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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Thanks Mandy

    So... if I were in Sam Carter for 24 hrs? Hmmm..... well firstly, I'd be taking an F302 out for a spin, and sticking Major General Mr Samantha Carter in the backseat.

    I'd have to set the F302 down on that tropical planet with the weird little pygmy people who thought I was their goddess of fertility. I wouldnt' admit to myself that I enjoy being waited on hand and foot, but I'd do it anyway

    Then I'd "debrief" Jack on the current state of affairs at the SGC while sipping that wierd drink made from the "kind of coconuts" on that planet.

    Then we'd high tail it home and I'd have to drop into area 51. Since it's under my control I'd use the refined device engineered from the quantum mirror to skip to the next reality and have lunch with Janet. We have an understanding since I'm dead in that reality, don't ask don't tell. The cassie in her world is having a baby with her husband, so we trade stories for a bit.

    Then I'd be back on deck at the SGC. No doubt I'd run into Vala and completely deny to myself that I'm wondering what she looks like naked and covered in massage oil, while reminding myself that I'm a happily married Colonel.

    From there I'd hit the gym and find Mitchell. So I'd glove up and knock him on his ass for a bit before letting him get one good hit in. One day he'll figure out I allow that, and I'll (as usual) resist the urge to pummel the cocky grin off his face.

    I'll hit the shower then and get stuck into some paperwork, except the doohickey on my desk will completely distract me until I realise I'm late for dinner.

    I'll hit the switch on the beaming device in time to catch Jack pouting over the chicken stir fry. I'll kiss him hello and tease him about the pouting which he'll categorically deny because "Generals don't pout".

    I'd watch some tv with Jack after dinner then we'd hit the sack... and this was PG so that's it I'm done.

    Originally posted by Mandysg1
    Here it is Myrth have fun


      Oh come on Strix.. can't I watch? What if I bring chocolate?

      Originally posted by Strix varia
      Ewww! No audience allowed!

      Talk about performance anxiety...


        Kat - your Sam/Vala scene is sheer brilliance!! Where's the rest of the fic! lol You have to write it, of course.

        Ooober, sorry hun, didn't mean to make ya feel I was being mean, I just didn't want you to overanalyze (a very Carter thing to do, anyway!).

        Strix - I'm just sayin'.

        I'm having so much fun reading all these what-if scenarios, guys, you rock!


        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


          Originally posted by chelle db
          What fun would it be if we can't utilize her brains as well?
          Oh, now, see that would be an entirely difference scenario, and one that I would enjoy ever so much more. It would open up all sorts of possibilities. Being a genius for 24 hours... OMG, I would LOVE it! (Being so NOT a genius in real life...)

          My LJ


            Originally posted by Myrth
            Oh come on Strix.. can't I watch? What if I bring chocolate?

            what? No popcorn It's always fun to throw popcorn and see where it lands

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Strix varia
              Oh, now, see that would be an entirely difference scenario, and one that I would enjoy ever so much more. It would open up all sorts of possibilities. Being a genius for 24 hours... OMG, I would LOVE it! (Being so NOT a genius in real life...)
              OK so ... you get her brains too, but YOUR personality. What would you do?

              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by minigeek
                Soooo... at the risk of descending into total GUTTERLAND this morning...

                If YOU could inhabit SAMANTHA CARTER'S MIND & BODY for ONE DAY, that's 24 FULL HOURS, what would YOU DO? What WOULD you do? Mind you, this is a PG message board, people!!!!

                mini(the severely twisted)geek

                would i retain all of sam's abilities and knowledge, but still with 'my' soul? if so, i'd...
                • create a real cool doohicky.
                • fly one of those small goauld ships.
                • go through the stargate to a very bad weather planet.
                • float in space. walk in space.
                • KISS JACK O'NEILL!
                • lead a mission. (a small one, since i'd not have enough time for a biggie)
                • talk technobabble to the extreme.
                • go back in time and kill baal.
                • go back to sam's house and learn who she really is.

                that's is. so far.




                  Originally posted by Myrth
                  Oh come on Strix.. can't I watch? What if I bring chocolate?

                  No, no, NO! (I'm embarrassed when the cats are in the same room. "Tyke, cover your eyes!") You'll just have to take your own turn!

                  Well, okay, maybe if you join us...

                  My LJ


                    Originally posted by minigeek
                    Kat - your Sam/Vala scene is sheer brilliance!! Where's the rest of the fic! lol You have to write it, of course.

                    Ooober, sorry hun, didn't mean to make ya feel I was being mean, I just didn't want you to overanalyze (a very Carter thing to do, anyway!).

                    Strix - I'm just sayin'.

                    I'm having so much fun reading all these what-if scenarios, guys, you rock!

                    No biggie...I am feeling a bit bruised though.

                    But more importantly, did you like my list???

                    And Strix,'re killing me. ROFL One minor correction though...You should have said:
                    "I don't want to die smashing into the moon at a zillion miles per hour, Sir!"
                    Sam would be respectful to her superior officer, even if it is seconds before going splat into the side of a planet. No it's a moon. (Sorry...little Prodigy humor there).

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by Strix varia
                      No, no, NO! (I'm embarrassed when the cats are in the same room. "Tyke, cover your eyes!") You'll just have to take your own turn!

                      Well, okay, maybe if you join us...
                      Join you in what...
                      *...thinks PG thoughts...thinks PG thoughts...thinks PG thoughts...*

                      ...a game of bingo perchance?

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        Originally posted by Strix varia
                        Well, okay, maybe if you join us...
                        Guys stop it! lol My guy over here is reading the notebook across my lap and he just tried to YANK it away from me when he saw that! He said: "Where are the photos?!?!" Now I'll never be able to browse the forum in peace again, dammit. (And I thought bringing the internet to bed with me was so crafty....)

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Originally posted by minigeek
                          Guys stop it! lol My guy over here is reading the notebook across my lap and he just tried to YANK it away from me when he saw that! He said: "Where are the photos?!?!" Now I'll never be able to browse the forum in peace again, dammit. (And I thought bringing the internet to bed with me was so crafty....)
                          That oughta learn ya.

                          PS...feel free to forward said pictures to me at your convenience.

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Originally posted by minigeek
                            Guys stop it! lol My guy over here is reading the notebook across my lap and he just tried to YANK it away from me when he saw that! He said: "Where are the photos?!?!" Now I'll never be able to browse the forum in peace again, dammit. (And I thought bringing the internet to bed with me was so crafty....)
                            Well then you better not show him the scenario I wrote for you

                            my fanfic


                              jack: carter, what did i say about sticking your tongue out at me???

                              sam: daniel, it's alright, i won't sing anymore while you're trying to eat!

                              argh, those suck! i'm tired and sunburned, so.... what was i saying again?




                                Originally posted by stargate barbie


                                ok then, so i guess the one word answer of: "Jack" would be unacceptable. uummmm, if i were in season 5 sams body then i'd probably spend all day driving that volvo around, season 4 sam and i'd probably spend all day driving the indian motorbike around. early season 4 sam and i'd probably kick the guy who tried cutting my hair right in the crotch!
                                okay, you'd kick the guy in the crotch that cut your hair? or, you'd kick the guy that cut your hair in your crotch?



