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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    yeah, it makes no sense at all.

    while i do know that they were trying to be nice about baby time...that doesn't explain the sidelining of sam and teal'c, and franly even daniel, in the last half of the season.

    and it doesn't explain the total lack of ANY eps thus far that seem to focus on sam in any way, shape or form

    Amanda kicks ASS when she acts. and always gives 110%...and has the added bonus of not only being talented but also being popular. It would make sense to use that advantage that you have.

    <<snippety doo da>>

    what fans of this show seem to like, in addition to the spiffy sfx, are character moments. that's what makes it interesting and fun to watch

    without them??? without them we might as well be watching cardboard cutouts with dubbedvoices.
    Someone wrote a really fantastic analysis of why Season 9 was lacking. Now it focuses primarily on the Mitchell character but it's in context with Sam and the team and I recommend the read for those who felt there was a problem but couldn't quite verbalize their misgivings.

    Consider this observation:
    At the end of the day, he’s a beneficiary of circumstance. Sure, we know all of the convenient reasons for his being made leader of SG-1, and we know the reasons why Daniel and then Teal’c and then Sam returned to the SGC, but we’ve been given nothing that satisfactorily explains why the three of them, having returned to the fold, chose to join his team and accept his leadership. Nothing that explains why Carter, upon learning that the SG-1 leadership position was taken, wasn’t assigned as leader of SG-25 and Daniel and Teal’c didn’t join her team. There’s nothing that says they have to be SG-1. It is, as Mitchell said, just two letters, a dash and a number. The prestige isn’t in the designation, the prestige is in being Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter and Teal’c. They don’t need a patch that says “SG-1” for that.

    Of course, that didn’t matter. Didn’t matter that it made little to no sense from their perspective, that it rings false and forced in the lives and stories of Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter and Teal’c. It isn’t about them. It’s about having all the right pieces fall into place around “Ben Browder’s character.” It isn’t the story of how SG-1 came to have a new leader. It’s the story of how “Ben Browder’s character” became the leader of – and lead character on – ‘SG-1.’ His is the only perspective that counts.

    And that in itself is a problem.

    Even if Mitchell were the most well-thought-out, exquisitely drawn, consistent, credible and compelling character imaginable, seeing Daniel, Sam and Teal’c conscripted into his story – rather than having him become a part of theirs – would still be fundamentally wrong and something of a problem. That they’ve been conscripted into the service of a character who is ill-defined at best – and an obnoxious, off-putting irritant in the eyes of more than a few – only makes the problem that much more vexing.

    If Mitchell were simply an ill-defined addition to the existing show and story, he might still grate, but the show would probably be fine. Instead, the existing show and its well-defined characters are being made to follow the “ostensible” lead of “Ben Browder’s character, whoever and whatever he is (and your guess is as good as ours!)” and, for me, that not only shows up the vagueness and variability of the character, it serves to deepen my misgivings about him and exacerbate my irritation with his less-charming attributes.

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      yeah. when you base most of a whole season on the actions and motivations of someone you don't care about...then you are emotionally detatched from the whole thing.

      then it falls to the plot and story to draw you in. and when those are also lacking...there's not much else to entertain except for the most superficial visual 'feast' of eye candy, sfx and pretty visuals

      but in this jaded and saavy world, it's harder and harder to tantalize with effects only.

      i think of the star wars movies. anyone else bored as heck with move 2 and 3????

      and why?

      well to me, there was no suspense in the plot, we all knew how it was gonna end, we knew who would live and who would die. so if the plot is predictible, all that can appeal is the characters or sfx

      well the characters were poor at best, thus it fell back to ILM to draw folks in. and they didn't. at least not as well as they did with the original 3 movies.

      star wars flopped because there was too little story stretched over too much time with too much emphasis on the 'bright and shiny'

      sound familiar???
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by UberSG-1Fan
        Someone wrote a really fantastic analysis of why Season 9 was lacking. Now it focuses primarily on the Mitchell character but it's in context with Sam and the team and I recommend the read for those who felt there was a problem but couldn't quite verbalize their misgivings.

        Consider this observation:
        Uber and Sky (and everyone else who's been participating in this discussion) -- you are just so right! I can't rep you any more (even though I keep trying!), so Jack clapping will have to do... there's one original jack and four AU jacks .


          Originally posted by astrogeologist
          Uber and Sky (and everyone else who's been participating in this discussion) -- you are just so right! I can't rep you any more (even though I keep trying!), so Jack clapping will have to do... there's one original jack and four AU jacks .

          But...but...where's our AstroG!Jello? You used to jello us with that Sam!Jello picture. Where's that pic, eh???


          Speaking of which, we haven't awarded any Jelly Beans of late and I KNOW we've hit landmarks (Does anyone remember what each bean signifies?) nor have we added any new members to the Royal Court!!! With all the new activity on Samanda, I demand ACTION!!! So I guess that makes me a Demanda. *snerkle*

          P.S. DANG I miss my umlaut.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by UberSG-1Fan
            I demand ACTION!!! So I guess that makes me a Demanda. *snerkle*
            A Demanda in Samanda... OK, that one just tickled me...where's the emoticon/smilie of Carter laughing?

