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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    oh lord yes!

    someone buy that man a pair of scissors

    it looks like he's wearing a really bad wig
    a really bad wig made of raccoon and cat fur.

    blech. yeah, the man is a blockhead, and the great chiseled features can only compensate for the bad hair so far.

    /me ducks in case sis ever reads that


      Originally posted by Formerhost
      Just to let you know, that part 1 of Avalon pt. 2 commentary is up - HERE Enjoy reading!
      Is anything said about AT or Sam in these things?


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
        Oh! Wow. OK... /me is confused

        Hey Sunny! Nice blog! Thought it was HI-larious. Now, where are the comflabbed pictures you were talking about? Am I just as dense as I seem, or are they in some hidden cache?
        Spaz and others...if you want to know what the word is, you need to EMAIL me cause Amanda didn't want it known and out of respect for her I'm keeping it off any and all online or chat discussions (until I hear otherwise). So that being said...where's my email asking for the word?

        As for the must have missed the line where I said "the 6 pics I have were not going to be posted last night cause I was TOO FRELLIN' TIRED!!!" If I get time this weekend I'll get them posted and set the link up here. Til then, don't get too excited...I didn't get many of any of the cast cause in case you missed it, my digital sucks rocks when it comes to sitting in ROW P at the con.
        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


          HOW long was the Forum down??????? And AT said a word, but we can't post it.....hmmm, very interesting and intriguing.

          On fighting:
          Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
          Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


            You could probably post it, Lida, but I'd lay odds the forum would ***** it out.

            OMG, she's human! Say it ain't so! Now, where did I put my glowing anti-stabbing/germ/disease ball?! Darn it!

            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              Originally posted by Lida
              I got a fair number of pics, but UNFORTUNATELY, my pc is not letting me download them...guess it's time to buy a new one. Grrrrr............

              The pic with my hubby is adorable....he thinks he looks terible but does agree that AT is gorgeous!!!!! I'll keep trying.
              Fingers crossed! (Which makes typing hard. )


                Originally posted by minigeek
                You could probably post it, Lida, but I'd lay odds the forum would ***** it out.

                OMG, she's human! Say it ain't so! Now, where did I put my glowing anti-stabbing/germ/disease ball?! Darn it!
                don't you remember? you dropped it my bucket...wait a second I'll go get it for you

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by minigeek
                  You could probably post it, Lida, but I'd lay odds the forum would ***** it out.

                  OMG, she's human! Say it ain't so! Now, where did I put my glowing anti-stabbing/germ/disease ball?! Darn it!
                  Wwait. We say bad words and the forum automatically ****s it out? How bad is it that I REALLY want to test that now?


                    I'm workin on it.. now I have my shiny new rotating banner thinger working... Thanks Mini & Uber.. ((hugs))

                    Originally posted by KatG
                    So. What are you waiting for? Go write. Please. 8)


                      Originally posted by Myrth
                      I'm workin on it.. now I have my shiny new rotating banner thinger working... Thanks Mini & Uber.. ((hugs))

                      Nice sig Myrth, although your shipping is showing

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Deejay435
                        Wwait. We say bad words and the forum automatically ****s it out? How bad is it that I REALLY want to test that now?
                        yes, the language filter automatically turns words like ******* into stars
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Nope, we can't ****ing post any ******* ****ing profanity in this ****ing **** forum. ******* it.

                          mg (I still recall that one night when I was talking to AD on MSN and I said to him (about the topic at hand) ... Do you want my real response? Or my 'edited for gatworld' reply? Needless to say, he now knows the real me. D'oh! We haven't spoken since. j/k!! )

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            I'm not really sure what I want to say here but it basically is that I am sick of AT and Carter being touted only regarding the "kissing" and the "future with Jack" anymore. The GW headline and others I have seen re ATs con appearance revolve around these issues and it irks me no end (as does the fact that the spoilers on GW for Counterstrike mention everyone EXCEPT Carter). I guess since she doesn't have command and we have to stomach (or ignore in my case) mitchell in that role in S10 (unless by some miracle they clarify co-command as opposed to what we are hearing will be clarified in the Landry/mitchell cabin scenario) and she doesn't have Jacob or Janet or Jolinar or anything else because the guys with their heads up their a$$es took all of those things away all there really is now are the "relationships", (some of which (Martouf and orlin come to mind) are pulled out of thin air so TPTB have something ludicrous to write for Carter), the kissing and the Jack thing - too bad.

                            There is so much more to this character and it seems that the only thing that gets the press is the kissing and the Jack thing (no offense to Sally or any other shippers). I cannot stand that aspect of this character anymore - it is too much emphasized especially now when it seems the character is being diminished overall and all of a sudden if and when she is mentioned it is this vein. I am giving up on this character for S10 as I suspect that with Jack back for a few eps the focus will be on "what will happen with the ship" and the dolts who do the writing will "F" it up as they did in much of S7 and S8 with the idiotic storyline with that sap whose name I cannot even type and it will continue to diminish the strong, intelligent, soldier, scientist, leader aspects of the character and the fact that she is the only character not mentioned in the counter strike spoilers is appalling at this time (J. Noble's comments at the con seem hollower and hollower to me and I suspect they will ring totally empty with me by the time half of S10 is done with. As I said, and as I believe, "talk is cheap" and "actions speak louder than words" and the actions I see don't give me much hope at all). I am right now holding out very, very little (almost no) hope for this character outside of the Jack storyline, making mitchell feel better when he cries "woa is me" and buddying up to vala (if they ever choose to leave a scene between those 2 characters in an ep) and what the dolts in positions of decisonmaking will do to ruin the Jack thing and the character once and for all.

                            If someone has got something from the con, from a conversation with AT or from spoilers I may not be aware of let me know otherwise I have to pretty much write off 10 like I wrote off 9 and right now it does not look good. I know what mallozzi gave out at that dinner he was at - those aren't cutting it for me - sounds like lip service by taking what little they have planned for Carter and making it sound like something, it's empty promises to me just like he said Carter was prominent in that ep with orlin (what a joke that was the only thing that came close to Carter playing any role in that one was at the very end otherwise all I saw was her standing around leaning on walls and door jams watching over the little twit and just like he told me before S9 started that "everyone will be happy" when, through private e-mail, I asked him about the leadership issue and how Carter would be handled in S9 (what a bigger joke that was) - I take mallozzi with a huge grain of salt and that is putting it nicely - he has made his way to the cooper end of my respect (or lack thereof) meter.

                            Sorry - do I sound bitter - da*m straight I am. Do I sound negative - well I am. Do I sound discouraged - yes absolutely I am. Do I sound snarky - you bet your a$$ I am. I'll stay away since negativity seems to be a curse but I had to vent and right now this is the SaGC thread where all things Carter (and apparently AT) related are open for discussion so there it is.
                            Last edited by binkpmmc; 31 March 2006, 05:19 PM.


                              Originally posted by binkpmmc
                              Sorry - do I sound bitter - well I am. Do I sound negative - well I am. If someone has got something from the con, from a conversaation with AT or from spoilers I may not be aware of let me know otherwise I have to pretty much write off 10 like I wrote off 9 and right now it does not look good.
                              Bink, Bink, Bink.... *sigh*


                              If you don't have anything nice to say...

                              ...well then that makes two of us.

                              LOL, sorry, couldn't resist plagiarizing that one.


                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                yes, the language filter automatically turns words like ******* into stars
                                Really? What the ****? What a ****ty thing to do. Testing of course

                                and to think I usually put the stars there manually DOH!

