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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    Well I'm sorry to say, but in season 8 Sam was in command of SG-1. Whether or not Sam and Mitchell are co-leaders in S9, is neither here or there. Regardless if Sam stepped down completely or not, she is obviously not the sole leader of SG-1 any longer; therefore, in my opinion she has definitely taken a step backwards at the very least.

    IMHO, I don't believe Sam would do this unless she was ordered to do so and I seriously doubt they will ever explain to us why she came back. Though I really wish they would because why in the world would a woman in Sam's position leave a command position to take on an equal if not more important command position only to then step backwards and accept a position where she would be 2IC. It's preposterous I tell ya! Oh well.

    I do agree.

    whatever the reason - if we're ever given a canon one beyone 'cameron is the male lead, he MUST be the leader - sam is no longer IN CHARGE. At the best, at least in the minds of the writers, she's sharing command (ignoring the fact that, in the real world, the military ain't a democracy. it has a clear chain of command and co-leader is not conducive to a clear chain of command)

    now, sam may act more like she's in charge than cam, and may certainly - in the POV of many - be more competant than cam...but as far as teh writers are concerned, she's obviously not in command...they just don't wanna step up to the plate and make it official
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      i have a funny feeling, just totally my impressions, that while she'll enjoy some guest spots, she's been working 14+ hour days for 10 years, has a daughter that's just getting to that fun time of walking and talking and is in the situation that work isn't mandatory, but something that you do...

      I suspect that AT, MS and CJ will all be thinking about their options at the end of season 10, regardless of whether a season 11 is in the offing. They have all been at this one for an unusually long time.


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        I'm also partial to that Carter is a cat fic...Nine Lives. It frankly surprised me because I thought it'd be cheesy but I can so easily see her ears folding back and tail twitching with irritation. And the whole sequence when she was high on the catnip in the toy Jack got her as a joke? And Teal'c's hamster? "I shall call him Thor."

        Nine Lives by Iamdragonrider is fun:

        My LJ


          Originally posted by Strix varia
          Nine Lives by Iamdragonrider is fun:

          I love that fic. I read it every time I feel down. In some ways, it kind of inspired the "point of view" approach for Shattered. But Thor was amazing. He got his own fic, I think
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
            Oh dear lord, she looks like she's been put up in front of a firing squad!

            :cuddles her: - :then ducks:


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              Well I'm sorry to say, but in season 8 Sam was in command of SG-1. Whether or not Sam and Mitchell are co-leaders in S9, is neither here or there. Regardless if Sam stepped down completely or not, she is obviously not the sole leader of SG-1 any longer; therefore, in my opinion she has definitely taken a step backwards at the very least.

              IMHO, I don't believe Sam would do this unless she was ordered to do so and I seriously doubt they will ever explain to us why she came back. Though I really wish they would because why in the world would a woman in Sam's position leave a command position to take on an equal if not more important command position only to then step backwards and accept a position where she would be 2IC. It's preposterous I tell ya! Oh well.
              I find it difficult to believe that Sam would want to take a step back career-wise, especially when she had to work so hard to earn the respect of colleagues and superiors; and even if she is in co-command, it's still a drop. If I was looking at her record and saw that somebody else had been brought in to share a role that was once solely Sam's, especially when the tasks associated with that role have not increased, I would, as likely as not, wonder if that was a suggestion that she hadn't been able for the role in the first place, and that she wasn't trusted without somebody else there.

              If she ever wants to apply for a position outside the SGC, her record is going to look strange - she goes from leading a team of three to commanding however many people (probably a lot more than three) were involved with R+D at Area 51, then she is pulled from that position and sent back as second in command (or co-commander, at best) of her old team. I wouldn't fancy her chances.

              Sam is a really nice person, though, and tends to think of others ahead of herself, so maybe she hasn't quietly asked Landry to transfer her to command of another team or requested a transfer back to Area 51 because she doesn't want to offend Mitchell or make him doubt his leadership skills (or lack thereof) or something along those lines.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                Very nice. Sam looks nearly as surprised, though not half as disgusted, as I did when I learned about her losing command.

                Is there one of Jack when he reads about the antics of the guy who is now responsible for the lives of his friends?