            And, I just rewatched Uber's 'That Girl' (Was A One Time Teenage Drama Queen) -- Five stars for that one Uber, it's fantastic! Quite a wonderful tribute to AT!

            And scarimor -- love this new smilie!
            Originally posted by scarimor


              Originally posted by UberSG-1Fan
              P.S. DANG I miss my umlaut.
              Get another umlaut, Oob. Your old umlaut's gone off with another Ub. Throw its stuff out into the yard. Cut up its clothes. Break its golf clubs. Change the locks .. and get yourself another younger fitter model - one that will appreciate you. You deserve it, hon.


                there's no shame in being Demanda.

                in fact, it's something to be proud of

                demanda in samanda is like a rumble in the jungle
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  you know Uber, i like you just fine without your umulautes

                  aint' the punctuation outside but the sentiment inside
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    demanda in samanda is like a rumble in the jungle

                    or a jive in a hive...

                    or a shag in a Jag...

                    [I'm sorry, I've lowered the tone again]


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      you know Uber, i like you just fine without your umulautes

                      aint' the punctuation outside but the sentiment inside
                      Or, Uber, you could start batting for the other side and take up with an e grave or some'at.


                        Originally posted by astrogeologist
                        A Demanda in Samanda... OK, that one just tickled me...where's the emoticon/smilie of Carter laughing?

                        And, I just rewatched Uber's 'That Girl' (Was A One Time Teenage Drama Queen) -- Five stars for that one Uber, it's fantastic! Quite a wonderful tribute to AT!

                        And scarimor -- love this new smilie!
                        Yeah and Amanda has a personal copy of the music video, compliments of Ooober. Sorry, I'm still umlaut challenged.

                        Here's a royal bean ... and congrats on 1900 posts, Astro!!!


                        The article on Mitchell was an excellent and reasoned critique. Thanks, Ooo, the Demanda from Samanda.


                          You know a while back we were doing random capitol letters in honor of Sky so how about going without punctuation or accents or umlauts in sympathy with ooooober It may be challenging to decode the long run on sentences that people like me tend to write or maybe we could do random: punctuation and? make it look like bad, fic

                          Oh ^and to make it on!! topic Sam Rocks



                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            yeah, it makes no sense at all.

                            while i do know that they were trying to be nice about baby time...that doesn't explain the sidelining of sam and teal'c, and franly even daniel, in the last half of the season.

                            and it doesn't explain the total lack of ANY eps thus far that seem to focus on sam in any way, shape or form

                            Amanda kicks ASS when she acts. and always gives 110%...and has the added bonus of not only being talented but also being popular. It would make sense to use that advantage that you have.

                            instead of focusing on cam and vala to the exclusion of all others (cept for poor daniel who's only there to be vala's...ahem, witch) they should have used the existing characters to develop the new ones.

                            like they did with jonas. remember the scene in descent? teal'c and jonas in the teltac and the whole 'alien conspriacy' bit???? or sam and jonas in the hall while he's trying to coerce her into setting him up???

                            those scenes gave teal'c and sam fans a bit while also developed jonas by allowing and showing him ot interact with the others.

                            what interaction with vala and cam did we get???

                            let's see, other than vala harrassing poor daniel.

                            we get the cam/sam 'poor widdle me' bit with his friend. we get teal's slapping cam, we get...well...umm...there were a couple more right??? i mean there WERE 20 episodes, surely they managed one interaction per episode???

                            and they wonder why s9 is pretty much a low point.

                            what fans of this show seem to like, in addition to the spiffy sfx, are character moments. that's what makes it interesting and fun to watch

                            without them??? without them we might as well be watching cardboard cutouts with dubbedvoices.

                            It doesn't seem like any of the episodes focus on any of the characters except Vala so far. There is no Sam episode, no Teal'c episode, heck not even a Mitchell episode mentioned thus far. And Daniel is only linked to Vala---there is no Daniel episode mainly about Daniel only. It's all about Vala. But as Scarimor mentioned awhile ago, the spoilers revolve around guest stars auditioning for the show, and the guest stars are all revolving around Vala (with a touch of Daniel) so far -- which still doesn't sound too good, does it.

                            Okay, well how about this?-- perhaps the second half will be better than the first half --- this was true for me in the case of seasons 7 and 8---much better second halves. Although, even for seasons 7 and 8, I found the first halves okay. That is what I'm reduced to wish for now -- a better second half.


                              I like how Sam smiles,the way she shows sarcasm and how she always tells O'Neill no to that fishing trip.
                              She enjoys fresh decrepit-pegasus patties. 99% Lean pegasus burgers.

                              I have been reincarnated as Teyla's Gymnastic Dance Sticks! Whoot!

                              When I quote you, I will post my opinion in bold inside of the quote box. Deal with it.


                                Originally posted by Alterans
                                I like how Sam smiles,the way she shows sarcasm and how she always tells O'Neill no to that fishing trip.
                                hey, you came! and to answer your earlier question, yes AT does visit sometimes.
                                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.

