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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by minigeek
    Whoa. That's .... a helluva sword, baby!
    Geepers you're not kiddin'. Strix's sword kinda makes mine look like a letter opener.

    Oh IS a letter opener.

    Well...uh...never mind then.

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
      It's funny Sky but when I saw her, she just seemed like "the leader" to me. Her presence is of a leadership position.
      oh yeah, and then some. Sam now, and since s6 or so, has jsut exuded this 'i'm the boss' confidence. quiet, calm, dependable

      IMHO, 'natural born leaders' don't have to announce that they're the boss, folks just recognize them. kinda like jack

      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

      And that's a funny thing to suggest about a tv show with snakeheads and bugs and little grey buddies...that one of the more unbelievable aspects of that show has to do with the make up of the team.
      yeah, pretty sad ain't it???

      this is actualy the first time in 10 years that you have to read the nametags to know who's the boss. Jack was boss. plain and simple.

      cam??? well, it has to say colonel on his uniform for anyone to beleive it
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by ReganX
        I find it difficult to believe that Sam would want to take a step back career-wise, especially when she had to work so hard to earn the respect of colleagues and superiors; and even if she is in co-command, it's still a drop. If I was looking at her record and saw that somebody else had been brought in to share a role that was once solely Sam's, especially when the tasks associated with that role have not increased, I would, as likely as not, wonder if that was a suggestion that she hadn't been able for the role in the first place, and that she wasn't trusted without somebody else there.

        If she ever wants to apply for a position outside the SGC, her record is going to look strange - she goes from leading a team of three to commanding however many people (probably a lot more than three) were involved with R+D at Area 51, then she is pulled from that position and sent back as second in command (or co-commander, at best) of her old team. I wouldn't fancy her chances.

        Sam is a really nice person, though, and tends to think of others ahead of herself, so maybe she hasn't quietly asked Landry to transfer her to command of another team or requested a transfer back to Area 51 because she doesn't want to offend Mitchell or make him doubt his leadership skills (or lack thereof) or something along those lines.
        Which is why I typically do not get involved in the whole who should lead debates because in most cases I find the reasons for Sam agreeing to step away from her command of SG-1 and later her position at Area 51 as completely unbelievable.

        As much as I had hoped they would write AT's maternity leave in a way that would provide Sam with a good storyline when she returned, it didn't happen. I didn't expect them to spend several episodes discussing it, but I had hoped it would be mentioned at least a few times in her first few episodes back.

        At the beginning of season nine we were told that SG-1 had disband. Fine, I get that. Daniel was finally going to Atlantis, something he had dreamed about doing for years. Teal'c was finally seeing his life long goal come to pass: the Gou'ald had been destroyed and the Jaffa were no longer slaves. I could totally understand why he would want to leave the SGC in order to be a part of the new free Jaffa Nation. Daniel and Teal'c both chose to leave inorder to do something that they had dreamed about doing for years and we had seven episodes in order to see why Daniel and Teal'c chose to come back.

        We saw Daniel's initial disappointment of not getting to go to Atlantis due to Vala little bracelet incident. His disappointment and irritation was mentioned several times over the course of the first six episodes and we know that he was part of the reason the Ori found their way to the Milky Way Galaxy. It was due to his and Vala's use of the Ancient device that the Ori were able to gain the location of Earth. I believe Daniel realized that and wasn't willing to just run off to Atlantis knowing the threat that Earth now faced. So I could totally understand that Daniel would now feel obligated to help defeat them and thus his reason for staying at the SGC and re-joining SG-1.

        At the beginning of season nine, we were allowed to see Teal'c as a member of the new Jaffa Counsel. We saw him dealing with his new life. Dealing with the power struggles and internal conflicts of finding a new leader for the Jaffa nation; but more importantly we were shown the utter disappointment Teal'c felt when he realized that Gerak had won the hearts of his people and that members of the counsel felt his loyalties laid elsewhere. I understood why Teal'c chose to return to the SGC and to be a member of SG-1.

        But what were we given with Sam? We know Sam left the SGC and took a position as head of R&D at Area 51 in order to be closer to Cassie. However we were given no background information as to what was wrong with Cassie, nor did Sam ever really mention it again. Then in Beachhead, she is asked to come back to help with one mission and in the very next episode Sam is back unpacking all of her things. No discussions. No explainations. It doesn't matter if it makes sense, right? Sam's back. Nor does it matter that she's been demoted. I mean it's not like anyone will notice and if they do we'll just say she's co-leader. Uh-huh.

        I had hoped they would at least give us a few brief scenes to explain Sam's sudden return, but nope, we got nothin'. If they had at least picked a better reason for Sam leaving the SGC I may have been able to understand Sam's behavior. They could have simply stated that Sam was having issues with Post Traumatic Stress and was taking time off to deal with it. Then they could have at least showed Sam doubting hersef after what happened with Replicarter. Having her feel as if she may have been partly to blame for Daniel and her father's death. They could have had her questioning whether she was truly capable or willing to lead anyone else when she doubted herself. If they had at least done something like this I could understood why Sam did not put up a fuss about not coming back to a command position and why she was so willing to just let Cameron lead. But instead we were told she wanted to be with Cassie and yet six weeks later Sam seems to have no issues at all with leaving Cassie behind again.

