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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Carterslave
    You ask a very good question, one for which TPTB apparently have no answer. I saw nothing, either in text or subtext, in S8 that would make you think Cassandra even existed, let alone was under Sam's wing. (Single Parent Sam would make for some great vignettes; have the fanfic writers taken up the gauntlet?)
    course, if they did 'single parent sam' then the writers couldn't have indulged their fantasies of having the perfect woman turned into a doormat to facilitate the 'geeky guy that falls for the gorgous woman' cliche

    and they wouldn't have been able to work in the 'naked in bed' scene either...or the kissing
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by minigeek
      That's 'cause it's a cartoon character illustration; not a still-life. *snerk*

      No, seriously though. Her head was drawn seperately this time, but if you take into account how baggy her clothing is (it's deliberately comic-ed out), and the perspective issue with the gun, imagine she wasn't wearing all that huge baggy clothing (which I'm sure is soooo hard for you, AD ) ... do you still really think so? I guess I can just measure. But I've stared at it so long, I'll have one of the composite guys check it out at work tomorrow and gimme some more feedback, too.

      EDIT - > Do you think this is any better a perspective?

      Last one:

      I'm still on the fence.

      The first link I don't get anything having to do with AT. The second one looks good to me.


        Originally posted by minigeek
        It's the exact same sketch, only one is colorized (except the head, which I drew later, obviously, on this one). If anything, there's more bulk in the color version but there's some pretty heavy foreshortening going on perspective-wise. It's meant to look a little bit bulky and comic-y. Beyond that though, something "wrong"... Hm. The prelim sketch leaves much for your own head to fill in intuitively, which it does automatically, it's really just a suggestion of lines in space; whereas the colorized one takes that automatic process away, that may be why it looks better to ya from a perspective POV. Her back leg is thinner and smaller because it's farther back. But I'll ask the guys at work tomorrow, see what they say, too.

        Here's an overlay of the prelim on the final (the one I posted today):

        (Wait a second! This is the guy who keeps *defending* the characters and the writing for season nine! What the heck am I listening to him for?!)
        That looks good too.

        Sorry, I'm no help.


          Originally posted by KatG
          That looks good too.

          Sorry, I'm no help.
          LOL - I removed the image from the first link because I don't think it's better and I didn't want it up any longer than it had to be!

          This last one was an overlay so that AD could see that the prelim sketch and the final were, in fact, identical except for the facial definition in the head. So it looks all weird and line-ziggy because it's two drawings on top of eachother!

          Cheers for the kind words, Kat. I'm handing it off to one of the people here at work now to see what he says.


          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            Originally posted by chelle db
            Is everyone still voting cos it really has slowed down out there!!!
            She's still only #9...lets get her to #8 soon...please!!!
            Night Samandans...I'm off to explore other threads then I'm going to bed!! I'll be back...tomorrow!!!

            Yes, please vote if you can. If AT can make #8 in the next 18/19 hours, it'd be great! We still need to keep BB at bay...people with be voting a lot since it's the last day. Thanks to everyone for the time you have spent voting.

            Have a great day!


              Originally posted by Deejay435
              I have been requested by someone on the voting board-I really can't seem to learn people's names by their colors-to post this video:


              It really is a very cute team vid.
              That vid is great I loved that video...thanks for putting it here. But I thought it was more of a sam/jack vid than a team vid... So I really loved it

              and you are not the only one who forget the names of the people on the board... I mean those colors don't make it easy to remember it.


                Originally posted by ReganX
                The "Mary Poppins" thing bugged me. It wasn't friendly teasing, it was more like "No way in heck can she do the job anywhere near as well as I can" which I found to be incredibly arrogant.

                If you think about it, Sam was probably the best choice if somebody had to play a drug dealer - who'd suspect her of trying to doublecross them?
                Well that Mary Poppins thing wasn't friendly at all it was rude of him to say that...even if it was ment to be teasing... I didn't think so cause it didn't sound like teasing to me.
                When I saw it I was really mad about it. I mean why did he do that for?


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                  Well that Mary Poppins thing wasn't friendly at all it was rude of him to say that...even if it was ment to be teasing... I didn't think so cause it didn't sound like teasing to me.
                  When I saw it I was really mad about it. I mean why did he do that for?
                  They did that, because like so many other things they've done with Mitchell, they were fobbing off lines that Jack might have had to Cameron's character without a buffer.

                  We've all discussed how they seem to be trying to give Mitchell Jack's sense of humor and his dialogue and how it really just doesn't fit. Mitchell is a totally different character. We don't even know him yet, so tossing him Jack's irreverent sense of humor and trying to have him "TEASE" the team members of SG-1 with flippant remarks just doesn't fly. He's not Jack.

