of hope for the show -- now I got nothin' for him or the show. He's gone down several notches on the respect meter (not as low as cooper though) and I am very, very disappointed in Mr. Wright.

            Sorry if you happen to see this Mr. Wright but it is true and if you opened your eyes you would see a ton of solid, articulate, smart, level-headed, legitimate criticism of the show and of your shiny new characters.

            When things are done as poorly and as contrived and illogically as they were in S9 especially the disbanding of SG1 (why and and why did they come back) and with mitchell and his intro -- such a weak character to replace Carter who was essentially and for all intents and purposes demoted without even an explaination why she, and her original teammates, would just silently accept it for a green newbie who had NEVER even seen the Stargate or been off-world (especially when there is canon and history that her teammates have objected to a similar thing in the past except there and then she had NOT already served as sole leader of SG1 for a year and she was passed over (not demoted) for an EXPERIENCED full Colonel) and there is canon and history that even those with some experience (and more than mitchell has) were NOT even welcome on SG1 as a member of the team never mind put in as leader) they deserve to be questioned and criticized and deserve NOT to be given the benefit of the doubt here.

            Wake up and smell reality sir, not all is rosy -- 2.3s and 2.4s for S8 premieres and finales to 2.1s for S9 premieres and 1.8s for finales -- not looking so shiny.


              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
              Bummer! On the S/J Ship Thread, stargate barbie just told us that The Science of Stargate aired in Britain before S9 ever aired. So, apparently, the U. S. is just the last to see it.

              Aw, now I can appreciate how our friends across the pond feel when they have to wait for Stargate seasons!


                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                Where do you live??? I mean here in Belgium the dvd box cost only 39,90€ or something like that. I know that it is more expensive in Germany.
                And it is true that some of the extra's like lowdowns and science of the stargate we don't see So do hope it will be on the extra's from the dvd's.
                Portugal. Here season 8 costs 90€ something. Cant remeber the rest. I have till season 7. Its cheaper in Spain (ordering from the net) it cost 40 something. But I like to buy from amazon cos I like the box in english, no offense to any spaniards.Oh add like 6€ for shipping. And no subtitles. But that's okay cos I dont need subtitles. I always put the english subtitles so I'm not always distracted by the fact that letters are missing from the bottom of the screen.


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                  If there was any doubt in my mind that Wright and Cooper are on the same page with many issues, this interview pretty much erased it.
                  that's how i saw it too. which is why i'm not saying anything (since it'll all be snarky).

                  and harking back to my whining about the hot weather... PLEASE DON'T LET THE POWER GO OUT!! (but at least i know they'll repeat both amanda's science show and tonight's season premier... but still! )




                    Originally posted by stargate barbie
                    hhhmm, mark on his forhead, eyeliner and partially orange? he should definitely be named jaffa.

                    just look at him, doesn't he look like a "jaffa"?

                    (or maybe "samanda" )

                    Thanks to my little bro-he did that.


                      Originally posted by kes
                      Portugal. Here season 8 costs 90€ something. Cant remeber the rest. I have till season 7. Its cheaper in Spain (ordering from the net) it cost 40 something. But I like to buy from amazon cos I like the box in english, no offense to any spaniards.Oh add like 6€ for shipping. And no subtitles. But that's okay cos I dont need subtitles. I always put the english subtitles so I'm not always distracted by the fact that letters are missing from the bottom of the screen.
                      if you buy from, try

                      i'm not sure if they ship to all over europe, but they do ship to ireland so maybe they will. and its free delivery to ireland.


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle

                        Thanks to my little bro-he did that.


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle

                          Thanks to my little bro-he did that.
                          hey, his eyes are glowing! call him kytano (or imhotep)


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle

                            Thanks to my little bro-he did that.
                            since when can Goa'ulds become Jaffa???? Look at those eyes, they look more like Ba'al or so...


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie
                              if you buy from, try

                              i'm not sure if they ship to all over europe, but they do ship to ireland so maybe they will. and its free delivery to ireland.
                              I'm from Portugal love. Right next to the Atlantic ocean. They dont ship here. I've checked. Actually I think this is the only European country they dont ship to Sometimes I feel like I live in the end of the world...yet so close.
                              And I always pay shipping. Well the spanish sometimes ship for free. Special ocasions.


                                Originally posted by kes
                                I'm from Portugal love. Right next to the Atlantic ocean. They dont ship here. I've checked. Actually I think this is the only European country they dont ship to Sometimes I feel like I live in the end of the world...yet so close.
                                And I always pay shipping. Well the spanish sometimes ship for free. Special ocasions.
                                Well than you just book a holliday to england or something like that and you buy it on holliday

                                Don't forget to vote at cause it seems like I am the only one atm and I feel very alone