        And as far as all the complaints that Sam can't be the leader and the lead scientist on the team because she would have too great a role on the show. Umm, has anyone even seen Scientist!Sam this season? I mean outside of a few scenes here and there, where did she go? Because I love Scientist!Sam and I've missed her in S9. I enjoy the technical side of the show. I enjoy watching Sam get excited when she's working on some new gizmo or gagets, but we really didn't see much of that outside of Arthur's Mantle. Honestly, I would have been more than willing to accept Mitchell as the new leader if they actually given Sam something to do besides walk behind Mitchell and grimace. It seems to me that not only was Mitchell given Sam's leadership role, but Dr. Lee was given her scientific role as well. What's left for Sam to do and why would she be so damn eager to jump back into this kind of position? If Sam is still in charge of R&D, then why don't they mention it?

        The writers had fifteen episodes to explain to me why Sam really left the SGC and why she was willing to come back. They had fifteen episodes to give me at least a brief understanding as to what would cause Sam's sudden lack of concern that she's been demoted or why she would be willing to follow a man that she does not seem to truly respect.

        I don't want to see an episode where
        Landry speaks to Mitchell about the leadership issue.
        I want to see an episode where Landry talks to Sam about why she is really back as a member of SG-1 and why she really left. We, as fans, deserve that and AT deserves to be given some real reason and motivation as to why Sam was willing to follow an officer who is so completely inept.


          Has anyone read the news on the front page?

          I'm just glad they mentioned Sam in the spoilers! It's always Mitchell, Vala, Mitchell, Vala, blah, blah, blah. Today today it was Mitchell, Mitchell, Sam......Sam??? SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Happy dance* Yea Sam!


            Originally posted by Deejay435
            That was what struck me when I read that spoiler/article whatever on the front page:

            I didn't think about it having been planned for AT at all. What I thought was-ahem-TWO? He's doing a two-parter on SGA???? Where O'Niell has little to no history with any of the characters? Two???? That leaves him only the 200th episode, and two others on SG1. That's a freaking travesty, that is!!!! How is going on SGA for two episodes tying up loose ends when O'Neill had no involvment with any SGA plots? I want to see him with Sam. I want to see him with Teal'c. I want to see him with Daniel. Not the SGA folks!

            My level of preturbness is obviously measured by my abuse of the punctuation keys.
            Spoiler for S10-Atlantis two parter with RDA

            I'm not positive, but according to what I have read regarding the Atlantis two parter, Jack states that he is retired. This may be part of what the writers mean about Jack tying up loose ends or it may have just been a joke regarding RDA coming out of retirement to do these episodes.


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              Has anyone read the news on the front page?

              I'm just glad they mentioned Sam in the spoilers! It's always Mitchell, Vala, Mitchell, Vala, blah, blah, blah. Today today it was Mitchell, Mitchell, Sam......Sam??? SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Happy dance* Yea Sam!
              wow, so she IS still on the show!!!!
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver
                wow, so she IS still on the show!!!!
                She's not on it much!


                  Strix... Marry me!!! [eyes wedding ring].. oh wait.. damn

                  Ah well.. that is a stunning sword, what collection is it from or is it a custom job?

                  And uber.. mine might be a match for that

                  Originally posted by Strix varia
                  Strix here, reporting for duty, sir!

                  CG, spaz, don't be laughing... it was taken 20 years ago...


                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    wow, so she IS still on the show!!!!
                    didn't open the the show or actually :gasp: on the screen?:gasp:

                    i know, i know, i'm being too picky.
                    "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                    Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                      Originally posted by Strix varia
                      Strix here, reporting for duty, sir!

                      CG, spaz, don't be laughing... it was taken 20 years ago...
                      Hey Strix that looks like the same outfit my nephew bought when he was 16, only his sword is real and bigger

                      edit: although looking closer, that sword does look real *note to self, don't get strix angry*
                      Last edited by Mandysg1; 03 May 2006, 02:43 PM.

                      my fanfic


                        I have a question for the story I'm writing. What is it on their radio's that allows the others to find them? Like when they were searching for Daniel when he was kidnapped by an Unas.

                        my fanfic


                          they have some sort of locator beacon

                          in 100 days, jack says 'i have you on rf' whatever that is.

                          i'm guessing it's kinda like what fire fighters have, a 'dummy button' that broadcasts an alarm whenever they either hit the panic button or fall over
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            I have a question for the story I'm writing. What is it on their radio's that allows the others to find them? Like when they were searching for Daniel when he was kidnapped by an Unas.
                            LOL! You have the question I did about one or two weekends ago. I know they have the locater implants now in S9, but needed to know what they had in late S7. And here's what I came up with: Not necessarily in the radio, so it could be tucked into the vest pocket or whereever else you needed it to be. (Like in Jack's boot as I did in mine. And being PL, those boots were nowhere near his feet... )

                            And yes Sky... KatG... I'm a'writin'. Added another 2K words to the S/T PL fic. And after surfing another thread or two I'll get back to giving in to the muse...
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Here's another poll for those who didn't vote, what's your overall opiono of S9

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                oh yeah, and then some. Sam now, and since s6 or so, has jsut exuded this 'i'm the boss' confidence. quiet, calm, dependable

                                This is how I've seen Sam in season 9 as well. No matter if Cam is the "official" leader, she is the one who exudes competence and leadership. It seems to me that AT is simply playing it that way. Sam is the same rank as Mitchell, and has much much more experience than he does. She simply does what she needs to do to get the job done. She really hasn't had to obey any order that I can think of at this point.

                                How they will play this out in season 10, I have no idea. If they make it very clear that Mitchell can order Sam, then many many fans will be even more upset than they already are (including me). My guess is that TPTB know that Mitchell's leadership has not been well received for quite a few fans. If they continue along the same lines as season 9, it just is very awkward. We know they won't make Sam sole leader (even though IMO they should). So, I'm not sure they will resolve the issue with any satisfactory solution. They trapped themselves with poor writing and I'm not sure they can get out of this corner.

