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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
    A quite good Sam/Cam fic: Laterals, by Dirty-Diana. I know alot of you probably about to click the post button to sumbit your rage at the pairing , but it does actually have some really well written characterisation.
    That's why we read fics - it shouldn't matter who the pairing is so long as the material is well written. I'll give it a go but I have to admit that I'm a true S/J shipper. I promise I won't get angry!!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by JessM
      Hope things get better for you. I know that I am one of those people you talk about (if that is what you're talking about) who caused the trouble here and I can't apologize for it enough. If you think I've caused too much trouble just let me know and I'll leave. The last thing I want to do is cause trouble, and I see that I've done that. And I feel really bad about it. I would be happy to just talk about Sam, but if i'm no longer wanted because I caused trouble, then I guess that's fine too...
      Oh, bless you, Jess! No!! Not at all, it's not you!! Not even on Gateworld! I'm talking about happenings in other forums and on my Livejournal. You've been lovely, no trouble at all! *hugs!!!* And thanks for the wishes. If I wasn't so lazy, things would be a lot easier!
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by majorsal
        here's a question for everyone: if the writing for sam gets *so* bad that's it's painful to watch, will you continue watching?

        i can't answer this yet.

        I can't answer this yet either. I tend to hang on longer than most people do, but even I have my limits. I haven't reached my limit yet, but it's getting pretty close.


          Originally posted by jckfan55
          Or just demonstrating the old Jolinar switcheroo. bleh
          Ewwwwww. Although I do see the possibility.


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
            Oh, bless you, Jess! No!! Not at all, it's not you!! Not even on Gateworld! I'm talking about happenings in other forums and on my Livejournal. You've been lovely, no trouble at all! *hugs!!!* And thanks for the wishes. If I wasn't so lazy, things would be a lot easier!
            Ah okay, sorry for jumping to conclusions like that, then. Sorry to hear that you are having trouble at other forums and stuff. I know how frustrating that can be. ((hugs)) And you're quite welcome. lol I have the same problem... I run 3 sites and feel bad that I can't update them all at the same I have stories that I need to get started on, but the laziness just wins out sometimes.


              Originally posted by JessM
              I totally agree with you on this, and I share that hope for S10. Just because new people are added to the mix doesn't mean they should neglect the old friendships that have stood the test of time (more or less, anyway). On one of the Yahoo groups I frequent, there was talk of a sort of "Save the Sam, Teal'c, and Daniel Friendships" campaign, but that never came about. I guess all we can do is hope that we'll see some of the old sparkage...
              Or...writer letters to tptb telling them how much we loved those old friendship moments, or how much we love all the fascets of Sam's character, and how we'd like to see more of that. And write these without slamming any parts of the new season that we didn't like. I think that's a very important piece.

              In the past, on another show, I (along with many others) wrote a similar letter-telling the showrunner why one character was my favorite, and saying that I hoped we saw more meaty stories for her in the next season. I got a lovely gift as a response. And, said character, had the best episodes the following season. Could have been coincidence, of course, but it never hurts to send polite, postive feedback. And it may help.


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                Oh, bless you, Jess! No!! Not at all, it's not you!! Not even on Gateworld! I'm talking about happenings in other forums and on my Livejournal. You've been lovely, no trouble at all! *hugs!!!* And thanks for the wishes. If I wasn't so lazy, things would be a lot easier!
                Whew, glad you answered TJ, I thought I was going to have to speak for you since you are so busy...and you know how well that would be, with me putting words in your mouth But since you already had your oral exam, I guess it won't be necessary.
                (See I can be nice )

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by JessM
                  I totally agree with you on this, and I share that hope for S10. Just because new people are added to the mix doesn't mean they should neglect the old friendships that have stood the test of time (more or less, anyway). On one of the Yahoo groups I frequent, there was talk of a sort of "Save the Sam, Teal'c, and Daniel Friendships" campaign, but that never came about. I guess all we can do is hope that we'll see some of the old sparkage...
                  *shudders at the idea of a "Save Anything" campaign*

                  Many of us know how those turn out and wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole.

                  However, thoughtful, respectful letters to TPTB or to are always a good thing in my book and just might, notice the emphasis on might, accomplish something.