                  Jack could get away with calling Carter "Dorothy" (for example, in context) because Jack was... Jack. His backstory, his history, his personality, his relationship with Carter notwithstanding, and her respect for him; the entire dynamic between the two of them.

                  Mitchell lacks that depth thus far, and he needs HIS OWN lines, his own sense of humor - rather than Jack's transposed onto him.


                  Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                  ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    Well that Mary Poppins thing wasn't friendly at all it was rude of him to say that...even if it was ment to be teasing... I didn't think so cause it didn't sound like teasing to me.
                    When I saw it I was really mad about it. I mean why did he do that for?
                    I think people might be over-reacting a bit here... I can guarantee that Sam would have shrugged off much worse jokes than that during her time in the military.
                    And its not like no-one else on the show has ever said anything like it. Sam jokingly calls Jonas a chicken**** in one episode. Jack refers to Daniel as a 'social-political nerd' in another. Teal'c quite regulary expressed his annoyance at Jack in a semi-joking way.
                    Was the Mary Poppins thing intended to rile her? No doubt. But its no different from what Jack or Daniel used to do. Hell, its really no different from what Sam has said to Cam herself. And Sam and Cameron are friends after all, whether some people here like that or not


                      Originally posted by Carterslave
                      Yes, somewhere in California, according to a deleted Ripple Effect scene. But you & I are singing from the same hymnal. (Heck, tons of people complain about the evaporation of Cassie, who evidently captured a lot hearts in just three episodes.)

                      You ask a very good question, one for which TPTB apparently have no answer. I saw nothing, either in text or subtext, in S8 that would make you think Cassandra even existed, let alone was under Sam's wing. (Single Parent Sam would make for some great vignettes; have the fanfic writers taken up the gauntlet?) And, yes, Cassie was far more important to advancing the canon, not only for the (now conveniently forgotten) hauk'taur mythology but because of the window the Cassandra storylines opened into Sam's heart of hearts — whether choosing to die (as she expects) with Cassie at the climax of Singularity or the haunted sense of responsibility, grief and failure at the end of In the Line of Duty, which would inform so many of Sam's actions for years afterward.

                      And besides ... does anybody really believe Cassandra would give Pete the 'thumb's up' as a prospective stepdad? I mean, "Barney Miller" reruns, fercrissakes?!?!?! (Trés uncool.) Cassie would be over to Uncle Jack's house in a flash, desperate for a "Simpsons" fix.
                      Exactly... I mean they do have a band going on between them. You know from rites of passage that they go play chess every week so... they saw eachother on a regullary base when Janet was still alive ( ) Now when she died you would think that sam would have taken over the role of Janet but nothing points at that dirrection. I mean not even a little conversation about Cassie. it looks like she just dissapeared.
                      Ok in season 9 Sam says that she was taking care of Cassie but what was that all about? I mean just one line... nothing more. One line she says to Barett about how it is with Cassie. what do the TPTB think of us that that will do the trick? that that solves everything? No it doesn't it just makes me a little mad and sad that they think that that solves it for them

                      And I do not think that Cassie would have liked Pete at all... who does like a stalker? I mean nobody... I still wonders what Sam liked about him... He got nothing.

                      If you are not a shipper don't read this... just a warning

                      I think Cassie likes Jack, I mean even as a little kid she did... who did she asked for when she knew that there was a snake in Sam... yeah it was Jack. I mean Cassie trust Jack. she feels safe with him. And Cassie isn't stupid she knows a lot of their feelings for eachother. She can see that even if she is just a kid... they know that so... I think that she would agree on the fact that they would end up toghether. IMO that is also a reason why Cassie would not like Pete because she knew what Jack means for sam and what sam means for jack.


                        I'm off to NY until the 9th. Have fun while I'm gone. Go voters!


                          Originally posted by Deejay435
                          I'm off to NY until the 9th. Have fun while I'm gone. Go voters!
                          Have a great time, Deej!


                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            So here's something to put out there. How many Samandans here are in the Friday AM session for AVALON and want to try to see if we can sit together? Any interest? Just thought I'd ask.


                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by Gate gal
                              I can't rememember the name of the fanfic that has Cassie running to Uncle Jack over Pete, but it is on GW. I'll look for it in the a.m. You're right on all points. Godmother Sam would have been a lot more fun to watch than Lovestruck Sam. (Uck! Did I say lovestruck in regards to Pete? I must be tired. Going to sleep now.)
                              The fanfic I was looking for in called "Waiting for Dawn", and it is by Gate Seeker2. It is in the GW archive. Anti-shippers and Pete fans beware.


                                Originally posted by Gate gal
                                The fanfic I was looking for in called "Waiting for Dawn", and it is by Gate Seeker2. It is in the GW archive. Anti-shippers and Pete fans beware.
                                Do you have the link for it? cause I went looking for it and I can not find it and I love to read it.

