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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by minigeek
    (And for the record, if Sam hasn't done the horizontal lambada with Teal'c yet - she's crazy!!! )
    So's Teal'c


      Originally posted by scarimor
      So's Teal'c

      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


        Originally posted by minigeek
        No, Spazzy's logic is sound. Look at Jonah and Thera (as she pointed out), it was contextually and deliberately inferred in canon for them too. The fact that they were "close" - the same kind of close. The fact is, though, that we don't know for sure (in either case).
        I believe one of my points is still being missed. EVEN IF Carter & Orlin's was purely a Spiritual Love(tm), it was adult-level intimate. Would that sort of candelit, face-stroking, spiritual intimacy have been appropriate with a 13-year-old? It hardly matters what details Dad and Daughter Lewd were implying; what matters from Carter's POV is that it was Romantic.


          Originally posted by DEM
          I believe one of my points is still being missed. EVEN IF Carter & Orlin's was purely a Spiritual Love(tm), it was adult-level intimate. Would that sort of candelit, face-stroking, spiritual intimacy have been appropriate with a 13-year-old? It hardly matters what details Dad and Daughter Lewd were implying; what matters from Carter's POV is that it was Romantic.
          I was actually responding to AD's point, not really yours DEM - I do agree with you the term "Romantic" would apply.


          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1speed4sam


              I come back after 3 or 4 days and we're on the SECOND PAGE What IS this people!?!?!? *Shakes head*

              My cousin just had a baby called Jonah... hahah....

              Happy Birthday 1speed4sam!!!!!!!
              The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

              |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                OK, OK I get that logic. But if they're going to go back to every moment in time where something was PLAUSIBLE, they're gonna have a whole lot of new canon to cover.

                It's plausible that Sam and Jack - as Thera and Jonah - had sex, because their connection was very strong prior to BtS anyway, but (thankfully) that's only ever been explored in fanfic. It's plausible that Jack and Daniel had sex after Jack saved him from jumping off of his apartment ledge in The Light, because their emotions were running pretty high. It's plausible that Sam and Teal'c totally did the nasty in that teltac ship thing right before they started getting sucked into the time-dilation-bubble-cum-black-hole in New Order. Heck, it's plausible that they did it again on Thor's ship, just for kicks.

                Anything's plausible - or, in my mind, possible. It's all a matter of what they choose to bring (or deliberately choose NOT to bring) to light that's an issue for me. Couple that with the Stargate SG-1 version of "Win A Date With Samantha Carter" this past season, and it's just a big mess, imo.

                Cover your eyes Majorsal! Do not read! I repeat DO NOT READ

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  there was one up there set to Pat Benatar's Hit Me With Your Best Shot but I can't find it, it was all about Sam fighting
                  Try this page:


                  Second one down.


                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                    NID had her under the surveillance without her knowledge remember. Cameras all through her house...

                    We never saw more than a walk in the park. Like DEM said, there were something like 9 days between that and when Simmons got his panties in a twist. Anything could have happened in that time.

                    I don't see why she had to set them straight? What if she actually did have feelings? Maybe Landry and Lam said what they said because they would never understand the kind of feelings that Sam had? (which fits in nicely with their whole story line during those episodes).

                    It wasn't 'something that didn't happen', they weren't 'false suggestions' and they never actually 're-wrote history/canon'. To say that is to take a very narrow minded look at the scene imo. There is a deeper meaning to those scenes and while they were most likely accidental in their creation, they are still there.
                    Wow! Here I go agreeing with you again.

                    I always thought something happened in those 9 days. Sam's a grown woman. Orlin was adorable. He thought she was wonderful, made her feel good about herself. And how much more intimate can you get than sharing your feelings/thoughts/emotions the way Orlin did when he went all glowy. It didn't have to be a physical relationship, but if it was, so what.

                    I do have a problem with Landry/Lam in the scene in 4th Horseman, but that's because they managed to take something that was special to Sam, regardless of what actually happened and make it seem cheap and tawdry.


                      Originally posted by KatG
                      Try this page:


                      Second one down.
                      Thanks guys, but I can't open the file I get a "corrupted file" message

                      it was put up on the celeb voting page using Youtube, but haven't seen it since

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                        And for the record, Sam and Teal'c totally did it during New Order. At least twice.
                        ROFL. You're evil streak is showing again.


                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                          You do have to take the thing in question into context though Sam and Orline were deliberatly shown as being close - they were having a candlelight dinner. It was even suggested by Simmons that something more was going on ("9 days, Major. And I dare say you haven't spent a single minute of it working on atmospheric weather anomalies").

                          And for the record, Sam and Teal'c totally did it during New Order. At least twice.
                          I was with you until New Order. My S/J shipper brain won't let me think that way.


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            Thanks guys, but I can't open the file I get a "corrupted file" message

                            it was put up on the celeb voting page using Youtube, but haven't seen it since
                            PM me your email address and I'll forward it to you.


                              Not a Sam whump video or action Sam but a nice look at the many faces of Sam.


                              Warning - it does have "The Kiss" in it.


                                Originally posted by KatG
                                Warning - it does have "The Kiss" in it.
                                aka "The Mouth Mauling". *snerk*

