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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scarimor
    Sammy stuff. As some of you know, there's a nice little war going on in Blue Jello Corner. It's called ShippyGate! The Smilie Wars - or is it SmilieGate! The Shippy Wars ..? I forget.

    These were my first three salvos so I'm popping them here too for fun; behind tags to save space - and delicate sensibilities

    Teal'c, he ain't no J/S-shipper:


    Janet goes for chemical warfare:

    Janet and Vala go Black Ops for their perfect OT3:


    Are you sure?

    It's not for the delicate...


    War can be a beautiful thing.

    sig by starlover1990


      Cyberspace and Civility

      This is a thread that started in admiration
      For a great sci-fi character and one actor’s dedication
      In making women feel good not inept
      Amanda gave Sam Carter credence and depth

      Through the seasons it came to be true
      That what we loved in Sam
      Could be said of Amanda too

      The woman is beautiful in so many ways
      There is a contagious joy that she emanates
      She is generous of spirit and kind to all she meets
      It saddens to think that rude words here she may read

      Yes, this is a forum for so-called “free speech”
      And Samandans are passionate and I don’t want to preach
      But I think we are all capable of honoring Sam
      By respecting Amanda in her very own land

      So dear Samandans, before sending a post
      Stop for a moment and think of our “host”
      Amanda may come here for a moment of rest
      She is one classy lady and trying her best

      She was thrilled that we honored her with the Samandan red book
      How lovely to think that she comes here to take a look
      She may need to laugh or just lift her mood
      This should be an oasis and make her feel good

      Yes, she’ll get an eyeful of what we like and what we want to fix
      She’s a big girl though and I think she can handle such a lively mix
      But words that demean her, causing a tear or a frown
      Bring not only the speaker but all of us down

      I’m embarrassed and saddened by a stranger’s words spoken in haste
      It seems out-of-context and just such a waste
      The Samandans I know are vocal and playful and opinionated
      But courtesy and civility are not underrated

      We do have our moments when we step out of bounds
      But Samandans, in general, are kindhearted clowns
      We are spazzy and klutzy in our own varied ways
      And, just like Amanda and Sam, have our own bad-hair days

      This motley crew of fans has banded together
      And tries to keep the Sam love going, in rough and fair weather
      I am humbled and honored to think that our Queen
      Has “bought into” our game and sneaks on to our scene

      As an old Royal Hen, I’ll step up and finish my complaint
      By passing on advice about tact and restraint
      These thoughtful words served me many a time
      And were given to me when I was in my prime (cough)

      Holding your tongue may take effort and nerve
      But it may help prevent a collision around the curve
      What’s the purpose of your words, just whose agenda will they serve?

      Amanda, we love you!


        Hey all! I was just checking out Spoilergate and Morjana posted a link to the official website for "Engaged to Kill," the Lifetime movie Amanda is in on Monday night. Look what I found there and just had to share.

        I don't how much time Amanda has in the movie, but she got co-star billing. Here is the website for the movie (although it doesn't really have anything else about AT):

        Sorry the pic is so big, but I wanted to make sure that the names were legible. Let me know if it's too big and I will edit if so.


          "Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, shall win my love." William Shakespeare

          I had the privilege of meeting a fan at GABIT last October who told me how Amanda's behind-the-scenes generosity and support enabled this person to come to Canada and travel cross country, spending time with AT and family members. Amanda played a pivotal role in making this young person's dream come true. The fan will be forever grateful. Others at GABIT saw Amanda's concern for one of the fans who had gotten ill at the hotel and had no money to pay for a doctor. AT offered to cover all costs. I just felt like writing some positive words about Amanda this morning.

          Last edited by ChopinGal; 23 April 2006, 07:57 AM.


            Originally posted by Melora
            Hey all! I was just checking out Spoilergate and Morjana posted a link to the official website for "Engaged to Kill," the Lifetime movie Amanda is in on Monday night. Look what I found there and just had to share.<snip>
            Wow... Thanks for the pic, Melora! I'm definitely gonna have to check this movie out the first night it comes out. I didn't realize she was in so much of it.


              Originally posted by Melora
              Hey all! I was just checking out Spoilergate and Morjana posted a link to the official website for "Engaged to Kill," the Lifetime movie Amanda is in on Monday night. Look what I found there and just had to share.


              I don't how much time Amanda has in the movie, but she got co-star billing. Here is the website for the movie (although it doesn't really have anything else about AT):


              Sorry the pic is so big, but I wanted to make sure that the names were legible. Let me know if it's too big and I will edit if so.
              I just looked it up on and Amanda plays Detective Burns
              in the movie.


                oh yeah. my vcr is already set to tape it, i can't wait
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by stephsupermom
                  I just looked it up on and Amanda plays Detective Burns
                  in the movie.

                  det burns?????

                  a simpsons pun or just a coincidence
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by ChopinGal
                    Cyberspace and Civility
                    {snippage for space-age}
                    As an old Royal Hen, I’ll step up and finish my complaint
                    By passing on advice about tact and restraint
                    These thoughtful words served me many a time
                    And were given to me when I was in my prime (cough)

                    Holding your tongue may take effort and nerve
                    But it may help prevent a collision around the curve
                    What’s the purpose of your words, just whose agenda will they serve?

                    Amanda, we love you!
                    Thank you for your wonderful thoughts this morning CG. (((CG))) I especially like the ending 'cause it gives in layman's terms how to approach the motto Kindness Reigns Here.
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by golfbooy
                      Ilk. With an i.
                      All this elk-ilk discussion makes me think we need to add another animal to our royal game preserve.


                        Originally posted by Melora

                        I don't how much time Amanda has in the movie, but she got co-star billing. Here is the website for the movie (although it doesn't really have anything else about AT):

                        The fact that she's right on top there makes me hopeful she will have more than a small part. My VCR is already set.


                          I've updated the bad fic and added 2 more Samandans to the mix Mwahahahaha

                          my fanfic


                            I see that Sam is in the lead on the "if you could only meet one person from the SGC" poll too. No surprise to us, of course.


                              Originally posted by jckfan55
                              I see that Sam is in the lead on the "if you could only meet one person from the SGC" poll too. No surprise to us, of course.

                              it's odd, though, how jack is losing popularity. don't think that woul have happened in s5. you know he's actaully HURT in FH's "heal or hurt" game? daniel's still up there though.
                              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                                Maybe Jack is getting forgotten?