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  I think she knows that she's not wanted on the show anymore. that she doesn't fit into the 'fun' show that coop and his friends want to make and she's ready to move on and is just waiting for a good jumping off point
                  It's sad, but that's probably true. Sam is an amazing character, but if the shiny 'fun' show survives, I don't think that there'll be a place there for her any more; everybody who isn't Mitchell or Vala is going to find themselves shoved further and further into the background until they quietly fade away and leave the screen to the golden boy and girl.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by Lida
                    I sincerely hope, that when SG1 does finally bow to the inevitable, Amanda Tapping will go on to bigger and better roles in either TV or the movies. Samantha Carter, as a character, as brilliant as she is, would pretty much render Rodney useless, if transferred to Atlantis. Just my opinion, as a loyal member of Samanda.
                    That could be a problem, alright. Sam and McKay don't always play nicely together. And, if they choose to emphasize her soldier side and well as ir instead of her scientist side, doesn't Sam technically have seniority over Sheppard? Either way, it'll be difficult to find a niche for her.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      id vote for ascensions for season 5- i love that ep.

                      sig by starlover1990


                        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                        Hey I had a quick thought based on the spoilers I read on the forum ... for some reason my dial-up will not allow me to view the homepage of GW (not sure what that's about) . So the following spoiler/thought/aggravation based on what little I have read. All that to say I may not have read the whole story/spoiler.

                        I agree I thought it was an AT story since Sam and Woosley had a heart to heart of sorts earlier this season (s9) and the man finally showed a little respect to Sam and SG-1.

                        Okay so there are replicates (sp?) now (human robots). Are we out of ideas, no original name/enemy came to mind, or are these replicators???? Here is my thought AT reprises her role as replicator carter and she kidnaps O'Neill and Woosley. Hence RDA and AT are both on Atlantis, although it would be a better story on SG-1, but hey no one asked me.

                        I'm hoping RDA is on SG-1 more than the 200th episode, because as much as I love to see him I also love his character's interaction with Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c

                        That was what struck me when I read that spoiler/article whatever on the front page:

                        I didn't think about it having been planned for AT at all. What I thought was-ahem-TWO? He's doing a two-parter on SGA???? Where O'Niell has little to no history with any of the characters? Two???? That leaves him only the 200th episode, and two others on SG1. That's a freaking travesty, that is!!!! How is going on SGA for two episodes tying up loose ends when O'Neill had no involvment with any SGA plots? I want to see him with Sam. I want to see him with Teal'c. I want to see him with Daniel. Not the SGA folks!

                        My level of preturbness is obviously measured by my abuse of the punctuation keys.


                          Originally posted by ReganX
                          Very nice. Sam looks nearly as surprised, though not half as disgusted, as I did when I learned about her losing command.

                          Is there one of Jack when he reads about the antics of the guy who is now responsible for the lives of his friends?
                          Bolded the bits above because I want to second this request. Does anyone know of any fics where Jack is learning of/reacting to what's going on on SG1 nowadays?

                          I believe I read one, once, where Sam reassures Jack that she's okay with the command structure as it is. And one where Jack gets upset when he learns that the leader of SG1 has been kidnapped by the Sodan, and assumes it's Sam. (He had, apparantly, not read all his memos or something. It was cute.)


                            Originally posted by Deejay435
                            And one where Jack gets upset when he learns that the leader of SG1 has been kidnapped by the Sodan, and assumes it's Sam. (He had, apparantly, not read all his memos or something. It was cute.)

                            Awwww, that is cute.

                            Damn, yuz lots rubbin off on me. Scary.



                              Originally posted by Deejay435
                              one where Jack gets upset when he learns that the leader of SG1 has been kidnapped by the Sodan, and assumes it's Sam. (He had, apparantly, not read all his memos or something. It was cute.)
                              It's called "The Rest Of Babylon" by Kate McKay and it's great!


                              Those squicked by established S/J should probably give it a miss, though. Kate is fantastic at writing canon S/J, she prefers canon in all her writing, but she interpreted "Threads" as being a new milestone for Sam and Jack, and she does believe that as of season nine, they'd already decided to explore their "other options". So her season nine ( + ) stories are all S/J est relationship. No smarm though. Well done, if you ask me.


                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                                Coley and 1speed and Uber would use their sharp-edged wit and humor...
                                D'oh! HEY! No fair! I demand to be added to the sharp-edged club! Well, either that or I'd be happy to be added to the shamelessly acrimonious lampoonery brigade. I am the Alternate Pain In The Mikta, after all.

                                mini(got ma grillz to prove it!)geeek

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

