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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Thought I clicked on the wrong thread here for a minute...

    I was watching 4th Horseman again last night:
    And the scene where Orlin tells her he still has the same feelings for her that he did before. And that Sam is wierded out by that. Now Sam fails at relationships under the best of circumstances, so this would have been way, way, way out of her depth It would have been extremely unsettling for her to admit to herself that she still had feelings for him, even though he was a child. And I know some of you weren't happy about the whole Orlin thing, but I do think it could have been a very interesting look into her pysche. Does she dismiss things based on their physical appearance or does she look deeper?


      It is possible for them to solve to command issue without promoting someone. The main reason that they had Mitchell and Sam the same rank was to do away with the awkardness of the ever insightful word of 'sir'. It's possible that the resolution of the command issue is that depending on the circumstance depends on who is in charge. Yes, it doesn't work like that in the real military, but if they can pull it off - what does it matter. As long as Mitchell doesn't get the promotion we have been waiting for Sam to recieve.

      Then again, it's equally as possible (and yes, I know I am going to hear all about the sexist people behind the scenes and how they wanted a male hewo.. but I don't see that) that Sam could get a promotion. Anything is possible, and we have no actual indication either way of how it is going to go.

      All that being said, I don't see any reason not to ask Amanda how she feels about Sam's career, do you think that command is that important to her. But I wouldn't expect her to answer in a way that is contrary to what has been written. She might say she is disappointed, but that doesn't mean that she isn't excited about the new storylines coming up for her character. And I wouldn't expect her to blow any upcoming storylines too much either. IE: If either of them are to be promoted.

      Yes, it is a good question and it will get her feelings on the topic, but I wouldn't expect her to think it is a personal slap in the face because her character isn't in command. For her I think it's the nature of the story she is in, whether or not they are true to her character (which they can be and ahve her not in command), and working with people she cares about.

      But in the end, my feelings on leadership are quite simple. Yes, I want Sam to have it, but I could accpet Mitchell being in command if they showed him in command. I am a stickler for them showing me things, not just telling me and expecting me to believe it.
      Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

      Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


        Originally posted by Coley
        To be honest I don't think anyone should ask her anything about her opinions of leadership or season 9 and 10. We know her strong views on equality. We know she was looking forward to developing her SG1 leadership role in season 9 (from an interview she did after she announced her pregnancy and absence from the first 5 eps of season 9), but I really don't think she has the feedom to be totally honest with her responses. I think she will struggle with that. It isn't a place I would like to put her in anyway!!
        You and tsaxlady make a good point. Certainly a question like "What do you think of the way Sam got shafted out of her command?" is not going to go anywhere. And I don't think we can expect any big revelations. After some people on the net became outraged in her defense ( moi included) after some comments she made at GABIT she seemed to feel the need to do damage control. So she is likely to be quite circumspect. And I certainly wouldn't advocate putting her in a tough spot. On the other hand, I'm sure someone will ask a question and I'm sure it won't come as a surprise to her.
        And from what I read about conventions, someone (not a Samandan) will probably ask a worse question.

        Perhaps t-shirts with "Sam Carter--SG1 Leader" or "Sam Carter--SG1-9er" on them to show support?


          The thing that gets me about this whole Orlin debacle and more to the extent of the whole ascended deal is that they keep changing the rules!!!
          In Ascention, when Orlin became human it was to be with Sam, there was no mention of him losing his memories, I mean if he was going to lose his memories, why descend if he wasn't going to remember Sam Then there is the whole Merlin thing he was an ancient who descended so he could work on a weapon to defeat the ori, never once did they mention that he would have lost his memory while working as a "human" Oh boy I'm getting as confused as the writers are

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Deevil
            But in the end, my feelings on leadership are quite simple. Yes, I want Sam to have it, but I could accpet Mitchell being in command if they showed him in command. I am a stickler for them showing me things, not just telling me and expecting me to believe it.


            and yes, Mitch can be a great leader....if they'd just let up on Colonel Cambo/Colonel Goofball and Colonel Screw off and let the competant man that he can be come to the fore a LOTmore often.

            We can see Sam as a leader because she's been written that way, a good portion of the time anyway. Yes, there have been some slips, but she's human. Humans slip.

