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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JessM
    Hello, all.

    I am a friend of fishyone and I decided to pop in and voice my support of Sam. On another forum I used to visit, there were a lot of Vala lovers who despise Sam (you should have heard what they were saying when Vala left and Sam returned in Beachhead). I thought it was so ridiculous that I stopped visiting the forum. I'm glad there is a thread here to lend my support for the character.

    I'd actually thought about visiting the thread earlier, but after having a quick look and seeing that the majority were S/J shippers, I became too chicken...afraid I'd get flamed or ridiculed for not being S/J (you can tell by my sig that I'm S/D... and yeah, like fishyone I don't like to call it "Sam and Dan"... it's always been "S/D" or "The Science Twins" to me).

    Going back through some of the posts, someone mentioned there was a group called AT's Angels? Do these people (who are supposed to be S/D) have their own thread or a yahoo group, or any other site? I was just curious.
    *waves to Jess*

    Hi! I'm glad you came over to this thread to show your support for Sam. You were the one that got me into gateworld, so it's great that you're here.
    The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


      Originally posted by scarimor
      Welcome JessM. I prefer Sam/Janet, but this is for you:

      I liked the avatar, too.
      The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


        Going to add in my thoughts on the latest discussion...

        Well, I never want to see SG-1 end. I know that's unrealistic, but I just don't. And I'd hate to lose Sam as a character for any reason... So I hope that AT sticks around and keeps giving Sam her wonderful talent. I would like to see her in other things, too, just not lose her in Stargate. And I wouldn't mind seeing her direct some more episodes. I enjoyed Resurrection. I would love it if, when SG-1 ends, AT gets the lead on the 3rd show. Or I hope she makes the movies they are talking about making. (But this is MGM, and I don't trust them...with good reason (personal experience)... Sony ruined them...)

        Anyhow, I guess basically, I want to see Sam for as long as I can. And I would be interested in seeing anything else AT did.

        That reminds me... Must go find other stuff AT has been in and watch it...
        The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


          Originally posted by JessM
          Hello, all.

          I am a friend of fishyone and I decided to pop in and voice my support of Sam. On another forum I used to visit, there were a lot of Vala lovers who despise Sam (you should have heard what they were saying when Vala left and Sam returned in Beachhead). I thought it was so ridiculous that I stopped visiting the forum. I'm glad there is a thread here to lend my support for the character.

          I'd actually thought about visiting the thread earlier, but after having a quick look and seeing that the majority were S/J shippers, I became too chicken...afraid I'd get flamed or ridiculed for not being S/J (you can tell by my sig that I'm S/D... and yeah, like fishyone I don't like to call it "Sam and Dan"... it's always been "S/D" or "The Science Twins" to me).

          Going back through some of the posts, someone mentioned there was a group called AT's Angels? Do these people (who are supposed to be S/D) have their own thread or a yahoo group, or any other site? I was just curious.
          Hi and welcome JessM Hope you enjoy yourself on the thread that is welcoming to every Sam/AT fan, no matter what you ship, or if you don't ship We all love Sam and AT and appreciate everything she does. So if you want to talk about Sam/Daniel don't worry, no flaming will occur here We do however sometimes tease each other, but it is all in fun So sit back down relax and enjoy yourself

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by ReganX
            I like it.

            A few years later, or whenever they have the final episode, Thor comes back to the SGC in tears because Mitchell has managed to provoke an incredibly dangerous enemy who is now out to destroy the Asgard, they can all work together to save them.
            Somehow the song "Oops he did it again" goes through my head but I do like the continuing story

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by samsnares
              I have been reading this for quite a while now and your comments are very much the same as how I feel. However, i really do believe that Amanda Tapping's role has been shortened since season 9. I am not a Ben Browder fan and nor a Vala fan, because I believe they are not what Stargate was originally about. I loved the interaction between the four main characters and recently Sam has been so much in the background that I feel the makers of SG1 want to oust her. I am a devoted Amanda Tapping fan and I feel that in season 10, she will likely get shoved right into the background. This I would hate because she is one of the originals. maybe AT will get the hint that Stargate is all about women with big boobs and little boys trying to act the hero( and as I think BB acting is about as good as a plank of wood), I am really not looking forward to another season like 9.
              I hope someone sees Amanda Tapping as the accomplished actress she really is and I wish her all the very best for her future, whether this be in Directing or being the actress that I have come to enjoy.
              Welcome samsnares, oooh look at the new posters we are attracting Many of us as you realized feel the same way, we knew AT's role would be shortened at the begining of S9 due to her pregnancy, but were disgusted in the way the writers and TPTB chose to handle the situation, and how they continued to disrespect the character of Sam and her many fans. Some here hope things will change for the better in S10 and many others feel its too late for SG1 Only time will tell. I'll give S10 a chance but if it's as bad as S9 I won't be lasting long

              my fanfic


                Thought I'd share this little bit of my WIP ship fanfic... just because it was about Sam... and it made me smile.

                "...Sam, listen to me. You are incredibly smart and talented. There is so much more to you than your rank in the Air Force. You’re not just a brave soldier. You are brave, period. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. You’re smarter, too. Everyone who knows you admires and respects you. Most of them love you..."