                    Originally posted by Deejay435
                    Or...writer letters to tptb telling them how much we loved those old friendship moments, or how much we love all the fascets of Sam's character, and how we'd like to see more of that. And write these without slamming any parts of the new season that we didn't like. I think that's a very important piece.

                    In the past, on another show, I (along with many others) wrote a similar letter-telling the showrunner why one character was my favorite, and saying that I hoped we saw more meaty stories for her in the next season. I got a lovely gift as a response. And, said character, had the best episodes the following season. Could have been coincidence, of course, but it never hurts to send polite, postive feedback. And it may help.
                    That is a great idea. I sent a letter to tptb about 5 or 6 months back, pretty much saying the same thing. I'm not sure how much good it will do, but it did make me feel good to write it.


                      Originally posted by KatG
                      *shudders at the idea of a "Save Anything" campaign*

                      Many of us know how those turn out and wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole.

                      However, thoughtful, respectful letters to TPTB or to are always a good thing in my book and just might, notice the emphasis on might, accomplish something.
                      Yeah, I know what you mean, and I think that's one of the reasons why it died out. I sent a letter to tptb, but I suppose sending some more wouldn't hurt...and getting people who feel the same way to write in as well.


                        You know I'm sensing a pattern here

                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

                        Yeah... Nope... There's no way to respond to that one. Actually, scratch that, scarimor, Mandy, Ooobs, suse or Sky will probably come up with something witty. Just wait for it.
                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                        ROFL. That's exactly what I thought. I'm still around, I've just got a lot on my plate at the moment, so I'm spending a lot of time skim reading posts, but I don't really have time to post my own posts. I've had five exams, still (I think) to sit, so I'm nearly there My French tutor (waves hello) was amazing in my oral exam (Mandy, Barbie, Sky.... behave) but we didn't discuss Gate unfortunately. Didn't really relate to the topic.

                        Hmmm? I'm on 2 lists, but at least I'm moving up

                        my fanfic


                          Soooo... at the risk of descending into total GUTTERLAND this morning...

                          If YOU could inhabit SAMANTHA CARTER'S MIND & BODY for ONE DAY, that's 24 FULL HOURS, what would YOU DO? What WOULD you do? Mind you, this is a PG message board, people!!!!

                          mini(the severely twisted)geek

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally posted by minigeek
                            Soooo... at the risk of descending into total GUTTERLAND this morning...

                            If YOU could inhabit SAMANTHA CARTER'S MIND & BODY for ONE DAY, that's 24 FULL HOURS, what would YOU DO? What WOULD you do? Mind you, this is a PG message board, people!!!!

                            mini(the severely twisted)geek
                            Sorry. I might answer that when I've come round. My goodness. Samantha Carter's body... a few self portraits to remember the experience by would be in order for a start. Oh, then I'd obviously go and hit on Janet. And fix my stooopid wireless that always cuts out on me.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Also... found this on the uncyclopedia....


                              The character Samantha Carter is also memorable for disguising herself as Robin Hood by always wearing green and black clothes, talking about science (especially magnets), and bringing a whole new meaning to the term "ex-boyfriend" by having an unfeasibly large number of partners who subsequently die. At one point in the notorious Season 11 all her ex-boyfriends rose from the grave to follow her around the universe with the assistance of her only surviving (so far) ex-boyfriend Pete "I use the FBI to stalk women I want to marry" Shanahanahan. In order to avoid them, Samantha Carter had to change her listing in the phone book to Samanther Carter aka Big Sam Carta aka Magna Carter.

                              I found the highlighted bit quite interesting. I automatically thought of season ten and
                              . I doubt it's going to be that entertaining unfortunately. But in that context, it would have been hilarious to have them.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by minigeek
                                Soooo... at the risk of descending into total GUTTERLAND this morning...

                                If YOU could inhabit SAMANTHA CARTER'S MIND & BODY for ONE DAY, that's 24 FULL HOURS, what would YOU DO? What WOULD you do? Mind you, this is a PG message board, people!!!!

                                mini(the severely twisted)geek
                                Do you mean, like me take over (become Strix in Sam's body)? Or share her for a day (hop along for the ride)? Or me, become her, brains and all?

                                My LJ