            And cam can slip too. As long as he doesn't slip too often.

            If they want folks to accept Cam as the boss...then write him as one. Stop telling us how graet he is and simply show us. We'll make up our own minds. That's what we did with Sam and we can do it with CAm, if they'll just let us
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
              I was watching 4th Horseman again last night:
              It would have been extremely unsettling for her to admit to herself that she still had feelings for him, even though he was a child. And I know some of you weren't happy about the whole Orlin thing, but I do think it could have been a very interesting look into her pysche. Does she dismiss things based on their physical appearance or does she look deeper?
              Okay, here's the thing: I just saw Birth the other night (Nicole Kidman and Cameron Bright).
              Do you suppose that's how Bright got the 4th Horseman part? Anyway, Frankly, from a psychological perspective, the whole idea is nonsensical, but I'll try to play along for the sake of argument. I think the body-of-a-child thing is at the extreme end of "physical appearance". as in, it's so far out that it doesn't even count! And that's as far as I'll play along.

              The Lil Orlin feelings beats didn't squick me -- in fact I found them amusing -- but I didn't blame Carter one bit for being weirded out. Imagine if Carter had reacted like Kidman's chracter in Birth. Bold storytelling, yes, suitable for non-premium rather fluffy SciFi cable at 8 pm, No Frickin Way.


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                i soooooo agree with you about rda. He always seemed to keep his eye on the ball, keep the general goal in sight, producing a quality show and, yes, don't underestimate the fans and treat them like dumb children.

                RDA is a very intelligent man and he wanted to make an intelligent show. which he did until the day he left.

                Amanda is also a very intelligent woman who seems to share RDA's tastes. Which i think is one reason that Sam has become such a great character. She seems to play sam with her mind on the end product. What matters is how Sam is seen over all, not just week to week
                I think that the show really misses Mike Greenburg, too. All of the small, missing details that fans have been complaining about in season nine were probably worked out on set, every single day that they were shooting. And, near as I can tell, Mike Greenburg sat in his chair every day on set and made sure that things were done in everyone's (producers', writers', actors', fans', various executives', other interested parties') best interest. There's a scene on the Reckoning Director's Series where Peter DeLuise and Mike Greenburg just stand there in the middle of filming and go back and forth about what exactly they're looking to get out of the upcoming scene. Peter DeLuise asks questions, Greenburg provides answers, and the end result was a scene that worked both production-wise and story-wise. I think that's what is missing.

                Also, I think Greenburg did a lot of the strongarm stuff when it came to dealing with network/studio interference. He was the guy out there publicly championing the longer version of Threads when it was in question; he was the guy out there telling everyone that season nine was going to happen, even knowing that he wasn't going to be a part of it. I'm don't for a second believe that it was certain we were getting the extended version of Threads or that season nine was happening when Greenburg made those comments. But saying so much did force the studio/network into a position where they would have to solely bear the responsibility for their decisions. That's something that Greenburg could do as an outside player. I'm not sure that anyone else who works on the show has the clout or freedom to openly manipulate things without fear of the consequences.


                  Originally posted by DEM
                  Okay, here's the thing: I just saw Birth the other night (Nicole Kidman and Cameron Bright).
                  Do you suppose that's how Bright got the 4th Horseman part? Anyway, Frankly, from a psychological perspective, the whole idea is nonsensical, but I'll try to play along for the sake of argument. I think the body-of-a-child thing is at the extreme end of "physical appearance". as in, it's so far out that it doesn't even count! And that's as far as I'll play along.

                  The Lil Orlin feelings beats didn't squick me -- in fact I found them amusing -- but I didn't blame Carter one bit for being weirded out. Imagine if Carter had reacted like Kidman's chracter in Birth. Bold storytelling, yes, suitable for non-premium rather fluffy SciFi cable at 8 pm, No Frickin Way.

                  In my opinion, yes
                  That's the reason why Cameron Bright got the part. He had just stared in a major motion picture and since SPF wasn't currently available they cast him.

                  I wonder if they went with someone older, would it be the same.

                  ETA: Typo
                  Last edited by LaCroix; 04 July 2006, 06:10 PM.


                    very true. In hindsight, greenburg is/was a necessary part of the show. he seemed toshare rda's attitudes and opinions on many things.

                    and he seemed to have the backbone to stand up to the network for the good of the show.

