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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    actually, according to the rules that someone posted, your co-horts usually give you a call sign that kinda makes you cringe

    like Cam's 'shaft'
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
      Is that why all this talk about picking a call sign for Sam? If this is the case shouldn't the call sign be something that would be flattering? Something that goes with the hardworking, career minded, intellegent, kick butt soldier that Sam has worked so hard to become? Not something the character would cringe at?
      Actually, I think Amanda would cringe at "Barbie," too. I can't imagine her proudly displaying a helmet with "Barbie" on it. But maybe that's just me.

      My LJ


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        actually, according to the rules that someone posted, your co-horts usually give you a call sign that kinda makes you cringe

        like Cam's 'shaft'
        Yes, but Barbie is the name I'd get after I complained about Tinkerbelle. You know, the one that you like even less than the first one.

        My LJ


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          actually, according to the rules that someone posted, your co-horts usually give you a call sign that kinda makes you cringe

          like Cam's 'shaft'
          True, but after certain heroics a better call sign can be "earned".

          okay .... whatever everyone votes for is fine and if something cringe worthy is selected and a helemt is presented to AT then just provide an explaination as to why it may make her cringe.
          Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 09 April 2006, 09:56 AM.


            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
            True, but after certain heroics a better call sign can be "earned".

            okay .... whatever everyone votes for is fine and if something cringe worthy is selected and a helemt is presented to AT then just provide an explaination as to why it may make her cringe.
            Sometimes the 'better' call signs make the general public cringe, though, since what's 'better' and/or 'complimentary' to a fighter pilot under those circumstances (as in, being an accomplished fighter pilot) may sound anything but complimentary to a non-fighter pilot. These are the people who refer to a way-cool airplane that's working really well as a "t@ts machine" after all.

            How comfy would it make most people feel to imagine people flying very armed aircraft over their heads every day, answering with pride and satisfaction whenever someone on the radio calls for "The Psycho" - which would be very complimentary as an observation regarding the insane skill with which that pilot flies?

            And would Amanda actually want a helmet with "The Psycho" painted on it - much less X-number of really excited people presenting it to her with deleriously exptectant joy? ...though, the mental image is danged entertaining... Hmm...

            Jack: "As well as she flies, ya woulda thought Sam's call sign would be something good, like "Maniac" or "Claw" or "Ripper" - or maybe even "Psycho" - but noooooo..."

            Daniel: "Er... 'good' - like 'Psycho'??? Jack, did we start speaking another language, and I just didn't notice???"

            ...a very cranky blog:


              Just to remind folks. today is your last day to pm/e-mail me your vote for the best sam episode of s1
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                I'm going with Tinkerbelle but I'm standing next to Kat with "Hail Dorothy" or just Dorothy if need be. Sam apparently like the Wiz too due to her comments "Are there any lions, tigers or bears I should be aware of ?"
                It's apparent that she did enjoy the show before she even met O'Neill...and that's just how I feel about it .


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  hey, that's my idea!

                  *wonders about being psychic*


                  *wonders if she had a psychic moment about being psychic*


                  *wonders if she knew she was going to say that?*

                  I hate to nitpick, but you made a typo it's spellted PSYCHO

                  (here's a link to the story on fanfic net, it's in chapter form

                  my fanfic


                    I've said it many times. But I'll say it once more - I love Sam Carter. Smart and sexy, what a combination.
                    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                      Originally posted by Myrth
                      Sam: Page 2! Haven't you learned already not to p&*s me off!

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                        True, but after certain heroics a better call sign can be "earned".
                        So now she could be "Moses."


                          Back to the top


                            Hello to all Carterfans! I finally got a chance to do a little more than just read a few posts...

                            I have been extremely impressed with the photographics posted by the members of the SaGC thread. Over the past year, many of these wonderful images have disappeared in the multitude of wonderful pages and threads on the forum. I am proud to have participated in the SaGC thread and am very proud of how long and how strong the thread has persisted - I decided to try and see if I could collect some of the great photographics in one place. I do not claim credit for any of this wonderful photographic work, but instead, I tip my hat in gratitude to those who have posted these images for myself and others to enjoy.

                            A Collection of Cool Carter-photographics created and posted by Samandans
                            Last edited by astrogeologist; 09 April 2006, 08:28 PM.


                              welcome back astro!!!
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by SG1Poz
                                I'm going with Tinkerbelle but I'm standing next to Kat with "Hail Dorothy" or just Dorothy if need be. Sam apparently like the Wiz too due to her comments "Are there any lions, tigers or bears I should be aware of ?"
                                It's apparent that she did enjoy the show before she even met O'Neill...and that's just how I feel about it .
                                dorothy could work i guess. If she was stationed somewhere in the midwest
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