                Sums up this thread, huh?
                The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                  Originally posted by fishyone
                  Thought I'd share this little bit of my WIP ship fanfic... just because it was about Sam... and it made me smile.

                  "...Sam, listen to me. You are incredibly smart and talented. There is so much more to you than your rank in the Air Force. You’re not just a brave soldier. You are brave, period. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. You’re smarter, too. Everyone who knows you admires and respects you. Most of them love you..."

                  Sums up this thread, huh?

                  Hmm? Where are all our verbose posters lateley?

                  my fanfic


                    Hi Guys,

                    Just browsed through Catherine Barr's galleries again and found another pic of Amanda and Alan at the Leo Awards. Amanda participated as a presenter this year:


                    You can also find it here. It's the 7th pic from the top. (Right below is also a pic of Gary Jones and his wife.)

                    Oh, and a big Welcome! to everyone who recently joined our thread.
                    Last edited by Dani76; 22 May 2006, 09:30 AM.

                    Thank you, Skydiver


                      Originally posted by Strix varia
                      She pulled it off.
                      Great to know. I figured you'd know how well she did. I love that Firefighter Sam was the operational boss. Sure Jack was the chief, but Sam was giving most of the orders. So further reinforcement of Teal'c's confidence in her *leadership* ability, wouldn't you say?


                        Originally posted by tsaxlady
                        I think Amanda has been wanting to direct again since she had her first chance in Season 7 with Resurrection. It would not surprise me at all to her more talk from her about wanting to move more in that direct in the furture. Every con I have seen her at except comic con since then if asked about directing you can see her light up. In Vancouver she was not asked about directing on stage but when I went thru the autograph line I said something about directing to her and even though they were trying to keep the lines moving she lite up and stopped signing for a minute to talk about how much she would love to direct again. If the Stargate franchise does not give her the chance to direct in the future and someone else makes the offer I could see her leaving to direct for someone else. Lets face it the good acting jobs for a female 40+ are few and far between, if AT could break into the role of director she would make herself much more marketable in the business.
                        Sad, but true. I read somewhere once that actresses over 40 are generally offered 2 types of parts--mother or district attorney. I think that's getting better, but there's lots of competition for a few parts. And some people haven't come to learn the bliss that is Amanda yet. I don't know that AT will want to leave Canada either. I do hope (selfishly) that she stays on screen as much as possible. But I hope she also gets to follow her other dreams too.

                        Personally I thought she did a fantastic job with directing and acting in Resurrection especially with what was a weak script in my view.

                        I agree!


                          Originally posted by JessM
                          Hello, all.

                          I am a friend of fishyone and I decided to pop in and voice my support of Sam. On another forum I used to visit, there were a lot of Vala lovers who despise Sam (you should have heard what they were saying when Vala left and Sam returned in Beachhead). I thought it was so ridiculous that I stopped visiting the forum. I'm glad there is a thread here to lend my support for the character.

                          I'd actually thought about visiting the thread earlier, but after having a quick look and seeing that the majority were S/J shippers, I became too chicken...afraid I'd get flamed or ridiculed for not being S/J (you can tell by my sig that I'm S/D... and yeah, like fishyone I don't like to call it "Sam and Dan"... it's always been "S/D" or "The Science Twins" to me).

                          Going back through some of the posts, someone mentioned there was a group called AT's Angels? Do these people (who are supposed to be S/D) have their own thread or a yahoo group, or any other site? I was just curious.
                          Glad to see another fan of the wonderfully talented Amanda Tapping here. Sometimes people have strong opinions here, but I've never seen flames on this thread. The shippers accept my anti-shippiness and I accept their delusions . See--we tease each other a bit here. I think if Daniel hadn't already been married, Sam and Daniel might have made a good pair--but I really don't like the idea of romantic relationships with any of the team. But that's just me.


                            Originally posted by Dani76
                            Hi Guys,

                            Just browsed through Catherine Barr's galleries again and found another pic of Amanda and Alan at the Leo Awards. Amanda participated as a presenter this year:


                            You can also find it here. It's the 7th pic from the top. (Right below is also a pic of Gary Jones and his wife.)

                            Oh, and a big Welcome! to everyone who recently joined our thread.
                            Hey Dani! It's great to see you post again! Thanks for the new picture of Amanda and her husband. She really looks wonderful, doesn't she? I'm really starting to get excited about Shore Leave.


                              When rewatching Death Knell (I admit I fast forwarded through some of the non-Sam scenes) it struck me again how much AT conveys with absolutely no lines. It's easy to get credit for big emotional scenes with lots of dialog--the proverbial "special episode" where the main character on a show deals with an alchohol problem or something--but to carry it off with no lines and by yourself it quite an accomplishment. The B@B seem to have forgotten what they have at their disposal. I suppose now instead of having her sleeve ripped, her shirt would be half off and she'd be rescued by "heroic" Cam.


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1

                                Hmm? Where are all our verbose posters lateley?
                                This one's writing pirate Janet drabbles!