                    I do think/agree with you that his presence is sorely missed as well.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by LaCroix
                      In my opinion, yes
                      That's the reason why Cameron Bright got the part. He had just stared in a major motion picture and since JPF wasn't currently available they cast him.
                      Have you seen Birth? oh, and a funny aside: Bright's character in Birth was called Sean.

                      I'd wondered how they afforded him, but I just looked at Bright's bio on IMDB and learned that he is a Vancouver native, so... connections, convenient local gig, yadda yadda.

                      I wonder if they went with someone older, would it be the same.
                      Older as in 21+ older or late teens older?
                      Late teens might have been even stranger. At least the writers veered away from the Fragile Balance route this time. That was just... wrong.


                        Originally posted by DEM
                        Have you seen Birth? oh, and a funny aside: Bright's character in Birth was called Sean.

                        I'd wondered how they afforded him, but I just looked at Bright's bio on IMDB and learned that he is a Vancouver native, so... connections, convenient local gig, yadda yadda.

                        Older as in 21+ older or late teens older? Late teens might have been even stranger. At least the writers veered away from the Fragile Balance route this time. That was just... wrong.

                        Older as in 35-45, about or near Sam's age. I know that was so wrong on so many levels.


                          yeah, i'm also not fond of Kiddie Orlin. Or if they had to have him a kid, lose the 'intimate relationship' bit.

                          it was just...wrong.

                          Hammondnever woulda said that. Never even insinuated it.

                          Orlin as a kind woulda worked if they'd just left out the insinuations
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            If TPTB really wanted to make a political statement about the effects of Alzheimers. Then they really should have gone with someone older, not younger.

                            I wrote this once in the episode thread, then deleted it about 2 mins. later because I was so angry at the time. And of course it was too personal. Now there are times I maybe dense, but I'm not dumb.

                            ETA: Sorry for the OT and yes they could have lost Sam's prior relationship with Orlin.
                            Last edited by LaCroix; 04 July 2006, 06:38 PM.


                              Trying to catch up, but I'm sure I've missed some good stuff recently.

                              golfbooy, if noone has answered this already, I don't think there have been any definitive/official spoilers revealing Mitchell gets promoted over Sam. But the hints are that the leadership issue gets "fixed," and most of us don't believe it will be in favor of Sam. The easiest ways to do the fix: a) Mitchell gets promoted, or b) Sam goes civilian. I think there have also been serious rumors of somebody being promoted, although I forget the source. So, take your pick which is more likely, but I really don't expect anything more creative than that.

                              In regards to questions at cons: frankly, Amanda isn't stupid, and I suspect she knows that there are three things that are going to be asked about: her relationship with Jack, how Olivia is doing, and the leadership issue.

                              I don't think Amanda is a person who is going to try to stir up controversy, so I'm sure that whatever answers she gives about the leadership issue will be pretty tame. And I think that's only right of her. She can't help what the writers have done, and I'm sure she thinks of everyone at Bridge as her friends. If nothing else, she has to work with them every day. And I can't imagine that she'd want her fans to hate TPTB or BB because of what has happened to the fictional character she portrays.

                              If Amanda has learned anything this past year, it's that her fans are pretty rabid (yes, I'm talking about us!), and we'll take anything she says and run with it in many different directions, some of which I'm sure she never intended (like lemings over a cliff while she watches in amazement..."Wait, no, don't go THAT way!"). (And I say that with love and fondness for all of us, of course.) So, she'll be careful with her responses, I'm sure, assuming she has had time to think about them in her busy schedule. But if she hasn't prepared her responses to those inquiries already, I would be seriously surprised.

                              Mind you, this is me trying to get into Amanda's head, which is foolish, really, since I have no clue what she really thinks or feels about anything.

                              Um... there was more, but my mind has gone blank.

                              I hope all of you lucky souls who are going to Shore Leave have a wonderful, wonderful time. And try to share any juicy bits you get with those of us who aren't so fortunate, so the lemming migration can begin quickly!

                              My LJ


                                If someone wishes or thinks my previous post is to offending, I'll delete it.
                                Thank you. I know the motto Kindness Reigns Here and I want to adhere to it.

